Slimes an' unused resource

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Slimes an' unused resource

Post by Ufedhin »

Te the good folk o' Galmair,
Ye might be noticing an' increase o' slimes in the forest just over the first bridge .
This might be a desired result o' an experiment o' mine ,i has encouraged them te settle in this damp wood.
In a hope that in time vermin and rats will decrease ,oh and bandits too as they find there equipment and
campsites being devoured by slime secrections.
Slimes has a wonderfull ability te digest almost anything which is very helpfull in some cicumstances.
i has noted the ones wot seem prevalent in the wood be among the most effective digesters.

I will abit later in the year release a paper on my study on the wonders o' slimes in our comunity.
Please feel free te have a talk wit me about this if ye has any concerns.

Ufedhin Coperhand , alchemist.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

Post by Ufedhin »

New habitats
It is wit great delight i has noticed a slime in the very woods out side Galmairs gates,
i would ask ye all not te injure or kill any wot ye see, let em devide an increase in numbers.
Ye can by all means slay some o' the ferral dogs an' toss the guts te the slime te
incourage em.
This alows me te study how they will interact wit folk on a close level remember this be a
wild slime ,therefore it can be a little aggressive but only if molested.

The one i have observed by the Gates is the wonderful cauterizing slime,however this
idividual in just a juvenile an' na' a danger te anything.

Thank ye fer yer support
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

Post by Ufedhin »

(( A large heavy parchment has been attached to the board the writting is erratic and spidery but easy to read))

The paper as promised fer public reading
A brief history.
A great wonder lives among us today side by side in our lands,these are the wonderful creatures known as slimes.
These are creatures of many different colours and substances, jelly like and without solid form and of ever changing shapes.
I am sure that these slimes have caused many headaches for druids who have tryed to set them a place in the
natural order of things, well dont! they are not natural creatures at all but creations of alchemy.
Slimes appeared a little more that a hundred years ago, it is a tale very much worth telling now that i have pieced it together.
I will endevour to do it some justice.

One of the greatest alchemists ever to have lived must surley be "Aldyros Benvolte",a Salkamarian and a man of staggering insight
and knowledge of the great art.
Slimes are his creation ,the first stable alchemical life forms, created for mundain tasks to assist our daily lives .Hence we have the wonderous
wandering garbage, and the equally wondefull wandering sewage slimes, the tasks they were created for still obvious today
,to devour waste.
The awesome cauterizing slime ,mouldy ,slimey and stinky slimes i do believe to be his creations aswell. However time and the slimes adaption to
the wild enviroment they find themselves in have caused them to evolve, clouding the original purpose of these slimes.
The others where never ment to be and have come into being as a result of horror and catastophy.

Benvolte's great achivement drew some very unwanted attention forcing him to relocated deep into the wilderness.
And there built a fortress style apothecary with his three apprentices, other alchemists,herb gathers ,guards and many others making up his household.
The spawn of the dark one also took note of his achivement and desire to know it.
The dread Bjolmur may well have attempted by guile to wrestle the secrect from Benvolte, but being at the hight of his power
this was percieved and foiled .
In a rage Bjolmur enlisted the help of Cherass the dread mistress of the undead and an army of demons and undead
decended upon the apothecary to take the knowledge by force.

Aldyros and his apprentices where well aware that someday an attack might take place against them and in preparation had laid aside
a great store of alchemical weapons.
What was to follow was a terrible event the like that has seldom been witnessed.
A great clash of demonic and undead might and magik against the alchemy and blades of mortal folk.
It would have been at dusk one day the alarm bell would have rung out across the Fortress at the sight of a huge army of demons and
undead fast approaching , the attackers did not find an unprepared victim instead they confronted a steadfast fortress manned by many folk
well armed and supported by the powerfull weapons of the alchemists.

The night sky's peace would have been torn by the lurid flashes of evil magiks and the bellow of brazen trumpets as the attack begain.
Soon multi coloured explosions and deep sounding blasts of alchemical bombs would be added to the din ,long tongues of dragon fire
licking out from the mouths of defending alchemists illuminated the terrible sight of a demon or undead caught and charred to ash by the heat.
The screams and crys of the combatants lifting above all even the sounds of tortured metal hammering at each other in fury and desperation.
The horde of Demons and undead would prove too great! breaching the walls they entered the fort , they would have had victory
had not Benvolte percieved this and fled to his inner sanctum with his apprentices following.

