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Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:34 am
by Evie
Galmair Town Meeting/ Galmair Bürgerversammlung

The town of Galmair will be hosting a town meeting as the 12th Naras arrives (29. January 2016 23:45:00). The town apoligizes for the late meeting time and Chancellor Pryler will be available a dwarven hour or so before the meeting if you can not make it and wish to leave a list of your concerns with her. The meeting will be open to all and we ask people to be concise with any issues as the Government has many things to announce and address.

Die Stadt Galmair veranstaltet eine Bürgerversammlung am zwölften Narras(29. Januar 2016 23:45).
Die Stadt entschuldigt sich für den späten Zeitpunkt des Treffens und falls Ihr es nicht zur Bürgerversammlung schaffen solltet
und wünscht eine Liste mit euren Anliegen zu hinterlassen, wird Kanlzer Pryler eine Zwergenstunde vor dem Treffen zur Verfügung stehen. Die Bürgerversammlung ist für jeden zugänglich und da die Regierung viele Dinge zu verkünden und zu besprechen hat, bitten. wir darum sich mit allen Anliegen kurzzufassen.


Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:21 pm
by Evie
((German on town meeting updated))


Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:35 am
by Oxi
Dear Citizens

This evening during a meeting with the Council, Guy Mitchell and Tyan Masines resigned from their positions in the Guard. They were unable to account for either activities of guard members or the use of donations. Additionally there was no justification for a lack of communication to the Council. The Guard are not an entity that stands alone, but rather are governed as all others by the Chancellors, the Hand and the Don. Both Guy and Tyan were unaccepting of the authority of the Council. As a result we have unexpectantly been forced to disband the Guard.

Whilst their Commander and Captain may have failed them, we appreciate all the Guard has done in the defence of Galmair. Any guard member wishing to continue to serve Galmair is welcome and we ask that you seek out Chancellor Evie.

As ever we recognise Galmair's strength has come from her citizens who have always defended their home tirelessly. A Galmair militia has worked well in the past and will work well again because we have citizens willing and able to protect the town they call home. For further information on this militia contact Chancellor Evie.

The Council has every confidence in the citizens of Galmair and will be available for any questions.

On Behalf of the Don and the Council,


Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 9:38 pm
by Oxi
Question Time - 12:00 21st Adras 48

The Left Hand will be available in the Council Offices to answer any questions and requests citizens and visitors may have. Applications for posts within Galmair are also welcome.

Other officials will join should their schedules allow.

On behalf of the Don


Fragestunde - 12:00 21. Adras 48

Die Linke Hand wird im Büro des Rates anzutreffen sein um Fragen und Anliegen der Bürger und Besucher zu beantworten. Eine Teilnahme per Aushänge innerhalb von Galmair sind ebenfalls erwünscht.

Andere Amtsträger werden sich anschließen wenn es ihre Zeit zulässt.

Im Namen des Dons


Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 3:56 am
by Galmair
Galmair wrote:Dear Citizens,

It is once again it is time for the annual Chancellor elections. We meet at 07. Ushos 49 15:00.

Each candidate for Chancellor will have to pay a 25 gold entry fee and must be ranked at least as Patrician.

Every citizen is allowed 4 votes. Three votes for Chancellors and one against a candidate.

Each vote costs a minimum of 5 gold coins, but may be extended to 20 gold coins.

The three candidates with most positive money voted for them win.

Chancellors will stay in office until next year or the next election.

If a chancellor is not fulfilling their role for a term of 2 Dwarven weeks without notice they will be replaced by the Don. If they give notice and are gone for a Dwarven month, they must appoint a deputy or one will be appointed by the Don.

Half of the election proceeds will be split between the chancellors in seasonal payment. Money received shall be accounted for in a public manner. If a chancellor misses proper documentation or is replaced, the balance is due back to the Don.

We look forward to seeing you there at the election again making your voice heard.
Geschätzte Bürger,

wiedereinmal ist es an der Zeit für die Jährliche Kanzlerwahl. Wir treffen uns am 07. Ushos 49, 15:00.

