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Illarion needs promotion

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:01 am
by Banduk
Have you ever heard about Illarion? I mean besides being one of the few remaining long term active player?
  • To have 1 active long term player a game needs about 20 active players.
  • To have 1 active player a game needs 20 people trying the game.
  • To have 1 person try a game you need you need 40 people having a closer look to the game.
  • To have 1 person having a closer look to a game you need 100 people heard about that game.
So far our task is to make it happen that 80.000 people hear about Illarion to get a single new player.

Have you ever heard about Illarion in any location outside of

Every idea to improve Illarion is how to make an active player to a long term player.
But nobody has an idea how to get active player, player Illarion not have for the moment! All we have are a few long term active players which slowly fade away by any reason, not controllable by us. Or are you able to control RL?

Without any promotion the death of Illarion is inevitable.

The limitations are:
  • It must not cost any.
  • It must not be done by somebody but by a dedicated person – YOU!
Any idea?

edit by dji on request, more neutral title

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:49 am
by Katharina Brightrim
You say that it is not about holding the people who test Illarion. But it is. 1/800000 (I kind of doubt this number, to be fair), is terribly inefficient. Even 1/100 would be inefficient.

So lets make a mind-experiment. Lets say 100 people hear about the game and all at least open the main page to look at it. First thing they see is "2 chars online". 50 people leave immadiately, seeing such a low number. The other 50 people say "Hey well... lets check the stats, maybe it's just a bad time". 25 of them leave when they see that there are 50 players in this game at all. The other 25 go deeper, finding the progress of development. And what they see is a Beta-version of the game, cause that is what it is and I am sorry to say that so bluntly. They see "Oh.. no magic? Aw man, I so wanted to play a mage" or "Hm.. no housing? But where is my char going to live then?" And that's the moment when you lose all but a few who really just want to play an roleplay-game.
Lets say we keep 5 from those 100 people who make an account and try the game. I bet that at least 3 stop playing due to not meeting a single char within the first hour. Why is that? Because there is not "real" meeting point anymore. You have the workplaces distributed about three realms (which is nice in theory) but even in the realms you may not see the whole workplaces from your position, not to start about whether you can actually talk while working in different workplaces. So from our 5 testers, 2 remain. One of them is going to meet a PGing char soon. One of those who just talk to get an #i for the highscore and ignoring other chars if they do not need the #i. This later class is a reason why many (even long-time-players) decided to do something else in their freetime btw. So the guy who meets one of those (unluckily as one of the first impressions of the games), just quits cause he feels ignored or thinks that all people in this game are like that. The last player eventually stays in game for a while, until he maxed a skill of his char/ achieved whatever he wanted to achieve/ reached his personal goal, then noticing that there is not much going on in game. That's the moment when they log in less until the point they stop completely. rip Noob (2018-2018).

So, what am I suggesting:
  • Change the online-list to an overwiev of the last 48h (or something similar), listing all chars that were logged, the currently online chars in green, the currently offline chars in red. That at least gives an impression that the 2 currently online chars are not all.
  • Do not say what will be a feature in the future on the main page. People might go "oh, magic will be available one day? Lets wait until then" and then forget about it or check a few times without anything changed.
  • Create hotspots which are worth the name "hotspot". Move the cauldrons into the workshops, change the workshops so that a tailor and a smith (for example) can chat while working. And end this contribution of crafts, it does not work the way it was planned.
  • Start "punishing" PGing again as it was before the VBU. Ofc people should be allowed to play as they like to do, but people who just work with the enginee and do not interact with other players are poison for the player's motivation.
  • Last but not least: Find a way to make the players less addicted to GMs. And I am talking about my own impressions now. We do not have a Cadomyr-GM (at least not active), so when I as a leader-char-player want to do anything, I cannot do it because I lack the permission to do so. This is VERY discouraging (I mean.. what is the point in having a char in charge, when you cannot do anything?). Since Kat became baroness (~6 RL months) I comitted 3 or 4 building projects. Non of them are even answered by the Cado-GM so far (Slightly worked hard to get at least one of them on the list, thanks for that). Why should I continue trying to bring new stuff into the game when not even getting an answer? And this is not just me, there are several building projects that are not considered yet.
What I am trying to say is.. create an environment in which new players want to return once they made it to choose playing it, before trying to get people to look at something they do not even want to try.

