Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

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Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Lia »

(( English below ))

Ich habe mich mal mit Spielern unterhalten und bin dabei zu der Erkenntnis gekommen das viele Spieler es störend finden, wenn jemand der gerade vom Kreuz kommt dennoch weiter eine große Klappe gegenüber Jemanden hat der bewaffnet vor ihm steht.


Hans ist HDekan von Runewick und wurde von Gustav einem Vogelfreien angegriffen. Hans schlägt ihn nieder so das Gustav am Kreuz landet.
Dennoch geht Gustav dann hin und beleidigt Hans.

Nun gibt es zwei Dinge.


Hans schlägt Gustav nochmals nieder, nicht nur im rp sondern auch enginemäßig.
Gustav landet wieder am Kreuz und beschuldigt Hans nun des Rekill , somit eines Regelbruchs.
Streit / Disskussion ist vorprogrammiert.


Hans schlägt Gustav nochmals nieder, nicht nur im rp sondern auch enginemäßig.
Gustav landet wieder am Kreuz und beschimpft Hans trotzdem weiter.

Das das nervig ist, ist klar. Zumal dabei die Meisten vergessen das zwar wir als Spieler entscheiden wann unser Charakter stirbt und wie sehr er verletzt ist.
Aber der Charakter eigentlich bei sowas sein Leben aufs Spiel setzt.

Und wer geht hin und beleidigt /proviziert jemand der einem Jeden Moment töten könnte.
Richtig eigentlich keiner der nicht Lebensmüde ist.

Nun zu dem Gedanken der mir dabei kam.

Wir können die Spieler nun schlecht dazu zwingen ihren Char sterben zu lassen.

Aber was ist, wenn jemand innerhalb kürzerer Zeit das 2 oder 3 Mal zum Kreuz wandert.
Heißt bevor er voll regeniert ist.

Dann könnte man es im Grunde so machen das sie in eine Art Zwischenwelt kommen.
Heißt in eine Welt die zwischen der Welt der Lebenden und der Welt der Toten liegt.

Dort Bekommen sie eine Aufgabe welche sie lösen müßen. Haben sie diese gelöst gehen sie zum anderen Ende der Welt wo eine Art Torhaus ist.
Dort treffen sie auf einen Diener CHergas. Dieser sieht dann auf eine Liste, nachdem der Char die Aufgabe gelöst hat. Anhand der Liste weiß er das Char xy Noch nicht in Chergas Reich eingelassen wird.
Und schickt ihn dann durch ein Portal zurück in die Welt der Lebenden.

Die Welt muß ja nicht groß sein und ich stelle sie mir vor wie ein Ort voller toter Dinge.
Sümpfe, tote Bäume. vieleicht auch friedliche Skelette als andere Seelen verstorbener die noch ihre Aufgabe lösen müßen oder keinen Weg in die anderen Welten finden.
Ein wenig Nebel liegt über dem Ganzen.

Der Hintergrund der idee ist eben um diese "Ich habe eine große Klappe selbst wenn ich gerade jeden Moment sterben könnte" Charaktere zu reduzieren. Weil es eben irgendwie unsinnig ist.
Und auf Dauer auch nervig.


I've talked with players and I have come to the realization that many players find it annoying, if someone who is straight from the cross still comes a big flap against someone who has armed before him stands.


Hans is dean of Runewick and was attacked by Gustav a Outlaw. Hans slaps him down as Gustav lands on the cross.
Nevertheless, Gustav goes there and insults Hans.

Now there are two things.


Hans defeats Gustav again, not only in rp, but also in a narrow-minded manner.
Gustav lands again on the cross and accuses Hans now of the Rekill, thus a rule breaking.
Controversy / dissertation is pre-programmed.


Hans defeats Gustav again, not only in rp, but also in a narrow-minded manner.
Gustav lands on the cross again and still scolds Hans.

The annoying is clear. Especially since the most forgotten that although we as a player decide when our character dies and how much he is injured.
But the character actually at such a thing risks his life.

And who goes and insults / provokes someone who could kill anyone at any moment.
Properly, actually none of the not tired of life.

Now to the thought of me.

We can not force the players to let their char die.

But what if someone walks 2 or 3 times to the cross within a shorter time?
Is called before it is fully refreshed.

