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What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:48 pm
by Evie
In an effort to make the actions of the government more visible, I am posting some of the tasks your chancellors are currently looking into:

*The status of a citizen attacking a chancellor and citizens from other realms.
*The status of a citizen leaving to avoid taxes.
*Diplomacy and other towns.
*Does Galmair need a south wall and what should it look like?
*Mas Preparations.
*Scheduling Consultation hours so citizens can talk to the chancellors.

In dem Bemühen, die Handlungen der Regierung sichtbarer zu machen, schicke ich einige der Aufgaben, die Ihre Kanzler derzeit untersuchen:

* Der Status eines Bürgers, der einen Kanzler und Bürger aus anderen Reichen angreift.
* Der Status eines Bürgers verlassen, um Steuern zu vermeiden.
* Diplomatie und andere Städte.
* Braucht Galmair eine Südwand und wie soll es aussehen?
* Mas Vorbereitungen.
* Zeitplan Sprechzeiten, damit die Bürger mit den Kanzlern sprechen können.

Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 5:52 pm
by Evie
*a copy of the proposed south wall is attached*

Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:18 pm
by GolfLima
Evie wrote:* Braucht Galmair eine Südwand und wie soll es aussehen?
Brauchen wir wirklich eine Südmauer? Ich bin mit den jetzigen Bedingungen sehr zufrieden.
Evie wrote:*Does Galmair need a south wall and what should it look like?
Do we realy need a south wall? I´m fine with the actuall conditions.


Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 8:28 pm
by Vern Kron
This is an excellent question! If we are honest with ourselves, the south entrance of Galmair is really a weak point in the security of Galmair and has been for a significant time. We have at best, a fence. And one that can be completely ignored if the invading force is able to take advantage of aquatic travel. The reality is that we have been quite lucky to not have been harassed from the south up until this point. From a tactical standpoint, this position gives us the ability to strike down at invading forces, prevent them from crossing the river at their leisurely desires, and make Galmair a bit more stately in design. More over, there are those dwarven folk to the south who would seek to threaten our lands.

Is there any particular reason you are opposed to a southern wall? Or is simply a matter that you are content with the current situation and do not seek to improve it?

Artimer Fault

Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:11 pm
by Rincewind
~A note is added to the construction-paper.~

That's not esthetic at all. Will probably collapse when I sneeze too.


Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:21 pm
by GolfLima
Vern Kron wrote:"Is there any particular reason you are opposed to a southern wall? Or is simply a matter that you are content with the current situation and do not seek to improve it?" - Artimer Fault
* Es gibt mehrere vernünftige Gründe:
1) der Fluß ist eine natürliche Barriere für die meisten bekannten Monster und Feinde, besonders für Zwerge
2) die Brücke ist leicht zu verteidigen und im schlimmsten Falle auch zu zerstören und danach wieder aufzubauen
3) es ist taktisch nicht sehr sinnvoll einen Fluß auf der Innenseite der Mauer zu haben, da er die Verteidiger beim Reparieren einer Mauer stark behindern würde - normalerweise ist ein Wassergraben (Fluß)auf der Seite der Angreifer um diese am Stürmen der Mauer zu hindern

(( sorry, may be it is only a bad translation ))

* there are several reasons against a wall:
1) a river is a naturally barriere against most of the monsters and enemies, especially against dwarfs
2) a small bridge is easy to defend and could be easy destroyed and rebuild (if neccessary)
3) it is tactcally totally nonsens to have a river inside at the wall - it would be impossible to rebuild the wall from inside - normally a river is outside the walls to hinder the attackers to enter the wall


Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:41 pm
by Rincewind
For your information, this is how the terrain of the south-gate is fortified correctly.

Regards, Sarangerel

~The drawing has been painted on recently.~

Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:14 pm
by Kyre
A parchment is added..

This last orcess, looks too big to avoid my home and the mage house.

I am not sure I like any addition. I worry someone can stand on the top of the wall and shoot arrows into my windows. As it is they can shoot, but we can shoot them back. There was one fight that someone got on our roof and shot down most of the attackers.

With such a big wall they can storm the place with ladders, and take the top. Hiding behind the balustrades they could then shoot easily at all of us avoiding our arrows. I would like to discuss this more since our house is right next to the gate.

The Witch

Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 4:17 pm
by Rincewind
First of all,
My Construction is far away from Kyres house and the Mage house.
I would have drawn them in if that would have been the case!
The distance from the south-wall to the bridge is the same as this years Mass Barricades.

Let me give you a lesson in siege-craft.

Right now everyone can shoot arrows into your windows from across the river you silly hag.

These fortifications will force any attacker to mind several things. . .

I. Storm it with a ladder. (A small wall can be stormed even easier. No Wall doesn't even require a ladder to storm it. Your argument is invalid. It's like saying you don't build a door because someone could open it anyway.)

II. The South-wall is not defend-able if attacked from the towns direction, if the northern and western pinnacles are removed from the plans (my mistake). Moving the town-guard across the bridge will increase the effects of the construction.

II-1 Should the foe take over the south wall which will happen to EVERY wall if the attackers are determined enough they find themselves in front of another obstacle, they have probably no siege machines for. (they would have to bring that over or trough the wall too.)

II-2 The Tower is way superior to the northern end of the South-wall. Many Archers can row up and seek shelter within its walls. Whoever is dashing enough to challenge the tower will earn more pointy arrowheads than a nail-bed.

III. The river keeps its natural function. Instead of merging it with the fortifications it completes them. For example our Chancellors proposal will negate it's use totally like Jerem pointed out very correctly.
By using the river this way we double the power of the whole Gate while keeping all it's current advantages.

Regards, Sarangerel

Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:10 pm
by Kyre
A parchment is placed quickly...

I object to anyone that calls a witch a hag, they obviously have no brain so anything they say is fodder for children to laugh at. A curse has already been placed. Enjoy.

The Witch

Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 8:32 pm
by Mephistopheles
What a brilliant retort when faced with infallible logic! Curse them all!


Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:24 pm
by Kyre
I would suggest two things..

1. For important town concerns people should sign their name after first understanding the discussion, so all can make sure they are citizens and have the right to voice their opinion.

2. There should be a vote on changing the south wall. There may be some that wish the wall as shown by Chancellor Evie, by Saran, or no change in the hedge and gate. It is best to see what the town desires before coin is spent.


Re: What are your chancellors doing?/Was machen eure Kanzler

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 3:23 am
by Rincewind
I welcome your idea to turn your house into a fortification, we all want to rest on your roof and shoot arrows from there next Mas. Also your windows will guarantee the attackers won't damage the brickwork to much. It is way more beautiful than an ugly big wall anyway.

Alternative you can attempt to scare them away with your fine tuned sense of demanded etiquette.

I would effort to return the favor and curse you as well but you do a pretty fine job on your own and therefor you will probably outlive all your mule-breed.
