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Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:04 am
by Djironnyma
Jedes Wort dieser Zeilen ist wie Stich in mein Herz, denn ich weiß der Tinte wird Blut folgen. Ich versuche mir einzureden, sie nicht zu schreiben könnte das Unvermeidliche verhindern. Doch dem ist nicht so.

Am Morgen des neunten Zas habe ich durch Informanten eine Liste des Tempels erhalten, sie trägt nicht nur die Namen von Freunden, Geliebten und Verbündeten, sie trägt auch die Aufforderung des Oberherrn des Tempels Verdazar, alle auf dieser Liste mit Hinterlist und im Verborgenden zu meucheln.

Wir sehen darin einen Bruch des Waffenstillstandes von Seiten des Tempels. Die Jünger des Unausgesprochenen können ihre verderbte und ehrlose Natur nicht unter Kontrolle halten, in ihnen ist keinerlei Interesse für Frieden und Wohlstand, in ihnen ist nur das Streben zur Mehrung des eigen Wohl.

Da der Tempel den Waffenstilstand beendet hat sehen wir uns gezwungen ihm die Möglichkeit zu nehmen Trolls Bane mit seinen Lügen zu vergiften und zu betäuben um es zu seinen Nutzen auszubeuten. Wir müssen davon ausgehen das Trolls Bane zum Rückgrat und zur Finanzquelle des Tempels geworden ist.

Am 18. Zas des 33. Jahres nach dem Fall des Hexerkönigs wird das Licht der Sonne tausend mal heller scheinen, dann werden wir, unsere Verbündeten und jede aufrechte Seele die sich der guten Sache anschießt Trolls Bane von den Schrecken des Tempels befreien. Wir rufen alle friedfertigen und wehrlosen Bürger und Gäste Trolls Banes auf an diesem Tage mit ihrer Habe der Stadt fern zu bleiben. Jeder der am Tag der Befreiung in Bane weilt wird von uns als Verteidiger des Tempels und jener die ihn repräsentieren, der jünger des Unausgesprochenen, angesehen und ohne weitere Warnung seiner gerechtem Bestimmung zugeführt.

~Djironnyma, für die Träger des Feuers
Every last word of this message pains my heart because I know that the ink will be followed by blood. I try to tell myself that I don't have to write it to avoid what cannot be avoided. But that's not how it works.

On the morning of the ninth of Zas, one of my informants presented me with a list from the Temple that not only holds the names of friends, beloved ones and allies but also the demand of the Temple's Overlord Verdazar to secretly and silently annihilate them.

We see this as a breach to our armed truce by the Temple. The servants of the Unspeakable do no longer seem to be able to keep their depraved, vicious and honorless nature under control, showing no sign of interrest in the peace and wealth of Gobaith. They only care for their own comfort.

Since the Temple has broken our armed truce, we see ourselves forced to take away the Temple's oportunity to further poison Trollsbane with its lies, carelessly preying on the town and its citizens. We have to assume, that the town of Trollsbane has become a haven aswell as a source for financial wealth to the Temple.

On the 18. Zas in the 33. year after the fall of the witchking, the light of the sun will shine a thousand times brighter, because we, our allied ones and any rightious soul that will join this good cause shall rid Trollsbane of the Temple's frightening reign. We ask every peaceful and defenceless citizen aswell as Trollsbane's guests to stay away from the Town on that day. Anyone that remains in Trollsbane on the day we shall set it free, will be treated as a defender of the Temple and those who represent the temple, the servants of the Unspeakable and therefor be brought to their rightful punishment without warming.

~Djironnyma, for the Bearers of the Fire


Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:53 am
by Tialdin
In großer Trauer und mit der Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera, der Wahl zwischen einem Krieg, oder dem abwarten darauf hinterrücks ermordet zu werden, entscheide ich König Tialdin von Silberbrand mich schweren Herzens zum Krieg.

Doch es ist nicht Trolls Bane, dem wir den Krieg erklären, sondern es ist einzig die Gruppe von Usurpatoren, die sich durch Betrug, Mord und Erpressung an die Macht gebracht haben.

Wir können nicht dulden das Moshrananbeter und Dämonenpaktierer weiterhin ihren verruchten Einfluss auf unserer Insel erweitern.

Ich rufe alle Rechtgläubigen der guten Götter, alle jene welche unter dem so genannten Tempel in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart gelitten haben und leiden, dazu auf sich unserem Gerechten Kampf gegen die Achse des Bösen anzuschließen.