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 1:15 pm
by Banduk
I disagree:
You simply request the developer should invest dozends of hours to redesing a totally unknown game.

Just take your own measures:
How many times in the last 2 month you got a message: "New Player"?
Subtract were simply old player trying again?
How many hours you played?
Calculate how many really player jumped in over the last 60 days?

So How many people tried to play?
1, 2, or 3, I barely except larger numbers.

And this will not change even if the game itself was perfect!
And most of your points are because there are no new player.

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:25 pm
by Lia
Das Problem liegt eher das Illarion im Vergleich zu den üblichen MMORPGS rein technisch gesehen nicht soviel zu bieten hat.
Und Leute die den Schwerpunkt auf richtiges Rollenspiel legen aussterben. Ist wirklich so.

Magier kann man rein theoretisch auch so spielen. Alte Magierspieler werden sich sicher noch an so manche schöne Magiestunde erinnern.
Magie im großen Rahmen zu wirken ist nur mit GM möglich leider, aber eben auch richtig so.

Spieler anzutreffen ist in der Tat schwierig, aber oft genug wollen Spieler auch nicht angetroffen werden sondern einfach nur stumpf ihrer Skill oder Sammelarbeit nachgehen.
Traurig aber wahr.

Das wir wenig Gm haben ist schade aber auch nachvollziehbar wenn man sich mal überlegt mit was sie sich alles herum schlagen müssen. Da hat nicht jeder den Nerv dazu das lange mit zu machen und die Motivation weiter die Spieler zu bespaßen.

Früher ging man on weil es meist irgendwas zu erleben gab. heute...heute geh ich oft nicht on weil ich keine Lust habe stumpfsinnig irgendeiner skill oder sammelarbeit nachzugehen.
Rp aber in Illa echt rar gewurden ist und Engine viel zu viel Bedeutung bekommen hat.


I did try to translate my words in englisch. Sorry its not good but i hope it can be unterstand what i would say.

The problem is rather the Illarion, compared to the usual MMORPGS, technically speaking, not much has to offer.
And people who focus on real RPG dying out. Is it really like that.

Mage can theoretically also play like this. Old mage players will surely remember some beautiful magic lessons.
Magic to work on a large scale is only possible with GM, unfortunately, but just right.

In fact, it is difficult to find players, but often enough players do not want to be found but just dull their skills or collecting work.
Sad but true.

The little gm we have is a sad, but also understandable if you think about what they have to beat everything. Not everybody has the nerve to do it for a long time and the motivation to keep on entertaining the players.

Earlier you went on because there was usually something to experience. Today ... Today I often do not go on because I do not feel like doing any stupid skill or collecting work.
Rp has been found to be very rare in Illa and engine has gotten too much importance.

Bezüglich deiner Bausache Katharina...Ich habe bei dem Bauprojekt vom Badebereich mit keinem Gm Kontakt gehabt. Andererseits weiß ich nicht was Sarney diesbezüglich getan hat. Am besten sprichst du mal mit ihm wie er das gemacht hat :)

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:26 pm
by Drugar Stonesmasher
In the last Month or so i jumped to 4-5 new players.

One was an player from old times. He went through the tutorial and we agreed to meet in Galmair, which didnt happen so far.
2-3 Just stood at the entry point and completly ignored me. I suppose they never moved before logging out again.
One i helped through the tutorial, who had quite some problems to understand how things work, e.g. how to take something into your hand. he was mostly through but then vanished suddenly as well.

maybe sending a mail to former players by the forum account entries might do something?

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:09 pm
by TiaSarah
Bringing in new players does nothing if we cannot keep them. When I started playing, there were around 200 active players. Where did they all go? Perhaps we should not be focusing solely on how to get people in the game, but also on what we can do to keep them there. Katharina brings up some good points, especially about PGing being poison to motivation.