Jeder Kandidat der sich zur Wahl aufstellen lässt bezahlt 25 Goldstücke Startgebühr und muss mindestens den Rang einer Patrizierin inne haben.

Jeder Bürger darf 4 Stimmen abgeben, drei Stimmen für je einen Kandidaten und eine Stimme gegen einen Kandidaten.

Jede Stimme kostet mindestens 5 Goldstücke und darf aller höchstens 20 Goldstücke betragen.

Die drei Kandidaten mit den meisten postitiv gesammelten Münzen gewinnen die Wahl.

Die Kanzler werden bis zum nächsten Jahr oder zu Neuwahlen im Amt sein.

Sollte ein Kanzler seine Pflichten für länger als zwei Zwergenwochen ohne Mitteilung versäumen wird der Don denjenigen ersetzen. Sollte eine Nachricht eingetroffen sein und der Kanzler einen Zwergenmonat abwesend sein muss er einen Stellvertreter benennen, wenn nicht der Don selbst jemanden ins Amt beruft.

Die Hälfte der Erträge aus der Wahl wird den Kanzlern jedes Quartal ausgegeben. Das Geld soll für öffentliche Angelegenheiten verwendet werden und gemachte Ausgaben müssen öffentlich dokumentiert werden. Sollte dies verabsäumt werden oder falls der Kanzler ersetzt werden sollte, muss die Differenz dem Don zurückgezahlt werden.

Wir freuen uns auf euer aller kommen, geht zur Wahl und verleiht eurer Stimme Gehör.


Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 12:09 am
by Galmair
Dear Citizens,

Following today's election, the new Chancellors are announced as:
  • Bernie Bottoms
Please note, in future potential candidates will have to prove their loyalty and leadership skills. They will have to hold either one of the official positions or lead a guild or similar institutions.


Werter Bürger und Bürgerinnen,

Mit der heutigen Wahl wurden folgende Kanzler ernannt:
  • Bernie Bottoms
Anmerkung, in Zukunft werden potentielle Kandidaten ihre Loyalität und Führungskünste beweisen müssen. Sie müssen daher entweder eine der offiziellen Positionen haben oder eine Gilde oder ähnliche Institutionen führen.


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:19 am
by Galmair
Galmair City Meeting Minutes on 1 Ronas year 49 ((2016-07-23))

In Attendance:
Don Valerio Guilianni, Hand Oxiana, Chancellors Banduk & Bernie Bottoms
Evie & Uhuru Pryler, Sammy Goldlieb, Caswir Drakull, and Groz

Old Business:
New Flats – Evie submitted Flat plans for 4 flats over the copperhand tunnel that was previously approved. A list of materials was received and will start collecting soon for construction.

Leaky Bathtub in the Inn – Banduk was asked about the repair’s status. He reported that he has all materials and awaiting delivery of the work soon.

New Business:
Light in Workshop over Gem Grinder – A concern was raised and an eternal light will be placed near the gemgrinder by our builders.

Fire Readiness – New proposal was discussed. All volunteers are expected to help put out a fire if seen with buckets of water and/or sand. Non-volunteers will be assessed a fee once per human year to pay for supplies for those that do not have them. All buckets and sand provided if you do not have them. Details posted shortly.

Town Guard – Leon Demelli has been appointed Guard Captain and efforts are started to ask for recruits and collect supplies for them. Sammy offered some food stores and Uhuru offered some explosives. More details posted soon.

Uhuru Pryler raised concern about a leaky green slime dripping from the top of the Guardhouse. The issue will be tabled until it is inspected and researched.

Sammy Goldlieb raised concern about hostile dwarves in Hammerfell and their possession of an Anvil of Irmorom and requested it be brought back to His (Irmorom’s) Temple. Hammerfell is Cadomyr territory and we shall request an audience with Queen Rosalyn to discuss it through Chancellor Banduk. Issue tabled.