Then one could basically make it so that they come into a kind of intermediate space.
This is a world that lies between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

There they get a task which they must solve. Have they solved this they go to the other end of the world where a kind of gatehouse is.
There they meet a servant Chergas. This will look at a list after the Char has solved the task. From the list he knows the Char xy Not yet entered into Chergas realm.
And then send him back through a portal into the world of the living.

The world does not have to be great and I imagine it as a place full of dead things.
Marshes, dead trees. But also peaceful skeletons as other souls of deceased who still have to solve their task or find no way into the other worlds.
A little mist lies over the whole.

The background of the idea is just to reduce this "I have a big flap even if I could just die any moment" characters. Because it's kind of nonsensical.
And in the long run also annoying.

(( sorry if the englisch not so good ))
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Athlon »

Es gab mal im alten Illarion das Dürrequest .

Als es dann zum großen Finale gekommen ist , wurden die beteiligten Spieler in eine Art Wartesaal außerhalb der Spielwelt gesteckt .
Gut dort haben dann die PGler angefangen zu trainieren wie die wilden , aber im Spiel zu sein und trotzdem irgendwie nicht
war nicht wirklich verkehrt .
Also mir hat es gefallen und ich würde sowas bei einem Kreuzgang auch Beführworten und gutheißen .
Dumm am Kreuz stehen und warten bis man wieder voll belebt ist und jeder sieht es , finde ich auch doof .
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Alrik »

Würde ich auch als sehr gut empfinden - es reicht ja schon wenn man meinetwegen eine Chance von 1:3 oder 1:4 hatt dort zu landen, also nicht jedesmal, aber es ist doch wahrscheinlich.

Zu beachten wäre dass die Aufgabe die man dort erfüllen muss etwas ist dass von jedem erledigt werden kann - vom komplett neuen und noch ungeskillten Charakter (und evtl unerfahrenen Spielerneuling) bis hin zum altgedienten Veteranen. Ansonsten würde der eine verzweifeln oder resignieren, der andere wäre salopp gesagt innerhalb von Sekunden wieder draußen und könnte weiter die dicke Lippe riskieren. Aber ansonsten, mal eine Abwechslung vom "Puff du tauchst am Kreuz auf und deine Ausrüstung hatt nen Kratzer" wäre was (muss ja nicht der Verlust von Skillpunkten und Ausrüstung wie vor dem VBU sein).

Möglichkeiten für Aufgaben wären evtl dass man dort einen NPC finden muss der einem einige Dinge erzählt die man dem Diener Chergas am Ausgang dann richtig erzählen muss (Können ja unterschiedliche NPC's sein, ein Krieger, ein Gelehrter, ein Handwerker.... Evtl kann man da auch noch etwas Lore oder allgemein Hintergrund zur Welt von Illarion vermitteln - dann hatt das ganze noch einen Pluspunkt).

Eine andere Möglichkeit wäre evtl dass man mit einigen Fackeln oder über Altäre die wir schon mal im Mas hatten ein bestimmtes Muster aktivieren muss - kleine Denksportaufgabe (Muss ja nicht Rubik-Würfel Style sein, aber etwas schwerer als "Einmal von links nach rechts alle anklicken).

Mal nur so als spontane Gedanken von mir
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Kugar »

I like this idea a lot.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Falyame »

Der Vorschlag ist super, auch die hinzugefügten Ideen von Alrik und Athlon.
Ich würds den "Limbus" nennen (eine Art Vorhimmel/Vorhölle).

-Hätte da noch die Idee eines Labyrinths, das man durchqueren muss oder in dem man einen verirrten Geist finden muss und wieder zurück zum Cherga-Diener bringt UND vielleicht kann man noch einen Abenteuerstein hinplatzieren (so wie auf der Tutorialinsel).

-Ich stelle mir diese Zwischenwelt so vor, dass es zufallsgenerierte Aufgaben gibt. Entweder wird man dann an den Ort, an dem die Aufgabe vollzogen werden soll, hinteleportiert (z.B. zum Labyrinth), sobald man dieses Quest mit einem "Ja" oder "Ich bin bereit" etc annimmt oder man verbleibt auf dieser Zwischenwelt, was dann wahrscheinlich eine Insel oder Höhle (auf jeden Fall ein geschlossenes System) ist, und muss dort die Aufgabe erledigen
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Katharina Brightrim »

An sich mag ich die Idee ja. ABER, ich sehe das Problem des Missbrauchs dieser Funktion insofern als dass dann gezielt Chars immer wieder dorthin geschickt werden und somit für eine gewisse Zeit vom Spiel an sich isoliert sind.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by GolfLima »

Solange wir die "Engine" brauchen um Konflikte unter Spielern auszutragen ..... :roll:
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Mephistopheles »

Something like this will also prevent abuse from the side of the aggressor.

