Open discussion about Slavery

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Post by Athian »

[quote="Kurga Wolfbane"] I have already implemented slavery into the Orc Clan, have three applications for slave Characters and we will see how it works out.

Are these actual players who are willing to rp there characters captured or defeated into becoming slaves?

or are these people with an extra slot for a character to fill whom are just going to make a slave characters, for nothing but the purpose of being slaves?

the first would actually be interesting, but i'm going to take a uess that it's pretty much how i thought it was going to be and go with the second one.
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Post by Shadow Dancer »

Elves would hardly accept slavery either. I don't think I would want to rp a slave for a long time. Surely nice the first few days, but then...
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

Alright, I'm devising a little plan for would-be slaves.

If you are SERIOUS about wanting to be a slave, P.M. me.
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Post by Egrano Vissuel »

Oh, it would be fun to play a slave or to enslave someone I guess ^^ but you need really good rpers for it eh
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Post by xBaurusx »

i would rp slavery. for as long as needed too. although, thats only because i have other characters in the meantime. although i would indeed rp slaves with any other my 5 chars. although cirtain ones would WANT to escape eventualy or perhaps immideiatly. i think slavery should be accepted, as it does two things, allows slaves, and makes you fear clouding more... right now being clouded just makes you say damn, then go get your stuff and carry on. this way, you either do or dont get stuff back and your not a free man/woman anymore... depending on who is trieng to capture you that is.
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Post by Egrano Vissuel »

but there must be chances too to escape if you're want to stop with playing a slave. Otherwise it would be a forced rp eh? And ofcourse it IS a good rp reaction when you want to escape directly first, and try it more times (maybe you escape, but if you want to stay slave you could let you catch again) and after a while you wont try because you see its hopeless?
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Post by xBaurusx »

nah, thats not neccerilly good or bad rp. some people would stay and look at the area they are captured, kinda make a stradagey of how to get out. while others, the second they are brought there make a dash.. while some may want to remain a slave. its all different
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I didnt say it was the only good reaction, but I guess that would be the main reaction of a average person
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Post by maryday »

.. i go maniac.
Kurga Wolfbane wrote:..times agricultural and agrarian societies rely on..
Ku 'Agor wrote:If you are SERIOUS. . .
-Foragers- roaming the heartlands of Gobiath, in search of food for the hordes. . . PM here.

Someone() seems to ready somebread.

"Who raids a mill if the baker is near?"
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Post by Thorvald »

Okay, well. *g* I guess Illarion isn't mature enough yet for slaves. As some people have noticed there was a slave market today.
It was so much chaos, that it was actually funny again. Big thanks to Batius, who was not a part of the quest, but who definitely made it really funny.

If I should ever give it a try again, I will do it with 'invitation only', since there were 99% heros and actually no one would have seriously bought a slave without releashing him afterwards. Maybe it would have been a tad less chaotic if it weren't for a certain magician walking up and starting the whole mess. It's not like the other 99% heroes weren't up to freeing them. ;)
(But hey, I won a bet.)

well, thanks to all participators, it was an interesting try. :)
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Tinuva Geogroda
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Post by Tinuva Geogroda »

Thorvald wrote:Okay, well. *g* I guess Illarion isn't mature enough yet for slaves. As some people have noticed there was a slave market today.
It was so much chaos, that it was actually funny again. Big thanks to Batius, who was not a part of the quest, but who definitely made it really funny.

If I should ever give it a try again, I will do it with 'invitation only', since there were 99% heros and actually no one would have seriously bought a slave without releashing him afterwards. Maybe it would have been a tad less chaotic if it weren't for a certain magician walking up and starting the whole mess. It's not like the other 99% heroes weren't up to freeing them. ;)
(But hey, I won a bet.)

well, thanks to all participators, it was an interesting try. :)

It would be much more fun if there were more 'bad' chars.

I know tinuva himself is pretty 'good' too. But if I had money I'd make a bid and don't release them but teach them orso in 'elven learning' ^^. Or just make a good char for it.

But it was a good try. Ofcourse I'd be happy to be one of the 'bad' guys by the next auction. But I must make some money now then :P
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Post by The Returner »

Thorvald wrote:Okay, well. *g* I guess Illarion isn't mature enough yet for slaves. As some people have noticed there was a slave market today.
It was so much chaos, that it was actually funny again. Big thanks to Batius, who was not a part of the quest, but who definitely made it really funny.

If I should ever give it a try again, I will do it with 'invitation only', since there were 99% heros and actually no one would have seriously bought a slave without releashing him afterwards. Maybe it would have been a tad less chaotic if it weren't for a certain magician walking up and starting the whole mess. It's not like the other 99% heroes weren't up to freeing them. ;)
(But hey, I won a bet.)

well, thanks to all participators, it was an interesting try. :)

I wanted to really buy one for Batius!

Even though he didn't really have a 25 silvers...he did whack janus I think with one of the two he did have though
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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

The event happened on Trollsbane land! Do you really think the magistrate will ignore that there are slavetraders selling slaves infront of the towns gates? Do you really think samantha meryadeles, a noble of salkamaeria, will sit down and simply "buy" the slaves free? you can't be serious. and that from you, someone who cried that there are not anymore chars like in Hagen von Rabenfels days, when criminals wouldn't have treated nicely.
And even worth, you started yelling ooc at me, while i was simply playing 100 % my chars role. While i was simply doing normal and perfect roleplay for the character, her background and all. Just bevcause it doesnt happened like you wished it would happen!

