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Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:59 pm
by Herald of Cadomyr
Below is a list of available housing in Cadomyr. Your rank in Cadomyr determines which villa or apartment you are fit to rent.

List of apartment flats
  • Honour & Lineage - 50 Silver (Yeoman) [Available]
    Faith & Obedience - 50 Silver (Yeoman) [Available]
    Truth & Justice - 1 Gold (Page) [Rented by] Sand Papers Newspaper (Siros 71)
    Courage - 1 Gold 50 Silver (Page) [Available]
    Patriarchy - 1 Gold 50 Silver (Page) [Given to] Sir S'rrt K'shire
    Property - 2 Gold (Squire) [Available]
    Responsibility - 2 Gold (Squire) (deconstructed)
List of Villas
  • Villa Reginald - 3 Gold (Squire) [Available]
    Villa Edwards - 4 Gold (Knight) [Rented by] Aleytys Lamar (Elos 70)
    Villa Annabeth - 4 Gold (Knight) [Rented by] Countess Katharina Brightrim

Payment for rental contracts and their extension are done upfront for the whole span of the contract. There is no limit to their duration and one person may hold as many contracts at once as they wish and pay for. The prices listed are per month.

For further information or inquires regarding the renting of housing in Cadomyr, seek out the Quartermaster or the Nobles.

Anbei ist eine Liste der verfügbaren Unterkünfte in Cadomyr aufgeführt.

Liste der Wohnungen
  • Ehre & Abstammung - 50 Silber (Freisasse) [Verfügbar]
    Glaube & Gehorsam - 50 Silber (Freisasse) [Verfügbar]
    Wahrheit & Gerechtigkeit - 1 Gold (Page) [Gemietet von] Sand Papers Zeitung (Siros 71)
    Courage - 1 Gold 50 Silber (Page) [Verfügbar]
    Patriarchat - 1 Gold 50 Silber (Page) [Gestellt für] Sir S'rrt K'shire
    Besitz - 2 Gold (Knappe) [Verfügbar]
    Verantwortung - 2 Gold (Knappe) (abgerissen)
Liste der Villen
  • Villa Reginald - 3 Gold (Knappe) [Verfügbar]
    Villa Edwards - 4 Gold (Ritter) [Gemietet] Aleytys Lamar (Elos 70)
    Villa Annabeth - 4 Gold (Ritter) [Gemietet] Gräfin Katharina Brightrim

Welche Art von Anwesen oder Wohnung der Mieter für sich Anspruch nehmen kann, hängt von dessen Rang in der Hierarchie Cadomyrs ab. Die Zahlung für Mietverträge, wie deren Verlängerung, geschieht im Vorhinein für den gesamten Zeitraum des Vertrages. Es gibt kein Limit für die Dauer der Verträge und eine Person mag so viele Verträge auf einmal besitzen wie sie mag und bezahlt. Die gelisteten Preise sind pro Monat.

Weitere Auskunft bezüglich der Unterkünfte und deren Vermietung bietet der Quartiermeister oder die Adligen.

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:03 am
by Herald of Cadomyr
All who rented any of these villas or apartments previous to the change of quartermaster may send me a letter or meet up with me to prolong their period of renting.
In a dwarven week from now, the date today being the 17th of Zhas, any villas and apartments that were not claimed will be open to anyone of the required rank to rent.

~Annabeth, quartermaster of Cadomyr

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:56 pm
by Herald of Cadomyr
Rental of homes is now open for anyone as the dwarven week has passed.

~Annabeth, quartermaster of Cadomyr

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 6:32 am
by Kamilar
* A fresh note is pinned over the older ones *

Anyone currently renting a property in Cadomyr please post here with the details or send me a dove. We're starting fresh and I don't want anyone unintentionally evicted. Just to put a clock on it, the deadline is two dwarven weeks. After that, all unclaimed properties will be made available. Once the current occupancy is established, a list of properties available for rental will be posted.

~ Starling

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:55 am
by Sammy Goldlieb
I have rented with my wife an appartment.


Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:26 pm
by Reena Morelis
The flat Property is rented by Lyrica Elmswood and myself.

-Reena Morelis

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 4:47 pm
by Kamilar
* A dark haired elfess looks over the notes pinned on the board. She takes a moment to write a brief note, sending it off with a dove. She then makes a large black check mark on the commander's note *

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:38 pm
by Kamilar
* A dark haired elfess approaches the board with a small note in hand. After brushing some feathers away from her shirt she writes on Sammy's note in large block letters the word "Responsibility" and places a large check mark on it. *

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 7:36 pm
by Q-wert
Alerich Goldauge ist hiermit mit allen Pflichten und Ehren zum Quertiermeister des Reiches ernannt.
Für die Dauer seines Dienstes mag er die Wohnung Verantwortung sein Eigen nennen.
Da Quertiermeister Goldauge der neuen Sprache nur bedingt mächtig ist, sind die Anfragen derer, welche der alten Sprache nicht fähig sind, ihm übersetzt zukommen zu lassen.

