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Announcement: Silver Gryphons//Ankündigung: Silbergreifen

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:00 am
by Dantagon Marescot
The Order of the Silver Gryphons
Est: 17th Ushos 52

Who may join:
Any Cadomyrian citizen of the rank knight or lower may join the Order. Citizens who wish to join the Order should speak to a current member about becoming an Aspirant. After conducting themselves for a time honourably and serving Cadomyr, the inductee will be raised to the member status of Associate following a recommendation by others in the Order.

House members are welcomed to join the Order, however, must be willing to act impartially when doing the work of the Order. Any work pertaining to the service of one's current house does not count towards prestige within the Order. Exceptions to this rule made at the discretion of the Order Master.

Cornerstones of the Order:
Service to the many as well as the few.
Faith to respectable gods, who empower us to be the best of ourselves
Honour as our actions affect not only ourselves, but those who we call brethren
Loyalty unto the Queen and the people of Cadomyr as well as unto the brothers and sisters of the Order

Order Master
Baron Dantagon Marescot

Champion - Can only be held by those with rank of knight in Cadomyr


Sir Caine Trevall

Dame Reena Morris
Sir Iri Aurum
Sir Exelous

Sir Rothmore

Caylyn Bran

How to gain prestige within the Order

Assistance of the citizens of Cadomyr
Donations of goods or coin to the Order
Holding of training or services to the gods - must first verify with the Order Master
Participation in missions held either by the Order or the Cadomyrian Houses
Helping with the completion of tasks
Attendance and participation in Order events

Report your activities to the Order Master or designated members. Unreported activities have the possibility to go unnoticed.

Current Tasks

Support Cadomyr during the defense of Mas

Steady supply of sand for the creation of potion bottles - Sir Dantagon Marescot

Empty plates to be refilled with food - Sir Exelous

Obtaining arms and armor to distribute to others for Mas - Sir Caine Trevall

Rare Herbs for potion making - Sir Iri Aurum


((Translation soon))

Re: Announcement: Silver Gryphons//Ankündigung: Silbergreife

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 2:32 am
by Dantagon Marescot
For those who missed the meeting:

The Silver Gryphon shall be helping the House of the Desert Fox with issues pertaining to Letma. In order to better protect Cadomyr, we have been put in charge of the building of barricades for in front of the gates. This shall allow for us to have a better defensive position in case the undead surge and cause the need for us to fall back. As soon as I hear back from the building master, I shall make known the list of supplies needed.

Gates and Patrol
It is the duty of all citizens to protect and defend their home. As we all know, this protection comes in many forms. However, it appears that some people have been lax in their defence of Cadomyr. Should you for any reason cross into the Kanabi Desert or enter the temple of Sirani, please remember to shut the gates behind you. Leaving these gates open poses a risk for all of Cadomyr. With the frequency of which the gates are left open and with the amount of reminders that have to be given, it is beginning to feel as though people are not taking this threat seriously, but that it is a game to them. This alone is inexcusable.

Obedience to Nobility
As a reminder not just to those within the Order, but to all citizens, regardless of rank and/or station, the nobility are the representatives of the Queen. It is their duty to not only keep Cadomyr safe, but to enforce the laws of Cadomyr. If you are ordered to do something pertaining to the protection of Cadomyr, it is your duty to do so. Arguing over the who or why at this time of war only serves to do Preacerdhal’s bidding! We must stand together to defeat this threat!

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Master of the Order of the Silver Gryphons


Für alle die das Treffen versäumt haben:

Der Orden des Silbergreifen wird das Haus des Wüstenfuchses betreffend Letma unterstützen. Um Cadomyr besser verteidigen zu können wurde ins die Aufgabe übertragen Barrikaden vor den Toren aufzustellen. Dies wird uns die Möglichkeit bieten unsere Verteidigung zu verbessern und, im Falle eines Ansturms der Untoten, uns die Möglichkeit geben uns zurückzuziehen. Sobald ich eine Antwort des Baumeisters habe werde ich die Liste der Materialien bekanntgeben.