It is very unfair that the inn has an unprotected cross that chars can waltz up to and abuse downed chars.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Lia »

This is just the disadvantage when you are outlaw. One does not have the protection of a town.

So no it isnt unfair. :wink:

And also in the town you can abuse people on the cross. If you're banished, of course not. But that's just Shit happens. :P
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Karrock »

No this is not fair. Please spare for yourself comments what leads people to argue (like me).
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Lia »

argue? Where?

by the way, back to topic
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by S'rrt »

To earlier, I'd say cross abuse happens everywhere but the benefit of being a town member is the aggressor may or may not be able to enter the town to do the abuse. Also was somethinig said in German that made Karrock say what he did? :?

On topic:
I like this idea too. I can imagine her "testing" mortals with a task or a puzzle for their legibility to return from the dead. Instead of a puzzle/task this could also just be a specific amount of time spent waiting or listening to a life lesson or something, or a labyrinth.

It could also create a layer of RP in a sense that other characters would be held in tension for whether Cherga returns the "dead" character or not. The characters obviously wouldn't know that no one ever truly dies unless their player chooses for that to happen but at least they'd have the knowledge that "Cherga tests the dead and might choose to keep them from returning".
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Jupiter »

I don't like the idea of riddles or quests to proof yourself. "Hey, if you succeed in in walking through that labyrinth, we will send you back. Otherwise, you are dead." I am not sure if that wouldn't make death look even more pathetic than it already does in Illarion. My life would depend on some puzzling or item collection? Meh.

So I would leave all quests etc out. I would rather prefer to have a very well done map where you just have to roam until the gods' decided your fate.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Karrock »

S'rrt wrote:To earlier, I'd say cross abuse happens everywhere but the benefit of being a town member is the aggressor may or may not be able to enter the town to do the abuse. Also was somethinig said in German that made Karrock say what he did? :?
I think similar but I wanted to spare it to not changing direction of topic.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Uhuru »

On the surface, I like this idea, and even suggested it to the dev team a loooong time ago. But now I'm wondering why we need to force people to stay away from a battle. In essence, keep them from the action. It seems illogical. This thread began because someone is concerned about triple ghosting, and while this is a concern, it's also a well-known break of rules and should never happen. And that there, is perhaps why some characters feel safe in returning. That said, there's really no other reason to do this.... as forcing RP and forcing people to do things they don't want to do is contrary to what this game is all about.

If enacted, I can see people sent to "Cherga's Realm" may get frustrated and log out. This too is something we don't want.

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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Lia »

But it isnt funny that one who was send to the cross a moment before, insult and Provoked this one who has killed him because he know "He cant slap me again this would rekill and broken the rules."
And that is...shit. This makes the attacker forced to play out his character differently than he would. So you could see that in some ways also as forced rp.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Estralis Seborian »

Hallo zusammen,

der Vorschlag einer Zwischenwelt/eines Totenreiches wurde im Laufe der Jahre einige Male schon vorgebracht. Diese bedeutet weder, dass er gut oder schlecht ist noch dass ich dafür oder dagegen bin - er ist einfach nicht neu.

Eine beispielhafte Forumsdiskussion ist hier zu finden: ... =1&t=25382

Ich habe vor Jahren mal eine Übersicht an alten Vorschlägen zusammengestellt, siehe: ... =1&t=26040

Unser derzeitiger Eintrittspunkt für Skripte im Todesfalle ist im Modul server.playerdeath. Die Funktion playerDeath(Character) wird aufgerufen. Das Skript weiß also nicht, warum der Charakter gestorben ist oder wer ihn umgebracht hat. Der Server hat solche Informationen und wir könnten auch Informationen aus z.B. dem Kampfsystem ziehen. Wenn es aber einen Unterschied machen soll, wie ein Charakter gestorben ist (z.B. durch Magie, Unfall, Monsterhand oder Spielerhand), so wäre eine Serveränderung sinnvoll und nötig.

