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Post by Aegohl »

The statistics above also don't take into account exactly how many people leave per month. People leave this game in droves only to be replaced with new players. It is only the few who become solid members of the community, and while it's hoped those people are the people become magic teachers, it's not going to always be the case.

And thank you, Keikan. For the fact that the two of us got off to a rocky start when we were both on the staff, lately you've been speaking my mind better than I have. =)
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Post by Aristeaus »

The system is flawed currantly purely in the sense that if you play an un-sociable or hatefull character the chance to be taken on as an apprentice is 0 :p I could add alot more, but i cant be arsed seeming that everyone has thier views. And the people who have been trying to use the current system dont want a new system as they have had to wait half a year. Im still trying to think of the incentive of being a new player in this day and age. I can think of 0 currantly.
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Post by Llama »

m still trying to think of the incentive of being a new player in this day and age. I can think of 0 currantly.
You get to meet foosy?

Seriously, new players here might get confused, we have a weird set of trollsbane's laws about carrying weapons or wearing cloaks, you have theives stealing stuff with ease... *sighs*
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Post by AlexRose »

Aegohl wrote:The statistics above also don't take into account exactly how many people leave per month. People leave this game in droves only to be replaced with new players. It is only the few who become solid members of the community, and while it's hoped those people are the people become magic teachers, it's not going to always be the case.

And thank you, Keikan. For the fact that the two of us got off to a rocky start when we were both on the staff, lately you've been speaking my mind better than I have. =)
The people being taught ARE solid members presently and wouldn't you be HAPPY if there were places for your character to jump next time?

And @Keikan: Many people joining illa have never roleplayed before and it takes many of them half a year to learn to roleplay anyway, and I'm sure veterans who make new mages don't expect to learn anything within half a year anyway. And do you think it's fair on people like me who've waited so long, only to throw runes at everyone who logs in? And plus, it'll go from "Magic is reserved for the best suited" to "Magic is reserved for the powergamers".
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Post by Keikan Hiru »

It is not upon the players of magic teachers to judge about other players roleplay, if its against your character concept to accept a particular student, fine. But you are not to judge which player gets magic skills and which not.
There is no need for a "Magic-Roleplay-Police", the GMs and Seer will take care of troublemaker.

Unfortunatly live screws us often, but we cannot upkeep a system that is disfunct, just because you have waited so long to get your turn, Alex.

Additionally , it will not move to a "Powergame-Magic-for-everyone", it will however shift to a "Weak-Magic-for-the-interested/Powerful-Magic-for-the-best-suited".
Last edited by Keikan Hiru on Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Korm Kormsen »

And plus, it'll go from "Magic is reserved for the best suited" to "Magic is reserved for the powergamers".
and in both cases you got the dirty end of the stick.

but do you think it right, to form the gamesystem, that it suits you?
having in mind, that you are not exactly an "average player"?
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Post by Ziel Oden »

Nitram forgot to ban this account, so I'll pop in and state something quickly before he gets the chance.


IF the magic system, much like leadership, is not able to be handled by the players. It needs to be restricted to GM granted.
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Post by Damien »

It was still very easy for me to find three apprentices, and all three are players who stay in the game.
Samantha has three aprentices and three or four who are waiting "in line". As far as i heard, all of hem want to become teachers too.

The only thing this teaching system needs, is a few mage teacher players who act a bit responsible and try to teach regularily about each week or two.
We have limited the number of runes that each mage teacher can teach per week to three, so that there is space for some RP and building up character IG relations (mage/mage, apprentice/apprentice, master/apprentice etc.).

After all, it is the intention to teach magic by roleplaying, not by a simple system NPC or by just selling the runes (which wold both lead to the fact that the runes would be accessable first by a powergaming minority, and even without RP, leading to lots of misuse and magic PKing as well as fire / ice field spells spread all across the town because someone again gets the idea of burning something). If someone plays a character bitchy and psychotic, then it's his own fault if the character cannot interact enough to persuade or bribe someone to teach him what he wants to know. Still, everyone can create a character who has a working concept to become mage himself.

If it would have been the staff's decision to spread magic to everyone without the necessarity of RP, we would not have changed away from the "buy rune books from Eliza and find a few others in the library" method.
The number of magic teachers WILL increase relatively to time. If we have the idea that too few people learn or that people learn too slow or that too many people are jumping off, we can change the limitations of the magic teachers, for example to be able to teach a rune per three days to every apprentice instead of one per week, or to teach more apprentices than three at the same time. But remember that one thing which is usually lacking in illarion, is a long time goal for player characters.
Scripting NPCs and quests etc is a whole lot of work, especially testing and de-bugging these scripts. We simply don't have the manpower to change a running system into something completely different whenever someone has a disliking or another idea (which has usually been discussed a few years ago, over and over, in or outside the staff ). :wink:
Just have a bit patience.
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Post by Estralis Seborian »

What one must not forget about all this: There will be three additional magic schools in future. How to handle them? Sirani-Priest teachers who teach psalms to Moshran-apprentices? Players of druids searching the endless woods for a teacher? Just calculate the necessary number of active teachers for four magic schools - half of the ingame population or so...
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Post by Athian »

True, but no one seems to care about the other magic systems' everyones to busy demanding easy access to this one system to even consider the other systems.