Unser Ziel ist es Trolls Bane den Frieden zu bringen, denn Trolls Bane gehört allen Rassen und insbesondere neu eingereiste Siedler, sollen dort in Frieden den Anfängen ihrer Ausbildung nachgehen können. Ohne vergiftet und verführt zu werden von den pervertierten und kranken Gedanken und Taten der Ketzer des Tempels.

Nicht nur mein Name steht auf der Liste der Meuchler sondern auch die der Gräfin und des Grafen zu Silberklinge und am Ende der Liste „Most any Silverbrand Dwarf“. Meinem Throneid folgend kann ich nicht anders, als diese Drohung mit Waffengewalt zu beantworten. Zwerge von Silberbrand nicht nur euer König und eure Altkönigin wurden bedroht, sondern alle Bürger des Königreiches. Folgt eurem Eid, geleistet auf Irmorom, die Bürger Silberbrands und den König zu schützen.

Einwohner Gobiaths, Zwerge von Silberbrand es ist an der Zeit, die Äxte zu schärfen und die Rüstungen zu ölen. Greift zu den Waffen, erstreitet euer Recht. Irmorom ist mit uns. Denn das seine ist das erschaffen und das schützen.

Die Abwehr jener
die zerstören und niederreißen,
die Trolls Bane verfallen lassen,
einzig ihren persönlichen Reichtum und ihre Macht mehren,
ist unsere heilige Pflicht.

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:00 am
by Nalzaxx
And so it comes to it at last. The Bearers have dropped all pretense of peace and shown themselves for the warmongers they are. I had truly hoped the ignorance and hate that fuels the Bearers would have burnt itself out by now. Though it seems such hopes were but a fools dream and old disputes cannot be left to lie. I cannot fathom from where such an accusation arises that I have ordered members of the Bearers, let alone their allies to be 'annihilated.' Such a list is certainly news to myself, and is a poor excuse to drag the island into war.

I would also ask Djironnyma to explain the frightening reign we have inflicted upon the Town of Bane and what freedom can come of such violent and bitter aggressions towards a town that is quietly prospering away from the recent troubles in the north. This strikes me as little more than a feeble excuse to extend their influence over the isle and to take control of Bane. It seems what many of you have feared and expected has been made plain to see with this rather brash move.

I also counter that those who stay in Bane wish to defend their freedom and their homes. I find it rather odd that Djironnyma would then attack such innocents based on some paranoid delusion that they are collaborating with a long dead organisation. Though I have seen this many times before. Those who would spill blood simply cry "Templar" and use it to justify violence, regardless of merit or meaning. Indeed I can count the evils of the Bearers the past year much more readily than I can of any other group or organisation. Existant or not. I ask that those of you under Djironnyma's banner reconsider what it is he actually fights for, and if such bloodshed is worth chasing the ghosts of the past. Do not be drawn into a war based on the lies and blind hatred that has consumed your leader.

The bricks and mortar and stone of Bane can return to the earth, but I will stand against those who threaten the lives of its people.

~Second Lieutenant Verdazar Ivinius~

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:55 am
by Felbion Lijawyn
Verdazar, it is obvious by now to any thinking soul on Gobaith, that the Temple indeed still does exist. On top of that, Joxia has proven with her invading and claiming unlawful posession of settlements such as the Nordmark and the Farmer's Union, that she wishes no more than to broaden her personal power and thus that of the Temple.

But enough of this dispute with you. Rest assured that I shall evaporate any member of the Temple that is known to me aswell as any protector of Joxia on sight, for you have created a list that threatens not only myself and Daisy Littlefoot, who is an entirely peaceful halfling and dear former colleague, but also one of my students. I can and will not tolerate this behaviour anymore.

~Felbion Lijawyn

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:14 am
by Po Will
I find it funny, no hilarious that the Bearers should fancy themselves the defenders of the light. Or that they should see themselves as some majestic army fighting for the good whilst fighting against the temple. Don't be fooled by these pathetic attempts to swoon your hearts. When Bane was in need, when we were being attacked by foreign powers the Bearers sided with them against their fellow islanders.

Bane was under the command of a anti-temple leader, yet the Bearers weren't happy no. Even whilst our men fought and died for our freedom, these Bearers, these sacks of mold on the rocks attacked us with murder in their hearts. They're not anti-temple, they're simply anti-freedom.

Look into your heart and mind. See who has protected you, defended you and who've freed you with their lives. Has it ever been the Bearers? I didn't think so.