Es spricht eigentlich nichts gegen eine solche Zwischenwelt, sogar eine Menge dafür. Wie so oft müsste sich halt jemand hinsetzen und die relevanten Bedingungen definieren und in ein Skript gießen. Sprich, unter welchen Umständen soll jemand in die Zwischenwelt kommen, wann nicht, wie kommt er wieder raus, wie nicht, wann wird er wiederbelebt, wann nicht usw.. Der knuffigste mir bekannte Vorschlag für eine Zwischenwelt ist ein Labyrinth, welches sich stetig ändert. Jeder, der schon mal das Brettspiel "Das verrückte Labyrinth" gespielt hat, kann sich das sicher gut vorstellen. Den Ausgang zu finden wäre hierbei die Aufgabe. Es könnte ein Zeitlimit geben; wenn man den Ausgang nicht innerhalb des Zeitlimits schafft, hat dies weitergehende Konsequenzen. Oder anders herum, durch zeitiges Finden des Ausgangs können die Auswirkungen eines Todes reduziert werden.

Andere Spiele (z.B. Planeshift) haben eine Zwischenwelt, daher werden wir nicht den Kreativitätsblumentopf gewinnen, wenn wir sowas einbauen. Unsere derzeitige Implementierung funktioniert, auch wenn sie recht simpel ist - oder gerade deswegen? Ein neues Feature darf aber nicht geschaffen werden, um Spieler zu bestrafen oder anderweitig Dinge zu verhindern. Sterben soll Spaß machen, so verrückt das klingt. Ich lese in diesem Thread negative Aspekte, die als Grund/dagegen angeführt werden. Bleibt positiv!

Also, freiwillige vor, wer sich berufen fühlt, ein solches Feature zu entwickeln, so kann er/sie auf meine moralische Unterstützung zählen ;-). Wenn die Parameter sauber definiert sind, ist die technische Implementierung weitestgehend trivial. Die Kartenarbeit käme noch hinzu, hierfür gibt es ja den Karteneditor.


PS @Athlon: Nur diejenigen, die die Dürrequest versemmelt haben, sind in den Warteraum gesteckt worden :-P.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Lia »

ja gut es sind negative Aspekte dabei aber ich habe eben das einbezogen was ich von mehreren Spielern gehört habe.

Das es eine Menge Arbeit ist war mir natürlich bewußt. leider versteh ich von dem ganzen Zeug überhaupt nix, sonst würde ich es machen :P
Eine KArte hatte ich sogar schonmal gemacht für so ein zwischenreich. ^^

Bezüglich der hier angemerkten Forced rp etc wäre vieleicht eine Lockerung der "Rekill" Regel nett? ZB eben, wenn der eben getötete Char danach gleich weiter eine dicke Lippe riskiert also provoziert/ beleidigt etc
Also eben all das tut wobei er damit rechnen müßte nochmal paar über die Rübe zu bekommen, es erlaubt ist nochmal zuzuschlagen.
Im Log kann man dann ja nachweisen das der getötete Char es darauf angelegt hat, falls es zu Konflikten kommt.

Es ist nur frustrierend wenn der Char den man gerade zum Kreuz geschickt hat den eigenen Char provoziert usw weil der Spieler weiß das sein Gegenüber ihn nicht nochmal töten darf, da er eben vom Kreuz kam. Ganz egal ob das ein "Bad Boy" oder einer von "den Guten" ist.

Natürlich setz das weiterhin eine gewisse Kulanz voraus, heißt das man nicht sofort zuschlägt sondern es erstmal rein beim rp beläßt.

Klar kaum einer läßt sein Char gern klein beigeben, aber es kann auch Spaß machen.

Das nur gerade das was mir so durch den Kopf geht. xD
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Ranwyln »

hm you could even say till the player that was dead has recovered a fixed amount of live he is counted as unconcious and cant talk (is muted from serverside), problem for me was that several times when you die due to server issues/lags i played it like hey it was nothing just tripped over or something and went back to the szene, when i was able to move again so this would not work anymore.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Mephistopheles »

Uhuru wrote:On the surface, I like this idea, and even suggested it to the dev team a loooong time ago. But now I'm wondering why we need to force people to stay away from a battle. In essence, keep them from the action. It seems illogical. This thread began because someone is concerned about triple ghosting, and while this is a concern, it's also a well-known break of rules and should never happen. And that there, is perhaps why some characters feel safe in returning. That said, there's really no other reason to do this.... as forcing RP and forcing people to do things they don't want to do is contrary to what this game is all about.

If enacted, I can see people sent to "Cherga's Realm" may get frustrated and log out. This too is something we don't want.


