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Arcane Dabbing

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 10:21 pm
by darkMarios

Jedah cast a spell at the sea.

Third arm

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 6:49 am
by darkMarios

Looking for Mischief at a dull Tavern.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 2:48 am
by darkMarios
Jedah search for jobs around Runewick. There doesn't seem like a lot of ways to make money, and he is not a good tailor. He will have to keep trying to find ways to make gold. Jedah spends most his time and what little gold he has at the tavern in Runewick. He seems to think it has a nostalgic feel.

Jedah meditates at the temple of five. He is training his wand there at the creatures around, rats, slimes, and wolves. Lately though he has been attending Arms Practice in Cadomyr and has learned much. He loots the remainders of what he slays and sells the goods for silver, usually spent to Rosa Deepdelver. He seems to spend much time at her bar. He sleeps above at the inn so it isn't out of the ordinary. He is a follower of Aldron, so he feels blessed at the bar drinking beer, mead, or liquor.

"Give me a beer Rose."

"Sure" She says as she slides him over a frothy mug.