In Nargun's name,

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:44 am
by Elijah
Be greeted,

I've thoroughly wished I could resign myself from such affairs, for they are both taxing on one's health and an overall bother. These bouts of accusation slinging, power mongering, and absolute disrespect for those around Troll's Bane has been a constant and cruel instance ever since the very root of the tree that is Troll's Bane sprouted in the ground. Under my administration, I destroyed my competition under the iron clad fist of perceived justice. For what? Power? Power is not something that you gain through force, or through suppressing others so much that your only governance is of those who strongly support you and keep you in power. True power is gained through the support of the citizens, something that I barely ever had.

These struggles, these public displays of war mongering and accusations don't take into account the many faces of the crowd who couldn't give a rat's arse who is in power, only that they have a free and honest Island.

Joxia can ask for my head. Verdazar can call me an ignorant arse who has completely failed at life. Djironnyma can simply ignore me. But I will speak my mind in this matter. The fact is, Joxia had no reason to take Nordmark, for it does not benefit Troll's Bane in the slightest. There are enough problems I caused here at home to work on, instead of running about playing conqueror. To our island, her actions, as well as those with the Farmer's Union do look fishy, especially if you add in her past. I don't blame the Bearers for conjuring up some "list" to declare war on Bane.

However, I blame the Bearers for one simple and honest fact. You've declared war on Troll's Bane. Even if I do not believe that Joxia is a strong candidate for Governor, even if I may believe her intentions are domination, and that she has ties with some dark lord, this declaration cannot be excused. Who are the Bearers to decide that because a shadowy organization has some "list" that the citizens of Troll's Bane must suffer. The Town of Troll's Bane and it's citizens are not the Temple.

If the accusations are true, leave Bane out of it. I'll gladly pick a random field on this island for you to take your petty little battle to further your ego, and you can go at it without involving the people of Troll's Bane. Our citizens did not create a list. Our citizens do not give a rat's arse about power struggles. Our citizens do not wish to be involved.

If your intentions are what you say they are, and they are to fight the Temple, and not the town of Troll's Bane, accept my offer.

Elijah Varrin

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:12 am
by Kaidan Firestone
Verdazar has been absent from the town and perhaps the island for about two Dwarven weeks now. He has returned just today to dispute your allegations. Perhaps you should produce your evidence Djironnyma because it sounds like you're just making an excuse to attack the town and unfortunately I will need to stand between you and the town.

There was a time when I came to you to help me stop the current Archduchess and her friends from taking the town. You told me that you had sold out Trolls Bane in exchange for peace with The Temple. The time when I wanted your help to stop Joxia has passed. She now rules, legally and within her right, yes she is far from perfect but there are no plans of aggression against Varshikar, the Bearers, Silverbrand or anyone else.

If you continue to see problems in the government of Trolls Bane, act like any other civilized settlement and cut diplomatic and trade ties with Trolls Bane in protest. Do not declare war and state you will invade the town and slaughter anyone found inside. Doing so will only bring the Gods wrath down upon you.

Kaidan Firestone
Town Guard

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:00 am
by The Vein
Legally and within her right?

That is only because she is the law. That none have yet spoken out against the way in which Joxia has seized power defies my understanding.

Troll's Bane has enjoyed some of its most peaceful and placid years since the noble system was last abandoned. Four years have passed since our town was last subjected to this nightmare of a government. And yet this child acts as though it has been but four days! What reason exists to return our town to the Archduchal system? Troll's Bane is no monarchy! Who called for such a move? And what gives this woman the right to make this move, without any thought as to her people's wishes? There is no King to hold dominion over this town, nor hand her this title she claims. She is no more a noble than you nor I! If she may make this claim, then surely you and I could name ourselves Princes, and how could she deny our case for the leadership of Troll's Bane?

One would have to be truly short of mind to believe that this return to the Archduchy is for any reason other than allowing Joxia to seize absolute power over our town. Read through the laws which she has so sneakily slipped past our defences, I implore you all. Hidden beneath that mass of text lies a single word: corruption. Joxia is no Archduchess, but a Despot. Each law ensures her infinite and eternal power. Disagreement is not an option. None may make an order without her blessing. All are below her, none are her equal. She is accountable to no one. Her council of pawns may debate and argue until the sun rises, but she may overthrow any decision they settle upon in the blink of an eye. Though she will agree with any decision they arrive at, of course, as this council is conveniently loaded with her most trusted and loyal allies. And the law! She is victim, guard, judge, lawyer, and jailer. That is no justice. None but these nobles of hers truly possess a voice. But these men are not lords! Only yesterday they were our common peers. Today, they act as our Lords, Judges, and Commanders. And what need exists for this arbitrary distinction between citizen and not? Only yesterday was I a proud citizen of this town, with a voice as strong as any. Today, I am no longer, forced to speak to this woman in order to recover my rights! My safety and well-being is not dependant upon contract nor oath. It was granted to me by the Gods, and is not for this child to deny as she please.

