On the Galmarian Appeasement

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On the Galmarian Appeasement

Post by Q-wert »

Hear, Servants of the Chosen One.

Recently there have been unfamiliar soft tunes coming from the direction of Galmair. Words claiming that arming a wanted fugitive and sending him on his way should in no way be considered helping his escape. Words fabricating Cadomyrian claims, where there have been none. Words putting forth the doubtful claim of Galmair to ever have stood by the side of the Realm with helpful assistance.

While the Third House would welcome a change of heart from the Don and his settlement it fails to see any actions past the attack on the demon Alkatut from the Galmarian side to be the friend it claims to be. There have been quite some few devious moves of Galmair in that time, the House wishing to point out three, not mentioning threats and personal vendettas certain Galmarian individuals practice against the Realm:

  • In the recent time an request for holding the trial of the attack against the Cadomyrian diplomat to Galmair, which required the presence of the accused Galmarian individual was first met with evasion, then with demand of word from the Chosen One. Upon the word of the Chosen One the Don had a fish sent in stead of their citizen. An affront to the Chosen One herself, bordering a Casus Belli. An affront that remains unapologized and unatoned for.

    During his campaign to revive the games the Don brazenly claimed to speak in the name of the Gods. A claim openly admitted to be a lie by himself upon confrontation. He also denied the request to hunt demons within Galmair. "No one slays anything withing Galmair, not man, not demon." were his words, not only spreading heresy by using the Gods for profane calls of attention, but even shielding potential servants of the Fallen God.

    And now, a fugitive from the prison all settlements do share, a prison kept safe by the same guards no matter where the criminal was convicted, is is openly aided instead of being sent back into prison, at a moment of most capable fighters of Galmairs being present. Upon this Don asks for friendship and points the very same fugitive to be a shared enemy. On top the escape from the prison Galmair is just as responsible for as any other settlement is claimed to be a Cadomyrian fault.

The Third House advises all servants of the Chosen one to continue on with their daily duties to the Realm whilst remaining cautious of suspicious activities of Galmarians within and close to the Realm. Should the Don and Galmair indeed have intent to be a friend and ally to the Realm, they will show with faithful action and not flowery words alone. Staging the Galmarian elections on the same day as the long planned Cadomyrian attack on the temple the Fallen God surely being none of them.

For the Realm and the Chosen One,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent
Written by Lettarius. Who proudly presents this result of putting the Templewarriors raging into presentable form.

((Edit: Added the mandatory line of Lettarius.))
Last edited by Q-wert on Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On the Galmarian Appeasement

Post by Taiah »

Stopping to read the parchment one elfess whispers..

And.. this is in the new language, does it make any sense? I have read it twice. Does it say to not be friends with my friends in Galmair..surely not!

The elfess continues on her way still with her whispering, to whom is unsure, though her head turns to the side and seems to gaze occasionally at an empty space near her.
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