Prostitution in Trollsbane

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Post by Fooser »

Even if there is a law about it, you think anyone is going to go around and look for this? I won't be, and the poorly-organized-guard-as-of-now won't be either. There are much bigger problems, and I consider this to not be on the list. While the temple members and theives roam about the island, you want to regulate intercourse? Please, let's be serious now.

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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

Depents on fighting and killing what. Oh yes, of course. Undead, criminals and evil. all those you made your alliances and with whom you live together. what a surprise that you write than so much against me, when i fight all that evil you call yourself friend.

Forgive me that i use my arcane power to safe the isle against enemys and evil, and to protect the innocents.

~Lady Samantha Meryadeles~
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Post by Hu'greu »

Should bandits be ignored, itbs exits even der be laws agaisnt it, but der nubs anyone dat will ignore dat. Der be laws tu stop ibs from happening and dis whut itbs about. If der should bes law.

Alls yoo oomies and elfies talk about dis honor, buts whad is it. Tu Meh itbs nub leb da wrong thing happen. nub leb bandit robs oder peoples. Nubs leb murders smash oder peoples, and nubs leb people bes taken advatange ob. Dis is whud yoo extactly doing with allows dis tu happen. Taken advatange ob da girls da nubs hab oder choice buts tu sell demself fur copper. Oder say itbs be honorable because ob oder temple dat do dis. Meh nubs know oder temples dat do dis buts meh sure dat dey do itbs in celebration, nubs fur collecting copper.

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Post by Marten »

Right or wrong, "Lady", Samantha, one so clean and pure and so obviously well off as yourself, should show more kindness. If you really believed her so wretched, why would you deny her a room? If you are only capable of showing pity to those who meet your standards, then you are incapable of pity itself. I care not for your sharp tongue or scathing replies, they prove nothing more than your obvious disregard for the gift of the gods, by using your tongue to wound, and not heal. A curse on the narrowminded. Twice cursed the stiffnecked. And thrice be cursed those who abuse power given to them. Or so the saying in my old hearth.

I shall not stay in your inn, for it is to me now a place of villainy. Sooner I will stay in a den of thieves, who will at least care for a wounded traveller, or even a harlot, in her wretchedness, and not molest such a one. I've just come to this place, and while I have no vote to cast in your legal system, like any human I have my opinion, and it is that you are hardhearted and cruel.

Certainly you are a "proud" woman, even as you have said. Your body is precious and inviolate, lucky for you. Were you to have endured some of what I have seen people endure, it surely would have destroyed your brittle and hard heart. You mark these women as peddlers of flesh, you curse them as corruption and filth. Have you slept in the gutter? Have you lived a cold night reviled as a beggar? Choked down your dignity and supped on the flesh of rats and insects? From your comments, it is obvious that you have not.

Marten Redblade
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Samantha Meryadeles
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Post by Samantha Meryadeles »

Wrong, i forbidden her to enter the Seahorse Inn to do her work there. That is a difference. I talked with the woman, and she doesn't do it because she have to. I would be the first one offering her other work or help. But she does because she wishes too. Because she wishes to sell herself, to show herself off. She does it because she likes it to share every night with an other man, or even more. Just for coin and plain pleasure.

And i can't see any good or honorful in that. Nor any moral.

~Lady Samantha Meryadeles~
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Post by Marten »

In respectful reply to Hu'greu:

You are correct and noble, to injustice shouldn't be allowed. Some women believe that prostitution is a prefectly acceptable way to earn money, and they too have pride, and will not accept charity. I would agree with your statement, however, you can't control them and consider the right thing to be done.

If they accept your aid or mine, so be it, if they do not, do you force them to accept it with laws?

What really raised my hackles is another woman feeling so free to lord it over another, and denounce her "sins", when she has not lived the life of one who has no other choice.

Marten Redblade
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Post by Athian »

Samantha, it might be time for you to stop writing now. no matter if this is one woman we speak of or dozen with a dozen different reasons. Marten has made several points clear of your demeanor with a rather insightful writing, just take it that we all know how you stand on the issue and leave it be

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Post by Travian »

Yubba Samantha. joo be stupids! Neber ask to buy meh body cause I won't sell it to joos! Joo might burn my thing off from a portal joo put in your privates! Stupids!

