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Post by Matron »

A man runs towards Bane, enters the town and shouts that the elf Lonor got beaten up by a tall barbarian. But he also says that the elf escaped again.
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Post by Lonor_ »

Mann 1: "Ich hab heute die Leiche eines Halblings am Hafen gefunden".
Mann 2: "Echt? Hast du was gefunden was auf seinen Namen vermuten lässt?"
Mann 1: "Nein. Ich habe nur einen Zettel gefunden wo drauf stand: Ihr wolltet ja die Gefangenen nicht freilassen. Jetzt ist der Halbling tot"
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Post by Dariya »

Ein Wanderer berichtet von einem Handelsschiff mit rot-gelben Segeln und einem großen Falken darauf, das die Küsten von Gobaith ansteuert.


A wanderer reports of a merchant-ship with red-yellow sails and a huge falcon on them, heading for the coast of Gobaith.
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Post by Thorvald »

Am Hafen...

Zwei Gestalten treten vom Steg auf den Hafen. Der eine gehüllt in einen dunklen Mantel, der andere gekleidet in Rüstung und wohl bewaffnet bis auf die Zähne.

Jarmal: "Grüße Landratten! Hoffe ihr hattet eine angenehme Reise."


Jarmal: "Wo ihr herkommt grüßt man wohl nich?"

Kaum sind die beiden Männer vom Hafen verschwunden dreht sich Jarmal um und brüllt über die Schulter:

"Mein Gott Zaruk, jetzt hasse aber was verpasst! Die zwei Typen bedeuten sicher mal nix gutes!"


At the harbour...

Two cloaked figures leave one of the ships over the foot bridge. One of them is cloaked and the other seems to be clad in armour and armed to the teeth.

Jarmal: "Greeting landrats. I hope you had a good journey!"


Jarmal: "I guess you don't greet in the place where you come from."

Right after the moment the two figures disappear fromt he harbour, Jarmal cocks his head and yells over his shoulder.

"My gosh, Zaruk! Now you missed something! Those two guys for sure mean trouble!"
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Post by Salhari »

a small vessel, manned by elves, show up at the harbor and meet with an elf already on the isle. After a brief coversation, the shipmen hand him a book, board their vessel, and leave. The strange thing is the boat had no sails or oars, but still manuvered
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Post by Roseanne »

Ein junges Pärchen, das auf dem Weg nach Trolls Bane den Hafen passiert, wird bei folgender Unterhaltung gehört:

Sie: Liebster, hast du diese Elfen gesehen?
Er: Ja, sie sahen irgendwie .... beängstigend aus, findest du nicht auch?
Sie: Ja ... und nicht gerade arm, diese teuren Mäntel, die ihre funkelnden Schwerter allerdings nicht vollständig verdecken konnten ...
Er: Vielleicht sollten wir umsiedeln, irgendwie riecht das nach Ärger.

Sie beschleunigen ihre Schritte und schweigen den Rest des Weges.


A young couple, passing the harbour on their way to Trolls Bane, can be heard:

Her: Darling, did you see those elves?
Him: Yes, they looked kind of .... scary, don't you think so?
Her: Yes ... and they didn't seem to be poor, those exquisite robes, which couldn't hide those sparkling swords.
Him: Maybe we should move to some other place, this somehow looks like trouble.

They speed up and remain silent for the rest of their way.
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Post by Nitram »

Du hörst in der Taverne zu Trollsbane zwei Seemänner miteinander reden.

"Schlimme Sache das mit Rothman."
"Aye. Aber sowas musste ja passieren."
"Geschieht denen ganz recht. Das sind auch nur ein paar räudige Banditen."
"Wem sagst du das! Diese Missgeburten haben den Hof von meinem Sohn überfallen. Das Vieh gestohlen und meine Schwiegertochter halb tot geschlagen."
"Dreckskerle. Sich an hilfslosen Frauen zu vergehen."
"Denen muss man den Verstand wirklich einprügeln. Sowas haben die im ganzen Umland von Salkamar gemacht."
"Zum Glück hat Salkamar reagiert."
"Aye. Soll ja keine große Sache gewesen sein."
"Was hast du erwartet? Ein paar Diebe gegen die Armee von Salkamar? Lächerlich."
"Haben sie diese Sippe eigentlich aus der Burg rausbekommen. Das letzte was ich hörte, war das die Armee das Versteck von Rothman belagert."
"Keine Ahnung. Mehr hab ich auch nicht gehört. Aber wenn du mich fragst sollten sie diese Burg einfach niederbrennen."
"Meine Rede. Ratten räuchtert man am Besten aus!"


