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Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:03 am
by Evie
Dear Citizens of Galmair,
The list of supplies for Mas defenses has been compiled. Many have asked to help so, here is what we need:

10 hammers - Jerem
10 carving tools- jerem
620 pins -cam, guy, arcia, rania
310 logs - supplied Cam
2 iron gates - Arica supplied
124 spears- Qoa and Evie supplied

Any supplies not used for Mas will be held over for Galmair building projects.
On behalf of the Government, and as your fellow citizen, I thank you
Chancellor Pryler


Liebe Bürgerinnen und Bürger von Galmair,
Die Liste mit Verbrauchsmaterialien für Mas Abwehr kompiliert wurde. Viele haben gefragt, dies zu ermöglichen, haben wir, was wir brauchen:

10 Hämmer - jerm
10 Schnitzwerkzeuge - jerem
620 Pins - cam,arcia,guy raina geliefert
620 Board - Cam geliefert
310 Protokolle - cam geliefert
2 Eisentore - Arica geliefert
124 spears- Qoa und Evie geliefert

Alle Lieferungen nicht für Mas verwendet werden vertagt für Galmair Bauvorhaben.
Im Namen der Regierung, und als Mitbürger, ich danke
Kanzler Pryler

Re: Mas

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:01 pm
by Evie

Re: Mas

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:43 am
by Evie
500 sand is now available to be handed out in allotments to citizens for the banishing of Mas portals. Please see chancellor Pryler for your allotment of sand or for instructions on its use.

500 Sand ist jetzt auch in Kleingärten für die Bürger für die Vertreibung von Mas Portale verteilt werden. Bitte beachten Sie Kanzler Pryler für Ihre Zuteilung von Sand oder Anweisungen bezüglich der Benutzung.

Re: Mas

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:19 pm
by GolfLima
10 Hämmer und 10 Schnitzmesser, sowie 200 Firnisblüten liegen zur Abholung bereit.

10 hammers ,10 carving tools and 200 firnisblossom are available. I will give them to Evie.


Re: Mas

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:34 pm
by Evie
All Mas defensive supplies have been accounted for. Any additional supplies will be used for town building projects. Also available are some healing potions donated by Jerem for the Town in mas. Thank you.
Alle Mas Defensive Verbrauchsmaterialien wurden berücksichtigt. Etwaige zusätzliche Lieferungen für Stadt Bauvorhaben verwendet werden. Ebenfalls erhältlich sind einige Heiltränke von Jerem für die Stadt in mas gespendet. Vielen Dank.

Re: Mas

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:07 pm
by Kyre
A small parchment is tacked on at the end:

Sammy Goldlieb donated a lot of food to the workers preparing for Mas and the militia that help defend the town along with the children waiting in the hospital. See Oxi for plates and pies.

Re: Mas

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:31 pm
by Evie
Thanks again to all those that have donated time and materials to securing our town for Mas.The towns barricades have been put into place along with some new archer boxes we hopes serve our defensive plan well. Anyone in need of sand for portals, or instructions on using sand for portals see Evie. If you are requiring food for Mas see Evie or Oxi for food that has been donated. We have arrows and healing potions that have also been donated and you can see Evie during Mas for some of those if you are helping with the town defense. Our town is secure, ready, and we will come through this Mas standing strong.

Chancellor Pryler

Nochmals vielen Dank an alle, die wir Hoffnungen dienen unsere Abwehrplan Zeit und Material zur Sicherung unserer Stadt für Mas.The Städte Barrikaden wurden zusammen mit einigen neuen Bogenschütze Boxen in Position gebracht und gespendet haben. Jeder braucht Sand für Portale oder Anweisungen zur Verwendung von Sand für Portale sehen Evie. Wenn Sie Lebensmittel erfordern für Mas sehen Evie oder Oxi für Lebensmittel, die gespendet worden ist. Wir haben Pfeile und Heiltränke , die auch gespendet wurden, und Sie können für einige von denen, Evie während Mas sehen, wenn Sie mit der Stadt Verteidigung helfen. Unsere Stadt ist sicher, bereit, und wir kommen durch diese starke Mas steht.

Kanzler Pryler

Re: Mas

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 5:54 pm
by LucyP
Qoa has woken up to find Madness Mummies on the paths to both mines. She has moved the ones out of the tunnel in the north so it is safe to mine up that way, but the area to the south is extremely unsafe, please stay away.

Qoa is so angry, she is going to ask every witness she can find who did this during Mas. All know better, or should. Zerarisa stands in the thick of it and had to have seen or heard something.


Re: Mas

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:18 am
by Kyre

Just a reminder as another year has passed, Mas is almost upon us. Be diligent about not killing any mummies in town as always and keep the gates closed during that time. The children can again go to the hospital while their parents are helping the town. Drawing and coloring supplies are in the chest along with snacks for them. Silverblade has been hired to guard them. Stay safe!