What exactly happened behind the closed doors of the inner sanctum while demons and undead strove to break then down,
will most probably be never known but the decision made ,prevented the evil forces from gaining what they wanted.
The blast that followed beggers belief the fortress was totally destroyed ,mangeling stone, bone ,blood and bodies of defender and attacker alike
in a blast that devistated the surrounding countryside aswell.
It is not clear if anyone survived however some must have due to a persistant rumor that the apprentices survived.

From the destruction and chaos of the blast, alchemical substances of slime creation mingled with mortal, demonic blood and undead essences
causing the rise of slimes never intended to be created.Who can really say what occured deep in the heart of that massive blast but these
new slimes are the result.
Benvolte is not known to have survived maybe he gave his life so others might escape ,i do not know.
But the legacy of the great master lives on in his wonderous creations

There can be no doubt that the slime is truely a masterful work, highly adaptable, it reproduces its self by division when it wills,
i have also observed them in many different enviroments.
They are a might legacy of a mighty mortal mind and one all alchemists should embrace and seek to emulate,
this dwarf fully intends to find the secret.

Here is a classification of slimes known to the author.

Benvolte slimes
Wandering sewage
Wandering garbage

Evolved Benvolte slimes
Cauterizing slimes
Stinky slimes
Mouldy slimes
Slimey slimes

Corpsebile slime

Cataclysmic slimes
Malicious ectoplasim
Wandering demons blood
Wandering pool of blood
Blood slime
Doomed ectoplasim

Written by,
Ufedhin Copperhand ,
Master alchemist of Galmair .
Year 39.
Sourced from the authors own studies and conversations with other learned alchemists.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

Post by Ufedhin »

Here i will display copies o' snippits from manuscripts wot i uncover regarding alchemies te delight an excite the minds o' those with wit.

This facinating bit o' alchemical lore i has discovered in old ruins beyond the boundry's o' Runewicks north alas the rest o' the work will take a while te decipher due to its condition .

Phantom alchemical plants.
Another [demonstration of the living forces in salts or magik essences o' fine matter]

This man was so excellently, and phylosophically skilfull in the preparing of ashes out of all the parts of any maner of plant, with all the Tinctures and Impressions of all the parts of the plant, and would in such wise conserve all their Spirites, and the Authours of all their faculties, that hee had above fourtie such plants prepared out of their ashes of divers sorts, conteynes in their several glasses, sealed up with Irmoroms seale, with the tytle of each particular plant, and the propertie thereof, written upon the same.
So, as that if a man desired to see a Life root or Rain weed, or any other flower, as a fire root or virgins weed, or such like: then would hee take the glass wherein the ashes of such a flower was inclosed, whether it were a Life root, a Firnis blossom, a Virgins weed, a Bulb sponge, or such like, according as the writing of the glass did demonstrate.
And putting the flame of a Candell to the bottome of the glasse, by which it was made hote, you might see that most thinne and impalpable ashes, or salt, send forth from the bottome of the glasse, the manifest form of a Firnis blossom or other, vegetating and growing up by little and little, and putting on so fully the form of stalkes, leaves and flowers, in such perfect and naturall wise in apparant shew, that a man would have beleeved verily, the same to be naturally corporeat, whereas in truth it was the spirituall Idea, indued with a magikal essence o' fine matter, which served for no other purpose, but to be matched with those in the earthe, that so it might take unto it a solyd body. This shadowed Figure, so soone as the vessell was taken from the fire, turned to his ashes again, and vanishing away, became a Chaos and confused matter.

Various wondyrs o' alchemy
From an ancient scroll discovered and deciphed by Ufedhin Copperhand ,Master alchemist o' Galmair.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

Post by Ufedhin »

Part o' the ancient recipe for a healing potion.