You can hear two sailors talking in the tavern of Trollsbane.

"Bad matter that thing with the Rothman"
"Aye. But something like that just had to to happen."
"Serves them right. They are nothing but some mangy rogues."
"Whom are you telling that? Those bastards raided the farm of my son. The cattle got stolen and my daughter-in-law they nearly striked dead."
"Scums. Attacking defenseless women."
"You really have to beat some sense into them. They did that in the whole area of Salkmar."
"Good that Salkamar reacted."
"Aye. Wasn't a big thing, I heard."
"What did you expect? A few robbers against the legions of Salkamar? Pathetic"
"Did they actually get their kin out of the castle? The last I heard was, that the Salkamaerians sieged on their hideout."
"No clue. Haven't heard anything more. But if you ask me, I think they should just burn that castle down."
"Just my thoughts. Rats are best to be smoked out."
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Ku 'Agor
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Post by Ku 'Agor »

Rumors quickly spread from Varshikar and Troll's Bane that the Orc Ku has been spotted, but is Ill.
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Taliss Kazzxs
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

A rumor is about that Taliss Kazzxs and his mate have now had there first egg.
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Talaena Landessi
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Post by Talaena Landessi »

Any frequent hunters in the ogre mountains will , by chance, spot a little goblin running about. He doesn't ever try to make contact, but he does sometimes follow and watch from afar.
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Post by Matron »

Two old men are sitting at the fireplace in front of the shop. One of them seems to be a bit deaf so that both are talking louder than others:

1: You saw this hooded guy?
2: Eh?
1: This hooded guy planting trees in town!
2: Oh, yes, yes seems that the trees' father returned
1: Trees' father?!
2: *chuckles*
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Post by Gildon »

Rankor was often seen sharpening a double-sided axe in the smithy, people mumble rumours about what he's doing, some shirk them away and just say he's sharpening his axe for practice against the pigs.
A dark figure
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Post by A dark figure »

In the Fluffy Sheep Tavern, two handmaidens discuss:

Woman 1: Did you see that orc, that walked in the hospital earlier today, after that handsome, shirtless lad strayed out?
Woman 2: Oh, the tall and large orc? Wearing an unhooded cloak?
Woman 1: That's the one! He did nothing but grunt and snort, walked in and right out. Only a few minutes after the quite-beautiful page..

They both chuckle and giggle timidly, before carrying on the conversation:

Woman 1: I was too curious! I went to see inside the hospital, and it was empty.. Only thing I found, was a piece of parchment pinned to the wall with an arrow..

Speaks the woman, showing her friend the note, where a Red Eye is drawn.
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Post by Fooser »

You hear individuals have been going through Troll's Bane, handing out large articles of clothing and daggers, to protest some of the laws and rules of the town.
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Post by Pygrus »

Es wird erzählt, wie ein Mann im untersten zimmer der taverne in trols bane eingeschlossen ist, und um hilfe ruft.
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Post by Pygrus »

Es wird erzählt das man an in Bane die Leiche von einem mann fand. (( Baluk ))
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Post by John Doe »

In der Taverne wird beim Bier von bewaffneten Elben und Männern erzählt, die ihr Lager angeblich auf halbem Weg zwischen dem Hafen und der Farmers' Union aufgeschlagen haben.

Manche wollen gehört haben, daß die Fremden mit einem Schiff aus Albar ankamen, andere erzählen, sie kamen von noch weiter her.

Wanderer, die das Lager passierten und nach dem Grund ihres Aufenthaltes fragten, wurden nicht sonderlich freundlich behandelt und abgespeist mit Kommentaren wie:

"Das geht Euch nichts an und wenn Ihr klug seid, macht Ihr Euch gen Süden davon." oder
"Gebt Acht, daß Eure Neugierde Euch nicht Euren Kopf kostet."

woraufhin sich die Wanderer eiligst entfernten.


At the tavern you can hear people sitting over their beer talking about a bunch of elves and humans having put up their camp halfway between the harbour and the Farmers' Union.