Tore und Patrouillen
Es ist die Pflicht eines jeden Bürgers sein Heim zu schützen und zu verteidigen. Wie wir alle wissen kann dieses "beschützen" in vielerlei formen getan werden. Allerdings scheint es so dass einige Personen zu locker bei der Verteidigung Cadomyrs sind. Solltet ihr, aus welchem Grund immer, in die Kantabiwüste, oder den Siranitempel müssen, denkt bitte daran die Tore immer hinter euch zu schließen. Diese Tore offen zu lassen bedeutet eine direkte Bedrohung Cadomyrs, und dessen Bürgern. Da die Tore immer häugiger offen gelassen werden, und entsprechend immer mehr Erinnerungen ausgesprochen werden, kann man glauben dass manche Leute diese Bedrohung nicht ernst nehmen, sondern es eher als Spiel sehen. Wenn dem so sein sollte ist dies nicht zu verzeihen.

Gehorsam gegenüber dem Adel
Eine kleine Erinnerung nicht nur den Mitgliedern des Ordens gegenüber, sondern auch für alle Bürger, sind die Adeligen die Repräsentanten ihrer Majestät Rosaline Edwards. Es ist ihre Pflicht nicht nur für Cadomyrs Sicherheit zu sorgen, sondern auch die Gesetze durchzusetzen. Wenn etwas betreffend dem Schutze Cadomyrs befohlen wird ist es eure Pflicht es auch auszuführen. Streitereien über das Wer oder Warum hilft nur dem Feind, Preacerdhal! Wir müssen zusammen halten um diese Bedrohung zu besiegen!

Dantagon Marescot
Ordensmeister des Ordens des Silbergreifen

Übersetzt durch / Translated by:

Ritter Cadomyrs sowie des Ordens des Silbergreifen / Knight of Cadomyr and The Order of the Silver Gryphon
~Caine Trevall

Re: Announcement: Silver Gryphons//Ankündigung: Silbergreife

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 9:01 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
The Order of the Silver Gryphons shall continue with the plan that was agreed upon by ALL in attendance at our meeting a dwarven week ago. This plan must be completed FIRST before dealing with anything else pertaining to Letma. We have determined that it is this from which Letma draws its power and endangers Cadomyr and further operations. Stay this course and none other until I have stated otherwise.

In the Defense and Service of Cadomyr
Sir Dantagon Marescot
Master of the Order of the Silver Gryphons

Re: Announcement: Silver Gryphons//Ankündigung: Silbergreife

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 8:35 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
Reminder: There shall be a business meeting for the Order on ((Oct 8th at 2 pm EST//20.00 GMT +2)) in the Villa Edwards. All current members are expected to attend. Non-members or those interested in becoming members are welcomed to attend. Prior to the beginning the meeting, Exelous will hold a short service to Malachin, and should time remain after, we shall engage in combat training or a group hunt.

Also, this is a tad overdue. Letma has been at the forefront of all of our minds, so I have barely had time to write down thoughts pertaining to the structure of the Order. These words are not final and I would like to discuss what thoughts others have.
Who may join:
Any Cadomyrian citizen of rank knight or lower may join the Order. Citizens who wish to join the Order should speak to a current member about becoming an Aspirant. After conducting themselves for a time honourably and serving Cadomyr, the inductee will be raised to the member status of Associate following recommendation by others in the Order.

House members are welcomed to join the Order, however, must be willing to act impartially when doing the work of the Order. Any work pertaining to the service of one's current house does not count towards prestige within the Order. Exceptions to this rule made at the discretion of the Order Master.

Cornerstones of the Order:
Service to the many as well as the few.
Faith to respectable gods, who empower us to be the best of ourselves
Honour as our actions affect not only ourselves, but those who we call brethren
Loyalty unto the Queen and the people of Cadomyr as well as unto the brothers and sisters of the Order

Order Master

Champion - Can only be held by those with rank of knight in Cadomyr






How to gain prestige within the Order

Assistance of the citizens of Cadomyr
Donations of goods or coin to the Order
Holding of training or services to the gods - must first verify with the Order Master
Participation in missions held either by the Order or the Cadomyrian Houses
Helping with the completion of tasks

Report your activities to the Order Master or designated members. Unreported activities have the possibility to go unnoticed.
Once again, these words are not law nor written in stone. We are a brotherhood, and should strive towards excellence together. I would however like to suggest tasks in current need of completion:

I am in constant need of sand. Order alchemist Iri and others across Illarion are in constant need of bottles. I can get a hold of ash easily enough, but sand keeps me from being able to keep a stock of potion bottles. Being able to barter or even sell bottles to alchemists, will help to keep a stock of potions for the Order. I currently have an order of 50 for us before Mas. Empty bottles would also be appreciated so that they may be refilled.