............ saith the alchemist, this water makes the body to be volatile; because after it has dissolved in it, and infrigidated, it ascends above and swims upon the surface of the water. Take, saith he,water blossom, and Sun herb........(alas this script be very worm eaten.).............................berry, and put it into our vinegre, made of pure aqua , in a broad glass vessel; put it into a gentle heat add the amethyst catalystic salts, and in a short time you will see elevated a liquor, as it were oil swimming atop, much like a scum. Gather this with a spoon or feather dipping it in; and in doing so often times a day until nothing more arises; evaporate the water with a gentle heat, i.e., the superfluous humidity of the vinegre, and there will remain the quintessence, potestates or powers of essences an salts in the form of a violet oil incombustible. In this oil the alchemists have placed their greatest secrets; it is exceeding sweet, and of great virtue for easing the pains of ye even to......

A ragged remnant of a recipe discovered in the same area as the first snippit,obscure aye! but this has given me
the inspiration fer me grand potion the" Life ward."

Ufedhin Copperhand ,Master alchemist o' Galmair.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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Here Beginns My treatise on stone an' its uses in alchemy.(Clarifing the art fer laymen).

I speakes to me Scholars thus, Know my deare Sonne's that this be a Booke o' the Secrets o' nature, and I shall devide it into parts. In the first discourse what the stone is, and why the Stone is magikal , te the end that fooles may bee derided, and wise and understanding men taught. This art is nothing else but a knowing o' the secret magikal and hid things o' the Gods and alchemists of the naturall art and wisdome, therefore no body should approach te this art, unlesse he has heard before some Logick, which teaches te distinguish truth from falsehood, and with all the naturall art which teaches the things o' nature, and the property o' the elements, otherwise he troubles his minde and body and life in vaine.
It be a Stone and no Stone, and is found by every body in plane fields in the bellys o' beasts, in Mountaines, and in the mines, and is called gems, heerein all physitians agree, for they say that gems is called catalysts, they name it in hid and secret words, because they perfectly understand the materiam, some say it is blood, others say it is goblins hair, others say it is eggs, which has made many fooles and unwise men, that understand no more then the letter, and the meere sound of words, seeke this art in blood, in eggs, in hair, in the Gaull, in Allum , in salt, but they have found nothing for they did not rightly understand the sayings o' chimists, who spake their words in hid language, should they have spoken out plainly, they would have done very ill for divers reason, for all men would have used this art and the whole world would have been spoiled, and all things perisht; seeing it is so that a dwarf must give an account o' his workes, I desire Nargun, that he would give me reason, and wisdome, and direct me how I may estrange or conceale this noble art from fooles, which made me say what this stone is;
Know my sonne that our Stone as Nargun speakes is in a living things also, out of which saying the true attempt of this art may bee knowne, and because of this saying some according to their folly have sought this stone in wrong beasts, in herbs, in diver's unwise places, but they have remained fooles; now I'le tell you what our stone is, Amethyst, ruby, emerald,topaz,obsidian,sapphire,diamond now there are two stones and they are dead upon earth for the present, out of these waking stones is made true mixture's o' virtue. The Scholar sayd how can this bee, for the philosophers say that art is weaker then nature, and you say, out of those stones is made gold from our mixture's. I will answerr'd wee doe not make it, as nature makes it, but we helpe nature with our art, in which respect it is naturall and magikal not artificiall; there are three things in the naturall art and wisdome as the wise says, (when the Stone is a thing that has a Soule), (as the Soule is magikal ),( and a finite Spirit, for in the world only the chimist or naturalist release wot only he might see in his use )which is a sign of perfection and mastery o' fine matter, and that it is not in seen by nor understood by others outside the great art he is not wise that seekes in a thing what is not in it.

Part 1.

Ufedhin Copperhand ,Master Alchemist o' Galmair.
Findos ,year 39.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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Continued frome part 1.

