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An Official Complaint and Report

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 6:32 am
by Vern Kron
Dear tenders of Runewick,

I am pleased to see that your town is flourishing under a lovely new expanse. It is a wonderful setting and I believe there will be great discoveries and educational opportunities within your land. There is however, a dark spot on these gleaming days of Runewick. A dwarf, known as Hew Keenaxe, has attacked me in the middle of your town, near the fountain of your crafting district. Now, there are a number of issues here, that I am sure many of the merchants would report to you as well, but I do not believe that you would like to allow an individual such as Hew Keenaxe to strike down anyone. Now, I understand that this is an issue that Hew has with Galmair, and as a chancellor I expect such behavior from him. Simply not within the town of Runewick. A mere stone's throw away from the Altar to Findari, no less. He is an affront to not only Galmair, but also to the well being and wise nature of Runewick. I ask that you act swiftly on his behavior, as you so choose.


Chancellor Artimer Fault

Re: An Official Complaint and Report

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 12:55 pm
by Vitus

Geehrter Kanzler Artimer Fault, geehrte Bürger Runwicks,

der Zwerg Hew Keenax soll sich seinem Ankläger in Galmair stellen und seine Fehde beenden. Sollte dies nicht in den nächsten 9 Tagen (3 Zwergentage) geschehen, sehen wir uns gezwungen den Schutz den Hew Keenax durch Runewick genießt aufzuheben.

Für den Akademischen Rat

Dear Chancellor Artimer Fault, dear citiezens of Runewick,

the dwarf Hew Keenax should meet his accusent in Galmair and to end his feud. If this don't happen in the next 9 days (3 Dwarfendays) we are forced to lift the protection of Runewick from Hew Keenax.

For the Acadamic Council

Re: An Official Complaint and Report

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 4:47 pm
by Hew Keenaxe
I will be around today, maybe the next. After that, due to other commitments, I may not be able to attend for some time. I will try to make my presence known. Lets get this over with. I dont like being thought of as a thief.


(( Thursday, May 14, is the only day that works for me. Or needs to wait another two weeks. ))

Re: An Official Complaint and Report

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:48 pm
by Cedar
Chancellor Artimer Fault and the Runewick council

I was also phsically attacked by a dwarf in Runewick at the market and within a stones throw of the guard, and from the details left by Chancellor Artimer Fault I can only assume it is Hew Keenaxe. This attack also occurred in the market, without provocation or just cause. Prior to the attack, he was sitting on the bench near the bridge to the teleport, as if he was looking for travelers from Galmair. He is taking his own personal issue with Galmair is making it an issue for citizens of Runewick and other lands alike, most of whom have nothing to do with his personal fued. I am proud to say that I have befriended many citizens from Galmair, they have been very helpful, friendly, and courteous, much unlike this dwarf, and I do not wish the poor and irrational decisions of one dwarf to reflect poorly on Runewick as a whole. I have yet to meet someone from Galmair who reflects so poorly on its people.

Magmancer of Runewick (student)

Re: An Official Complaint and Report

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 6:01 pm
by Djironnyma
Dear mister Magmancer,
you are asked to speak personal with a Member of the Academy Concil or the Town Guard for further question concerning your accusation.

~Dean Djironnyma