I agree with alot of what you just said, however having been on the short end for a while I find that these gripes are quite founded mainly because of the lack of disciplinary action people will actually harass other players (yes, players, not chars) continuously until rp goes their way or someone finally logs out. Honestly I regret alot of times not just logging out.

A map where you can roam or stay for a while like Jupiter suggests does sound good, quests may be a deterrent for some people. It would certainly gives players a way to limit abuse.
Last edited by Mephistopheles on Thu Jan 12, 2017 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Lia »

forced People to play her character Differently they would otherwise act, is no battle rp.
And at the Moment a "enemy" come from the cross and provoke your Character because the player know that you cant kill him again is forced.

And this isnt funny.

That was the reason why this idea actually came back to me. We should actually play together here. What is so hard that a character also times back when he is afraid to be killed and the Cherga does not send him back this time. Or just the fear of a possible death.

Sure maybe some Character are maybe suicidal. ^^
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Kugar »

Would be cool if the player got to choose when they leave the limbo world place instead of a timer throwing you back. A portal door maybe? Deciding to stay in this place between the cross and Cherga's realm could make for some interesting rp imo.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Dantagon Marescot »

This is definitely a neat idea. I would be for a limbo of sorts. You don't want to punish a player for dying, but it might make someone think twice about dying. It might be an inconvenience, but so is having a 30 minute wait for your health bar to refill. Perhaps make that the max time limit that Estralis mentioned, though I could almost see that being too long and cause players to be frustrated. Maybe a max of 10 and if it is possible to randomize it of anywhere between 5 to 10 (you have to wait, but it isn't exceedingly long). Or as Kugar mentioned, make that the count down timer for when the portal opens (though I dunno if you can script it to only that character or not).

Adding in a few quest (like the dailies in which they are reoccurring), perhaps with some lore mixed in might be a plus. I picture a dull, grey world, but that doesn't mean it has to be dull for us the players.

Now, here is the kicker. Is there empty space on the map for an island like this?
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Estralis Seborian »

We have unlimited space.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Caynwyn »

I like to be able to roleplay being ill at the cross especially when two characters are there. Sometimes there is more then two and to be pulled somewhere else that stops this roleplay wouldn't be a lot of fun for me and would also be forced. How often is it that two at the cross will continue their argument? Even if they did, if there were a restriction of being able to attack at the cross (engine-wise making it impossible) wouldn't that solve it? I believe this was suggested before. So what if the argument continues.. it is roleplay.

For those that really wish to go somewhere else and do quests rather then roleplay perhaps a choice can be given? The delay if even 10 minutes could be enough to stop the game totally for that day if late at night.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Vern Kron »

I actually played a game that had this very concept!

The first couple of times I died, and landed into this super weird hellish region. The map design was pretty confusing, but there was also some room for your character to develop/learn some stuff. It was also fairly dangerous in some locations if your character broke away from the proper paths.

However, I soon realized that much of the novelty of the area worn down quickly. Players would instead speed run the area. I would prefer if we could avoid such a situation.

Also, we need to decide some other things on this area if it is put in place. Is it ruled by the same rules of the rest of the game? It is clearly an IG thing, but would characters seek to go there? Is there information or something of value going there as well? Can it be accessed by choice, or simply and only by death? Will characters have the ability to enter this realm, and then engage in further conflict/fighting/pvp? Will the battles that occur IG in Illarion follow into Cherga's realm to an eternal, never ending battlefield? Or will characters be stripped of weapons?
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Kugar »

For those that really wish to go somewhere else and do quests rather then roleplay perhaps a choice can be given? The delay if even 10 minutes could be enough to stop the game totally for that day if late at night.
However, I soon realized that much of the novelty of the area worn down quickly. Players would instead speed run the area. I would prefer if we could avoid such a situation.
Perhaps both of those problems could be solved with a pop up box that reads something like:

"[insert description of how you died here and how you feel no pain now], you hear Cherga's whisper telling you it is not your time yet."

[option to leave]
* yes *no

This way you could stay and research the area or do randomized tasks for lost souls OR leave immediately.