And now this woman places our entire town in danger with her selfish plans of expansion. Who can blame Gobaith for their declaration against our government? She seeks to use the force of our name to her own ends. Her own laws place this 'restriction' upon her role:
9)The Archduchess of Troll's Bane must act as the public voice of the people of Troll's Bane and make sure that the base is happy, for a divided house cannot stand.
Whose voice demanded that we seize control of the home of the Northmarkers? Whose voice suggested that we exploit the weakness of the Farmer's Union and claim that also, knowing full well that they lacked the ability to defend themselves? And what of the poor halflings of Greenbriar, whose town lies next in her sights? This war goes far beyond the petty squabbling between the Temple and the Fire Bearers. This is the entire island of Gobaith, united together, and showing that they will not stand for the taint and corruption of the Dictatorship of Troll's Bane.

Troll's Bane

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:36 am
by Hashim El'djin
Dear Djironnyma,

I would love to see this list. And I am sure the ordinary citizens feel the same way.

~Lord Hashim El'djin

PS: I hope the sensible are not fooled by this. It is terribly transparent, I am rather disappointed.

Felbion Lijawyn wrote:Verdazar, it is obvious by now to any thinking soul on Gobaith, that the Temple indeed still does exist. On top of that, Joxia has proven with her invading and claiming unlawful posession of settlements such as the Nordmark and the Farmer's Union, that she wishes no more than to broaden her personal power and thus that of the Temple.

But enough of this dispute with you. Rest assured that I shall evaporate any member of the Temple that is known to me aswell as any protector of Joxia on sight, for you have created a list that threatens not only myself and Daisy Littlefoot, who is an entirely peaceful halfling and dear former colleague, but also one of my students. I can and will not tolerate this behaviour anymore.

~Felbion Lijawyn

This is a more honest explanation. This attack is based on prejudice and a false sense of justice. Attempting some veiled attempt at hiding the fact that you are the aggressor merely makes you look foolish.

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:18 am
by Joxia Doral
To this I will say that yes there is a list but only so that those who inhabit Hellsbriar could know who would likely be against them and cause trouble. NO WHERE with the list is it said to annihilate , hurt maim or kill any of the listed.

You see a breach because you have made one where there was none. We DO NOTserve the 'Unspeakable' one. I dont think any of of the family that you are so fond of calling Templars follows the Bone Lord. I for one NEVERhave. My only interest in leading Bane again has the peace and wealth of Trolls Bane and Gobaith

If anyone broke the truce it began with Nalcaryos the day he and Dronrul trapped me in the libraru, making wild demands the tried to convince everyone that I had made the story up and other aggressesive actions by Nalcaryos. But we dot end the truce and try to punish ALLBearers or Kumdah for this. Only Nalcaryos who blantantly showed no respect for our laws. I have done nothing to poison Trolls Bane and I have not lied to any one and you lnow very well I have never denied my actions. Even when I chose Aelorn for to make The barbuians see the wrong of their ways. And The tax man still gives the coin to Elijah. I have gotten maybe 5 golds worth of coin for the town. But it has all gone back to supplying the guard. Even into my own pocket, which by the way is how the last and future event were/is to be financed...FROM MY POCKET.

Your last statement here has no truth in it at all since none of the people you intend to try to kill follow the Blood God. I cant even think of anyone who does any more. But you act like He is mule dung under your shoe...he who lost everything so that we are alive today and not owned by Madrook. And Sir Mark Stongarm taught me this lesson. All thge gods deserve their respect and Moshran ~ YES I WROTE THE NAME ~ is no less worthy of some bit of respect for his sacrifice for us all. This should have been proven when all the gods came to save him and each took a piece of his burden unto themselves...But wait..I dont even recall you being there to witness such a divine act by all the gods and goddesses.

~*~Lady Joxia Doral~*~

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:23 pm
by Felbion Lijawyn
We did with no word say, that we would attack any citizen of Trollsbane. In fact, Djironnyma offered Varshikar as a haven for any defenceless or peaceful person, citizens of Trollsbane included, during the times of war. All you do is but use random reasons, false accusations and lies to make our alliance look bad. Not only the Bearers Of The Fire but also an alliance of independand people, Silverbrand and the Grey Rose have decided they can no longer tolerate Joxia and her reign of despotism for it endagers every innocent soul on Gobaith.

