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Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:29 pm
by Desert Fox

Finally, after recovering from the exhaustion of the battle, I announce our great victory over the mislead sky-golems. As we now know, they were corrupted creatures of the gods, but with the support of Zhambra, our dear Galmairian allies and Caswir, we managed to stand strong against those invaders. Now, all we have to do to complete our victory, is to clean up and more important, to celebrate our triumph.

Meet at the Unicorn Lion tavern in Cadomyr on the 24th Ushos, around noon! Drinks and food will be provided!

Countess of House Desert Fox

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 2:53 pm
by Desert Fox
Rock removal

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who helped with removing the rocks, not only within the town, but also outside in the desert. Special thanks go to Sir Kraex'Ju, for organizing this and thus helping the realm.

Countess of House Desert Fox

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:28 pm
by Desert Fox

Bürger Cadomyr, Freunde und Interessenten aus anderen Reichen,

am 21. Eldas 60 findet in Villa Annabeth ein Stadttreffen statt um aktuelle Themen zu diskutieren und jedem die Möglichkeit zu geben in der Öffentlichkeit zu sprechen. Die Agenda des Treffens wird wie folgt (oder so ähnlich) aussehen:

1. Aktuelle Konflikte (Insbesondere Riniao und Jefferson; gegebenenfalls Letma)
2. Redezeit für Bürger Cadomyrs (Gedanken, Sorgen, Kritik)
3. Redezeit für auswärtige Bürger
4. Kommende Projekte

Wie üblich sind Bürger anderer Städte eingeladen gratis an dem Treffen teilzunehmen, Bürger Cadomyrs werden jedoch bevorzugt angehört und bei Zeitnot fällt der Redeanteil auswärtiger Bürger dementsprechend kürzer aus.


Town Meeting!

Citizen of Cadomyr, friends and those who are interested from other realms,

on the 21st Eldas 60, I invite all of you to a town meeting in Villa Annabeth to discuss current topics and to give people the chance to talk in public. The agenda for the upcoming meeting is planned to be:

1. Current conflicts (Especially Riniao and Jefferson; maybe Letma)
2. Speech time for Cadomyrian citizen (Thoughts, Concerns, Criticism)
3. Speech time for foreign citizen
4. Future projects

As always, citizen of other realms are invited to join the meeting for free, however citizen of Cadomyr will be prioritized and if we run short on time, the speech time of foreign citizen will be decreased.

Countess of House Desert Fox

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 1:46 pm
by Desert Fox
Die Rückkehr Foosers