What would be nice to know is what system is closest to completion, or at least a general idea of a time frame. then we could discuss each in order of how they'll come to the player base.
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

Vilarion has spoken to me about a Priest System being in production. It's supposed to be VERY heavily reliant on Roleplay, but I'll leave any further details for him to disclose on his own levels.
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Post by Avalyon el'Hattarr »

[spam] Magic is for lazy people [/spam] :P
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Post by Azuros »

I can't wait for the new magic schools. But at the same time, I want the mage magic to work as well, and it seems as if this system is doing fine so far.
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Post by Estralis Seborian »

The order of completion will be priest -> druid -> bard. Work on the priest system won't start before the newbie island is finished as far as I know. There are some concepts for the priest system, I am not involved into this. The bard system's concept is being worked on currently.
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Post by AlexRose »

Estralis Seborian wrote:The order of completion will be priest -> druid -> bard. Work on the priest system won't start before the newbie island is finished as far as I know. There are some concepts for the priest system, I am not involved into this. The bard system's concept is being worked on currently.

Mage-bards ftw!

In... a few years...

There are always going to be those who don't get chosen and will rant on the boards, there will always be those who don't have a CLUE about magic who will jump in and say something like "Magic should be for everyone and therefore much weaker too" or something. There'll always be people who've never played illarion for years who'll rant about an old system or the current one with no first hand experience. There will always be the person who knows magic well who either recently lost their only magic char feels the necessity to argue from another perspective but I can tell you all that this system is FINE. In fact, I think you're going to regret in a while the amount of mages that will be active when the next generation teach. I personally think it'll be chaos if we don't thoroughly limit the amount of people receiving BHONA. You all complain ALL THE TIME about the system. Just give it a break. You should be glad they worked their asses off to code the magic system and arrange a way of getting it ig etc. and then finally getting to this teaching system as it is. If you don't like it: Deal with it. If you don't have a teacher: Wait. Simple as that. This is a MULTIPLAYER game; most of you are willing to forget so quickly.
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Post by Damien »

The schools are seperated, noone can learn more than one of them. So we won't have mage-bards etc.
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Since everyone seems worried about a whole sluth of teachers running around training more ultra mages why not make a bit of a compromise. Just like in normal schooling you can't go from learning all the information to teaching without some sort of a degree. Why not make it so mages can only take one mage without the teaching rune (BHONA was it?) and treat them as a student teacher to their new apprentices.

This could quite possibly add more rp to the game and will make it so only those who truely stick with it can teach people. It will also mean that people who aquire this rune really do know how to teach. You don't just thrust someone fresh from school into teaching without them interning first.

Oh, and I have thought of something that is somewhat off topic. What ever happened to wizard duels? Would that not be awesome to see ig? Or are mages just to lazy to get up and fire fireballs at each other? :P
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Post by Avalyon el'Hattarr »

Mage duel = cloud = skill loss :P
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Post by AlexRose »

Avalyon el'Hattarr wrote:Mage duel = cloud = skill loss :P

ALTHOUGH if you hang in the academy you'll occasionally see:

.Mages testing spells on each other.
.Samantha and Silas comparing their lightning storms on each other.
.Bets on how many ice flames a person can run through without dying.
.Training magic.
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

- Spam deleted -

You're starting to gather again.

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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

AlexRose wrote:.Samantha and Silas comparing their lightning storms on each other.
Wait - Is that the same patric who said that no warrior should ever be allowed to train his/her magic resistance? "Because no sane person would ever be voluntarily be shot with a fireball/lightning/whatever?"

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Post by Ku 'Agor »

The very same.
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Post by AlexRose »

Mr. Cromwell wrote:
AlexRose wrote:.Samantha and Silas comparing their lightning storms on each other.
Wait - Is that the same patric who said that no warrior should ever be allowed to train his/her magic resistance? "Because no sane person would ever be voluntarily be shot with a fireball/lightning/whatever?"

They weren't training magic resistance. Everyone knows it's IMPOSSIBLE to train magic resistance. They were just seeing who had the strongest commotio and testing effects. They didn't do it OVER and OVER.
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

So does anyone want to comment on my idea for the teaching rune, or are we all going to bitch over magic resistance? Would it work or would it not work? I was rather hoping it would be a good idea and people would like it, or at least disagree with a good reason and tell me what was wrong.
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Post by Damien »

Teaching runes are not given away too easily, but every finished student with talent and the will to teach will be able to in the long run.
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Post by Athian »

AlexRose wrote:
Mr. Cromwell wrote:
AlexRose wrote:.Samantha and Silas comparing their lightning storms on each other.
Wait - Is that the same patric who said that no warrior should ever be allowed to train his/her magic resistance? "Because no sane person would ever be voluntarily be shot with a fireball/lightning/whatever?"

They weren't training magic resistance. Everyone knows it's IMPOSSIBLE to train magic resistance. They were just seeing who had the strongest commotio and testing effects. They didn't do it OVER and OVER.

Just so ya know Will, storms spells are Pervestigatio not Commotio. My two cents
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