Evie Pryler raised concern about more Demon Skeletons seen near the Glittery mine. Although this isn’t claimed territory, there was concern raised about confirmed sightings of Cadomyrians leading them there. This issue will also be addressed to Queen Rosalyn by Chancellor Banduk. All Galmairians are urged to watch for trickery like this in Galmair territory.

Chancellor Bottoms announced his calling of service to the God of Generosity, Ronagan, as the new Priest of Ronagan focusing on the “good of generosity”. There will be a Pilgramage to his altar later this month, Ronas, in recognition of one of the three resident Gods of Galmair. Chancellor Banduk will lead it in the old language, and Chancellor Bottoms in the New. ((Wednesday eve))

Hangman – A citizen was also appointed the position of Hangman. There are several other positions the Chancellors seek to fill. See them for an interview.

Meeting was closed in due order and Food & Beer was given to all. Peace and Harmony prevailing.

Next Meeting: Eldas (Details to be posted next month)

In Service to the Don,
~Chancellor Bottoms


Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:26 am
by Galmair

Dear Citizens,

1) We are asking for capable alchemists to research the Green Slime oozing from the ceiling of the Guard House. It doesn't appear to be magical or poisonous, but the Chancellors need more information about it's properties.

Until this research is done, we ask all citizens to stay away from this unknown slime. Do not touch or bottle it, for it has proven to have expanding properties and may be dangerous.

2) All Miners! Be wary of Demon Skeletons in the area of the Glittery Mine! Please provide work for our warriors and take some protection with you! Your life is not worth the few silvers it costs to have protection! In this Month of Ronas, be generous!

Thank you!

In service to the Don,
~Chancellor Bottoms


Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 11:27 pm
by Galmair
Galmair City Meeting Minutes on 16 Eldas year 49 ((2016-08-13))

In Attendance:
Chancellor Bernie Bottoms
Artimer Fault, Tyan Masines, Caswir Drakull and Drathe Blue

Old Business:
New Flats – All materials for the new apartments are received and sent to the builder. Construction will start soon and Kyre will handle rentals soon. Many Thanks to all who helped in this project!

Leaky Bathtub in the Inn – No progress to report yet. Banduk is on Holiday and no word from the builder yet.

Light in Workshop over Gem Grinder – A ritual was conducted by Evie, and a new Everlasting torch was created to light the corner for the gem grinder - completed

Fire Readiness – New proposal was announced and buckets and sand is available to any who need them. One attendee requested them and it was distributed after the meeting.

Town Guard – Captian Leon Demelli has posted the Guard details on the boards. We are looking for recruits and supplies. Please see Captain Demelii for information.

Hammerfell - A concern was raised last time about hostile dwarves in Hammerfell and their possession of a 'Holy' Anvil of Irmorom and requested it be brought back to His (Irmorom’s) Temple. An inspection of Irmorom's Temple revealed that our Altar is not the 'holy' one. Hammerfell is Cadomyr territory and we are going to discuss this matter with them later. A concern was raised by Artimer Fault that taking the altar from a dwarf stronghold, may anger Irmorom. We shall discuss the issue with the Don and a Priest of Irmorom before making any final plans for a raid.

New Business:
Upcoming Events - There is a pilgrimage to Irmorom's Temple in 4 Dwarven Days ((Aug 17th)) and the Dark Hole Race will be held in a Dwarven Week (Aug 20)). Many thanks to Chancellor Banduk for organizing these.

Uhuru's Trial - There will be a Trial for Uhuru Pryler in three dwarven weeks in Cadomyr, concerning a misunderstanding over three years ago. We are asking for witnesses on behalf of her and ask that friends come out to support her. The Hand and I will be present to assist in her defense. Discussion and questions ensued and negotiations for a fair and speedy trial are ongoing. We are optimistic for a fair and positive judgement to close this matter.