Bürger Cadomyrs,

vor nicht einmal einem Zwergentag kam der frühere Baron Fooser nach Cadomyr zurück und behauptete, dass er unrechtmäßig seines Titels und seines Hauses - und somit auch seines Platzes am Hof Ihrer Majestät - beraubt wurde. Da weder ich, noch die Bürger, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt zugegen waren, die Wahrheit hinter seinen Behauptungen kannten, suchten wir Rat bei Ihrer Majestät. Zusätzlich habe ich durch das Stadtarchiv in der Bibliothek geschaut, um Beweise für diese Aussagen zu finden.
Hier sind die Ergebnisse:
  • Der frühere Baron Fooser hat sein Haus Stonescale vor beinahe exakt 15 Jahren, am 5. Findos 45, selbst aufgelöst. Somit ist die Behauptung, dass Ihre Majestät das Haus auf den Rat des früheren Grafen Sarney hin auflöste haltlos. (Eine Abschrift ist beigefügt: viewtopic.php?p=691584#p691584)
  • Der frühere Graf Sarney griff Fooser an, während dieser unbewaffnet und ungerüstet war. Dies ist ein Fakt und in alten, archivierten Ankündigungen der früheren Gräfin Annabeth von Haus Wüstenfuchs belegt. Dieser Angriff wurde bereits von der zuvor genannten früheren Gräfin als ehrlos und falsch bewertet. Nichtsdestotrotz möchte ich mich erneut im Namen des Reiches für diese ehrlose Tat entschuldigen. Jemanden anzugreifen, der sich nicht verteidigen kann entbehrt jeglicher Ehre. (Eine Abschrift ist beigelegt: viewtopic.php?p=700327#p700327)
  • Der frühere Baron Fooser berichtete von einem Schwert, welches von Zhambra gesegnet wurde, das ihm von Ihrer Majestät übergeben wurde, als Zeichen seiner Tugendhaftigkeit und Unschuld. Die Wahrheit ist, dass Ihre Majestät ihm erlaubte das Schwer zu behalten, nachdem er bereits unehrenhaft aus Cadomyr verstoßen wurde. Dies geschah, um ihn daran zu erinnern, dass er einst ein ehrbareres Mitglied des Hofes gewesen war und um ihn daran zu erinnern, dass er Schande über das Reich und die Krone gebracht hat, der er hätte dienen sollen.
  • Der frühere Baron Fooser marschierte gegen Cadomyr und erhob seine Waffe gegen Ihre Majestät. Er behauptet, dass der frühere Graf Sarney ihn zu diesem Kampf einlud, was in dessen Abwesenheit weder belegt noch widerlegt werden kann. Das muss es allerdings auch gar nicht, denn niemand zwang Fooser gegen die Stadt zu marschieren, die er nun wieder regieren möchte. Er hätte eine solche, mögliche Einladung zu einem Angriff ablehnen können, um nicht die Stadt anzugreifen, die ihn einst in den Rang eines Adeligen erhob. Und viel schlimmer, Ihr hab nicht einfach nur einen Kampf an den Toren der Stadt geführt, oder Fooser? Es gibt Berichte, dass es die Gruppe, die als 'Freie Männer' bekannt ist, durch die Tore Cadomyrs führte, nachdem der eigentliche Kampf vorüber war. Er wagte es sich gegen Ihre Majestät selbst zu erheben. (Die Abschrift des Berichts ist angeheftet: viewtopic.php?f=89&t=38738)
Ich habe in aller Fairness Euren Forderungen gelauscht und habe akzeptiert einen Blick in die Beschwerden zu werfen, die Ihr aufführt. Nun, nachdem ich mit Ihrer Majestät gesprochen habe, nachdem ich alte Berichte über Eure Taten, die sowohl Euch als auch das Reich entehrten, gelesen habe, komme ich zu dem Schluss, dass Ihr nach 15 Jahren Abwesenheit zurück nach Cadomyr kamt um plumpe Lügen und verdrehte Tatsachen zu präsentieren und um anmaßende, fast lächerliche Forderungen zu stellen, nach denen Ihr dem Reich, welches Ihr angegriffen habt, der Königin, gegen welche Ihr die Waffen erhoben habt, wieder als Adeliger dienen wollt.

Es ist die schiere Dreistigkeit dieser Forderungen, die mich veranlasst Euch und alle Bürger Cadomyrs daran zu erinnern, dass Ihre Majestät die Anordnung erlassen hat, den früheren Baron Fooser zu köpfen, sollte er es je wieder wagen Cadomyrischen Grund zu betreten. Die Forderung nach Titel und Haus (Welches von ihm selbst aufgelöst wurde) sind somit nichtig. Ihre Majestät bietet allerdings an die Strafen und Beschränkungen für Fooser zu lockern, sollten drei der vier Zeugen seiner Beschwerde seine Unschuld annehmen. Allerdings hat Ihre Majestät es auch deutlich gemacht, dass jemand, der seine Waffe gegen sie erhob, sehr wahrscheinlich nicht wieder an ihrem Hof sitzen wird.