Today you dissapointed me alot as a GM.
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Post by The Returner »

You were purposely fucking it up because you could and your good at it, stop denying the fact that you WANTED to ruin everything because its your favorite thing in the world to do.
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Post by Jupiter »

Samantha Meryadeles wrote:The event happened on Trollsbane land! Do you really think the magistrate will ignore that there are slavetraders selling slaves infront of the towns gates
Not there a law against slavery in Bane?
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

I wanted to do roleplay. Roleplay fitting to my char, damn it. are you such a bad roleplayer that you don'T understand this?

Yes, imagine, it is possible to stick to your characters role, intentions and behaviour, and not change it every three days like you and others love it to do!

But no, it is not possible to play your character freeely here. you get yelled at ooc if you dont do what the gm wants you to, the gm's starts yelling because there are characters who dislike slavery and don't intend to allow it to happen. o my god! how could they?

There is a law against kidnapping. and that fits also to slavery.
d) Kidnapping
Everyone who carry someone off and to hold someone against his will no matter if with violence or by threats only commits crime in terms of the Criminal Law.
and the description of the crime fits pretty well on slavery
but no, our rp gm demands that i either stay away from the quest., happening under my chars nose, or play her role like HE wants her to be played.
do you really think i stay away with my char just to hear the next day why she hasnt done anything against the slavetraders who sold slaves right infront of trollsbane on the land which she promised to protect?
maybe next time you should plan the whole quest better and don't have it happen right infront of trollsbane where law is existing and where many chars exist who won't look away by something like this! it is your own fault.
Last edited by Samantha Meryadeles on Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by The Returner »

Congratulations, you're the first I admonish.
I'd said often enough: No personal attacks!


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Post by Thorvald »

Calm down PO Samantha. I'm not demanding anything.
I didn't say that your RP wasn't fitting or not suiting your char.

I was saying: If there is an event like this, do you think the one who do all the work to create it want to be messed up like it happened? No? Then maybe next time - just a suggestion - you think before and give those who set this all up, actually a chance to do their thing. Instead of forcing your char, your RP into the front light.
I'm not saying: Stay out of every quest. I say, maybe you can give other players a chance as well. And especially the questers. So that things sometimes go at least a little bit the way it was supposed to go.
Is that understandable so far or am I asking too much?
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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

Of course it is understandable, but in this siutation i had no choice. the event was happening right infront of trollsbane, on trollsbane land. Samantha is the Magistrate...AND she is a salkamaerian noble whose family fought for centurys against slavery.

Sorry...but do you really think she won't do anything if she sees something like that? of course she reacts like that. She IS the magistrate. The fact that it happened on trollsbane land forced her to do something. also me as a player. i cant ignore as the player of such a char such an event.

it wouldn't have happened like this wouldn't the market occured on trollsbane territory. but since it did so it was samanthas duty to react and do something against it. with all her power. i even broke my characters concept with not using force against the slavetraders, and i did bad roleplay with this. since it simply doesnt fit samantha. and it angers me that i had to step away from her roleplay and her concept.
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Post by Tinuva Geogroda »

Oh, just hire me next event, succes guaranted
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Post by The Returner »

Samantha Meryadeles wrote: i even broke my characters concept with not using force against the slavetraders, and i did bad roleplay with this. since it simply doesnt fit samantha. and it angers me that i had to step away from her roleplay and her concept.
SO not only did you know you would ruin the event, you also did so with self-admitted bad roleplay?
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Post by Damien »

That's logical Patric, but think about it that way : if Samantha didn't have rushed in with all her force - which is alot - other players could have carried out the conflict by themselves. So you should better have contacted Thorvald BEFORE, since Samantha is a character with enough power to break plots easily. Together, you could have set a fine time where samantha could have showed up.
With a little communication, things go much better !

We must work together on such thngs. That means : Players MUST communicate with the GMs sometimes, especially if their character holds a significant amount of power.

Just something which may be better next time. ;)
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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

oh please. i dont think samantha would have stand a chance against them <_<. i think they made sure she wouldn't have a chance. at least it wouldn't surprise me. would we have fought our chars would most likely have died all.

so i have to ask now for attending a quest? it would have been already enough to not hold it on trollsbane land. it was simply not well thought planned. the gm should have know that something like this may happen if he does it in trollsbane.

And samantha holds not anymore much power. the magic system got tweaked that much that any good trained warrior can kill her alone if he is close to her. happened before with Verdazar and others. the times when mages could wipe out two or more warriors single handed is over. now they even have much problems against a single warrior.
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Post by Calenleia »

Schade das man sich nicht die Mühe macht zweisprachig zu agieren...
:? ZUmindest der Auktuionator hätte das tun dürfen!
Nicht alle sprechen die neue Sprache... und um zu übersetzen ist leider dann zu viel los, wenn man selbst teilnimmt...


It would be nice if such happenings could be both languages... I would loved, if the slavetradler would have spoken both....
not everyone speaks the new language....
And there was to much trouble to translate fluently