I have been playing for around a decade, and I have left many times. Why? Because I get to the point where I look at the online list and think "That one is PGing, those two are a couple who are hiding, that one has been on for like 3 hours and is likely idling after PGing... it's not even worth the effort to log in." Sometimes, I try the "If you log in, others will see someone online and join." method. 90% of the time, it fails. Last night I spent 3 hours IG. About half of that, there were 2 other players on, and I did not see a single soul. If I log in 4 times in a week, most likely 3 of them are going to be me PGing somewhere in/near town (my chars are never hard to find), hoping to catch someone walking by for some RP. Then I'll end up thinking I should have played Sims 4 instead. Because if I'm going to play a single player game, it may as well be one that is designed for it.

Yes, the quests help. It doesn't even have to be a big, flashy GM one with monsters... the Cherry Blossom Festival was a ton of fun. But, we can't have a quest every day. Not only would people get burned out on them, we'd run out of fresh ideas in a months. We need to figure out how to motivate people to simply log in and play. Ask yourself: How often are you IG? Do you actively seek out other players, new or old, to try and RP? What are you doing to help keep the game interesting?

I won't lie, it is something I am struggling with myself. I've thought about quitting at least a dozen times in the past month alone, and I'm still not sure I'll stay through the summer.

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:52 pm
by Charlotte-ate-wilbur
Here's some things I've noticed, first off I'm an older player who disguised themselves as a new player for some time now.

There is a toxicity in the rp here. Some of us are so incredibly involved with our chars that they cannot fathom something difficult for them to experience. Lots of soft god modding, and when some people actually attempt to get involved in major events they are asked oocly how they know what they do or there are other players who actively attempt to take every ounce of attention, glory or whatever it is they're after. Some of these players do not log in very often nor even try to get newer characters or any characters involved. For instance Runewick's Guard has been nothing but a single guy who barely logs in, not to mention for the most part Runewick has been a joke because nobody takes the problems that have been occurring there seriously, even after many months. Furthermore there's alot of actions that seem out of place for characters like discarding the bodies of fellow citizens in a firepit to cover up a tragedy with such derisive language (done by a supposed religious and 'good' person). I get Characters are complicated however from what I've experienced here the rules of roleplay are not followed very well and there is only one active moderator who is trying so hard to give content via quests and fun times however one guy can't moderate everyone. This is or was an enforced rp game, suffice it to say it is my opinion that a majority of rp is just.. lacking. I have seen many a good roleplayer lose hope and go spend time elsewhere. I've seen over 30+ people just vanish, many of whom I played with. The cm team needs reviewed and I was also lead to believe this was NOT a pay to win game, however I've been waiting for 3 years for things to change before I decide to offer money to the Ev, and as it looks they won't be getting my money because there is a glaring lack of ideals among the ones in charge.

I'm also a bit bored of the sugar coating and excuses, like the drop in players isn't enough for anyone?

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:27 pm
by Sammy Goldlieb
Well, bringing new playersto Play it is one Thing. But keeping them. The placing of the Depots ig make itdifficult for Players to gather resources and you Need tons of stuffs to come further with the choosen skill. For me I stopped a Long time ago to garther resources, to Train, simply because it is too time consuming and not much fun at all, if you cant even trade with it, because the other Players can gather it somewhere else, e.g. treasuremaps and so on. The only crafts worthy time and effort are cooking and alchemy. So what to do if you havent much time or no fun to run around feeled Kilometers just to gather a bit of iron?...I stopped playing actively and come only for occasional rp. Why? I have not hours of time gathering resources or making stuff for one skill Point. And I dont zhink beginners, who havent much else have much fun to do it. So far my two cents

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:25 pm
by Kugar
If the general consensus is that this game is flat lining, then a dedicated effort needs to be made by the people in charge to entertain people and convince them to stay. I've seen it written a dozen times that it is up to the players to keep this game alive and entertaining but, if the players are leaving, then it is up to the people in charge and the game masters. Illarion is/has the potential to be great! People just need to be reminded of that.