Dwarven Armor decorations - Discussion was started about how to include local crafters to produce and donate 9 sets of Dwarven State Armor as new decorations for the office waiting area upstairs as well as what they should be engraved with. No ideas were presented except the advice that people shouldn't be inscribed due to hurt feelings,. but maybe the Galmair Gods, the Don and even the Bear of Galmair would be appropriate inscriptions.

Nothing further to discuss, the meeting was closed in due order and Cherry Cake & Wine was given to all. Peace and Harmony prevailing.

Next Meeting: 10 Malas, 49 (Aug 27th)

In Service to the Don,
~Chancellor Bottoms


Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:24 pm
by Juniper Onyx
The city meeting in Galmair was unavoidably postponed. I found myself lost at night in the middle of the Northern Forest looking for Fire Roots ((I was late doing charity work)) and other Government officials were likewise detained. Only two citizens showed up, and you have my apologies.

The next scheduled meeting will be at 1800 on 4th Olos. ((10 Sept. 2200 server time)) I hope to see more people there!

In service to the Don,
~Chancellor Bottoms

Pilgrimage / Wallfahrt

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:18 pm
by Galmair
Die Stadt Galmair, die Regierung und der Don bedanken sich bei allen, die an der Wallfahrt zu Narguns Tempel im Monat Naras teilgenommen haben. Der Schatz, zu dem uns eine auf dem Markt gefundene Schatzkarte führte, wurde ohne Abstriche an Narguns Tempel geopfert.
Wenn wir auch nie erfahren werden, wie Nargun die Würfel zu unseren Gunsten beeinflusst, der Dank des Dons ist Euch gewiss.

Im Namen des Dons
Banduk Robberhauf el Luatselay – Kanzler

The town Galmair, the gouvernment and the Don say thank you to all citizen joining the pilgrimage to Narguns temple in Naras recently. The treasure we dug according the map we found on the market place was sacrificed without any cut at Narguns altar.
We will never find out how Nargun influences the dices to our favor. On the other hand the gratitude of the Don is certain.

On behalf of the Don
Banduk Robberhauf el Luatselay – Chancellor


Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:53 pm
by Galmair
The following persons are officially marked to be outlaws on Galmairian ground. Nobody will claimed for attacking these people.
  • Ulquoria Dreadheart
    Jefferson Gray
The persons are accused to:
  • robbery
    constant attacks to citizen of Galmair and the town itself
    alliance with one of the darkest creature the world has seen
    arrogation to standing over Don Valerio Guilianni.
Galmair will grant Ulquoria Dreadheart a fair trial if he bring the head of Prea on a spike.
Galmair will grant Jefferson Gray and Juumajin a fair trial if they bring the head of one of the other member of the gang on a spike.
Galmair will lift the outlaw state on Galmairian land outside of the gates for Jefferson Gray and Juumajin, if they officially state and follow their statement not to attack any citizen of Galmair wherever. If they behave for a time of 8 month accordingly they will get a fair trial in Galmair.

On the behalf of the Don
Chancellor Banduk Robberhauf el Luastelay

Mas Residuals

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:50 pm
by Galmair
Mas is over but some residuals remained. The dark shrine and the dark flags were removed recently.
Our guards were able to fight back the last remaining liches and other unholy creatures.

Galmair thanks the people from the Sea Serpent as well, who helped to remove the unholy constructions.

Unfortunately there is an invisible spell at the location of the shrine, that pushes you back and couldn't removed. The Galmairian mages are requested to find a counterspell and clear the road so incoming and outgoing trade will not be disturbed anymore.

On the behalf of the Don
Chancellor Banduk Robberhauf el Luastelay


Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:47 pm
by Zelphyra
Honor the mother,

the spell the Banduk one speaks of is on the blood around the shrine. Try not to step on it, in that way they can reach it.

Warm Waters,


Re: Mas Residuals

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:21 am
by Evie
Galmair wrote:Mas is over but some residuals remained. The dark shrine and the dark flags were removed recently.
Our guards were able to fight back the last remaining liches and other unholy creatures.

Galmair thanks the people from the Sea Serpent as well, who helped to remove the unholy constructions.

