An Archer in the Forest

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An Archer in the Forest

Post by Shingo »

Shingo walked past the familiar landmarks in the Northern Forest. He silently stepped past a pack of wolves, picking up and setting down each step carefully, making virtually no noise.

There is no point in wasting my arrows on these beasts...

A little ways further he peaked around a tree, spotting a horde or Goblins marching around a building. From his vantage point he could make out their simple weapons, a few bows, a few daggers.... and slings.

I can use the supplies, the slings for the new members, the bows for later use and training. They probably even have arrows...

He sneaks closer and closer, using trees for cover until he can start to hear their ugly, glutteral voices. "I am starrrrving! We eat the next human!
As a goblin turns around Shingo darts forward toward and earlier spotted handhold on the building. Scampering up the loose bricks he makes it to the top of the building without being spotted. At the top of the building he quickly takes his bow off his back and knocks an arrow. After a short moment to collect himself he takes aim and fires at the first Goblin.


The arrow lodges itself into the back of the neck, directly bellow the skull. The Goblin falls immediately, dead.

As the Goblins realize what happened the look up and try to find a way to reach the Halfling. A few start to climb up in various locations, but a few arrows later, lay on the ground motionless. As the last of the goblins fall the halfling climbs carefully and slowly back down. He searches through the drop supplies and packs what he can in his pack. Without looking back he heads west.

As he reaches the familiar house in the woods, ignoring the sign demanding him to leave, he sits down on the stools and makes a fire. Taking a deep breath, he once again looks through his new goods.

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Post by Dash »

Dash raised an eyebrow as he walked up from west toward the house.

A Halfling in the middle of the Northern Woods?

He wore a light armor and greaves, as well as some hunting boots. Strapped to his back was a elegant elven bow along with a full quiver of arrows. Confidently walking up he gave a half smile in the direction of the halfling and said "Hey Halfie, what are you doing here?"

He then sat down on the stool next to him. Dash noticed the bow on his back and gave another crooked smile. "You are an archer as well? I bet you aren't as skilled as me..." Dash then took of his pack and set it next to him. Inside appeared to be some steaks. "Hungry? Ogre and Gnoll meat, killed them myself..."
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Post by Shingo »

Shingo looked up at the Human, a little surprised to see someone else there.

"Oh, uh... well I was just hunting some Goblins actually..."

Strange man, walking up to me and acting as if we have known each other for years...

Upon hearing that the man thought himself a better archer Shingo started laughing. "You think you are better then me? Sorry, but that's not possible Mister." As he took his pack off and declared that he had killed gnolls and ogres Shingo did begin to get impressed, but declined the offer for meat.

"Well perhaps you are better then you look... if you can kill an Ogre with your bow you must have some talent... they do not fall easily."

"In fact, I recently started a guild... The Union of Archers its called. Perhaps after a little test of your skill you would like to join? We are dedicated to spreading the usage of the bow and to organize all bowmen. A group of even just 3 or 4 archers would be a deadly force to be reckoned with. If you are indeed as good as you say you are, you will either qualify for one of the two top classes of Archers."

"I am Shingo by the way. What is your name?"
Last edited by Shingo on Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dash »

He wants me to join his little guild? Cute.
...yet perhaps he did have something there. I have never worked with another archer before but it would be powerful...

"You know what Shingo? You got yourself a deal. I am sure I will impressive you plenty on your little test."

He got up and motioned for Shingo to lead the way.

I can use this. Get a few dumb fighters to take on the blows and we can be unstoppable...

"My name is... Most call me Fast Eddy."
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Post by Kamilar »

A dark haired elfess lingers in the shadows outside the house where the halfling and the man sit.

Having seen a halfling pass the wolf pack with little sound and less fear, she became curious and followed after him. Hanging back in the shadows and watching his skill with the bow, her dull eyes brightened slightly.

Following soundlessly behind him she hangs back when the man enters the house, choosing to wait and to watch.
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Post by Juliana D'cheyne »

Juliana, now known by another name, her hair a strawberry blonde, the hood of her cloak still hiding her face, travels past the house on her way to the gnolls. Wearing her Salk armor, carrying two sheathed serinjah and two daggers, one in each boot for easy reach, she stops to mark the scene silently noting the elfess as a look of recognition crosses her face. Whispering quietly to herself "Starling" yet knowing she probably wouldn't be recognized, and not even sure she would want to be considering she is in hiding, looks toward the house briefly then leans against the tree hidden in shadow deciding to wait and watch with her head tilted in curiousity.
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Post by Lance Thunnigan »

Another figure too, had been watching the halfling from afar.

Clothed in purple, threadbare robes and atop her head, a drooping, purple hat.
Skin as pale as marble and eyes as dark as midnight itself.

She slowly followed behind both figures now, watching the other do presumably the same she was doing, following the halfer.
She stepped over the forest floor, small cracks of twigs and leaves sound out through the otherwise quiet surroundings.

They stopped. And so did she.
She watched, silently and intently for a moment until yet another joined the halfer,
by the looks, he was an archer, and from watching, she already knew the halfer was as well.

'Hmm.. Two archers. Human and Halfer. Don't think I've seen two archers together in a long while. She thought.

Quietly she grew nearer to the small gathering, and nearing hearing distance, she waited.
She looks about at times, and the small chime of the charms she wears on her wrists ring out a distance.
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Post by Shingo »

Shingo suddenly had the feeling that he was being watched. That lingering feeling that is just enough to make you feel uncomfortable had been bothering ever since he had passed the wolves but not it was as if it had be multiplied threefold. Just as he was about to whisper something to Fast Eddy he heard the jingles and looked over to the curiously robed woman. Rotating in his chair to get a better look he simple raised his eyebrows.

She.... is.... Perhaps the scariest woman I have ever seen.

