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Warning: An alle neuen Bewohner/ To all new towns people...

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 4:59 pm
by Saurin Talon
Ein grosses Stück Papier hängt an der Wand:

Als ich heute gerade mit Athian ein bisschen bei den Mumien am trainieren war, hörten wir plötzlich jemand schreien, dass das "Seahorse"- Hotel brenne. Sofort machten wir uns auf den Weg um nachzuschauen und gegebenenfalls zu helfen, als wir dort ankamen, stellte sich das ganze als ein "schlechter Scherz" heraus, es waren magische Flammen, die nach einer Weile verschwanden...

Wir wollen denjenigen, wir nehmen an ein neuer Bewohner, darauf hinweisen, dass das Zaubern in der Stadt, genauso wie das Anzünden von Gebäuden - VERBOTEN - ist und - ANGEZEIGT - werden kann!!!

Gruss Saurin Talon i.A. von Athian


A big piece of paper on the wall says:

Today I was trainig a bit with Athian at the mummies, when suddenly someone shouted for help, because the "seahorse"-Hotel was burning. Athian and I suddenly went to see what happened and in case to help, but as we reached there, the whole thing turned into a "bad joke". It were magical Flames, which disappeared after a while...

We only want to say to who did this, we guess a new one, that casting in town and burning buildings is - NOT ALLOWED - and that you can be - PUNISHED - therefore!!

Greetigns Saurin Talon i.O. Athian

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 5:06 pm
by Grant Herion
Later on the shop was alite, then the smithy, then the Workshop, they were all burned horribly. Some of the wood in the workshop and the carpet in the shop needs to be replaced, it is badly burnt. What a horrible joke.


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 8:38 pm
by Roke
Is the Silverstar Shop okay? I was just doing some finishing touches on it. The supplies took way to long to get to the island and if we have to order them again, I don't even want to start about that...

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 9:03 pm
by Grant Herion
I dont think it was touched... I didn't stay in town long though, in and out.


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 11:33 pm
by Athian
yes Someone was definatly being a fool today, I'm hoping though it's a bit odd to say that it someone new to the island if not then the person responsible already knew the general rules of our land and therefore did this with the intention to cause trouble.

Athian Corulas