Guard Sahkyr Al'Sindur! / Bewacht Sahkyr Al'Sindur!

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Guard Sahkyr Al'Sindur! / Bewacht Sahkyr Al'Sindur!

Post by Banduk »

Banduk fixes an appeal on the black boards.
Citizen of Galmair!

Somebody try to sabotage our new ship in the harbor at night.
A continuous Nightwatch is requested. I know it is not very comfortable, but each night there should be a guard on board.

Banduk Robberhauf el Luastelay
Banduk bringt einen Aufruf an den schwarzen Brettern der Stadt an.
Bürger Galmairs!

Unbekannte versuchen zu erreichen, dass unser Schiff nicht zum Einsatz kommt. Sie sabotieren das Schiff über Nacht.
Eine Nachtwache ist notwendig. Auch wenn es nicht sehr komfortabel ist, an Bord lässt es sich auch des Nachts aushalten.

Banduk Robberhauf el Luastelay
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Re: Guard Sahkyr Al'Sindur! / Bewacht Sahkyr Al'Sindur!

Post by Rincewind »

Sarangerel glances the announcement and sighs. Well, she ain't got a own room anyhow, she thought, before she headed outside the gates at afternoon. Fast she made her way to the Galmair harbor. While inspecting the ship and the ship-masters work she thought about the latest mishaps in this project. This wasn't coincidence, rather she got the feeling, that only one Person would have reason to sabotage the ship. She would have bet that it was Schnellbeil or one of his rogues. She shouldered the heavy crossbow and glanced the area with a calculating gaze. Before the sun sinked down, the orcess vanished in a close tree with a good view on the harbor. If anyone would appear tonight, she would probably notice it...
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Re: Guard Sahkyr Al'Sindur! / Bewacht Sahkyr Al'Sindur!

Post by Banduk »

It's long before midnight, a little person heads carefully into direction of the kai.
Suddenly he or she stops, turns and disappears in the dark of the forest.
The only thing that you can say for sure, there's a single one.

Except some rats and a very engaged catfight the nightlife seems to be dead until sunrise.
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Re: Guard Sahkyr Al'Sindur! / Bewacht Sahkyr Al'Sindur!

Post by Banduk »

The dwarf is alone at the harbor and cut the ropes.
"It has been so easy. lure them away and do what a dwarf has to do."
Relaxed he walks away.

Luckily for Galmair the boat is found the next day close to the harbor on the banks.
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Re: Guard Sahkyr Al'Sindur! / Bewacht Sahkyr Al'Sindur!

Post by Banduk »

The harbor seems deserted as the dwarf passes. He greets Mandogar but suddenly his eyes catch the Don’s ship that has been tied to the pier as if nothing happens. It is not what he expected.

Later in the mountain he erects a temporary shrine of stone. He kneels in front and press a stone it in between his open palms.
”Irmorom please guide me. Three times I sent this toy of a joke of a dwarf back to the sea. But the sea did not engulf this blasphemy. Please enlighten me on my way to erect a world of real dwarfs.”
For some moments he seems fossilized. A little idea grows in his head.
”Forgive me my ignorance my guide. You enlighten me and I will follow.”

Luckily he raises, add the stone that rested in between his palms to the shrine and walks away, deeper into the mountain.
’Irmorom, this time I’ll trust your father Bragon and will accept his help.’
He’s going to collect some fire wood.
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Re: Guard Sahkyr Al'Sindur! / Bewacht Sahkyr Al'Sindur!

Post by Galmair »

Last night Galmairs Elite captured the saboteur of the Dons property. Namely Valerio Silberfist, a slightly demented dwarf who persisted to act on behalf of Irmorom. He was convicted to spend his days serving Irmorom in the prison mine for an indefinite amount of time.

In the Dons name,
the Council and Galmair...

Letzte Nacht gelang es Galmairs Elite den Saboteur des Bootes festzunehmen. Namentlich Valerio Silberfist, ein leicht dementer Zwerg, der darauf bestand in Irmoroms Auftrag zu handeln. Er wurde verurteilt von nun an Irmorom in der Gefängnis Miene zu dienen, auf unbestimtme Zeit.

Im Namen des Dons,
dem Konzil und Galmair...
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Re: Guard Sahkyr Al'Sindur! / Bewacht Sahkyr Al'Sindur!

Post by Banduk »

Gerüchterweise wurde eine Person in den Gefängisminen mit einer Spitzhacke im Kopf tot aufgefunden. Angeblich hätte der betroffene Zwerg die Mitgefangenen zu anfänglich einem später bis zu 4 täglichen gemeinsamen Gebeten bedrängt.
Eine Petition der Häftlinge zu Freilassung des betroffenen Verbrechers wurde von der Gefängnisleitung ignoriert.

Rumors spread a person has found dead with a pickaxe in his head in the penal mine. It is told that the killed dwarf asked his cell mates in the beginning for one Irmorom service a day but later increased the amount to 4.
A petition delivered by the other inmates to free him has been ignored by the authority.
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