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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Far across the sea, in Salkamaeria a young woman sits at the edge of a dock. Her hair is long and black, blowing gently around her face in the warm breeze. Her face is small and pale, and looks young - certainly no older than sixteen. Her eyes, wide and gray, seem to reflect a slight blue tint from the ocean she looks out over. Her legs dangle over the dock, crossed at the ankles. Her feet are bare, a pair of simple white sandals next to her. She wears a mid-calf-length white skirt, and a long-sleeved blouse of a soft, blue-gray wool. The sleeves are an off-the-shoulder style, so her shoulders catch the sunlight. Her skin is pale, except for a healthy glow in her cheeks.

Many would not immediately recognize her upon seeing her. Where once she was a too-skinny child with a sickly pallor and overlarge eyes, she had become a pretty young woman, who was not skinny now but willowy, graceful. She is still not an overly tall woman, but she has reached a height that is just shy of average for her age. Her skin is still pale, but a fair, pretty tone now rather than one indicating illness or malnourishment.

Though the girl-woman may have become prettier, she seems no happier than when many last saw her. She gazes erenely over the ocean, something in her eyes hungering to cross it.

I miss Gobaith.

The thought struck her suddenly, and though it had always pervaded the back of her mind she had not yet dared to admit what the hollow feeling in her heart was.

She shook her head slowly, trying to unthink the tought but it could not be done.

She had Gordwayn. She had a home. She had escaped all those who had wanted to hurt her. She should be happy. And yet...

Gordwayn was going away to complete his training elsewhere, and the girl knew that while she wasn't exactly unwelcome, her presence in his family's house was not entirely welcome either. Mostly she tried to stay out of the way, but she helped with chores around the house a lot. Gordwayn's mother was outwardly civil to her, but she was often muttering under her breath about another mouth to feed, and sometimes Rhiannon even heard her whispering to Gordwayn's father that Gordwayn was too young to have a girl like Rhiannon living in the house. She said he was too young to settle down.

What hurt the most was what his mother had said a few days ago. Rhiannon had overheard her telling Gordwayn's father that she hoped Gordwayn would meet another, more suitable girl while he was away at school. "Not that Rhiannon isn't a nice girl," she had whispered, "But she hasn't finished any formal schooling, and nice or not she's still little above a street rat." Gordwayn's father had replied, but Rhiannon hasn't heard the reply. She had left, before her tears became audible and she betrayed her presence.

So now she sat at the docks, wondering if his mother was right. Maybe she was not good for Gordwayn. Maybe Gordwayn would meet another girl at school - maybe he should. Rhiannon had once considered herself intelligent; she ahd loved to read, and she had begun schooling in magic and druidry, but she had never finished. In recent years, she had spent all of her time helping with chores or simply staying out of the way, and she didn't read much anymore, didn't have time or opportnity to study.

She's right, Rhiannon thought to herself, Gordwayn should marry a girl who's gone to school her whole life, a girl who wasn't raised on the street. He should marry a girl that's... better.

But she really did feel so much affection for him. She didn't know if she could bear it without him. And where would she live? She knew no one in Salkamaeria except for Gordwayn and his family.

She would be so lonely without him, but she was so lonely already. Gordwayn was always away, and his parents seemed to prefer it when she kept to herself.

The pretty young woman sighed, eyes still gazing longingly over the ocean.
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

Rhiannon sat on the dock until the sun sat heavy on the horizon, washing the landscape gold and red. Finally, slowly, the girl rose and made her way back to the house. She slipped quietly through the front door. She was greeted with an awkward, complete silence that told her they had been speaking about her before she had come in.

"Hello," Rhiannon said softly, shyly.

"Hello, Rhiannon," Gordwayn's mother replied, and looked the girl up and down. "A letter came from Gordwayn today..."

"Oh... really?" Rhianno perked up slightly. It was always ice when Gordwayn wrote home.

"He's been accepted into two years of private study under a very famous tutor," the woman told her.

Rhiannon smiled, happy for Gordwayn. "That's great!" His mother nodded thoughtfully, a strange expression on her face.

It took Rhiannon a few moments to realize the impact of the news.

Gordwayn would be away for two years.

They would never let her stay that long.
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Post by .Rhiannon. »

After three days of tension at the house, Gordwayn's parents undoubtedly considering how best to send her away, Rhiannon takes the copper she has saved up and heads to the docks once more.

She boards the ship for Gobaith.

A visit. That's all. Just to see what's left.
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