Announcement of the Runewick Guards

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Announcement of the Runewick Guards

Post by Erin »

Citizens of Runewick,

The month of Mas is approaching quickly and every citizen is requested to bestead Runewick in these days. The Guard of Runewick needs everyone's help!

Everyone who can support with his or her bow, blade, dagger, axe or hammer is asked to notify the Runewick Guard.

Every crafter of Runewick, who is willing to assist the preparations with his or her abilities, may notify the Guard of Runewick as well.

Last but not least we also need everyone who is knowing in the art of Healing. Please inform us beforehand , in order to simplify prearrangements.
A provisional hospital has been established.

The Runewick Guard provides an emergency store for those evil days. Crafters and other hardworking citizens who want to contribute may contact Erin Thorstar or Caldarion.

The emergency store needs:
- Arrows
- Food
- Bandages
- Herbs
- Potions

Donations of Armor and Weapons of course will be happily accepted, if they are in good condition. Raw material will be accepted as well and distributed to those who are able to produce something useable of it.

Let us demonstrate unity and wisdom in these days!

On behalf of the Runewick Guard,

*forcefully signed*

Erin Thorstar

Bewohner Runewicks!

Der Monat Mas rückt immer näher und jeder Bewohner Runewicks wird dazu angehalten, Runewick in diesen Tagen beizustehen. Die Stadtwache Runewick braucht die Hilfe von ein jedem von euch!

Jeder, der Runewick mit Bogen, Schwert, Dolch, Axt oder Hammer beistehen kann, soll sich bei der Runewicker Stadtwache melden.

Jeder Handwerker Runewicks, der die Wache mit seinen Fertigkeiten für die Planung unterstützen möchte, soll sich bitte ebenso bei der Runewicker Wache melden.

Zuletzt werden auch all jene benötigt, die in der Heilkunst bewandert sind. Bitte meldet euch bei uns im Vorfeld, damit wir besser planen können.
Ein provisorisches Hospital steht bereit.

Die Runewicker Stadtwache stellt daneben ein Notlager auf für diese Tage. Handwerker und andere fleissige Bürger, die etwas beisteuern können, sollen sich bei den Runewicker Stadtwachen Erin Thorstar oder Caldarion melden.
Zugriff auf das Notlager haben die Stadtwachen, wer etwas daraus benötigt über diese Tage, wendet sich an diese.

Fürs Notlager benötigt werden unter anderem:

Natürlich werden auch Spenden von Rüstungen oder Waffen angenommen, sofern diese brauchbar scheinen. Auch Rohstoffe werden gern angenommen und an jene verteilt, die daraus etwas brauchbares herstellen können.

Lasst uns Einigkeit und Weisheit zeigen in diesen Tagen!

Im Namen der Runewicker Stadtwache,

*energisch gezeichnet*

Erin Thorstar
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Re: Announcement of the Runewick Guards

Post by Caldarion »

Citizens of Runewick,

Preparations for Mas are finished.
The town has a more than decent amount of spare weapons, armor and food for everyone.
A brick wall for additional defense has been established, supplies for the hospital are plenty. Fighters & healers stand ready for their duty.

What is left to do?
- If you feel like joining the fight against undead, dear citizen, dont hesitate to ask the Guard for proper equipment.
- Healing potions and Warrior potions for everyone are available as well.
- We dont expect undead cretures within the town, nevertheless try to keep doors and gates closed if possible!

Let's wait for the evil to take its course - let's stand together united.

On behalf of the Runewick Guard,


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Re: Announcement of the Runewick Guards

Post by Erin »

Announcement of the Guards of Runewick:

The Guards of Runewick search:

Informations about a tan lizzard, which was on the last day in Mas on the territory of Runewick. The Lizzard we search, is able to use a weapon and we think, he wears some kind of armor. We dont know, if this Lizzard is a citizen of Runewick or a guest from another town.
The searched Lizzard trained with his weapon on the 5. Mas in the slums of Runewick with a small Person, maybe a dwarf or a halfling. The guards of Runewick search informations about this small person too.
Whoever think, he have seen this both persons or think he knows someone which looks like the described person, should speak with the guards.
Whoever thinks, he could be the described person, please report yourself at the guards.

Help the Guards of Runewick to keep Runewick a safe place to stay!

In behalf of the Runewick Guards,

Erin Thorstar

Die Garde von Runewick sucht:

Informationen über eine dunklere/gebräunte Echse, welche am letzten Tag im Mas sich im Gebiet von Runewick aufhielt. Die Echse, die wir suchen ist fähig eine Waffe zu benutzen und wir denken, sie trägt eine Art von Rüstung. Wir wissen nicht, ob diese Echse ein Bürger Runewicks ist oder ein Gast aus einer anderen Stadt.
Die gesuchte Echse trainierte mit seiner Waffe am 5. Mas in den Slums von Runewick mit einer kleineren Person, vielleicht ein Zwerg oder ein Halbling. Die Garde von Runewick sucht ebenfalls Informationen über diese kleinere Person.
Wer auch immer denkt, er habe diese beiden Personen gesehen oder denkt, er kenne jemanden der auf diese Beschreibung passt, solle sich bei der Garde Runewicks melden.
Wer auch immer denkt, er könne die beschriebene Person sein, bitte meldet euch bei den Gardisten.