The return of Fooser

Citizen of Cadomyr,

less than a dwarven day ago, the former Baron Fooser returned to Cadomyr, claiming that he was unrightful stripped off his title and his House and thus his seat in her Majesties court. Since neither I nor the citizen who witnessed his claims, know the truth of what happened, we approached her Majesty to seek council. Additional, I looked through the town archive in the library to find evidences for Fooser's claim.
Here is what we/ what I found out:
  • The former Baron Fooser himself disbanded his House Stonescale on the 5th Findos 45, almost exactly 15 years ago. Thus, his claims that the Queen disbanded it on advice of the former Count Sarney, is void. (A copy of announcement is added: viewtopic.php?p=691584#p691584)
  • The former Count Sarney attacked Fooser while he was unarmed. This is a fact and confirmed by old, archived announcements of the former Countess Annabeth of House Desert Fox. These attacks were already rated as dishonorable and wrong, by said former Countess. However, I would like to apologize - in the name of the realm - for this dishonorable action again, there is no honor in attacking somebody who cannot fight back. (A copy is added: viewtopic.php?p=700327#p700327)
  • The former Baron Fooser listed a sword, blessed by Zhambra, given to him by her Majesty, as a proof for his innocence. The truth is, that her Majesty allowed you to keep the sword after your dishonorable exclusion, to remind you of the honorable noble you have been once and the dishonor you brought over yourself with your actions against both, the realm and the Crown.
  • The former Baron Fooser marched against Cadomyr and raised his weapon against her Majesty. He claims that the former Count Sarney invited him to this fight, but without him being available, this cannot be confirmed, neither it can be denied completely. Though, no matter what, nobody forced Fooser to march against the town he now wants to rule again, he could have rejected a potential invitation to attack the town that valued him enough before to make him a noble. Furthermore, you did not just fight a battle at the gates, did you Fooser? There are reports that he lead the group, known as 'Free Men' trough the gates of Cadomyr, after the original fight was over. He dared to go up against her Majesty herself. (A copy of the report is attached: viewtopic.php?f=89&t=38738)
I heard you in all fairness, listend to your grievances and accepted to look through the complaints you rose. Now, after talking to her Majesty, after reading old reports about your actions, that dishonored both, you and the realm, I came to the conclusion, that you came to Cadomyr after 15 years of absence to tell bold lies, twisted facts and to make pretentious, almost ridiculous claims to serve the realm you attacked, to serve the Queen you raised your weapon against, once more as a noble.

It is the sheer audacity of your grievance, that makes me remind you and all citizen of Cadomyr, that her Majesty gave order to behead the former Baron Fooser, if he dares to set foot on Cadomyrian ground. The claim of the title and the House (the one you disbanded yourself) is void, but her Majesty offers to loose the restrictions that were put on Fooser, if three of the four people who listend to his grievance agreed on his innocence. However, her Majesty made it clear, that somebody who raised his weapon against her will likely not get a seat at her court again.

Countess of House Desert Fox

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Thu May 07, 2020 4:53 pm
by Gorluss
Be Greeted Katharina,

It was a pleasure seeing you again after so long. It is clear that you put a lot of work into my initial claims and that is greatly appreciated. However, I did request that if you heard counter-claims against my grievance that I would be allowed an opportunity to respond. As an act of good faith I will disregard the manner in which you characterized myself. I am glad you acknowledge the dishonorable attack against myself, for which justice was never served, and directly led to many of the other unfortunate events you allude to, albeit exaggerated and not fully accurate. I very much look forward to meeting with you to provide additional information I did not originally give, and to clarify some of your concerns. This message has been brought to you through a messenger as to not upset you.


Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 7:38 pm
by Desert Fox
Decision about Fooser

After extended discussions, all four witnesses of Fooser's grievance agreed to propose the lift of the death sentence on Fooser to her Majesty Queen Rosaline Edwards. However, taking the death sentence and the ban from Cadomyr off Fooser goes with some conditions:
  • Fooser pays 100 gold coins to Cadomyr as compensation for his actions in the past
  • Fooser apologizes in public for the attack on her Majesty and also for his words about the late Countess Annabeth
  • No cooperation of any form between Fooser and an enemy (or enemies) of the realm of Cadomyr
  • This should go without saying, but obviously, Fooser is not allowed to lift his weapon against a Cadomyrian citizen, unless being attacked first
If at least one of these conditions is not fulfilled, the death sentence will be put on Fooser again, as will the ban. As long as all conditions are met however, Fooser will not longer be considered an enemy and will be free to enter and leave the realm again.

Countess of House Desert Fox

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:46 am
by Desert Fox
Fooser's apology
Gorluss wrote: Greetings,

As previously discussed, the Queen is busy and it is difficult to schedule a meeting with her at this time, therefore a written apology has been requested. I wish to state for the record that the full 100 gold has been transferred to the knight Exelous. Second, I apologize to the Queen for using her personal safety to assist in my escape during an ill-fated attempt to salvage a lost battle. My actions were in poor taste and judgement, against someone who had placed her faith in me, and had nothing to do with the circumstances that led to the battle. Additionally, I apologize for words that were published in The Galmairian Weekly, attributed to myself, and against the Countess Annabeth. The words represented pointless hostility and were factually questionable.