There needs to be more game masters in the game creating entertainment in this crucial period (basically described in this thread as Illarion being on life-support) to keep the game alive (Slightly might break his back one of these days carrying this game on his shoulders). "Oh, you want to be spoon fed your entertainment" you might think... Well, sure? At least for right now to get me to want to play the game. I can log in with my own characters and try to stir something up but often these attempts are futile and prove to be a waste of time for me so I'll go find my entertainment elsewhere. Whether they like to admit it or not, people in general react well to following the herd to the whistle of someone or something more able and powerful than they are. Game masters have the mechanical ability to make the world less static with game master tools, all-inform world-describing messages, monster spawns and so on. It just makes things better. We don't even need to have them all the time? Just every couple of weekends to build events up? Think of it as a defibrillator. A few "charge to 1000... clear!" for good measure. Todays 'gamers' have such a low attention span because there are so many new shiny games coming out all the time what with the abundance of DIY game engines and big companies trying to squeeze out the competition. Illarion NEEDS to charge to 1000 to compete with all that.

Table top rpgs are so fun and successful because of the game masters. And Illarion could be too. Take a chance and hire more game masters. There's loads of players here who pour hours of their time into their chars in this game - why not make them game masters and they can pour their hours into something more worthwhile? Scripting the game with new features isn't a passport to a successful roleplay-inforced mmorpg imho. Use some of that time getting in game and promoting role-play instead. A couple of hours on the weekend or your day off? Maybe worth a try.

A while back I started a thread complaining about the player leaders of the realms and how they don't do anything/hold back progress (in hindsight, wasn't a good idea at all, came to regret doing that). How about giving these player leaders a 'game-master lite' toolkit and see what happens? Maybe they will surprise us all or horribly disappoint us. Worth a try, no? It might also be a nice reward for playing a leader of a realm and help ensure they log in.

If you are going to introduce something like onion-ball - jump-start peoples interest in it by creating a character who holds tournaments and championships (cup rewards etc... Nice timing with the world cup, too). I would do it but honestly with my schedule I would probably not have the time to do it effectively.

Devs - get involved in indie communities and show off your work... Indiedb, gamejolt etc etc. There's a huge community of indie-game players who pay attention to these websites.

Kath's idea about the online list is pretty good, too.

Edit: Things are still happening in the game but we all grow older and don't have the free time we used to. The grey tower looks interesting, Letma still stirs, I'm trying to start up my cult again with the hope that it all doesn't end in mindless pking... Ah, that is another thing - evil-do'ers also, sadly, rely on game masters (otherwise it is just back and forth word-jousting or fighting). I say 'rely' on game masters but lets face it - we're all helping each other here.

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:27 pm
by Katharina Brightrim
Banduk wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 1:15 pm And most of your points are because there are no new player.
Most of my points explain why there aren't new players (for long).

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:47 pm
by Jupiter
Banduk's original post is about making Illarion more visible to potential new players. This is certainly an issue we need to deal with. Others in this topic have raised issues that are not concerned with this but rather with the gaming experience. Those two issue are not contradicting each other, of course. They rather support each other: More people will increase a better gaming experience, and a better gaming experience will increase the people staying to play the game. So advertising Illarion IS something we need to do.

I have read the points that were made here, but I lack the time to address them all. I just want to say that the staff is not blind to the problems that are going on. We cannot solve all issues at once, but we are preparing 'something' (The vaguness is intentional to not spoil you ;) ).
Besides that, let me comment just briefly on two points made here: Magic is going foreward; the next update will bring Banduk's glyph forging into the game (Probably on the 15th of this month). On the online list: I never liked it in the current state. I am not sure if Kath's idea is the best soultion (I could also imagine just removing it completely), but I agree that we should change it. I do think there is a proposal thread for that or even a mantis ticket. If someone would dig that up or create a new proposal where some ideas for a new online list style could be discussed, I would be thankful.

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 10:05 pm
by Banduk
I got frighted. Not a single idea regarding the topic!

How to tell people, never heard about Illarion, Illarion exists?

Do we really want to sit in an invisible room and blame how dark it is inside, wondering nobody open the door and come in with an unlit candle we can help to ignite?

How to keep casual new player is another topic. But even the most perfect landing page will help nothing, if nobody come in.