~Felbion Lijawyn

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:40 pm
by Po Will
Felbion Lijawyn wrote:We did with no word say, that we would attack any citizen of Trollsbane.
~Felbion Lijawyn
Oh really? Explain this away then you pathetic moronic buffoon:
Djironnyma wrote:

Anyone that remains in Trollsbane on the day we shall set it free, will be treated as a defender of the Temple and those who represent the temple, the servants of the Unspeakable and therefor be brought to their rightful punishment without warming.

~Djironnyma, for the Bearers of the Fire
That's what I thought.


Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 4:59 pm
by Felbion Lijawyn
Exactly, anyone who stais there and defends Joxia, thus proving their loyality to the Temple will be treated accordingly.

~Felbion Lijawyn

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:06 pm
by Po Will
They aren't. They're sitting in their home town, enjoying a quiet even when a bunch of thugs with magic decides that they're evil. The fact you assume everyone who doesn't lick your boots is a templar is sickening, for a Elf, you sure use logic like a Orc.


Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 5:38 pm
by Felbion Lijawyn
I never declared anyone a Templer for the simple fact that they do not respect or obey me. Get your facts straight, boy.

~Felbion Lijawyn

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:00 pm
by Fooser
It seems no one remembers or learns much history of their own town or island. Anyone can search through the archives of the town and eventually come to a time when the walls were littered with parchments and declarations of the Temple's endless wars with the Town of Trolls Bane. This "temple" regularly declared war during the reigns of Stephen Rothman, Brer Beothach, Siltaris, and myself, as none of them were temple members, or were easily persuaded or bought off otherwise. They can maintain the guise of peace since they haven't had the need to go to war in quite some time -- why go to war with a town if you own it? That is the reality of Trolls Bane since the time of Edward. They achieve their means through political subversion, outright war, or proxy war -- attacking those who aren't one of them with groups that are half filled with temple members, such as Julius Rothman's knighthood of amateurs. There has been much turnover in members in the town and in the temple. They could be better now, I do not know. But this is the tradition they come from and everyone deserves to know it before signing their pact with the devil in the name of town defense.


Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:13 pm
by Lennier
Lennier wrote:Hört meine Worte, die Worte eines alten Herrn, krank durch das was uns erwartet!

The Kräfte Gobaiths rüsten zum Krieg. Sie werden sich schlagen, bis einer von ihnen in seinem eigenen Blut liegen bleibt.
Wer immer standhalten wird, wer immer besiegt sein wird, die wahren Gewinner werden jene sein, die den 'Unaussprechlichen' preisen. Das ist eine Wahrheit.

Einmal mehr wird Krieg heraufziehen und einmal mehr wird das Chaos unsere Insel überziehen. Das ist auch eine Wahrheit.

Aber auch einmal mehr wird die Graue Zuflucht offen sein, für Freunde, offen für alle die in 'wahrer Suche' nach Zuflucht sind.
Wir werden bereit sein. Malachin mit uns!


Listen my words, the words of an old man, sick by the return of what is coming!

The powers of Gobaith are in prepare for war. They will fight each other until one of them lie in his blood.
Whoever will stay, whoever will be beaten, the followers of the 'Unspeakable' are the real winners. That is a truth.

Once more war is rising and once more choas will cover this isle. That is also a truth.

But once more the Grey Refuge will be open again, for friends, open for all in 'real search' for a refuge.

We will be prepared as good as we can. Malachin with us!

Souvereign of the Grey Refuge
Grandmaster of the Grey Rose~

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:38 pm
by The Vein
Joxia Doral wrote:To this I will say that yes there is a list but only so that those who inhabit Hellsbriar could know who would likely be against them and cause trouble. NO WHERE with the list is it said to annihilate , hurt maim or kill any of the listed.
Joxia Doral wrote:We DO NOTserve the 'Unspeakable' one. I dont think any of of the family that you are so fond of calling Templars follows the Bone Lord. I for one NEVERhave. My only interest in leading Bane again has the peace and wealth of Trolls Bane and Gobaith
You acknowledge that this group of people exists. You acknowledge that they reside upon Hellsbriar. You acknowledge that they have formed a list outlining such 'threats' to the group and their home as Miss Daisy Littlefoot. You acknowledge that the Bearers of Fire seek the destruction of this group. You acknowledge that you belong to this group. And, presumably, you acknowledge that the notorious majority of men and women who make up your 'nobility' also belong to this group.

And yet you deny that this group is the Temple!