Delivered by the orc GORLUSS on behalf of the Lizard Man Fooser
As you can see in the copy of the letter Fooser sent me, the conditions of the lift of the death sentence are met and thus, I agree to allow Fooser back into the town as a guest.

Countess of House Desert Fox

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 9:17 pm
by Desert Fox
~The parchment has been removed~

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 12:05 pm
by Desert Fox
Schlag gegen Letma

Nach dem Bekanntwerden eines letmarelevanten Ziels, ist es an der Zeit ein Zeichen im Kampf gegen die Invasionsmacht von Letma zu setzen. Zu diesem Zweck werde ich am 16. Findos 61 eine hoffentlich möglichst kampfstarke Truppe gegen ein Ziel führen, welches in direkter Verbindung zu Letma steht. Aus Gründen der Sicherheit und um den Erfolg des Angriffs nicht zu gefährden, wird das exakte Ziel bis zum Aufbruch der Öffentlichkeit gegenüber geheim gehalten.

Wenn ihr bereit seid Letma einen Schlag zu versetzen, dann findet euch am 16. Findos zur Mittagsstunde auf dem Marktplatz in Cadomyr ein. Ich werde Proviant verteilen, Rüstzeug und Waffen müssen allerdings von jedem selbst mitgebracht werden.

Ohne Genaueres vorweg zu verraten, wird dieser Angriff, so er erfolgreich ist, einen großen Schritt zur Bekämpfung des Hauptproblems darstellen. Es ist an der Zeit mit mehr Entschlossenheit vorzugehen und dem Feind, der seit Jahrzehnten den Frieden in Illarion bedroht, offen entgegenzutreten.

Assault against Letma

After a Letma-related target was identified, it is about time to prove a point against the invaders from Letma. For this purpose, on the 16th of Findos 61, I will lead a force that will hopefully be as strong as possible against a target that is directly connected to Letma. For security reasons and in order not to jeopardize the success of the attack, the exact target is kept secret from the public until we start marching.

If you are ready to fight back against Letma, find yourself on the 16th Findos at noon on the market square in Cadomyr. I will distribute provisions, but everyone has to bring their own equipment.

Without revealing details beforehand, this attack, if successful, will represent a major step towards combating the main problem. It is time to move forward with more determination and openly confront the enemy who has threatened the peace in Illarion for decades.

Countess of House Desert Fox

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 1:03 pm
by Desert Fox
Sieg über Hammerfall

Am 16. Findos 61 infiltrierte eine vereinte Armee aller drei Reiche die Minen von Hammerfall und zog durch das Labor, in welchem die Zwerge magisch verstärkten Staub für Letma herstellten, bis in den Thronraum, wo General Dwyn Axtblatt, der sich selbst zum König der Festung erklärt hat, gefangen werden sollte. Leider entkam General Axtblatt.

Nichtsdestotrotz, wurde das Labor zerstört und Beweise eingesammelt. 50 magische Rubine wurden konfisziert. 7 der Teilnehmer baten darum ihren Anteil ausgezahlt zu bekommen, was ihr gutes Recht war, die restlichen 29 Rubine jedoch werden Sarangerel für ihre Waffe gegen Letma zur Verfügung gestellt. Dies war ein starker Schlag gegen Letma und wird sie in naher Zukunft schwächen. Jetzt ist es wichtig dran zu bleiben. Wir müssen unsere Tests machen, wie wir die Skelette schwächen können. Und dann marschieren wir in den Berg und beenden ihre Invasion endgültig!

Für Illarion!

Victory over Hammerfall

At the 16th of Findos 61, a united army of all three realms infiltrated the mines of Hammerfall and made its way up through the laboratory, in which the dwarves of Hammerfall produced magical enchanted powder for Letma. Then into the throne room in an attempt to capture General Dwyn Axtblatt, who acts like the king of the fortress. Sadly, General Axtblatt escaped.