Einjeder welcher auf eine der Räumlichkeiten des Reiches Anspruch erhebt, möge vor Ende der kommenden Zwergenwoche hier eine Nachricht hinterlassen. Alle darauf verbleibenden Wohnungen werden darauf als vermietbar ausgeschrieben.

Alerich Goldauge is hereby bestowed the honour and duty to act as the Realms Quatermaster.
For the duration of his service he may call the room Responsibility his own.
As Quatermaster Goldauge is not proficient in the new tongue, those not proficient in the old one are requested to be so kind as to have their requests translated before being handed to him.

Everyone claiming a rentable location may do so before the end of the upcoming dwarven week. All remaining apartments and villas will be offered for rent.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,
Gepriesen sei der Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Baron des Hauses der Seeschlange


By Lettarius. Who demands pity for him having to write over tasks as simple as handing out keys.

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 7:42 am
by Ultoris
Grüß Euch Bürger

Als neuer Quartiermeister möchte ich Euch Bitten , schreibt mir welche Wohnung / Villa ihr gemietet habt und für wie lange ihr sie bereits bezahlt habt .

Alerich Goldauge

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 1:58 pm
by Gina South
*note posted on town board*

who do I pay my rent to now?? I have been trying with no success - I see that my belongings are still safely in my apartment, but I must be behind on what I owe.

Sincerely Gina

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 7:38 pm
by Q-wert
As one can read just above, the Quartermaster is to be turned to for matters of rent. As also written there, the current Quartermaster is to be addressed in the Old Language only. Finding a translator should not be difficult.

Furthermore, it is possible for foreign individuals to rent accommodation in Cadomy. All that is required is the written and signed word of any Cadomyrian citizen who whould have the right to rent the room themselves. The citizen granting the room takes responsibility for any actions done by the one renting on Cadomyrian soil. For legal matters the room is considered rented by the citizen.

Desweiteren ist es Fremdländern möglich Wohnraum in Cadomyr zu mieten. Es wird lediglich das auf Papier gebrachte und signierte Wort eines cadomyrischen Bürgers mit Recht die relevante Wohnung zu mieten benötigt. Der wortgebende Bürger ist daraufhin für einjede Tat des Mietenden auf cadomyrischem Grund verantwortlich. Rein rechtlich wird der wortgebende Bürger als der tatsächliche Mieter angesehen.

Gepriesen sei der Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,
Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Templewarrior of Zelphia
      Baron of the House of the Sea Serpent

Calligraphed by Lettarius. Who does wonder how many are astounded by the most brilliant notes on the Templewarriors announcements.

Notiz: Rücktritt Goldauges | Note: Resign of Goldauge

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:33 pm
by Q-wert
Hunter Goldauge did resign from his post as quatermaster, leaves the Realm for an extended pigrimage to the old dwarven temples in the mountains of Aramon. A new Quatermaster will be named at the upcoming High Council.
Jäger Goldauge trat von seinem Posten als Quartiermeister zurück, das Reich für eine ausgedehnte Pilgerreise zu den alten Zwergentempeln der Berge Aramon verlassend. Zum nächsten Hohen Rat wird ein neuer Quartiermeister bestimmt.

  • -Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:10 pm
by Annabeth
I will once again retake the mantle of quartermaster for the time being.
Anyone wishing to rent are asked to contact me personally, via messenger or in person.
Since we some time have been without quartermaster, the flats and homes will be assumed as vacant unless I am contacted with different information.

~Countess Annabeth, writing as quartermaster

Neuer Quartiermeister

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 3:20 pm
by Q-wert
High Priestess Zelphyra has been appointed as quatermaster. Any requests or questions in regards of housing in the Realm are to be regarded to her.
Hohenpriester Zelphyra wurde als Quartiermeister eingesetzt. Einjede An- oder Nachfragen im Bezug auf Wohnraum innerhalb des Reiches sind an sie zu richten.

Des Weiteren haben Priaxie und die Ritter Tas'Ad'Kazar und Kraex'Ju sich beim Quartiermeister einzufinden um entweder ihre Schlüssel zurückzugeben oder die fällige Miete zu zahlen.
Furthermore Priaxie and the Knights Tas'Ad'Kazar and Kraex'Ju are to report to the quatermaster for either returning their keys or paying the rent due.

Praised be the Ushak-Skath and long live the Chosen of the Goddess,
Gepriesen sei der Ushak-Skath und lang lebe die Erwählte der Göttin,

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Tempelkrieger Zelphias
      Graf des Hauses der Seeschlange


By the most handsome Lettarius. Who will continue to rest wherever he pleases, preferably in the library or alongside fair maidens.


Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:52 pm
by S'rrt
The crimson-cloaked Baron of Cadomyr pays a short visit to the list of rentals, dusts it off and updates it. He also adds:
Knight Starling and Sir Kraex'Ju are still expected to contact the current Quartermaster, Zelphyra, for either returning their keys or paying their rents. In the event that Zelphyra is unreachable, contact Baron S'rrt K'shire instead.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox


Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:41 pm
by Herald of Cadomyr
Tas is expected to contact her for either returning the key or paying his rent.


Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:42 pm
by Zelphyra
Kraex'ju or Yarbuul are expected to contact her for either returning the key or paying his rent.


Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:58 am
by Katharina Brightrim
Sir Kraex gave me the coins for his rent before he left for a trip with Yarbuul. I just forgot to pay it and will try to find you to do so.


Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:40 pm
by Zelphyra
Knight Taz is requested to send her a dove, his rent is due.


Wegfallen zweier Wohnungen

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2017 8:03 pm
by Q-wert
With the reconstruction of the wall the flats of Truth & Justice and Responsibility are no more (as they made way for the moat) and thus unavailable for rent.
Mit dem Umbau der Wälle sind die Wohnungen Wahrheit & Gerechtigkeit und Verantwortung nicht mehr (da sie dem Graben Platz gemacht haben) und sind dementsprechend nicht mehr zur Miete verfügbar.

Mieter dieser Wohnungen können sich zwecks Kompensation und dem Bezug einer neuen Wohnung an den Grafen Hohentempler wenden.
Occupants of these flats may turn to the Count High-Templar for compensation and a new room.

In the name of the Count High-Templar,
Im Namen des Grafen Hohentempler,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Schriftgelehrter des Dritten Hauses



Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 6:51 pm
by Q-wert
Erinnerung: Während der andauernden Pilgereise des gegenwärtigen Quartiermeisters fällt die Aufgabe an den für sie verantwortlichen Adeligen. Dementsprechend möge man sich an Graf Ssar'ney für jegliche Belange der Miete wenden.
Reminder: During the ongoing pilgrimage of the current quatermaster the task is falling to the Noble responsible for her. Thus one may turn to Count Ssar'ney for matters of rent.

In the name of the Count High-Templar,
Im Namen des Grafen Hohentempler,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Schriftgelehrter des Dritten Hauses


Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 8:53 pm
by Q-wert
The House of the Sea Serpent has examined the prices for rental contracts in all three settlements of the New World and found them to be almost identical (and per month). Thus there will be no changes to the Cadomyrian prices themselves.
Das Haus der Seeschlange hat die Preise für Mietverträge in allen Siedlungen untersucht und ist zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass diese so gut wie identisch (und pro Monat) sind. Daher wird es keine Änderung an den Preisen in Cadomyr selbst geben.

Jedoch hat das Haus der Seeschlange die Beschränkung von Dauer und Zahl der Mietverträge aufgehoben, die eine einzelne Person halten mag. Der geänderte Text findet sich im Detail auf dem ersten Blatt dieses Aushangs.
However, the House of the Sea Serpent has lifted the restriction on the duration and number of rental contracts a single person may hold. The new text in detail can be found on the first paper of this board.

For a just Realm of the Chosen of the Goddess.
Für ein gerechtes Reich der Erwählten der Göttin.

  • ~Ssar'ney
    • Graf des Hauses der Seeschlange
      Hohentempler Zelphias
      Patrizier Cadomyrs

By none other than the grand Lettarius. Who is back from a short inspirational break, dear ladies!
Sidenote: Baron K'shire may turn to the acting quatermaster for reaquiring his expired rental contract for the Villa Desert Fox.
  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:30 pm
by S'rrt
Today on 7th Malas of year 52, Krukk Krakash has paid the upfront cost of 32 gold for renting the flat 'Property' for a total of one year (16 months x 2 gold = 32 gold).

The current Quartermaster may seek this Noble to collect the payment.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox


Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 4:50 pm
by S'rrt
Today on 4th Findos of year 52, Katharina Thorstar has paid the upfront cost of 48 gold for renting the flat 'Patriarchy' for a total of two years (32 months x 1.5 gold = 48 gold).

The current Quartermaster may seek this Noble to collect the payment.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox


Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 1:02 am
by S'rrt
Today on Adras of year 52, Katharina Thorstar has paid the added cost of 48 gold for converting her rent of the flat 'Patriarchy' into the rent of the villa 'Reginald' up to Irmas of the year 54. The additional gold paid was 48 gold. The flat 'Patriarcy' is available for rent again.

The current Quartermaster may seek this Noble to collect the payment.

~~ Baron S'rrt K'shire, Noble of House Desert Fox


Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 11:39 am
by Katharina Brightrim
I would like to expand my rental for Villa Reginald for two more years. Who gets the money?

~Katharina Ross~

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2018 9:45 pm
by Q-wert
The coin can be handed to Count Ssar'ney of the House of the Sea Serpent. Alternatively it may be held in reserve by the Head of the House of the Desert Fox.

In the name of the Count High-Templar,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:16 pm
by Katharina Brightrim
Headknight Krukk Krakash payed his debts for his flat and the rent for another year. The new deadline is Zhas 55. The coins will be handed over as soon as possible.

~Katharina Ross~
  • -Baronin/Baroness

Re: Rental in Cadomyr/Miete in Cadomyr

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 9:36 pm
by Q-wert
The coin collected by Noble Ross has been gathered and all times have been updated.
None of the rents are due anymore.

In the name of the Count High-Templar,

  • ~Lettarius
    • Scribe of the Third House