The Crimes of Ulquiorra Dreadhart

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The Crimes of Ulquiorra Dreadhart

Post by Q-wert »

Ein Brett aus dunklem, poliertem Holz wurde im Gang der Mauer Cadomyrs, kurz vor dem Eingang zum Torhaus aufgestellt. An oberster Stelle findet sich ein Papier mit fein gezeichneter Schrift womöglich vertrauter roter und blauer Tinte. Ruzusss der Jäger steht, auf seinen Speer gelehnt, daneben Wache.
A large board of dark, polished wood has been put up in the long corridor in the Cadomyrian walls leading up to the secondary gates. On its top a finely written piece of paper in possibly familiar blue and red ink can be found. Ruzusss the hunter stands guard next to it, leaning onto his spear.

Sammlung der Anklageschriften - Collections of Charges
As the trial of the heretic Ulquiorra Dreadhart is being prepared, the House of the Sea Serpent as the driving force behind the trial does hereby offer all who suffered from his numberous unsentenced crimes the chance to be heard and recieve justice, indiscriminately of which settlement they are citizens of. As of such the place right under this parchment is reserved for them to place a short written summary of what ill Dreadheart has done to them and, if possible, pointing out witnesses and proof backing their claim.
Während der Prozess des Ketzers Ulquiorra Dreadhart vorbereitet wird, bietet das Haus der Seeschlange als treibende Kraft hinter dem Prozess all jenen, die durch die zahlreichen ungesühnten Untaten des Ketzers Leid erfuhren, die Möglichkeit gehört zu werden und Gerechtigkeit zu erfahren, egal welcher Siedlung Bürger sie sind. So ist die Fläche unter dieser Bekanntmachung dafür für schriftlich vorgebrachte Fälle genau jener reserviert. In solchen sollte kurz der Vorgang der Tat wie, insofern möglich, Zeugen und Beweise geschildert werden.

Um angemessene Vorbereitung, wie ein zügiges Verfahren zu erlauben, wird der Prozess ausschließlich hier vorgebrachte Papiere behandeln.
To allow for suitable preparation and swift proceedings of the cases, the trial will deal only with the cases brought forth on paper this way.

For law and justice,
Für Recht und Gerechtigkeit,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Graf des Hauses der Seeschlange
      Tempelkrieger Zelphia
      Patrizer Cadomyrs

Calligraphed by Lettarius. Who does very much likes playing games of words.
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Re: The Crimes of Ulquiorra Dreadhart

Post by rakust dorenstkzul »

He broke my heart.

- Jefferson Gray
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Re: The Crimes of Ulquiorra Dreadhart

Post by Q-wert »

First case brought forth by the House of the Sea Serpent

The House of the Sea Serpent does hereby bring forth some of the ill done by its Enemy Dreadheart.
Individual citizens of all settlements are encouraged to step forth to present their own case.
It will not bring forth cases involving Runewick, as he has already been sentenced there.

  • Leading an assault against Cadomyr and Galmair
    The culprit lead an assault against the fortress of Cadomyr and the settlement of Galmair, punishable by law in each location. Witnessed by everyone involved in the defences at the end of the 10h cycle. Confessed by the culprit in evidence #1 and laid out in detail by his accomplice Jefferson Grey in evidence #3.

    Slaying three eyed creatures during Mas
    The culprit deliberately slew creatures with the curse of the third eye during the nights of Mas on Cadomyrian soil, breaking the legally binding command given by the Cadomyrian Nobility at the end of the 10th cycle. Confessed by the culprits accomplice Jefferson Grey in evidence #3.

    The murder of Novice Rosea Finstersee
    The culprit is accused of commanding the murder of Novice Rosea Finstersee, punishable by law in the Realm of Cadomyr. Confessed by the culprit in evidence #2. Verbally confessed by the culprits accomplice Jefferson Grey to the Count Templewarrior during a failed attack on Cadomyr at the 22st of Zhas.

    Attacking Cadomyrian Nobility
    The culprit attacked both Noble advisors of the Chosen One, Her Majesty Rosaline Edwards of Cadomyr, punishable by law in the Realm of Cadomyr. One attack has been confessed by the culprits accomplice Jefferson Grey in evidence #3. Further attacks have been witnessed by the Cadomyrian gate guard Milenus, the permanent residents of the Hemptie Neck INN, Taz ad'Kazar from Cadomyr, Alexus Romus and Riano Teries from Runewick, Leon Demelii and Krukk Krakash from Galmair and and were laid out in detail on the boards of Cadomyr.

    Unrightful claim of Royalty
    The culprit is accused to unrightfully claim Royalty, punishable upon wish of the Chosen One, Her Majesty Rosaline Edwards, in the Realm of Cadomyr, as only by the will of the respectable Gods one may rise to Royalty. Confessed by the culprit in evidence #1 and #2.

    Following the children of the Fallen God
    The culprit is accused of being a follower of the three children of the fallen God, punishable by precedence in the Realm of Cadomyr. The deed can easily be proven by the cloak bearing symbols of allegiance worn by the culprit during his capture. While the cloak itself is already burnt alongside the culprits clothes, witnesses are plenty: Anyone on duty at the walls of Cadomyr and their gatehouse, the permanent residents of the Hemptie-Neck INN as well as Banduk, Liasany and Krukk Krakash from Galmair as well as Alrik Grimler and Alexus Romus from Runewick

    Consorting with demons
    The culprit is accused to have consorted with demons, punishable by precedence in the Realm of Cadomyr. Such was admitted by the culprit himself to both Ssar'ney and S'rrt K'shire. Consortion with demons was discovered in a second case involving the demon 'Prea', which uses the appearance of a female elven body, during a ritual under the fields of Galmair which preceeded the attack at the end of the 10th cycle. The later has been proven during the culprits trial in Runewick. Furthermore the culprit openly demands the Galmarian bounty on the demon to be withdrawn in evidence #1.

