Unsettling the dust of Illarion Predjudice

Everything about Illarion that fits nowhere else. / Alles über Illarion was inhaltlich in kein anderes Board passt.

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Ku 'Agor
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

Hu (I cant believe how similar our names are.. is that accidental?) has the idea.

Humans come in a rainbow of colors, and why cant orcs? No one says a human cant be black, so why is it people say orcs need to be wittless beast that chew off people's flesh without second thought?

One of Ku's priorities as a Chief is to make sure that the orcs have a crafts talent, and that they watch their step in town and not make a ruckus without a reason. This will hopefully make the orcs he is around more interesting, and give them a way to make money besides powergaming their fighting skills.
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Post by Poots »


I have to agree with garret, I didn't read anything about him tooting his own horn. And from what I'm seeing, half the people in Illarion hate Stephen and want him out as Governor.

People first came to Troll's Bane because it was the biggest, had the most shops and supplies, and it was centered. Now they stay because not enough people have the balls to travel and stay elsewhere, and I don't blame them, I'm one of them. people don't flock there because Stephens the celebrity of the island :P


it's pretty rare (for me at least) to find anything besides humans and elves. orcs aren't alone in the neglected races.

but I do see your point, orcs have gotten a little crazy. Now, while I hate seeing the average orc, I also don't like the orc who's a knight and speaks like a human. but that's just me.
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Post by Korm Kormsen »

I have to agree with garret, I didn't read anything about him tooting his own horn. ...
ok, so lets say, on that point i name my apologies sincere.

...People first came to Troll's Bane because it was the biggest, had the most shops and supplies, and it was centered. ...
thats my point. and i think, it's no reason, why there should not be promoted other settlements and societies.
(be it by orcs, humans or by yellow kangoroos...)

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Ku 'Agor
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

The town is already broken apart. It's hard to find someone willing to RP at any time now.

What they should do is end the barriers of the game at the exits of the town, force everyone into trollsbane, and then put all the crafting resources and skill resources there. x)
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Post by Poots »

Now they stay because not enough people have the balls to travel and stay elsewhere, and I don't blame them, I'm one of them.
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Post by Korm Kormsen »

What they should do is end the barriers of the game at the exits of the town, force everyone into trollsbane, and then put all the crafting resources and skill resources there. x)
what a horrorfull vision! i hope, you are joking.

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Post by AlexRose »

Ku 'Agor wrote:What they should do is end the barriers of the game at the exits of the town, force everyone into trollsbane, and then put all the crafting resources and skill resources there. x)
Noooooo don't take my land away from me!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ku 'Agor
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

Of course I am joking. :|
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Post by Korm Kormsen »

#me takes out a hanky to swipe off the sweat of the forehead...
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Post by Taylor »

I have a point to bring up. This is not a flame war, nor is this a direct attack. I have seen this happening over and over with orcs, and I'd like to bring this to attention.

Earlier today, Grant banned an orc for nothing, this was obvious, the orc knew, and so did everyone around him. Most people also know of Taylor's extreme dislike of Orcs. Once grant Banned the orc, taylor walked over to the orc and started having a conversation about how he planned to eradicate their entire race. Taylor proceeded to knee the orc in the stomach, thrust his elbow into the orcs face, slam the orcs head into the wall, And then kick the orc in the head, slamming the head once more into the wall. Taylor then left him, and grant Punched the orc in the mouth. Now, this was all great Rp and the orc was spectacular, don't get me wrong, but what happened next is the problem

After a nameless person (I wont say his name but you know who you are) Killed Grant, i took his stuff back to him, We returned to the shop with grant heavily injured, Obviously. We found the orc talking with stephen without even acting like he was hurt. That orc should have still been outside, or not even able to stand. He would and gotten atleast two concussions and been heavily bleeding with maybe a few broken ribs, But there he was, standing calmly and talking with stephen.

I have found it painfully obvious that when an orc is attacked, and injured heavily as such is this case, they rebound within the time frame of 1 minute, to 2 days. There are exceptions to this case, Obviously the Old Alkuurg, Ku, and Gort seem to, atleast what I have seen, played these injuries correctly. I could have killed the orc outright, But i Rped with the orc because I found that that was the better choice.