Know my sonne that tha' sentient races,the animals and the herball all hath a soul,an' yea even the stones o' wot i speak containes a soul,this bee plain te the chimist an' the natural scholar ,the races has a movable soul as observed in the workings o' gods so do animals observed in the workings o' sentient kind in day te day endevours wit animals so do herbs and the catalytic stones, all this is knowne by the chimist as plain as the potions wot' bind all in its virtues.But the unwise,who perceive not the speaches of the natural Masters ,try the art according te the outward letter ,and finde nothing,Thus they despaire ,and raile against the great art an' take comfort in the discourse o' the lesser rune masters whom arr mere coxcombs and knowe nothen .Stone be the first wot' hathe a soul created as bones fer the very earth and the races wot dwell upon upon her face,be they sentient ,animal ,herbal ,all souls arr in conection by meanes o' fine matters ,an theretofore available te the sharpe mindes o' the chimists,therefore look the with greater undestanding upon the humble gem with new eyes and wondere ats it magikal soul o' fine matter wot is kin te yer very own.

Here end the first obsevations on the matter o' souls an' magikal properties o' common gem stones.
Treatise's will follow at future dates.

Ufedhin Copperhand ,Master Alchemist & Physician.
Findos,year 39.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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The gatherings o' Fungi an' divers 'shrooms.
A foot note on ye Bulberous spongye 'shroom.

Knowe ye my chymists that the spirits o' those wot haste done foule deeds and wronges in the eyes o' the lords'
has a benifit te us wot seek the deeper mysteries ,spirits o' the damed wot has been allowed te remain in a certain place
causeth benifits on the spirit o' Bulberouse sponge fungi's,Therefore gather only thy sponges when Luna hath turned full
her face o' the crone te the earth ,seek thee in the earth below where the fluids o' the hanged fall ,if thou doest this
thy sponges has a rare potency wot will benifit yer works mightily.

Ufedhin Copperhand ,Master Alchemist o' Galmair.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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The Clay tablet

This is the truth the whole and certain truth,
without a word o' a lie.

That which is above is as that which is below,
And that which is below is as that which is above,
Thus are accomplished the miracles o' alchemy.

And as all things come from fine matter,through the mediation of the source,
so all things are created by this source through adaptation.

Its father is the sun; its mother the moon.
The wind bears it in its belly;the earth nurtures it.

It engenders all the wonders of the six.

Its power is complete when it is turned to earth.

Seperate the earth from fire,the subtle from the gross,
Gently and with great ingenuity.

It ascends from Earth to Heavens and descends again to Earth,
Combining the power of above and below.

Thus you will achive the glory of the great alchemy,
And all obscurity will flee from you.

This is the power of all powers.

Adapted by Ufedhin Copperhand from an ancient source,
made clearer fer scholars wot seek better undestanding
o' the great power so that one does not fall foul o' false doctrine.
I shall discourse more on the six at a later time .
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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A Great mystery revealed
Though my sacrifices an' studies most deep and wrought with
divers hardships and dangers ,
i have at last come to a great understanding o' the truth.
Fine matter permiates all, in all times and in all place's all at once,
it is the source of all ,one cannot be but for this, yea even the Gods partake of
this great essence,and therefore are our brothers and sisters though greater
in their alchemy to partake of the eternal wellsping and therefore deserving
of our adoration.
Aside from my own learnings one can view this knowledge
through the ancient text available te us all ,we see the evidence written
" Manrok cronicles " are a fine example fer those with wit te see,
as are the writtings o' Trystan Graustyn ,and various so called apostates
whom have allowed my reading or aqusition of various works..
I propose there are six among the forces o' our existance wot influence our
lives accordingly.
The five powers wot be are given the names elder Gods,
however these are really the forces o' nature wot form our reality and yet one we
do not acknowledge to the paucity of our learning ,Wot of the sixth power ?
that wot drives the others before it as wind drives the autum leaves?
this too influences all we are through its effect on the five.
Yet we hide our heads in under our cloaks,and look not at the whole of
of the world we live in.
Alchemy reveals all, fine matter permiates all, therefore all must be viewed
as all is reveal by the great power ,or one must turn from the path into
the weeds o' ignorance an' folly.

Ufedhin Copperhand ,Master alchemist & Physician o' Galmair.
Last edited by Ufedhin on Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

Post by Ufedhin »

A note is attached to the board ,written in a very erratic hand.
Great happings!

