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Mas 57

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:24 pm
by Oxi
Citizens of Galmair!

Mas will soon be upon us. Our walls are secure and our defences remain strong, but it is the spirit of Galmair that will see us through these troubled times. Secure your homes and make provision for the safety of your loved ones. Ensure all gates and doors remain secure and report any breaches. Creatures of Madness should remain untouched unless you wish to be banished with only their company. The vulnerable and wounded should seek shelter at the hospital where provisions will be available. Support our friends wherever you feel able.


Re: Mas 57

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 3:51 am
by Rincewind
Bürger von Galmair!

Einige der untoten Drachen die zu Mas erweckt wurden weigern sich immer noch in die kalte nasse Erde zurückzukehren aus der sie krochen. Gebt besonders in der Gegend um den Elstree-Wald acht. Goldene und schwarze Drachen lauern unter den Baumkronen, sowie Sumpfdrachen in den umliegenden Sümpfen. Des Don Linke Hand bittet darum Auschau zu halten, nach besonderen Säulen oder anderen Auffälligkeiten die diese unübliche Situation erklären würden. Abenteurern die dies bezüglich Informationen einholen verspricht er eine Belohnung.

Citizens of Galmair!

Some of the undead dragons who have been awakened at Mas still refuse to return to the cold wet earth from which they crawled. Be especially careful in the area around the Elstree forest. Golden and black dragons lurk under the treetops, as well as swamp dragons in the surrounding marshes. The Don's Left Hand asks to keep an eye out for special pillars or other abnormalities which could explain this uncommon behavior. Adventurers who provide information in this case he promises a reward.