However, we were able to destroy their laboratory and take evidences with us. 50 magical rubies were confiscated. 7 participants asked for their share of those, which was their right, but the remaining 29 gems go directly to Sarangerel's weapon against Letma. This is a huge strike against Letma and will weaken them in the near future. Now, it is important to keep going. We need to make tests of how to weaken the skeletons. And then we march into the mountain and end their invasion for good!

For Illarion!

Countess of House Desert Fox

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:55 pm
by Desert Fox
Alchemistischer Feldversuch

Für die letzte Phase der Entwicklung eines alchemistischen Produkts für den Kampf gegen die dämonischen Kräfte von Letma, bittet unsere Hausalchemistin Dame Amanda Brightrim fähige Krieger bei einigen Tests auf dem Gelände des Berges Letma zu helfen.

Zu den Aufgaben gehört das Aufhalten und das Festhalten von Dämonenskeletten, ohne sie zu töten. Es wird daher empfohlen, die Schwierigkeit der vorliegenden Aufgabe nicht zu unterschätzen.

Jeder, der für die Aufgabe bereit ist, wird gebeten, sich am 16. Olos 61 gegen Mittag auf dem Cadomyrischen Marktplatz zu versammeln.

Alchemical Field Trial

In the final stages of developing an alchemical product to be used in the fight against the demonic forces of Letma, our House-alchemist Dame Amanda Brightrim requests able and capable warriors to aid in some testing at the premises of Mount Letma.

Tasks will include the containment and corralling of demonic skeletons, without killing them. Thus, it is advised to not underestimate the difficulty of the task at hand.

Anyone up for the task is requested to meet at the Cadomyrian market place at the 16th of Olos 61 around noon.

Countess of House Desert Fox


Arms practice postponed

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:55 pm
by Brightrim
The arms practice that was meant to be later this dwarven day will be postponed to a couple of dwarven weeks later.
Given that my wife is in the hospital recovering after Mas, I feel my time is better spent there for now.

A. Brightrim

Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 11:41 am
by Desert Fox

Wie jedes Jahr lade ich jeden zum traditionellen Weinfest in Cadomyr ein. Gäste aus anderen Reichen, sowie solche die keinem der Reiche angehören sind ebenfalls herzlichst eingeladen, solange sie weder verbannt, noch feindlich gesinnt sind.

Besagtes Weinfest beginnt am 23. Adras zur Mittagsstunde in der Taverne in Cadomyr. Wein wird in großen Mengen bereitstehen, für andere Getränke wird nicht garantiert. Ebenso wird es Kleinigkeiten gegen den Hunger geben.

Barden und andere Künstler, die ihre Werke zur Schau stellen wollen, sind eingeladen sich zwecks einer Bezahlung an mich zu wenden.
Wine Feast

As every year, I invite everybody to the traditional Wine Feast in Cadomyr. Guests from other realms and those who do not belong to any realm are invited, too, as long as they are not banned or hostile.

Said Wine Feast will take start at the 23rd Adras around noon. The place for the feast will be the tavern in Cadomyr. Huge amounts of wine will be provided, other drinks are possible but not guaranteed. Also, there will be some food.

Bards and other artists are warmly invited to present their art. Please contact me for the payment, in case you want to present something.

Countess of House Desert Fox


Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:34 am
by Desert Fox
Bidukan's ban

Upon a most recent report, Bidukan will be banned from Cadomyr until the details are cleared.

The report involves life-threats against a citizen of Cadomyr, as a reaction to words he did not like to hear. To ensure the safety of said Cadomyrian citizen, at least within the walls of Cadomyr, Horatio will be tasked to keep Bidukan out of the town. However, I am going to visit Bidukan soon in order to hear his version of what happened as well, this is just a first temporary reaction to protect a Cadomyrian citizen of any harm.