Just one cent regarding the landing: The success belongs to the people playing. Nobody need to be GM or have extra engine support to attract new player and show what Illarion is pretending to be: A platform for people want to interact by role play. If we blame somebody new player don't find a role play environment then someone is you and me.

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:42 pm
by TiaSarah
The best promoters that money can buy, attracting people to our home page like moths to a flame, will do nothing to get new players IG if they get there and see there is one person online.

Banduk wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:01 am Every idea to improve Illarion is how to make an active player to a long term player.

We are giving you ideas to improve Illarion. You have to retain current players to attract new ones. Just because it is not what you want to hear, does not make it less relevant or true.

Banduk wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:01 am All we have are a few long term active players which slowly fade away by any reason, not controllable by us.

I am a long term player, trying not to fade away. I have to force myself to log in most days, but I do my best. I share the fun memes the Illarion Facebook page has started posting recently. I am telling my friends, coworkers, customers about the game... and they are looking at me like I've gotten my 3rd concussion. The #1 thing I hear from people is "I thought you said it was an MMO? Where are the other players?"

Before you can market Illarion, you need to make it look like a game worth marketing.

Banduk wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:01 am The limitations are:
  • It must not cost any.
  • It must not be done by somebody but by a dedicated person – YOU!
That's right, we the players must do it. But how??? Log in. Roleplay. Actively encourage other players to get in and roleplay with you. Tell your friends. Get them to log in. Roleplay some more. As Kat mentioned, any potential new player is going to go straight to our online list, then statistics page. When they see the numbers there, they will move on to another game. There are currently more people active on this topic than there have been IG for the past 24 hours. The numbers for the past week and month are not much higher. Heck, the first thing you see on the statistics page is a graphic showing a steady drop for nearly a decade... that's enough to make anyone run before they even start looking at screen shots!

How do you market a game that you are not actively playing?

How many people reading/commenting on this thread have actually logged in and tried to find RP in the past week? Past month? You cannot expect a tree to grow if you only spritz water on the leaves and sprinkle some glitter to make it pop.

Stop the mass exodus of current players, and you just might find that drawing in new ones is a lot easier. Or, focus on only drawing in 20 new players, and by the time you have them, the 40 current ones will be gone, and you'll still be wondering how to get more in.

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:02 am
by Kugar
Banduk wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2018 10:05 pm I got frighted. Not a single idea regarding the topic!
get involved in indie communities and show off your work... Indiedb, gamejolt etc etc


I checked Gamejolt - Illarion isn't listed on it.

You guys have an indiedb page here: ... aying-game

but it hasn't been updated since 2014, by the looks of it. No article or video updates. You're aware that a well written article on that website gets put on the front page?

Here is an example of a well maintained indiedb page: - 468 articles, tutorials, videos et all.

Or get yourself on Make a nice page for Illarion like this one: ... chapter-en - and post regular developer blogs.

Word of mouth is scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of ways to try and get this game noticed. And you might think having a period of extreme activity with gm quests is giving off the wrong impression of Illarion, but consider that it might bring in new players... And when you have built a community then the community can police itself HOPEFULLY. How do you think companies get people to try their product? They put lipstick on it and tart it up. You might call it being deceptive but that's just how business is done.

EDIT: Your Illarion twitter accounts don't utilize the hashtag function in any profitable way.

Looking at the twitter accounts, there is no things like:


and you guys don't take advantage of #screenshotsaturday either.

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 3:55 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
Kugar wrote: Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:02 am
EDIT: Your Illarion twitter accounts don't utilize the hashtag function in any profitable way.

Looking at the twitter accounts, there is no things like:


and you guys don't take advantage of #screenshotsaturday either.
We have a twitter account?! Why are these social media pages not being promoted better? Why are they not even on the main page to allow people to access them?

I've been trying to jump start our FB page. Yes, life got me, but at least it is a bit more active and isn't posted on once every 3 months. At least it makes an attempt to draw people into the game, to tie things together. If/when I can I have been promoting IG events and trying to draw people to them who may not have checked out the Illa main page for a while. And quite honestly, the quest list is rather hidden, so unless you are actively looking for it, how do you know what events are going on ig?