Unfortunately there is an invisible spell at the location of the shrine, that pushes you back and couldn't removed. The Galmairian mages are requested to find a counterspell and clear the road so incoming and outgoing trade will not be disturbed anymore.

On the behalf of the Don
Chancellor Banduk Robberhauf el Luastelay

*A note is attached *
Raina and I were able to do a ritual to remove the barrier on the road, however the magic of the barriers once dispelled turned the chickens in the area crazy. At least 50 attacked us as we finished off the spell. Even after we defeated the flock, another showed up. Citizens should be careful of the chickens lurking by the fields near town as some residual effects may still be lingering.

Ps the only person about, a halfling male, ran from the area and did not help us. I am fairly certain my dress is in ruins.


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 3:44 am
by Pugnacious
That would be me. Sorry I didn't help but I stay alive by avoiding trouble. I am glad you survived.

Ruben Goodgarden


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:58 pm
by Galmair
Hew Keenaxe irregular entered the town during his ban. He was interviewed by town officials and declared he was coming into Galmair to ask for mercy and judgement to become a citizen again.
After the meeting Hew Keenaxe has left Galmair as an act of good will immediately.
The current as well as the new government will judge Hew Keenaxe together.

On the behalf of the Don
Chancellor Banduk Robberhauf el Luastelay


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:37 am
by Oxi
Question Time - 08. Eldas 50 12:00

The Left Hand will be available in the Council Offices to answer any questions and requests citizens and visitors may have. Applications for posts within Galmair are also welcome.

Other officials will join should their schedules allow.

On behalf of the Don


Fragestunde - 08. Eldas 50 12:00

Die Linke Hand wird im Büro des Rates anzutreffen sein um Fragen und Anliegen der Bürger und Besucher zu beantworten. Eine Teilnahme per Aushänge innerhalb von Galmair sind ebenfalls erwünscht.

Andere Amtsträger werden sich anschließen wenn es ihre Zeit zulässt.

Im Namen des Dons


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:54 am
by Galmair
Dear Citizens,

It is once again it is time for the annual Chancellor elections. We meet at 05. Irmas 50 12:00.

Each candidate for Chancellor will have to pay a 25 gold entry fee and must be ranked at least as Patrician. They will have to hold either one of the official positions or lead a guild or similar institution.

Every citizen is allowed 4 votes. Three votes for Chancellors and one against a candidate.

Each vote costs a minimum of 5 gold coins, but may be extended to 20 gold coins.

The three candidates with most positive money voted for them win.

Chancellors will stay in office until next year or the next election.

If a chancellor is not fulfilling their role for a term of 2 Dwarven weeks without notice they will be replaced by the Don. If they give notice and are gone for a Dwarven month, they must appoint a deputy or one will be appointed by the Don.

Half of the election proceeds will be split between the chancellors in seasonal payment. Money received shall be accounted for in a public manner. If a chancellor misses proper documentation or is replaced, the balance is due back to the Don.

We look forward to seeing you there at the election again making your voice heard.
Geschätzte Bürger,

wiedereinmal ist es an der Zeit für die Jährliche Kanzlerwahl. Wir treffen uns am 05. Irmas 50 12:00.

Jeder Kandidat der sich zur Wahl aufstellen lässt bezahlt 25 Goldstücke Startgebühr und muss mindestens den Rang einer Patrizierin inne haben. Sie müssen daher entweder eine der offiziellen Positionen haben oder eine Gilde oder ähnliche Institutionen führen.

Jeder Bürger darf 4 Stimmen abgeben, drei Stimmen für je einen Kandidaten und eine Stimme gegen einen Kandidaten.

Jede Stimme kostet mindestens 5 Goldstücke und darf aller höchstens 20 Goldstücke betragen.

Die drei Kandidaten mit den meisten postitiv gesammelten Münzen gewinnen die Wahl.

Die Kanzler werden bis zum nächsten Jahr oder zu Neuwahlen im Amt sein.