As i said, this is no flame war, instead this is just a few points that tend to tick people off about orcs. The orc( Name i do not know and will not reveal) Did exellent roleplay, the best from an orc i had seen since Alkurrg. He was not afraid of Taylor and grant, and insulted them constantly. But the miraculous recovery was the only problem in my eyes. a Few moment later, I found the same orc talking with Ku, completely fine, Even hit with a bag of coal in the stomach, and he acted like it didn't affect him.

My two cents.

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Ku 'Agor
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

Hmm. Interesting point. And you're right, Orcs do have a thing with neglecting physical handicaps. But then again, so do all races. This isn't an Orc problem as much as it is a RP problem.

Also, why was I listed? As far as I know I have not ever been, or played, injured in Ku's play span. I think it's becoming more of a 'Oh, I hear Ku's a good roleplayer. Let's throw him in my list of people I think do this good' then it is accually letting a person judge me by what I infact do. I do not, under any circumstances, see my character's roleplay superior then another person in this game. Except only a select few who I myself personally deem 'newbies.'
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Post by Taylor »

Ku, There was one time when I saw you get injured, It was not a bad injury, nor did it truely need a #me, but you did anyway. It was the Troll/ogre thing in the Workshop, as to which was taken down, you grunted since you took a hard hit in the stomach. This is why I mentioned your name. Also, Yes, I do realise that is a problem with all races and not just Orcs, allthough it is more prominent in orcs since the common belief is that orcs feel little pain. I had a word with grant, telling him that exact thing, that he did not play his injury well. I did not want to say this in such a way, but you brought it up. He realised what was wrong and had to leave, otherwise would have changed it.

Second, It was not Grant that had attacked the orc at first. It was Taylor, Not a knight, not a Guard, A freesword. Now, I role played the fight since i knew this orc was no fighter, he could have atleast "tryed" to fight back, which he did in minor ways. After Taylor had worked him over for Taylors own RP reasons, which the orc knows, Grant took his chance and took a swing at the orc. Only one. At which point the person, not the two you have mentioned, attacked grant for swinging once.

If you need further explantion, explain what parts and I shall.
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Post by Hu'greu »

I do have to say thanks for point out, I just didnt really think about it, I have seen lots of people killed and gosted and them not act out any injuries, Kinda thought thought that people didnt really keept thoses in mind, at least I know now.

Oh that person that killed Grant, I believe he walked in only when grant hit me, and that why he killed him.
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

Taylor, I edited my post before you posted yours because of an error I made myself. I just deleted the entire paragraph accualy because I was non-essential then what was required for me to post, and more OOC flaming then constructive criticism.

I also would like to bring praise to you for not simply cutting up a 'defenceless' orc. If anyone has played an orc, then they should know the accual difficulty of getting somewhere in the game. Especially with the idea of not knowing combat skills.
Last edited by Ku 'Agor on Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Taylor »

Grant did not Control click either. The mage was the only one who used an actual attack Ku.
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Ku 'Agor
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

I'm wordless then. Feel free to bring up another point.
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Post by Grant »

That's alright Ku :P Oh and I banned Hu for building around 15 fires in front of the shop. The ban is over now though so you can walk into town :wink: And Hu, if I ever attack you just tell me OOC if your not in the mood.
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Post by Hu'greu »

acually I dont have a problem with it, bring a little life to the midlles pain of mining, smithing, and trying to look for wood tools all days,

although, im trying to something else with him but that for me and the other players im talking to know :wink:
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Post by Gort Greegog »

Oh boy I could write a book here. I think I'll give the shortened version to spare you all the pain.

Thank you Broc for the point of me trying to Rp injury. I TRY my best to get Gort far away after an attck on him and do not play him for an hour to a day depending on injury.(Unless I get a chance for some good 'ole Rp with him) While on this topic I must give a slight flaming to PO. Stephen.(Sorry buddy) He was clouded today befor his accual attack on Silverbrand. He came back within the hour with troops and attacked the dwarves. What angers me is I have been told by him if he clouds me he earns the right to jail me because I need to Rp weaker because I was clouded. I do wish an explination from you or some one else with this mentality.

To the orc stuff! Most of you think Gort is all about Smashing. Right? Well you are close to it. Do not forget Gort is one of the few orcs that have been around a year.(Thoe I had to re-make him on account of accadental deletion :oops: ) Gort has had much reason to hate the guard and knights. Gort will not be walking alone and see a halfling, dwarf, human, lizard man, or any other race and just attack. If you are a guard or knight thats quite a bit more reason for him to attack you. If you call him a name or attack/insult him/his friend(s) then he may also attack. He has a bit of sense but only fears one or two things at this point in his life. His only reason to run when loosing in battle is the loss of material things that could be of help to his friend's enemy.