I want to start posting on Indie Dev fb pages. I want to start trolling various indie forums. But I don't want to do that while I see only 2 players online. Get ig and play guys!

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:05 pm
by Estralis Seborian :roll:

I agree with most what has been said. Personally, I won't be able to help this game until September, though.

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 8:43 pm
by Caswir
Illarion used to have an application process. You would have to write out a roleplay and be approved to have an account. So you could say illarion is not like normal games, and more intended for a roleplay illuminated experience.

I am following illarion on twitter, and also facebook where there seems to be more activity. The twitter account has been inactive since 2013. Should be taking advantage of twitter, it would be a good opportunity for promoting the site to new players.

Will the game live on? Who knows? If we could find more players it would be interesting. Super excited glyph forging is otw, I have been looking forward to this update.

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:10 pm
by Kugar
The facebook is brilliant btw, Dan. I really like the descriptions of the inhabitants of Gobaith arriving... Nice :mrgreen:

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 4:47 pm
by Dantagon Marescot
Thank you ^^ I was doing that for Throw Back Thursday and then got off schedule. I will make note to start those back up then. :D

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:11 pm
by Necral
So my bro kept telling I should try Illarion again. I decided 'why not' and logged in on his comp (I don't have Illarion installed, my comp fan freaks out when I try to play).

Deciding to do a little experiment, I make a new character and decide to go in and cause a bit of trouble so I can get into a 'rp fight' (I figure I have no skills, I don't want to skill up, so I see what the reaction will be). It was all going so well and then the player I was having the rp fight decided to send me an ooc message:
(( rp fight its nice but she is a knight and warrior since really long please respect it...))
I was being reasonable, allowing the characters hits to land every time. What was the problem? It seems since I was a 'new player' I cannot take part in a roleplay fight without getting my ass completely kicked. They had no idea who my character was for the most part, and I was completely fine at the prospect of losing - in fact I HOPED I would so I would get thrown in jail or something more entertaining. But the whole ooc thing threw me off and I wasn't 'in the zone' anymore. I soon logged out.

So, something to consider - try not to treat 'new players' like 'new players'. It's... Annoying. And PLEASE do not send such immersion breaking ooc messages.

That's all, hope you guys get the player numbers up :wink:

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 11:39 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Apologize for this post but I wish to address the complaint. We don't encourage players to complain about roleplay that just happened that is NOT a rule breaker on the forum even though no char or name was posted.

However, if a rule breaker contact the GM. I would invite any problem RP that is not a rule breaker to come to irc to discuss with the other player or CM.. or catch a GM if you wish. Reminding all a short ooc sentence is always allowed in game.. not encouraged but simply allowed if one feels it is necessary. As a new player also you can request the sign "New" be removed from your char anytime.

Welcome to Illarion and here is the irc you can come to discuss problems or simply talk to the players... If you have problems with this irc.. we are on quakenet and you can join illarion.

Addressing the post, different people have different RP styles.. some feel that even the RP should conform totally with their character's strength and weaknesses while others feel that those same strengths can be ignored in a RP fight only, I have seen the strongest character fall as if hit by a much weaker character in the fight and then seen others give a quick ooc of strengths to point it out to the other. That is what is so nice about a multiplayer game.. unlike a computer, people will have those different styles and act accordingly. I don't think any animosity was intended.

Re: Illarion passes away

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 7:35 am
by 1d20
You can get new players, but they won't stay because they don't experience what Illarion has to offer; roleplay.

Illarion doesn't offer gameplay. If someone wants RPG gameplay, they won't play Illarion, they'll play any one of hundreds of other games that do RPG better than Illarion.

What Illarion does better than any other game is enforced roleplay.

The issue is, I'll say it for the third (fourth? fifth?) time - you hardly meet any other characters to play with and enjoy the one selling point Illarion has to offer.

This happens because you have a small playerbase and spread them across three towns.

Until you figure out a way to bring all the players together in one spot, so interaction and things actually happen, new players will not stay.