Your people are not fools, my dear child. Most of them are far more educated than yourself. And though I catch many glimmers of wisdom throughout the men who walk our streets, I catch not the faintest spark from any word written by your hand, nor speech uttered from your lips. This group is the Temple. You have convinced none otherwise with your lies. What would you have us call this 'family', then? The history of the Temple is no secret, despot! The only bond you share with these 'brothers' and 'sisters' of yours is that very one you hold with the Blood-God. People remember. A simple change of name does not make right those wrongs which have been caused by this group of yours. The past is not forgotten.
Joxia Doral wrote:Even when I chose Aelorn for to make The barbuians see the wrong of their ways.
Who is this child-queen to decide how man ought and ought not to live? Today, she deems herself 'Archduchess'. Tomorrow, who knows what title shall take her fancy? 'Goddess', perhaps? These 'barbarians' do wrong, in her eyes. Her very own 'law' states that a being must not be discriminated because of age, nor race, nor gender, nor denomination. But she does not know the written law, of course. For the written law was simply stolen from the previous government; she has not read these rules. But she does not need to have read them, for the written law is no constraint upon her authority. What are your next actions to be, Joxia, Despot of Troll's Bane? Shall we wage war upon the Orcs of Dar'Krest next, for they consume raw meats and reside within caves? Those savages! Or perhaps the people of Varshikar, for they do not speak correctly and enjoy the desert life? How wrongful! And what, exactly, did the defenceless folk of the Farmer's Union do to deserve your claims? What was 'wrong' about their ways? Is their choice of lifestyle to simple and peaceful for your tastes? If this child's conception of 'wrong' and 'right' determines our military policy, then I fear that none upon this island are safe.

And what noble 'Archduchess' does not spell?
Joxia Doral wrote:And The tax man still gives the coin to Elijah.
The 'tax man'? Come, my dear. You would not appreciate it if I referred to you as the 'tyrant girl'. But see! Even the tax collector does not acknowledge your right to rule! I admit that finances are not my area of expertise, but have you tried asking him to give you the taxes? Perhaps if you explained to him by what vote, law, or King, you were made Archduchess, he would be more welcoming to your demands.
Joxia Doral wrote:Your last statement here has no truth in it at all since none of the people you intend to try to kill follow the Blood God. I cant even think of anyone who does any more. But you act like He is mule dung under your shoe...he who lost everything so that we are alive today and not owned by Madrook. And Sir Mark Stongarm taught me this lesson. All thge gods deserve their respect and Moshran ~ YES I WROTE THE NAME ~ is no less worthy of some bit of respect for his sacrifice for us all. This should have been proven when all the gods came to save him and each took a piece of his burden unto themselves...But wait..I dont even recall you being there to witness such a divine act by all the gods and goddesses.
Why do you defend the Blood-God with such vigour, Despot? Earlier, you did not seem so certain that none of your 'brothers' and 'sisters' followed the Bone-Lord. No you deem it absolute. Have you queried them all between the last few paragraphs? But if not you nor any of your fellow Temple members follow Him, then there is little need to speak on His behalf. You spend more words failing to convince people that your obvious ties to Moshran are non-existent than you do defending your own rule and actions.

And again, what member of the nobility does not spell?

If none can see that these are the simple writings of a foolish child, who has done wrong and been backed into a corner, then I shall not call myself a father.

Troll's Bane

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:02 pm
by Hashim El'djin
You harrass her over spelling and her knowledge of mythology, 'Trollsbane'. You have no arguments, only veiled insults and petty remarks which have no place upon this wall. You come across as rather bitter frankly.

For the benefit of others, I will set out the facts.

Fact one: Noone here, not one bearer, nor anyone else, however high and mighty and seeped in their own sense of justice they might be, has managed to prove that Joxia or any of her council worship the god Moshran. This entire 'war' is based upon past prejudice and old-fashioned grudges.

Fact two: Yes, the government has recently included the Farmers Union and Nordmark to its borders. One was an old building forgotten and in disrepair, whilst the other agreed to the situation willingly. Oh, the humanity.

Unlike others who are happy to spend their lives in a mountain or castle, which we respect as their choice, the island itself is our concern. These acts have not benefited us in terms of monetary or other physical value, rather it is an attempt to save two of the dying guilds and historical places Gobaith has to offer. We are trying to breath new life into the island.

Fact three: The government of Trollsbane has hurt noone. This war, which I personally attempted to avoid even two dwarven days ago, is entirely the choice of the Bearers of Fire and their friends. If you want my opinion, I think they just got bored.