Some have heard they arrived with a ship from Albar, others heard they came from a land even further away.

Wanderers passing the camp and asking for the reason of their stay haven't been treated too friendly and fobbed off with comments like:

"Mind your own business and if you are clever you head off to the South."
"Take care that your curiosity won't cost your head."

whereupon the wanderers hastily strode off.
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Post by Kadir »

Some men who were hunting in the woods near the harbor tell that they heard the scream of a woman but couldn't find anything though they admit that they didn't search at the field as their beer was already waiting.
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Post by Lrmy »

Early in the morning on the 13th of Ronas...

A series of loud screams coming from the lake could be heard across the south-west portion of Troll's Bane.

A man dressed in black and red robes with his face hidden by a hood passes few people just outside of town quietly.

Man1: What was that about then?
Man2: I...I...the screams. We should go check on it?
Man1 swallows as he nods.
The two men walk along the lake shore quietly until they come across a pillar. A young woman, no older than 20 years of age lies dead and bloodied with three black handles of three daggers in a triangle stuck in her chest. The first man notices a note left folded in half lying on her chest. He walks to it with a sickly look upon his face and reads aloud to his companion.
"1...2...3...Count them on me."

The man drops the note as he and his companion run into town franticly telling various people he finds along the road of what they witnessed.
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Post by Gabon Corad »

should you stand looking out north from the grey castle, a short bulky figure can be seen walking around the Mummy temple. The figure seems to be looking for something but should you step closer to see what it is, it quickly disappears in the woods to the west.
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Post by Pellandria »

You hear two elves talking near the harbor.

Elf 1:As I said two pairs of Trees on the Island
Elf 2:One cherry and one apple..on the siranis?
The first elf nods
Elf 1: just a little carving in the Cherry tress.
The second elf tilts his head
Elf 2: And what is this carving?
Elf 1: Well its a heart and the names "Pella + Shara" stand in it

One elf turns his head and looks angry at you, they begin to speak in elfen tongue then
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Fianna Heneghan
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Post by Fianna Heneghan »

It seems Fianna Heneghan is having difficulty recognizing even her closest friends and can be heard asking people to re-introduce themselves.
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Senrin der Ältere
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Post by Senrin der Ältere »

Von der Taverne aus verbreitet sich das Gerücht, Serana habe ihrem Freund Andril heute Zwillinge mit den Namen Rhonja und Rhadom geboren.
From the tavern the rumour spreads, that Serana has born twins named Rhonja and Rhadom. The father is Seranas boyfriend Andril.
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Post by Dariya »

Ein Wanderer berichtet, daß das Handelsschiff mit den rot-gelben Segeln und einem großen Falken darauf die Küsten von Gobaith wieder ansteuert.


A wanderer reports that the merchant-ship with the red-yellow sails and a huge falcon on them is heading again towards the coast of Gobaith.
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Post by Kadiya »

Todd erzählt, während er freudestrahlend auf mehrere Kuchen zeigt, die sie ihm dagelassen hat, dass Kadiya wohl heute Nacht kurz in Briar war und ihr gesamtes Depot dort leergeräumt hat.
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Senrin der Ältere
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Post by Senrin der Ältere »

Ein junger Elf erzählt in der Taverne, dass er einen großen roten Ork in der Wüste herumlaufen gesehen hat, der verwirrt und allein herumgelaufen sit. Es scheint als hätte er sich verlaufen
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Post by Cedrick Andolius »

Es häufen sich Berichte über verdächtige Gestalten am Hafen die ihre Gesichter vor der Öffentlichkeit verbergen. Meist soll auch ein großer Ork dabeisein, den Zaruk als Rok Kré Ho erkannt haben will.


There are some reports about suspicious figures near the harbour, who hide their faces with hoods. Mostly an orc is with them, who Zaruk wanted to have recognised as Rok Kré Ho.
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Post by Lamar »

Es wird erzählt dass auf Gobiath mehrere bunte angemalte eiförmige objekte versteckt sind.
Diese Objekte sollen sich in den nächsten Tagen angeblich in magische Rüstungsteile verwandeln..
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Post by Kragnarr »

You hear rumors about a woman which is dying in Varshikar because of the bite of a scorpion.
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Michael Isman
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Post by Michael Isman »

You hear Michael Isman has not shown up for a few days, some warriors say the tournament is canceled..