The plus side of this limbo world imo are:

* the opportunity for new quests - static and or player/GM run (static quest reward is removal of later mentioned staying penalty)
* the choice to stay and avoid meeting your foes at the cross (with a minor penalty) - they may even risk death to come and find you! :twisted:
* revealing more of the Illa-verse and making Illarion broader and more interesting

I'm sure there are more. As for how the world differs from the mortal realm... I'd say tint the screen blue, disable fighting between chars. Keep the NPC quests but if gathering, allow no items gathered from the limbo to be brought back to mortal realm.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Karrock »

Vern Kron wrote:
Also, we need to decide some other things on this area if it is put in place. Is it ruled by the same rules of the rest of the game? It is clearly an IG thing, but would characters seek to go there? Is there information or something of value going there as well? Can it be accessed by choice, or simply and only by death? Will characters have the ability to enter this realm, and then engage in further conflict/fighting/pvp? Will the battles that occur IG in Illarion follow into Cherga's realm to an eternal, never ending battlefield? Or will characters be stripped of weapons?
Did you watch DBZ saga? They could train, work, fight in underworld. Underworld should be similar place , even place for living of some chars who decided to leave common world.
We could have like in Dragon ball special balls realizing wishes to return to life those who died in example (and other wishes also).
I see this like: One of 10 dies (just number) Cherga refuses to free soul, and keep person in underworld. Dead character has to wait to regenerate and can fight, train, work, get magical gems in underworld and play like he is in normal world. If he would finish quest (like deliver some items, defeat some foes) he could return.
Problem is with disadvantages what to invent to create underworld less fun place. In my opinion this could be lack of gems from taxes.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Rincewind »

I would like to see the entrance of paradise. We got already ideas for that in the lore.


Obviously Players would enter the realm of their chosen god.

...followers end up in a bloody hell, and either you are not allowed in there yet or we follow strictly the lore.
When a follower dies, Moshran weighs out the victims of his follower, giving consideration to effectiveness in brutality. If found worthy, the follower will return to the world as a powerful undead creature. If unworthy the follower is enslaved by Moshran and used to perform minor services. Over time, some of these slaves grow to become powerful demonic creatures and are released.

...quote leads to so many possibilities i only quoted the most important part.
When a follower dies, Zhambra counts out their friends, and when it is shown that they have been loyal and served their friends well, Zhambra leads them into paradise. Without friends, Zhambra sends them back to be reborn,

...followers will need to write down their skills, and then will be told the have to learn more to earn paradise.
Those who follow Elara believe that when they die, the knowledge they have gained will be written on scrolls.
...followers will find themselves outside a big castle and if they try to break in, they will get caught and send back to Illarion to increase their skills.
Upon death, a follower of Ronagan is brought before his castle and must try by whatever means to reach the main hall, the Den of Thieves, where they may enter paradise. If they are caught in their attempt, they are granted another chance and some may need multiple attempts. If they are particularly unskillful, Ronagan will return them to the living

Of course almost nobody is able to impress Irmorom, but it is fun to try!
When a follower of Irmorom passes, it is said that they are brought to his mountain hall. There, they are to produce their finest piece of their work. If they impress Irmorom, they are sent on to paradise, and if they fail his test they are returned to the land, to try again to learn to create something of value.

Followers of Malachín believe, that when they die they will be led to the door of a great castle where there will be a great feast for them, and Malachín will ask them what they did in life.

...followers might get something special to do. Maybe delivering something into another realm.
Followers of Cherga believe that when they die, they can choose to live on as a lich or skeleton, or serve Cherga in helping to direct the souls of the dead to their final destination, until they themselves will be reborn and allowed to start a new life.

Propably sends you randomly to any afterlife realm. I found no mention of waht he does with his followers if they die. XD

...we might to interpret a little different.
Some bards also pray to Adron, believing that when they die, there will be everlasting festivities where wrongdoers are condemned to serve others until they are enlightened.

Both state that one is reborn as a baby.
No Idea on that one yet.

Ushara -
Brágon -
Eldan -
Tanora -
Findari -

No Ideas about those either.

Nonbelievers should end up in the orc-afterlife lore.

Quests and more than one simple basic task on those maps should be optional.
Biside of one (simple) basic task everything else should be optional. But the more tasks you did, the longer it will take you to solve more tasks and return to the living in the future, but you might get a reward -> for example Moshrans/Cherga followers or magic of some kind.
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Re: Zwischenwelt / Intermediate world

Post by Karrock »

I think we have too few players to implement all paradises. Final paradises should last as places for those who died for ever.
One underworld for all is good solution. As I wrote before we could also add special spells made by magicians to revive instead of doing tasks after death.

And I repeat in my concept I would see underworld as place similar to normal place just with some disadvantages to staying there (like no gems from taxes).
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