Baron Hashim El'djin

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:25 am
by The Vein
How unheard of! A member of the nobility stepping in to defend the Archduchess! I suppose I cannot fault you, for it would take a man of moral strength to speak out against the misbehaving child who had granted him power. It would be a rare thing to see a mere citizen defend her rule. Or for the child to defend herself against the actual arguments levelled against her. And forgive me for holding the belief that a ruler should possess a certain level of intelligence. Perhaps I am alone in thinking that one unable to form a collection of sensible thoughts and present them in an incoherent manner is unfit to lead, though I suspect not.

Though it is thoughtful of you to set out these 'facts' for the benefit of the people, you would do well to respect the intelligence of the common man, and leave it to them to decide whether or not they bear any truth. I certainly do not think it the place of a man barely step foot upon this isle to be giving its inhabitants lessons upon their own history. The people remember the past, for they have experienced it. You would be forgiven for staying silent on the matter, none expect you to have learned of it in so short a time. But to tell us of the past, and what we should think of it? You do nothing but insult us.

If you are unable to see my arguments, again, you are forgiven. But again, you insult the people by telling them that they do not exist. Simply because you lack the vision, does not mean that others are so blind. I should hope that my insults are not as veiled as you claim them to be, for I had meant to be completely direct with them. That child is a fool, and it is a danger to this town and its people to have her holding absolute power. And if I seem bitter, that is because the unpleasant taste of this Despot's government has begun to overpower me.

While you present yourself as a subject, allow me to present a fact. One that is backed up by evidence.
I.) Baron - 1 vote – Barons are chosen and appointed by the Archduke. The Title costs 50 silvers. Must be a citizen of Trolls Bane for at least one year or 3 dwarven months.
I suspect that most citizens possess the intelligence to identify this argument themselves, though, for your sake, I shall make it clear. You have not been a citizen of Troll's Bane for three dwarven months. You had not stepped foot within the city even one month past. I looked through this 'citizen' list but three weeks ago, and there was no mention of a man by the name of 'Hashim El'djin'. Such an unusual title would have certainly stuck with me, had it been there for me to read. How, then, can you possibly possess the title of Baron, and hold power over Oakwood Shire? Your position is held illegally, and is only further evidence of Joxia's corruption, ignorance, and wrongful rule.

How? Because you are another one of this child's puppets. These laws mean nothing. She is not bound by them. If a law does not suit her aims, she will simply cast it aside for a few moments. Just as is the case here. They do not trouble her. But it is we, the people, who feel their effects. How you are to fully grasp the happenings of this isle? You depart the boat which brought you here and immediately throw yourself into the centre of Gobaith's politics. How are you to know what the people think, how they feel, what they wish for? No one knows you. And you do not know anyone. You do not hold any interest in Gobaith, Troll's Bane, or our people. And yet you are Lord above us. You are judge, and commander. You, stranger to Gobaith, have a vote as to our future, while the common man has none.

Troll's Bane

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:59 am
by Hashim El'djin

I have answered for Joxia for the simple reason that she is in the middle of preparing Trollsbane's defences against an imminent assault. She is a rather busy women.

You are clearly an educated man/woman. Therefore, I hope you can see that this particular board concerns that current conflict. For the most part, you are diverting it pointlessly.

But I will answer you. People may choose to believe what I have written, or they may choose to believe what you have written. You make much of the fact that I am a new arrival here, but what of you sir? I do not hide. If people wish to debate something with me in person, they are welcome to. I do not require an alias.

As to your other attacks on yours truly, I am flattered you took the time. I highly doubt the majority care, but once more, I will respond.

You are correct, I have not been here long, and my knowledge of past events is limited. However, my advantage is that I have no preconceptions, no baggage, no bias. I tell things as I see them. I came to Djironnyma in friendship, and showed him respect. He verbally spat in my face.

As to questions of the law, and my place on Joxia's council, I will not hide that either. Obviously I am not a longtime citizen. I was invited by her, and after learning as much of the political arc as I could, I accepted.

I will not deny that my position could be termed as a bending of the law, but in the current political climate I believe the Archduchess felt an exception was necessary. That as it is, I mean nothing but goodwill to Gobaith and all its people. I have no illwill towards you or any other, and if enough citizens approach me demanding my resignation then I will do just that.

Untill then, I will gladly discuss any of this over a bottle of wine, with any who would listen. I feel this particular board should now return to the subject at hand.


Baron Hashim El'djin

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:35 am
by Elijah
Please, stop littering these walls with your ignorant arse logic. Might I also ask you to stop acting as though you are a noble, for you control nothing more then a verbal agreement to land that is not used? Actually, I'm not asking it. I'm openly laughing at you, for you to think that coming to this island and gaining a position makes you above others.

I find it hilarious that every argument that has been stated against Joxia and her puppet regime has not been properly defended nor even denied.