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Post by Silo »

Perhaps the one that denies it, craves it most?

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Post by Travian »

How abouts joo shuts ups? Meh cen smack joo tuh da floor wit a flick of meh finger. Den I cen eat yer insides out and buries joo alive. Joo need tuh shuts up, stop lookin at what i writes and shove a stick up yer behind before I stick something else up der.

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Post by Silo »

I speak of Samantha

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Post by Farfara »

To Samantha Meryadeles,

I have read every single rant you have posted on this matter, and I find a blindingly obvious flaw in your argument; the continued mention of honor. Honor, like morality, is purely subjective. To this woman, there is nothing dishonorable nor immoral about what she is doing to make her way in the world. You obviously have a different opinion on the matter, and that is fine. What is not fine, however, is your continued insistence upon shoving your personal morality and world-view down the throats of others, and berating those who disagree with you. You say a woman's body is a temple? Fine, "worship" in your own temple the way you choose to; deny yourself pleasures of the flesh if that will bring you self-satisfaction. However, please, for the love of whatever gods you pray to, don't disrespect someone else for "worshipping" differently than you. You say this woman does these things for coin and pleasure; if it pleases her to do so, stop bad-mouthing her for it. She simply has a different view on the subject than you do, as do many others. It does not make it right or wrong, it simply means it is different; try to accept that.

Auric Stoneface
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Post by Athian »

thank you Auric, but let us leave at this and leave Samantha alone now. the sooner this parchement disappears into obscurity the better.

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Mark Strongarm
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Post by Mark Strongarm »

Well most seem to be happy to let prositution go on in Trollsbane. I am happy to coincide with the majority. Some have said they thought it was best if it was done quietly though, which it hasn't been. 'Said prostitute' has been comming up to me and others with offer. Nothing wrong with that as there hasn't been any regulation. I still wonder if people do want regulation or not though, more out of curiosity then it being any threat to trollsbane. I do however, still hold the opinion I don't want any city of Gobiath becomming a whore house (though I don't mind if one is built). Morality is indeed subjective, thats why we have votes, and the majority rules under Brer's Government. We have decided to ban robbery despite the fact some people like to rob, and so we call it 'wrong'. Is prositution 'right' or 'wrong' , it's not written in stone, but I am glad to see so many people have taken part in the conversation.
I would like to see people stop slandering each other, this parchment seems to have at least some mild importance or it wouldn't have the response it does. I hope I, and maybe others can be enlightened in some way.

Mark Strongarm
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Post by Gort Greegog »

Mark, some people like tur beh guards. Make a guard house an keep dem in it. Den joo cen hab say bout de nice wemun round town.

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Post by Farfara »

There is a major difference between prostitution and robbery, and that is the fact that prostitution has yet to have "victims"; i.e., it doesn't hurt the people involved. Robbery, on the other hand, has numerous victims, ranging from those who were simply shaken up, to those who lost their lives during the course of a robbery.

Auric Stoneface
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Post by NirAntae »

Well said, Auric, well said indeed.

The only arguable 'victim' in the case of prostitution is the woman in question's own 'honor' or 'morals'... which are subjective terms, as has been pointed out many times, and is hers to give up if she so wishes!

I can well see why you might not wish such women on any given street-corner, crying their 'services' as a fishmonger might, but at the same time I think it wrong to say she cannot earn her living in this way if she chooses, so long as she remains respectful and discrete.

~Maggie Kemoc~
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Post by Skaalib Drurr »

Has anybody raised the question that it might devalue women in some men's eyes, or infact provoke men to do some unpleasant things to other women, or even the whore herself? The safety of women has to be paramount here.

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Post by Gort Greegog »

Dis de risk dat de generus wuman takes.

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Post by Garett Gwenour »

If anyone touches Victoria they will deal with my blade, I have already equipped her and taught her enough on how to keep herself safe if said situations arrive.

Stephen Rothman
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Post by Korm Kormsen »

well done, Mr Rothman!
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Post by Calilmal »

I'm sure you did more than equipped her and taught her how to defend herself mr. Rothman.

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Post by Ku 'Agor »

Ku bets you did too.

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