Magier, Mage

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Magier, Mage

Post by Avariel »

Die Attributvoraussetzungen für einen Alchemisten habe ich gefunden, aber nirgends scheint zu stehen, welche Attributwerte notwendig sind, um Magie zu erlernen. Könnte ich da mal um ein wenig Erleuchtung bitten.

I found the necessary attributes for becoming an alchemyst, but nowhere the requirements for learning magic. Could someone enlighten me on the necessary attributes to become a mage?
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Raina Narethil
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Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:52 am

Re: Magier, Mage

Post by Raina Narethil »

The reason for this is magic is still not in game and still being worked on. The old system is gone so likely that will not be used with this new system

I am sure once they finalized the concept and do testing on they will let us know what stats are needed.
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Re: Magier, Mage

Post by Damien »

The staff is working on a lot of stuff, and they're also thinking about giving mage players at least something fun to do. But it's all stuff in work, so expect it to take a while.

The attributes a mage usually needed in illarion are high values in Intelligence, Willpower and Essence.
Characters with average to low ratings in these were unable to cast spells. That's a concept that worked, and most likely the following system(s) will work somewhat likewise.
You will find out that a char having high values in these attributes ends up as a very poor fighter, so if you're really concepting a mage character you won't have much fun with it until some magical things are implemented, which is for a while.

Re: Magier, Mage

Post by Avariel »

Thank you for these informations, it does help a lot to know the basic idea.
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