Arming each other and those in need for Mas. Mas comes upon us ever too quickly and there are those who can not afford basic gear. It is in our best interest to help others get a hold of proper gear so that they may defend the realm, or at the very least, defend themselves.

Empty plates. Turn in empty plates so that they may be filled again. I believe Exelous has been the one running this endeavor.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Master of the Order of the Silver Gryphons

Re: Announcement: Silver Gryphons//Ankündigung: Silbergreife

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 7:43 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
There shall be a short meeting for the Order on ((Dec 6th at 6 pm EST//7. Dec 0.00 GMT +1)) in the Villa Edwards. Non-members and those interested in becoming members are welcomed to attend. Prior to this meeting I plan to hold a short sermon to Bragon as seems fitting for this month. Those who are not too drunk after the celebratory bonfire are welcome to join us in our home and sit by our hearth to listen. Those who may have missed the bonfire, are welcomed to attend as well.

Also note, if Exelous has distributed food to you, he would like the empty plates back. An empty plate can not be a filled one.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

((Edit: Had GMT+2 for the time, it should be GMT+1. Essentially, what ever Midnight is over in Germany.))

Re: Announcement: Silver Gryphons//Ankündigung: Silbergreife

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:46 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
For those who were unable to make the meeting, it was in fact, short. Please note that these meetings do not simply exist for the sake of business discussion, we are a brotherhood of men and women, and these meetings give us a chance for camaraderie that is sometimes missed during the day to day work. In this case, you missed a grand map hunt. However, as Malas approaches in only a few dwarven weeks, there is discussion of holding another in his honor.

Also, I approached some time after the meeting with a request to come help serve as guards while Galmair surveys the damage done to the Copperhand Mine. I myself can not make it, but do implore each and every one of you to go help should you be available. Galmair has many capable fighters, but having a few extra people to help act as guards in these trying times may be beneficial. After all, the caving in of this mine hurts commerce in all three realms.

As these are trying times, and I never did actually get to the sermon itself, for those who are interested, here is it in its entirety.

Sir Dantagon Marescot

Another parchment is attached underneath, perhaps a copy of the original.
Bragon’s gift of fire blesses us daily. We know and see it in the sky day by day. We tend to it in our forges and ovens. However, the fire we need to tend to most, burns within us.

Just as the fire that burns to keep us warm and ward away the darkness in winter, his fire that burns inside of us, gives us hope in dark times, and these are indeed dark times. Undead roam the desert, spawned from an ancient demon who seeks to ravage our world. A mad man pounds at our gates, demanding that we bow to his will. But by Bragon’s fire we will not yield!

His flame burns differently in each and every one of us. And just like fire, it can be both equally helpful and equally deadly. Some fire burns fast and fierce, but dies out quickly. Others seek to consume all within their path. But the fire we should all keep within our hearts is the fire that burns steady throughout the night, like an oil lamp.

The fire in some men's hearts burn like wildfire. And in this dry world, like a drought stricken forest, their ideas and workings ignite the world instantaneously. They run rampant and seek to consume all who stand in their path.

These men tend to be villainous and foul, but even those who work for good can be attracted to this flame. They are impulsive, destructive, and unwavering to the wind. In fact, they will use the wind, just as they will use every tree in the forest, to fuel their fire. They will push along their ideas and create a world that is perfect for them alone. Innocents flee cities and towns to avoid such persecution, just as the rabbit and the deer flee the forest to avoid such deadly flames.

Just like a wildfire, these men and their workings will last so long as there is fuel to sustain them. As wildfires in the woods can last months in the summer heat, these mens workings can last years before they too are snuffed out. The change that they bring about, even if in their hearts they believe it is for the good of all, can destroy entire countries. Just like forests, it will take ages to repair the damage they have left behind.

Instead be the steady flame. That flame can both burn strong and bright throughout the coldest night, and turn to cinders by morning, while still burning hot under the ash. In the morning cinders appear cold, but in fact they burn still, with enough heat to cook on. One would think that by nightfall, these hot coals will have turned to dust. But no! Add a few logs, fan the flames, and once again the fire will roar to life!