It be with profound regret i could not attend the planting ceromony, however it be alchemical marvel a sure sign of great blessings that slimes friendly have taken te dwelling here in our great town! we are truly blessed.I cannot begin te describe the deep feelings of satisfaction this brings ,my studies continue in this matter in fact i wos on a slime gathering expedition wot took me away from town.In time it be my hope, i will bend them to performing great tasks fer our town.
This may well validate a great part o' my studies.
A Glutainious seedling ! great beards! how could this be, could this mean............(ink spill here)

Ufedhin Copperhand ,Master Alchemist o' Galmair.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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The Glutinous Seedling

This wonderous young tree, off shoot o' the great Knowing tree is under my personal protection,
This slime infused odourous seedling contains many great alchemical mysteries wot need te be
This young tree may well herald a great new age in alchemy and as such should be treated as a great
treasure fer Galmiars advancement.Study it in depth i shall, untill more answers be forth coming.
Some questions on this i will answer te those truely adept enought te grasp wot i would tell ye,
however mark my words this be a true marvel!

Ufedhin Copperhand ,Master Alchemist & Physician o' Galmair.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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Update on the Glutinous Seedling

The Glutinous seedling grows and developes well,this young tree shows great vigour and strength and draws upon the many nutients from
the Galmair clay soil.At times i add special fertilizer te the clay as a tonic and booster fer the trees maximim benifit.
The Glutinous seedling exudes a particular quality o' slime wot is most exciting! my studies on the slime has not yet concluded but
wot i has seen so far brings a great fascination o' its properties.

Ufedhin Copperhand ,Master Alchemist & Physician o' Galmair.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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The Glutinous Seedling

This fascinating seedling ,
will herald a new depth of understanding in slime knowledge of this i am certain ,it saddens me that the slime that initially
oozed from the planting have finally expired , but they have futhered my grasp on slime developement, the slime were
o' the primordial sort and as such function on only a basic level.
As this seedling developes on can expect interesting alchemical events to occur ,what happens as the tree matures fer example
wot of changes in the slime it produces these arr facinating questions.
Galmair is truely the leading force in the advancement of alchemical learning!

Ufedhin Copperhand ,Master Alchemist.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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The strange ancient runes.

Since opening the chamber of the shadow dragon in the mountains heart ,and its flight to the north east,
i discovered ancient runes of a like i have never seen before etched into a wall of the chamber.
So they might not be lost i made a copy of them before the wall was demolished, all attempts so far have failed
to decipher these .
As this chamber wos sealed from the begining of time this is hardly surprising.
However these parchments i will store away safely untill perhaps a future discovery sheds light on them.

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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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Dear Galmairians ,

I must annouce our great town begins to show its true abilities we have among us great minds..the runes arr being
deciphered to our great pleasure, not only that! i have been able te confirm many of my experiments in advanced alchemy
to be correct and of great validity .My studies have led te startling results over the last months , the greatest most recently.
Galmair enters a great time of discovery and advancement o' the arts,we have small pity fer the so called "learned" of Runewick
shuting there gates on us due te there supersitious fears and false beliefs.This sadly shows a primitive an somewhat backward
developement in Runewicks culture .
Never the less we shall take up the mantle of learning and carry our great town inte the future as a becon fer others te follow.

Ufedhin Copperhand , Master alchemist & Physician.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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The Glutinous seedling has started te exude slimes of a friendly yet more advanced stage than those that first appeared.
This i feel is a great sign of the seedlings health and growth, one must ponder wot this facinating seedling will eventually
mature into.Please let the slimes be they arr friendly, infact oblivious to us and of no danger .
Galmair is indeed a town of great marvels and learning.

Ufedhin Copperhand. Master alchemist.
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Re: Slimes an' unused resource

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Moving inte the Herb house full time.

A huge amount of alchemical equipment ,metal contraptions ,lenses,jars of coloured substances ,dried body parts,skeletons,herbs ,pots ,tubes,books, and many other indescribable things including a mumified lizard hung up on the roof over the fireplace,have been moved into the herb house.

Due te the presence of unwanted businesses taking over in the Flicker swale i has moved all my apothecary inte the
Herb house.This will benifit all anyway as im easyer te find fer business.

health warning.

Please fer yer healths sake never enter when ye see weird coloured lights flickering under the closed door nor when sometimes ye might
hear wot ye think arr muffled screams,these be all natural and normal parts o' my research,thank thee.
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