Helft der Garde Runewicks, Runewick zu einem sicheren Platz zum verweilen zu bewahren.

Im Namen der Garde Runewicks,

Erin Thorstar
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Re: Announcement of the Runewick Guards

Post by Uhuru »


Has the tan lizard issue been satisfactorily resolved? I ask because I believe I saw him once again in town last night. He said his name is Taeseul. I was hesitant to leave a citizen alone with him, but I had to get to bed at some point. We have not heard anything since your request for information so I'm curious as to where this issue stands.

Thank you,
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Re: Announcement of the Runewick Guards

Post by Erin »

Code: Select all


We got enough informations about this guy to make further steps and to recognise him.
The Archmage got a rapport of the situation, the guards of runewick still waits for an answer. Our proposal is  a temporary town bann, till he wants to cooperate with the guards. The guards have not the power to do this without a sign of the archmage.
Actually the guards of Runewick cant do more than to chase him again out of the town and to watch him.
Thank you for the informations, dont hesistate to call a guard if there is help needed in this case.

In behalfe of the Guards of Runewick,

Erin Thorstar[/i]
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Re: Announcement of the Runewick Guards

Post by Caldarion »

A big parchment can be found on a pillar in the marketplace
Regarding the latest attacks in the town of Runewick:

Dear Citizens,

some sinister folks dwell in our beloved town, so please keep a few things in mind:

- Even if doing hard work, like farming or chopping trees, it is advised to always wear armor!
- Try to do your daily work in groups, if possible.
- Search a safe place to sleep and just dont stand around, gazing at clouds for a long time.
- Dont be tricked by those folk, they dont speak or move for a long time, just to attack out of the blue.
- Be careful if anyone doesnt give you his or her name.

It is obvious, that this folks like the tanned Lizard, the red Dwarf and a few more, which I suspect that they are working together, search for easy targets to attack.
Show no weakness, fellow citizens!

Even for every normal person it is advisable to have some basic knowledge of weapon handling. Dont hesitate to ask the guards or anyone else for sparring lessons, or join the regular training of the Order.
Equipment for self defense can be offered by the Guard as well.

On behalf of the Guard,
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Re: Announcement of the Runewick Guards

Post by Erin »

Dear citizen,

Regrentfully i announce, the Guard Caldarion has resigned from the Guards of Runewick.

In behalf of the Runewick Guard

Erin Thorstar
Sehr geehrte Anwohner,

Mit Bedauern verkünde ich dass die Wache Caldarion aus der Runewicker Wache ausgetreten ist.

Für die Runewicker Wache,

Erin Thorstar
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Re: Announcement of the Runewick Guards

Post by Angus »

An alle Bürger Runewicks

Solltet ihr einem Elfen in dunkeler Rüstung, mit einem dunkelen Schwert
und blasser Haut begegnen der sich Letasto nennt
zieht euch umgehend nach Runewick zurück. Ein Kampf mit ihm
ist aussichtslos. Zuletzt wurde er nahe Yewdale gesehen.

Im Namen der Stadtwache

Angus Stahlfaust

Citizen of Runewick

If you meet an elf with a dark armour and a dark sword with pale skin, wich calls himself
Lestato, the guards of Runewick suggest to flee back in the town. A fight with him seems
to have no prospect of success. Last time, he was seen in Yewdale.
The guards work to solve this problem.

In behalf of the Guards of Runewick,

Angus Stahlfaust
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Re: Announcement of the Runewick Guards

Post by Erin »

Bürger Runewicks!

Die Stadtwache Runewicks warnt jeden Bürger und Gast Runewicks vor möglicherweise vergifteten Speisen, Getränken oder Giften, die wie Heiltränke aussehen.
Am heutigen Tag wurde in Runewick am Markt eine Flasche starken Giftes deponiert, die als Heiltrank getarnt war.
Auch wenn niemand zu schaden kam, bitten wir jeden zur Vorsicht.
Verdächtige Gegenstände sollen bei der Wache zur Analyse abgegeben werden.

Im Namen der Stadtwache,

Erin Thorstar
Citizen of Runewick!
The Guars of Runewick warns every citizen and guest of possibly poisoned drinks, food or poison, which looks like healpotions.
Today did lay around on the marketplace in runewick a bottle of strong poison, which was disguised as a healpotion.
Even , if nobody was harmed of it, we plead to be carefully.
Suspicious Items should be given over to the Guards of Runewick to analyse them.

In behalf of the Guards of Runewick,

Erin Thorstar
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