Countess of House Desert Fox


Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:49 pm
by Desert Fox
Sentence against Bidukan

Since Bidukan showed no interest, neither by writing a letter, nor in person, when he passed me some days ago, in discussing the incident between him and Inara with me, I will base the sentence against him upon the reports of the other witnesses:

Bidukan will stay banned from Cadomyr for one more dwarven day. After that time, he may enter the town again with the following conditions:
  • Bidukan is no longer allowed to carry a weapon within the town. To prevent misunderstandings, this also applies to the area between the two gates in front of Horatio.
    This is obviously to ensure the safety of the Cadomyrian citizens. Should he be seen carrying a weapon against this condition, he will be banned for another dwarven day. For each violation of this condition afterwards, the period of the ban will double up.
  • Bidukan will not threaten the life of a Cadomyrian citizen or guests within Cadomyr ever again.
    Even though, this should be obvious, it apparently is not.
  • Needless to say, but any violence against a Cadomyrian citizen or guests within Cadomyr will be met with an appropriate reaction.
  • Bidukan has to apologize to Inara within Naras 62, privately (in person or via letter) or in public.
Should he not meet these conditions, the ban will be put onto him until he does.

Countess of House Desert Fox


Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 3:55 am
by Bidukan

You should have settled a date to discuss the matter. This is another unfair treatment made by you against me. Inara today confessed she did hide the whole story and conveniently didn't tell you about the insults, attacks and even thievery from her and another cadomyrian. Furthermore, she attacked me today again. If you don't control your people, I can't help. I will be looking forward for a word from you to discuss the whole subject.


Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 1:35 pm
by Desert Fox

I will clarify a few things:

1. The Desert Fox board
Refrain from putting parchments up on the announcement-board of House Desert Fox. If you want to address a complaint in public, use the general Cadomyrian town board. Any other parchment on this board will be torn down without further response, as this board is meant for announcements of House Desert Fox only.
2. Know your place
Since you are in the position of wanting something from me, you have to get in touch with me, not the other way around. You might have forgotten this important piece of information with your view of the world, but you do not hold a rank superior to mine. In the past, I have made the first step towards people, despite the rank given to me by her Majesty Queen Rosaline Edwards, yes. However, it was because I was willing, not out of obligation or because it was required of me, to approach them first. I am not in a position where I am required to approach you for anything. You even had the chance a few days ago, when you arrived in Galmair at the teleporter, while I was sitting at the fields. Or yesterday, when you came into the kitchen of Galmair, where I was sitting in eye-range of the door. You could have talked to me then, but you did not. Neither did I receive a letter from you, asking for a meeting to clarify this or anything of the sort. Do not blame me for your failures, and get rid of your delusions. I as a noble am not required to come to you to discuss anything. Even my own knights can not require me to do so, much less you, who, given recently surfaced proof, are not even the knight you claim to be. If you want to, you know where to find me and you presumably know how to write a letter to me.
3. What Inara did
I find it strange that you complain about Inara now and never before. I will of course ask her about her version of these complaints. Besides, calling you a fanatic is hardly an "insult" worthy of threatening someone's life. No insult is. If everybody acted like this, you would have people threatening your life on a daily basis.
4. Unfair treatment
I do not think that I am treating you unfairly. Last time somebody threatened to harm Cadomyrians, the person was banned for a whole Dwarven week without any chance to shorten that sentence. You were given leniency in having easy tasks that anybody could easily fulfill to redeem your access to the town.

In the end some general advice for you:
Don’t shout into the forest, if you can't live with the echo. If you treat all people disrespectfully, don't be surprised if the people don't like you. Ask yourself why everybody despises you, even people who used to support and like you: Maybe it isn’t everybody else but rather the way you treat people?

The conditions given for your ban to be lifted will remain the same.

Countess of House Desert Fox


Re: House of the Desert Fox

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:31 pm
by Desert Fox

As it is only a few days until Mas, it is time to make some preparations to ensure our safety and the safety of our families and friends:

Make sure to get some health potions in time, I can hand out some to the defenders.
Make sure to stock some food in case the town gets besieged and thus our connection to the other cities gets canceled. I have some food to hand out to people.
Do not slay these cursed mummies while Mas, that only makes them split into more. People who are found slaying them on purpose will be arrested or slain on sight for endangering the life of all citizen within the walls.
Keep the gates closed, Horatio is doing a great job, but we cannot only rely on him alone when it comes to the town's security.

Children, weak and elderly are supposed to stay inside a safe room or house within the walls.

As a last point, I want to offer help to our allies (as long as we can spare it, without abandoning our own town). Whatever you need, whenever you need it, send a messenger and we will help you, if possible.

Countess of House Desert Fox