Sollte ein Kanzler seine Pflichten für länger als zwei Zwergenwochen ohne Mitteilung versäumen wird der Don denjenigen ersetzen. Sollte eine Nachricht eingetroffen sein und der Kanzler einen Zwergenmonat abwesend sein muss er einen Stellvertreter benennen, wenn nicht der Don selbst jemanden ins Amt beruft.

Die Hälfte der Erträge aus der Wahl wird den Kanzlern jedes Quartal ausgegeben. Das Geld soll für öffentliche Angelegenheiten verwendet werden und gemachte Ausgaben müssen öffentlich dokumentiert werden. Sollte dies verabsäumt werden oder falls der Kanzler ersetzt werden sollte, muss die Differenz dem Don zurückgezahlt werden.

Wir freuen uns auf euer aller kommen, geht zur Wahl und verleiht eurer Stimme Gehör.


Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 9:14 am
by Oxi
Hew Keenaxe has been admitted to Galmair on a bond paid by the current Chancellors.
This is to enable him to demonstrate improved behaviour to potential Chancellors that will be determining his future in Galmair following the election in a dwarven week.
Any transgressions should be reported directly to myself or the Don.

On behalf of the Don


Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:16 pm
by Galmair
Dear Citizens

Following today's election, the new Chancellors are announced as:


On behalf of the Don


Werter Bürger und Bürgerinnen

Mit der heutigen Wahl wurden folgende Kanzler ernannt:


Im Auftrag des Dons

Danger in the Blackhole Mine / Gefahr in der Dunkelloch Mine

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:05 pm
by Galmair
Please be aware that coal dust can explode if ignited by open fire.
To save the work power and health of our miner we urgently recommend not using torches in the Darkhole Mine. Since coal dust is sinking down torches must not be laid on the floor.

Achtung, Kohlenstaub kann explodieren. Insbesondere offene Flammen können zur Entzündung führen.
Um die Arbeitskraft und die Gesundheit unserer Bergleute zu erhalten, empfehlen wir auf Fackeln in der Kohlemine zu verzichten. Auf keinen Fall sollen brennende Fackel auf den Boden gelegt werden, da der Kohlestaub nach unten sinkt.

In the name of Galmair / Im Namen Galmairs
Banduk Robberhauf el Luastelay


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 6:20 pm
by Galmair
Urteil gegen Keenaxe/Judgement against Keenaxe

Hew Keenaxe wird der Status als Bürger Galmairs aberkannt. Des Weiteren wird Hew für den Zeitraum von nicht weniger als einem Jahr der Zutritt nach Galmair untersagt.
Hew Keenaxe hat gegenüber den Kanzlern, der Hand und dem Don geschworen, nie wieder die Hand gegen Bürger Galmairs zu erheben. Mit seinem Angriff auf einen Kanzler Galmairs und auf Verbündete der Stadt hat er das Recht verwirkt, den Schutz unserer Gemeinde zu genießen.
Hew Keenaxe kann nach Ablauf eines Jahres beantragen, dass der Bann aufgehoben wird. Voraussetzung ist, dass es seitens der Bürger Galmairs oder ihrer Verbündeten keinerlei offenen Forderungen oder laufende Verfahren gegen Hew Keenaxe gibt.

Hew Keenaxe is no longer recognized as a citizen of Galmair. Furthermore, Hew is prohibited from entering Galmair for a period of no less than one year. Hew Keenaxe swore against the Chancellors, the Hand, and the Don, never to raise his hand again against the citizens of Galmair. With his attack on a Chancellor of Galmair and on allies of the city, he has forfeited the right to enjoy the protection of our community. Hew Keenaxe may request that the ban be lifted after one year. The prerequisite is that no citizens of Galmairs or their allies have any open altercations where Hew Keenaxe assaulted them.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 8:48 pm
by Galmair
Licenses using Galmair infrastructure
Every foreigner, who is not citizen of the realms Cadomyr or Runewick where our citizen can use the infrastructure free of charge are requested to pay a license fee before using our stationary tools.
The fee can be paid at Frederik Silvereye in the office over the laboratory.