This flame is constant and controlled. When the wind blows it may flicker and dance, when it rains it may seem to smolder, but it will spring back to life and continue to burn. If you let it burn for long enough, day in, day out, you do not need fresh kindling to reignite it. If it burns for long enough, you must dig deep in the ground and turn up the hot soil underneath, and dump upon it buckets upon buckets of water in order to put it out. The long burning flame is not easily extinguished.

Be the steady flame. Do not seek to control and consume everything in your path. Instead draw people to your hearth, warm them with your spirit, and ward away the darkest of night. Feed your spirit and burn brightly in times of war and doubt, but in times of peace, allow his flame to simmer inside you like the hot coals in a smith's forge.

Be the steady flame. Gather people around you in the darkest of night and treat them with care. Not only will they help to stoke your fire, but you will stoke the fire inside them as well. And together, you will ward off the cold, cold night and light the halls.

Be the steady flame. Cook bread to fill others bellies. Share it far and share it wide. And those who are hungry for hope will be drawn to your side. And soon, your work will heal a land that has been ravaged by wildfire.

Be Bragon’s steady flame and bring light to the darkness.

Re: Announcement: Silver Gryphons//Ankündigung: Silbergreife

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:23 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
It is with great pleasure that I have the honor of announcing that Sir Caine Trevall has been raised to the position of Steward within the Order of the Silver Gryphons. Sir Caine has shown great effort in serving the Realm, as well as benefit fellow residents of Illarion. Not only this, but Sir Caine has spent tireless hours helping to train all those who ask. He also has spent a great deal of time working as a go between for the old and new speakers of the realm, making him fit for the task of a larger leadership role within the Order. May his fiery spirit never dwindle against the darkness.

In service to the Queen and her Realm,
Sir Dantagon Marescot
Master of the Order of the Silver Gryphons

Re: Announcement: Silver Gryphons//Ankündigung: Silbergreife

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:09 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
There will be a brief meeting of the Order of the SIlver Gryphons on ((March 4th at 7 pm EST//5 March 1.00 GMT+2)). We shall discuss the future of the Order after recent events. Those with questions or concerns pertaining to Cadomyr may speak with the Baron during this time. Afterwards, those that remain may gather in the courtyard by the Villa Edwards to train.
Der Orden des Silbergreifen wird am ((5 March 1.00 GMT+2)) ein treffen abhalten. Es wird die Zukunft des Ordens nach den neusten Entwicklungen besprochen werden. Der Baron wird für jegliche Fragen zu diesem Zeitpunkt anwesend sein und jene nach bestem Gewissen beantworten. Im Anschluß wird für jene die bleiben ein Waffentraining im Hof bei Villa Edwards abgehalten werden.

In service to the Queen and her Realm,
Baron Dantagon Marescot
Master of the Order of the Silver Gryphons

Re: Announcement: Silver Gryphons//Ankündigung: Silbergreife

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 12:44 am
by Dantagon Marescot
The meeting has been moved to the Tavern upon the discretion of the two nobles in attendance.

Baron Dantagon Marescot

Re: Announcement: Silver Gryphons//Ankündigung: Silbergreife

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 5:07 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
For those members who could not attend the meeting, we discussed the reformation of the Order into a Noble House of Cadomyr. Even though, by law, it is my right to do so, it does not feel right to do so without first involving the opinions of those within the Order. Therefore, I ask of all members to either send me a dove or inform me in person as to their arguments for or against the Order becoming a Noble House.

Should the Order remain a chivalric order, all members will be allowed to hold affiliations to both the Order and a Noble House. Any member of the Order will receive my protection and patronage as a noble of Cadomyr.

Should the Order reform into a Noble House, it shall become closed to those belonging to another Noble House. Upon the making of this decision, I shall begin restructuring the Order.

Members have until ((March 10th)) to respond. I will then begin weighing the pros and cons given by each member and what their vote is.

Baron Dantagon Marescot

Re: Announcement: Silver Gryphons//Ankündigung: Silbergreife

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:29 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
After much deliberation and consulting of the members of the Order it has been decided that we shall reform into a full Noble House of Cadomyr. If my readings are correct, this shall make us the 6th house formed in Cadomyr and the first new House in almost a decade! As such, I shall soon create a new set of parchments and archive for our House.

In Service to the Queen and the Realm,
Baron Dantagon Marescot