Remove Banning Npcs

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Remove Banning Npcs

Post by Mephistopheles »

I propose the complete removal of this function, for the very plain reason that the very feature itself breaks the "no forced roleplay" rule. The banning Npcs allow player characters and gm leaders to force a character into roleplaying a certain way in order to regain entry to the city which most likely houses their collected goods and desired static tools. Forcing a character to pay a fine or say sorry is in fact an outrageous demand and should be considered forced. Players should not be forced by players or gms to break their character's roleplay period. There are limitless roleplay options instead of making a few clicks, entering a name and forcing them out.

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Re: Remove Banning Npcs

Post by Jupiter »

I will not comment on the "no forced roleplay"-part becasue your argumentation there is not quite understandable to me.

Nevertheless, let me say soemthing to the proposal (and I believe I may have already said that somewhere back in time): Sooner or later the gurad npcs will be gone. As soon as we have dynamic guards. Those will walk around, patrolling the town and fight the bad guys when they see them (that's roughly the concept behind them). But we don't have them right now, so the NPC guards are there. And we will not remove them because of reasons I do not care to ellaborate again; I already did that and maybe even in a proposla by you.
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Re: Remove Banning Npcs

Post by Achae Eanstray »

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Re: Remove Banning Npcs

Post by Lord Arcia »

The NPC ban should not be removed. Though not for the reason Meph has proposed. GMs CAN and should actively tell people that they should tidy up their RP. That is their whole purpose.

I personally think that after a person attempts to get kicked out of a town, there is a 10% chance that the guard does not notice them.

Every 30 minutes, you can try and enter the town if you were kicked out. Just an idea.
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Re: Remove Banning Npcs

Post by Mephistopheles »

I understand all the arguments, however does it not force the player to pay that fine in order to get to those Alchemy teachers? (which are incredibly esential unless you're using ooc info for recipes or someone else's info) If some orc warrior is forced by engine out of a town for trying to rp a bad guy in the dark alley, don't you think it's a little extreme?

There are instances where chars are banned for rl months and all they do is stop playing until then. The original plan for temporary bans has obviously not been followed. A 24 hour cool down is good for everyone, it's appropriate and just, but a week or more is pushing it, and permanent/indefinite bans are plain unfair. This is exactly how it is utilized. I still stand by the notion that it breaks the fundamental rules of the game.

As a player who has played with these bans over the course of 3 years, I will say that it is the most singular feature that has brought me the most grief and frustration from this game. You can take that for what it is or disregard it like it has been for 3 years.

I still don't understand how one justifies using the engine to disregard whatever the character does, period. They cannot roleplay with a god modded Npc, have you tried? How can one say that no matter what you do to try and enter town, you can only pay this or serve this. That is by the very definition, forced roleplay because the character cannot do anything but what the Gm desires.
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Re: Remove Banning Npcs

Post by Evie »

The temporary bans handed out by the chancelors several months ago will be removed if the character do the rest of their punishment. No matter what they are rping ingame they have been told it will be lifted if they finish the punishment IE pay the fine.

and Secondly, I also dislike banning of players however what should a town do if someone wants to play the villian and repeatedly comes in and assaults innocents, ie people with lesser skills. If we remove the banning of players, then we also have to look at measures that can be taken for those players who abuse the ooc knowledge of the log in list and only come to town during times when no one is only that can beat them. This is NOT in reference to what has happened lately. This is a general thing that has to be looked at and observed.

Maybe we ask instead if Banning of players is not stopped, then can we at least move NPCs that teach crafts such as Alchemy and Magic to homelands and instead of the town walls. I would personally do the map, database and script work needed to move those 'teacher' outside the range of banning npcs.
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Re: Remove Banning Npcs

Post by CJK »

I am of the opinion that if a situation requires cooperative RP by players, and those players refuse to cooperate, then the engine should be able to settle the difference.

I am also of the opinion that there needs to always be a "counterplay" available to all engine mechanics.
  • You have a bow? I move close to you.
  • You have a sword? I have medium armor.
  • You have a disguise that obscures your name? I get somebody with maxed Perc who can see through it (Ehh? Ehhhhhhh?).
  • You make it impossible for me to enter town? I can survive in the wild without failing miserably (Might I suggest our friendly alchemist with a house up in the northern forest as a potential future merchant?)
  • You tell the guards to block my entry to town? I put on my handy-dandy disguise potion/cloak and stroll on by them. (Ehh? Ehhhhhhh?)
I am also of the opinion that the default resolution is for the players to engage in a cooperative RP first, and only resort to the engine when needed. I don't need to keep PKing Evie just because she annoy me, we should be able to come up with better ways. Similarly, I probably don't need to engine-ban you if you are going to stay in or out of town of your own accord, but by Bragon I ought to be able to do it if you are just refusing to be reasonable about it.
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