Smiling just slightly he asks her, "What is a... mage I presume? What is a woman such as yourself doing out here?"

Again he stared at the purples drapes which covered her body along with the unusually pale face. But those eyes, he had never seen eyes that were so black it was as if they actually sucked in light.

A little less confidently he asked, "Do you need help with something?"
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Post by Lance Thunnigan »

"I'm only watching, passing through, if you will."

She gave him an eerie grin, showing her unusually sharp teeth,
As if she purposefully made them that way. Then glanced to the other man.

"And yourself, I've not seen many humans who've taken up the bow. Who are you, ..Both?"

She crossed her arms over eachother and simply gazed at them.
The firelight not penetrating the darkness of her eyes.
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Post by Shingo »

Great, She's crazy. Just a crazy old woman passing through the forest.

Open seeing her grin he had to physically stop himself from recoiling.

She looks as if she sharpened her own teeth... for what? Eating raw meat? Killing? She sure is creepy...

"I am Shingo. I am an archer by profession, along with my friend here."

Who is she to come up to us and demand who we are?

Shingo began to feel more uncomfortable around her. He feared to reveal more about himself, beginning to think this woman could somehow use it against him.

He looked up at Fast Eddy, waiting for his response.
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Post by Kamilar »

The elfess strains her eyes to see through the darkness (( is it night? )) and notes the arrival of the two women. The halfling's obvious discomfort forces her out of her shadowy hiding place.

Striding boldly forward, she takes a good look at the woman, showing no fear. As she approaches, she suddenly realizes that she knows this halfling and his human companion. Giving a quick nod to them both, she hesitates as she turns to the woman, managing a half smile. "Greetings"

Her voice sounds strained to her own ears and she hopes no one else senses the tension.
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Post by Lance Thunnigan »

"Well I guess the human knows not how to speak.
And greetings to you, Lady."

She glances over to the woman (( I'm assuming nighttime )) and her eyes, still engulfed in the darkness,
seem to scan about in her direction.

She slowly rubs the charms on her wrists and tilts her head.

You an archer as well then... Lady?
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Post by Dash »

"Me? I am Fast Eddy, What's it to ya?"

He looked her in the eyes, a little taken aback but without fear.

"And if you have never seen a human with a bow... Well I suppose I haven't even seen that many either.... Yet I am one of the best. I do not see many strange woman walking through the middle of dangerous woods. "

He looked her over trying to see any types of weapons she potentially had.

"I think a more fitting question would be to ask who YOU are."
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Post by Lance Thunnigan »

She glanced back over her shoulder.

"Ah the mute now speak. If you must know,
I am Reigna. And forests in the dead of night, unlike some,
Do not scare me.

She grinned once more, the sharpness of her teeth being amplified by the firelight.

From the darkness of the night and her robes, it is still hard to see what she may have beneath them.
Though certain ways she turns, one may be able to spot a glint of steel around her left side, near her belt.
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Post by Kamilar »

The elfess opens her mouth to speak, then closes it again as the man begins talking, smirking a little as he remarks about strange women in the woods.

Turning to Reigna, the smirk still lingering, she bows her head in silent greeting. Parting the front of her coat to rest her hands on her hips, she reveals swords hanging at her sides, no evidence of archery to be seen about her frame.

Ignoring the teeth, she smiles crookedly and says, "I am called Starling," her voice sounding much stronger now.
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Post by Shingo »

Shingo watches as Starling walks up and notices the brief moment of uneasiness. "Oh, Hullo Starling, What are you doing out here?"

However, quickly his glance falls back onto the purple draped woman. His eyes seem drawn to her and he finds it difficult to turn away. He quickly glances at the Elfess searching for reason behind her discomfort.

This one can make anyone feel uncomfortable...

Looking back toward Reigna, "And is there anything we can do for you? Or do you just like to wander? "
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Post by Lance Thunnigan »

Reigna's eyes suddenly shift from the woman to the halfer.

"I wander at my leisure. I'm everywhere and nowhere.
I could be behind you right now if I wanted to be, yet I stand before you in plain sight.
I can walk the shores of this isle, or I can climb the mountains of this isle.
I'm everywhere."

She grins once more, a toothy grin.

With a whip of her wrist she flicks her hair out of her eyes,
Still shrouded with darkness.
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Post by Shingo »

Enough is enough, what is she doing here?[/i

Shingo slides off his stool and onto the ground. He marches straight toward her boldly. A few feet away he looks her straight in those eyes.

"Listen Ma'am. To tell you the truth you're freaking all of us out. Are you a witch or something? Why the heck are your teeth like that? Are you hear to try to eat us?"

He seems to loose some of his boldness in his rant and looks back toward the ground.
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Post by Kamilar »

The elfess keeps her eyes on the woman, smiling crookedly as the halfling tests his own boldness and fails.

Starling links her arm through Reigna's and leans close, her lips nearly brushing the woman's ear as she speaks in a hushed voice. "Can we go somewhere and talk alone?"

Keeping her arm locked with Reigna's, she turns to the halfling and his human companion with a grin. "You ladies won't miss us, right?"
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Post by Lance Thunnigan »

She looks over at the woman and grins toothily.

"I don't think they'll miss us.
And I'm sure our adventures will be much, more enjoyable than that of a few ... 'archers.'

She continues grinning, merely ignoring the words of the halfer.
Clutching the woman's arm in hers, she allows her to lead.
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Post by Kamilar »

The elfess leads the woman away, looking back just once to the halfling and his friend. "Farewell girls," she says with a wink. Turning down a dark path in the woods, the elfess keeps her arm linked with Reigna's and her head close as if whispering. Every so often a mix of laughter can be heard trailing back toward the house in the forest as the pair disappear into the night.
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