Skeletons surrounding the town

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Skeletons surrounding the town

Post by Taiah »

Beware Cadomyr, these skeletons in the moat are digging tunnels. It may not be long until they are in town. I will guard the town but may not be able to stem the tide... get your weapons ready.

Knight Caiah Daekash
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Moat cleared, Portals active, Undead digging

Post by Q-wert »

Today the leaders of the Noble Houses themselves, Lord Baron K'shire of the House of the Desert Fox and Lord Count Ssar'ney of the House of the Sea Serpent went into the moat to take on the undead invaders daring to attempt undermining the Realms great Wall. At the beginning of the battle the enemies in some places were so densely packed that they were climbing over each other in attempt to reach the righteous defenders of the Realm. In glorious battle and jolly cooperation the Nobles side by side slew each and every one of the undead invaders present.

It has been confirmed that the undead are attempting to dig under the wall, their progress slow but existent. It also has been confirmed that at least 3 of the red portals are active and while slower in summoning interval, similar in function to those once active at Letma. With the information at hand right after the victory of the Nobles the moat will hopefully not be as bursting with undead as before, further slowing the progress of the undead invaders.

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the House of the Sea Serpent
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Planung: Sturm des Grabens

Post by Q-wert »

In a joint operation the Noble Houses of Cadomyr seek to cleanse the moat and close the portals down there at the late morning of the 24th of Elos.
In einer gemeinsamen Operation suchen die Edlen Häuser Cadomyrs am späten Morgen des vierundzwanzigsten Elos den Burggraben zu säubern und die dortigen Portale zu schließen.

Opening: Thinning the enemy Ranks - Eröffnung: Ausdünnen der Feindlinie
In Anbetracht der hohen Zahl magisch aktiver Untoten in den Reihen des Feinds und der offen gesagt dümmlich offenen Feindstellung werden die Verteidiger des Reichs zuerst den Feind von oben mit einem Fokus auf Magier ausdünnen.
Due to the high number of magically active undead among the enemies ranks and their frankly stupidly exposed position, the defenders of the Realm first will thin them out from above with focus on hostile magicians.

The defenders of the Realm will utilize the following:
Die Verteidiger des Reiches werden folgendes nutzen:

  • Feuer durch Bogenschützen und Magier
  • In den Graben gerollte Felsen
  • Angezündete Ölfässer
  • Fire from archers and magicians
  • Boulders rolled into the moat
  • Barrels of oil set ablaze

Possibly Dragon Erdhal, who expressed his intention to aid against the undead invaders from Letma before, will assist with filling the moat with fire.
Womöglich wird Drache Erdhal, welcher früher schon seinen Willen gegen die untoten Invasoren vorzugehen bekundete, bei dem Füllen des Grabens mit Flammen behilflich sein.

Assault: Capturing the Moat - Sturm: Erobern des Grabens
Sobald ausreichend geschwächt wird eine Gruppe Ausgewählter, geführt von den Adeligen der Häuser mit Feuerschutz von oben den Graben betreteten und die verbleibenden Kreaturen erschlagen. Asbald der Graben von Feindpräsenz geräumt ist werden die Magier folgen um die Portale zu schließen.
Once suficciently weakened a select force lead by the Nobles of the Houses, supported with fire from above, will enter and slay the remaining creatures. Once the moat has been cleared the magicians follow to close the portals.

Preparation: Press Lamp Oil. Lots of it. - Vorbereitung: Lampenöl pressen. Viel davon.
While boulders and arrows are plenty in supply, oil is not. Anyone seeking to assist the battle is encouraged to supply the initial phase of the operation with oil provided by them.
Während Felsen und Pfeile in ausreichender Zahl natürlich vorliegen oder gelagert sind, ist das für Öl nicht der Fall. Einjeder der den Kampf unterstützten möchte ist dazu angehalten während der Eröffnungsphase Öl bereitzustellen.

Für die Sicherheit und den Ruhm des Reiches der Erwählten der Göttin,
For the security and glory of the Realm of the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Count of the House of the Sea Serpent
      High-Templar of Zelphia
      Patrician of Cadomyr

By the striking Lettarius. Who of course contributes with the immensely central task of overseeing the filling of the oil barrels provided by the Sea Serpent.
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Re: Skeletons surrounding the town

Post by S'rrt »

Warning: The undead have made a breach and are currently inside the southwest wall.

The entrance to the west guard tower has been blocked and put under quarantine until proper measure are put in place to get rid of the undead inside the wall, and to block a possible hole coming from underground.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox
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Re: Skeletons surrounding the town

Post by S'rrt »

The dragon known as Erdhal has accepted our call for help.
The Nobility of Cadomyr thanks the honorable being and its friend Tarias of Runewick, and guarantees that the dragon receives military assistance and compensation for its help on the coming mission.

Preparations are being done by both Noble Houses;
Sea Serpent proceeds with gathering and building what is needed for thinning out the attackers before dealing with them head on.
Desert Fox is opting to secure the area near the southwest wall in case of further breach before the mission to retake control of the moat.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox

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Re: Skeletons surrounding the town

Post by S'rrt »

The south-west corner of the wall and its tower have been blocked off by the Desert Fox as a countermeasure against any further breach. The House also has 400 units of flammable oil ready for the moat.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox

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Sieg des Reichs

Post by Q-wert »

The storm of the moat proceeded as planned without notable incident and the Realm being victorious. The invaders are slain, portals closed and the tunnels dug filled and sealed.
Der Sturm auf den Graben wurde wie geplant und ohne nennenswerten Zwischenfall durchgeführt, womit das Reich als Sieger der Belagerung hervorging. Die Invasoren sind erschlagen, Portale geschlossen und Tunnel gefüllt und versiegelt.

Die Edlen Häuser des Reiches danken den Teilnehmern für ihre Unterstützung.

The Noble Houses of the Realm thank the participants for their contribution.

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Count of the House of the Sea Serpent
      High-Templar of Zelphia
      Patrician of Cadomyr

By the wonderful Lettarius. Who of course contributed the most of all to the battle by seeing to his administrative tasks.
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