Re: Illarion needs promotion

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:43 am
by roleplayerr
I want to write a series of (positive) review articles to attract new players. Especially in the last weeks, since my woman started playing i noticed a lot of good things about the first time and overall illa experience, and some nice effects that the game has on people.. For example it teaches children a lot that is useful in life (we already decided to encourage our kids to play once they are old enough).

- That you always archieve more if you team up with others
- how things are made
- that to get good at something you need time and do it a lot
and many more things.. but thats just one idea for an article...

What i need are some addresses of gamer blogs where the players that we are looking for are reading. Any ideas?

Re: Illarion needs promotion

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:40 am
by Karrock
Karl I doubt this is serious reason that new people don't join. In the one of the best enforced rp Ultima's shard exists only a one town. Before were two. Decision of closing a second one did not improve number of new players who have decided there to stay longer. Easiest solution would be invest in free marketing and explain vistors of the page personal profits of being player in interesting subpage. Like the easiest example: Possibilty to improve additional language or even learn up from beginner level a new language.

Necral I admit that even I overabuse ooc during playing. I have decided to limit this. If you rise up rp fight you should know that no player is forced to rp losing. I consider this is not issue of characters marked as new but this is actually aswell issue of all new and old chars. Rp fights depend on agreement of both sides of rp fight. This is why ooc is okay there before or meanwhile fight because rp fight can lead to effects in longer term playing.

roleplayerr This initiative is very nice. I though sadly noticed that even forums or groups on fb about crpgs and tabletop rpgs give no echo and no posts nor questions sent through PMs. Except hate of course. If you find good words you can attract some people I still hope despite of my own experiences.

Re: Illarion needs promotion

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:35 am
by Karrock
One more post
Kath is right online list should be removed from main page. Such information of online players is sent after log in without giving names. Perhaps simple command to type in any moment being online to check numbers (with or without names) might be aswell interesting solution.

Re: Illarion needs promotion

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:25 am
by Estralis Seborian

Re: Illarion needs promotion

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:49 am
by roleplayerr
Estralis Seborian wrote: Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:25 am Two starting points:



Re: Illarion needs promotion

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:44 pm
by Banduk
roleplayerr wrote:
Estralis Seborian wrote: Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:25 am Two starting points:


Just for information:
When I contacted all the listed pages years ago (I think it was about 4 years ago) the lists were heavily outdated.
In the most cases the pages weren't updated for years already or didn't react.
Most of the active lists required a payment, 3 demand a link on the main web page what we reject.
2 added Illarion, 2 updated an already existing entry.
In at least 1 case adding failed since I didn't had an official Illarion mail.
If you want I should have a bunch of documents regrading the activities anywhere. Send me a mail and I'll forward it to you (most German!).

So first you should create an list of active pages. But read the top of these topic and you will learn that dev lead and the predominant player agree in the fact, it's not worth to promote Illarion.

Re: Illarion needs promotion

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:41 pm
by Estralis Seborian
But read the top of these topic and you will learn that dev lead and the predominant player agree in the fact, it's not worth to promote Illarion.
It is not the staff's position that Illarion shall not be promoted. Any promotion efforts are highly appreciated. If any support with e.g. logistics is needed, the staff will provide it. It is recommended to focus on social media and posting public reviews on known sites that already feature Illarion.

There is no better time to promote than right now.

Re: Illarion needs promotion

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 9:43 pm
by Banduk
Estralis Seborian wrote: Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:41 pm It is not the staff's position that Illarion shall not be promoted. Any promotion efforts are highly appreciated. If any support with e.g. logistics is needed, the staff will provide it. It is recommended to focus on social media and posting public reviews on known sites that already feature Illarion.

There is no better time to promote than right now.

Aren't you a little bit late?

4 month after a question was raised where to promote Illarion that was torn in the air by the predominant player, followed by large lists of reason why Illarion must not be promoted, finally the game lead engaged himself.
Sad to say meanwhile the originator of the question left Illarion disillusioned.

And you even stated that Illarion must not be promote earlier in this thread.
Estralis Seborian wrote: I agree with most what has been said. Personally, I won't be able to help this game until September, though.

May I ask where this sudden change of your opinion came from?