For people who work for Galmair e.g. in the medical service there is a way to refund the license fee. Please contact a chancellor or the Hand.

Lizensgebühr für die Nutzung der Infrastruktur
Jeder Ausländer, der kein Bürger von Cadomyr oder Runewick, wo unsere Bürger die Werkzeuge kostenlos nutzen dürfen, ist, wird in Zukunft eine Lizenz für die Nutzung der stationären Werkzeuge errichten müssen.
Die Lizenz kann bei Frederik Silvereye im Büro über dem Labor erworben werden.

Personen, die zum Beispiel im medizinischen Dienst für Galmair arbeiten, kann die Lizenz erstattet werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie einen Kanzler oder die Hand.

The Chancellors of Galmair
Artimer Fault, Banduk Robberhauf el Luastelay, Evie Pryler


Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:52 am
by Galmair
Dear Citizens,

It is once again it is time for the annual Chancellor elections. We meet at 18. Malas 51 15:00.

Each candidate for Chancellor will have to pay a 25 gold entry fee and must be ranked at least as Patrician.

Every citizen is allowed 4 votes. Three votes for Chancellors and one against a candidate.

Each vote costs a minimum of 5 gold coins, but may be extended to 20 gold coins.

The three candidates with most positive money voted for them win.

Chancellors will stay in office until next year or the next election.

If a chancellor is not fulfilling their role for a term of 2 Dwarven weeks without notice they will be replaced by the Don. If they give notice and are gone for a Dwarven month, they must appoint a deputy or one will be appointed by the Don.

Half of the election proceeds will be split between the chancellors in seasonal payment. Money received shall be accounted for in a public manner. If a chancellor misses proper documentation or is replaced, the balance is due back to the Don.

We look forward to seeing you there at the election again making your voice heard.
Geschätzte Bürger,

wiedereinmal ist es an der Zeit für die Jährliche Kanzlerwahl. Wir treffen uns am 18. Malas 51 15:00.

Jeder Kandidat der sich zur Wahl aufstellen lässt bezahlt 25 Goldstücke Startgebühr und muss mindestens den Rang einer Patrizierin inne haben.

Jeder Bürger darf 4 Stimmen abgeben, drei Stimmen für je einen Kandidaten und eine Stimme gegen einen Kandidaten.

Jede Stimme kostet mindestens 5 Goldstücke und darf aller höchstens 20 Goldstücke betragen.

Die drei Kandidaten mit den meisten postitiv gesammelten Münzen gewinnen die Wahl.

Die Kanzler werden bis zum nächsten Jahr oder zu Neuwahlen im Amt sein.

Sollte ein Kanzler seine Pflichten für länger als zwei Zwergenwochen ohne Mitteilung versäumen wird der Don denjenigen ersetzen. Sollte eine Nachricht eingetroffen sein und der Kanzler einen Zwergenmonat abwesend sein muss er einen Stellvertreter benennen, wenn nicht der Don selbst jemanden ins Amt beruft.

Die Hälfte der Erträge aus der Wahl wird den Kanzlern jedes Quartal ausgegeben. Das Geld soll für öffentliche Angelegenheiten verwendet werden und gemachte Ausgaben müssen öffentlich dokumentiert werden. Sollte dies verabsäumt werden oder falls der Kanzler ersetzt werden sollte, muss die Differenz dem Don zurückgezahlt werden.

Wir freuen uns auf euer aller kommen, geht zur Wahl und verleiht eurer Stimme Gehör.


Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:56 pm
by Galmair
Dear Citizens

Following today's election, the new Chancellors are announced as:


On behalf of the Don


Werter Bürger und Bürgerinnen

Mit der heutigen Wahl wurden folgende Kanzler ernannt:


Im Auftrag des Dons


Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:42 am
by Oxi
Question Time - 16. Naras 52 15:00

The Left Hand will be available in the Council Offices to answer any questions and requests citizens and visitors may have. Applications for posts within Galmair are also welcome.