I am guessing you think Gort is an idiot? Yep you're right again! He talks like an idiot, acts like one and is easaly pursuaded by strangers.

Thank you Athian for pointing out an orc kicked from town is rendered as useless and not much fun to have sitting in your char. slots. The only place I can get supplies is in Troll's Bane. Only place I can tailor without adding on an extra two hours to get the same amount of work done is in Troll's Bane. Only place I can Role play at all is in Troll's Bane. Silverbrand has closed doors, Tol Vanimia has nothing of use to an Orc not to mention Orcs and Elves have far to many differances to get along. Shur Varshikar has people some times, but only two merchants and no player made merchants exept Jeremy are there and Jeremy is not extreamly easy to run into. The Orc cave can be accessed by people that are not orcs and thus the gates are useless.(A few slipped keys and mages can easaly gain entry.)No merchants there either. Green Briar Is not of much use to a non-farmer.

Ku, you have a nice idea. Make your orc all nice and what not. From expeariance I have found a mean, grunting, spitting, snorting, and rude orc is damn fun to Rp. You don't ever see a Moonsilver Orc or a "Nice Orc" because it just isent fun and that kind of orc dosen't fit in with anyone else. If you haven't made an Orc that goes SMASH! and have been playing a while then you are really missing out. To all new players that might read this - Do not make an Orc first. They are hard to Rp for a newbie because of the attitude players seem to get when they see an orc.
(Don't forget to flame me for this post.)

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Meriel Pelith
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Post by Meriel Pelith »

Sorry, if I'm a little bit off topic now.
That is simply giving up Athian. Trolls Bane is active because everyone is unwilling to keep their characters in Varshikar, TOl Vanima, Silverbrand and so on; some have roleplay reasons, others are simply unwilling to do it. Trolls Bane is smaller then Tol Vanima, Trolls Bane has less player houses then Greenbriar and Varshikar.
I actually have a small suggestion for that. No clue if any Dev would like to realize it, or if you think it is useful - but -

Why not having differnt Log-In-Spots (you know what I mean. The place you show up when you logg in for the first time. Currently the library ;) ).
Elfs logg in in Tol Vanima
Halflings in Greenbriar
Dwarves in Silverbrand
I think people would more likely stay with the place they first got to know? Or feel some patriotismn for it?
All the newbies show up in Trolls Bane first and of course stay there.
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Post by Nerian Finera »

Meriel Pelith wrote:Sorry, if I'm a little bit off topic now.
That is simply giving up Athian. Trolls Bane is active because everyone is unwilling to keep their characters in Varshikar, TOl Vanima, Silverbrand and so on; some have roleplay reasons, others are simply unwilling to do it. Trolls Bane is smaller then Tol Vanima, Trolls Bane has less player houses then Greenbriar and Varshikar.
I actually have a small suggestion for that. No clue if any Dev would like to realize it, or if you think it is useful - but -

Why not having differnt Log-In-Spots (you know what I mean. The place you show up when you logg in for the first time. Currently the library ;) ).
Elfs logg in in Tol Vanima
Halflings in Greenbriar
Dwarves in Silverbrand
I think people would more likely stay with the place they first got to know? Or feel some patriotismn for it?
All the newbies show up in Trolls Bane first and of course stay there.
hasn't this already been realised before the java client?
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Post by Meriel Pelith »

eh... I'm not sure.
But it is not that way currently. No matter what race you are, you always get logged in the library of TB.
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Elrein Shaeldun
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Post by Elrein Shaeldun »

Hm, fairies not. They get logged in Vanima
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Post by Meriel Pelith »

Really? oh.
Elfs are logging in in TB though ô.O
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Post by Nitram »

It is pretty easy to change the spots of logging in.

The reason for the login place near the library is, that we don't want that the n00bies are alone in the nowhere.

If there constantly characters in the different towns, i'm the first one who change the login places again.
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Post by Laviath Rathor »

The thing with the fairies is, that they're never played by total newbies, I think. And so the POs of the fairies know where the towns and everything are. I don't believe, that anyone gets a fairy as his first character ever in Illarion.
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Post by Nitram »

This is the reason why they log in at a other place
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

I will say this once more.

I said Ku isn't WITTLESS. I NEVER said he isn't stupid!
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