In the name of the Count Tempelwarrior,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the House of the Sea Serpent


Pieces of evidence:

Public announcements published by the accused Ulquiorra Dreadhart:
evidence #1 wrote:The Triad of the Three Kings announces their official claim of the Glitter cave, Cherass Citadel, and the entirety of Pauldron isle. The aggressions of Mas were to be considered counter aggression due to the constant attacks upon the Merinium King.

Galmairians, for the most part have attempted some negotiations with word instead of sword. Such negotiations were respected. We gave our word that we would rescind our demands and no longer attack Galmair pending further diplomacy.

So take heed! The Galmairian chancellor Artimer Fault is to withdraw the bounties placed upon two of the Kings, as well as the innocent elfess Prea. If he does not do so within a dwarven week or if any interested parties come looking for a bounty, then negotiations will be withdrawn and our attacks will continue.

~Merinium King
evidence #2 wrote:The agreements of peace and negotiations have not been upheld by Galmairian chancellor Banduk and his supporters. He continues to seek Cadomyrian help and ignores the negotiations. Rosea Finstersee will now pay the ultimate price for the actions of these people since they have refused yet again to be reasoned with.

I still encourage all the subjects and comrades of the Triad to maintain non-violence with Galmair until the issue can be resolved, on the other hand efforts to sabotage, harass, or raiding of Cadomyrian and Runewick agressors is encouraged if you are strong enough. The treacherous taint upon the land shall be removed by blood and fire.

~Merinium King

Public announcement published by Jefferson Gray:
evidence #3 wrote:Hear yay, Hear yay.
  • A royal recollection.

    The month of Mas marked a momentous occasion that will now, for all eternity, be referred to henceforth in the history books as The Slaughter!

    Twas' the greatest of all in history! The passage of time where the Merium king, the king of Diamonds and the Legion left the mortals of Illarion cowering in fear. Well, those who did hide long enough to survive.

    First we set our sites on Cadomyr, where we did strike down in haste the so called temple warrior, Ssarney, and pollute the land with three eyed undead, who struck down more Cadomyrian citizens so that we needn't waste our energy!

    Then, we and the Legion did take the battle to Runewick and aid the small skirmish against the league of pompous. We struck back the defenders so badly they had to hide behind their walls. Not even their most celebrated warriors could best us. Though the same cannot be said for them, having half if not more of those who helped them struck down.

    And finally, the preparations where complete to proceed with the onslaught on the forces of the weakling, Don Valerio Guilianni. We and the Legion marched our army to Galmair and they could not have done anything to save themselves. Whilst Cadomyr's best tried to fight us off unsuccessful from the back, the Galmairian militia and still surviving Runewickers where overcome from the front. A most notable target was the beloved warrior, Leomar Gesse, who was ripped limb from bloody limb by my legion and sent him to the Grey lady Cherga to consider his ways. After laying waste to the Galmair defenders they, along with their allies and, the celebrated heroes from the other realms, all hid like the cowards behind the gates and walls of Galmair. Helpless and hopeless.

    Since we are merciful kings, the Merinium king and I, we did leave for a victory feast with the legion eventually.

    In closing, we kings would like to address a final message to the noble servants of our royal court of Illarion and the other deluded mortals who STILL, even after being royally hammered by we all across the plains, do not recognize the power we have harvested, I say this:

    Whilst we wish that our incredible victory caused you to quiver and seethe in glorious anger, causing you to scream and find trouble sleeping at night, we most merciful will give you mortals some time to decide your fate. The rules to this particular puzzle are simple! Obey us and our legion, recognizing me as your leader and ruler above all else! Breaking these rules will be considered forfeit and you will again meet us in battle until you submit or become part of the pile of bones.

~ Jefferson Gray <>
King of diamonds
Leader of the Legion
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Re: The Crimes of Ulquiorra Dreadhart

Post by Rincewind »

~The permanent residents of the Hempnecktie-Inn do not take part in any fractions trial or assist their seek for their so called justice. If they witnessed something they keep their mouth shut.~

((I'm no GM, but I designed half of the npcs there. They have a very low opinion about the fractions, go ahead and ask them about it. What would be the point to have Outlaw NPCs if they turn against their own fraction just because some fancy paladin got a problem? If you interpret and use NPCs for your Roleplay please make sure to let them react accordingly to their role and scripted answers.))
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Re: The Crimes of Ulquiorra Dreadhart

Post by Q-wert »

~The permanent residents of the Hemptie Neck INN answered questions before, it might unreasonable to assume them to say nothing if a little encouragement is brought fourth.~

((@Rince: They have been questioned about stuff that happened there before. It took some encouragement, but they did not "keep their mouth shut". And before someone jumps to conclusions, it was not the particular gm that people insist hand me favours for reasons I fail to see. Also, them being listed here, needs not say that they will be asked about what happened.
Lets deal with that problem once we encounter it ingame, shall we?))
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Re: The Crimes of Ulquiorra Dreadhart

Post by Rincewind »

@ Q-Wert: We shall. Sorry for the OOC.))
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