Other officials will join should their schedules allow.

On behalf of the Don


Fragestunde - 16. Naras 52 15:00

Die Linke Hand wird im Büro des Rates anzutreffen sein um Fragen und Anliegen der Bürger und Besucher zu beantworten. Eine Teilnahme per Aushänge innerhalb von Galmair sind ebenfalls erwünscht.

Andere Amtsträger werden sich anschließen wenn es ihre Zeit zulässt.

Im Namen des Dons


Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 3:59 am
by Galmair
Dear Citizens,

It is once again it is time for the Chancellor elections. We meet at 17. Siros 53 09:00.

Each candidate for Chancellor will have to pay a 25 gold entry fee and must be ranked at least as Patrician. They will have to hold either one of the official positions or lead a guild or similar institution.

Every citizen is allowed 4 votes. Three votes for Chancellors and one against a candidate.

Each vote costs a minimum of 5 gold coins, but may be extended to 20 gold coins.

The three candidates with most positive money voted for them win.

Chancellors will stay in office until next year or the next election.

If a chancellor is not fulfilling their role for a term of 2 Dwarven weeks without notice they will be replaced by the Don. If they give notice and are gone for a Dwarven month, they must appoint a deputy or one will be appointed by the Don.

Half of the election proceeds will be split between the chancellors in seasonal payment. Money received shall be accounted for in a public manner. If a chancellor misses proper documentation or is replaced, the balance is due back to the Don.

We look forward to seeing you there at the election again making your voice heard.

On behalf of the Don

Geschätzte Bürger,

wiedereinmal ist es an der Zeit für die Kanzlerwahl. Wir treffen uns am 17. Siros 53 09:00.

Jeder Kandidat der sich zur Wahl aufstellen lässt bezahlt 25 Goldstücke Startgebühr und muss mindestens den Rang einer Patrizierin inne haben. Sie müssen daher entweder eine der offiziellen Positionen haben oder eine Gilde oder ähnliche Institutionen führen.

Jeder Bürger darf 4 Stimmen abgeben, drei Stimmen für je einen Kandidaten und eine Stimme gegen einen Kandidaten.

Jede Stimme kostet mindestens 5 Goldstücke und darf aller höchstens 20 Goldstücke betragen.

Die drei Kandidaten mit den meisten postitiv gesammelten Münzen gewinnen die Wahl.

Die Kanzler werden bis zum nächsten Jahr oder zu Neuwahlen im Amt sein.

Sollte ein Kanzler seine Pflichten für länger als zwei Zwergenwochen ohne Mitteilung versäumen wird der Don denjenigen ersetzen. Sollte eine Nachricht eingetroffen sein und der Kanzler einen Zwergenmonat abwesend sein muss er einen Stellvertreter benennen, wenn nicht der Don selbst jemanden ins Amt beruft.

Die Hälfte der Erträge aus der Wahl wird den Kanzlern jedes Quartal ausgegeben. Das Geld soll für öffentliche Angelegenheiten verwendet werden und gemachte Ausgaben müssen öffentlich dokumentiert werden. Sollte dies verabsäumt werden oder falls der Kanzler ersetzt werden sollte, muss die Differenz dem Don zurückgezahlt werden.

Wir freuen uns auf euer aller kommen, geht zur Wahl und verleiht eurer Stimme Gehör.

Im Auftrag des Dons


Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 10:36 pm
by Galmair
Dear Citizens

Following today's election, the new Chancellors are announced as:


On behalf of the Don


Werter Bürger und Bürgerinnen

Mit der heutigen Wahl wurden folgende Kanzler ernannt:


Im Auftrag des Dons


Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:16 am
by Oxi
Dear Citizens

I am pleased to announce that Jacob has accepted the role as Adjutant.

He has been given leave to gather a personal guard to protect the Don should he see fit.

The Don has donated a bundle of maps for a celebratory hunt to be arranged at the Adjutant's convenience.

On behalf of the Don