Your only defense against her blatantly breaking her own laws is, "Due to the political environment." You were appointed Baron before the Bearers ever mentioned war. Do you really think the people of Bane are that ignorant? What is the political environment? Land grabbing, corruption, and power mongering? Where was the announcement to Bane that she'd break these laws? That she would make an exception to not only you (who is obviously an arrogant stranger), but that druid, and the barbarian to the North? None of you have been citizens of Troll's Bane long enough. And I can't believe that any of you have the town's best interests in mind. Your excuse is quite laughable, for breaking a law that you put in place should never be excused. Especially when it is broken three times so blatantly and rapidly. Were the others made exempt because of this 'political climate' also? There are many true citizens of this town more than capable of filling the position held by yourself, and the other illegal nobles. And they would have the interests of the town in mind.

You criticise this 'Troll's Bane' for hiding behind an alias. I would believe that he/she is quite scared of Joxia's relaxed stance on interpreting her laws as she see's fit. And then you allude to the fact that by not hiding behind an alias, you are somehow better?

"They are the lords of their respective boroughs, elect the Archduchess, act as high judges within their own borough and have only authority second to the Archduchess and his representatives within their domain. They always enjoy elevated legal protection and the presumption of innocence. Nobles do not have to complain to the High Judge, but may take their appeals and complaints directly to the Archduchess."
You're protected against anything and everything. You're not subjected to the same standard as either him/her, nor I. You're a different entity of the town itself. So of course you're going to be open about your name. Myself and Mister/Miss Bane, on the other hand, are subject to whatever the Archduchess and the nobles deem to be the law. It would not be out of the question for our words to be looked at as treason. And heaven forbid for that to happen, considering her recent changes to the wording of the laws:
"Individuals accused of treason or attempting to topple or overthrow the Government of Troll's Bane will be automatically put to death."
"However, my advantage is that I have no preconceptions, no baggage, no bias. I tell things as I see them. I came to Djironnyma in friendship, and showed him respect. He verbally spat in my face."
Rightfully so. You're a power hungry fool who chartered a ship to Bane to gain it, because you were probably unable to obtain such on the mainland. Of course, you'll probably answer that generalization with some long winded paragraph as to how you hail from some long line of gifted aristocrats. Either way, everyone has preconceptions. Everyone has baggage. Everyone has bias. You've been lavished and groomed with power within Bane, and any attempts to deny that you're not biased are plain absorb. Or you simply are a corrupted individual who doesn't see the wrong and error in Joxia's administration. This neutrality that you claim is no advantage. The town does not need uncaring leaders. It needs people who have an interest in the town, and as a result are going to act in its best interests. People who actually care for the land, and its people.

Joxia is too busy to respond for herself? Or too much the fool to be trusted to? You can hide behind that claim as much as you like, but after meeting the woman multiple times in person and reading her previous message, the fact is clear. She lacks the intelligence to write a plain and coherent reply that doesn't end up hurting herself even more. She is too illiterate to be trusted in making a proper message herself. This entire situation is full of loopholes, and many contradictions on your part. I'd like to believe that the true leader of this ploy, this game in leading Troll's Bane isn't as ignorant as you make them out to be. Each message that has been pinned supporting Joxia is full of contradictions and complete nonsense.

How about we cut the bullshit?

Elijah Varrin

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:44 am
by Hashim El'djin
Elijah Varrin,

Have we met? I do not recall. Perhaps we should, for as you say these boards are growing littered. At least give a man an oppurtunity to be judged in person, rather than via words on a wall.

~Baron Hashim El'djin

PS: On your last statement, at least, I whole-heartedly agree.

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:36 am
by The Land of Zzyathis
*High Priest Ssaron Klawtail looks to the board..reads everything over and scrawls a note*

I find that this fight is going to be utterly pointless..people have simple pissed the other off and it is escalating out of control.on the other will be quite fun and I and my templar will enjoy WATCHING-ZEHSHIRR INCLUDED- from afar..we take no sides in this..yet. I am slightly swayed however by a certain leader taking a certain land that belongs to a certain templar of mine*Tak'Zel* and I can not control what he does or does not do in retailiation..(warning..sort of)

have fun..I shall enjoy this with much intensity.
~High Priest Ssaron Klawtail of Zzyathis

P.S Hashim... recommendation *the rest is written hastily in capital letters*...DO NOT GET INVOLVED IN MATTERS THAT DO NOT CONCERN YOU SINCE YOU HAVE NO REAL ALLIES.

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:04 am
by Nalzaxx
Ever was I misunderstood. For years I have walked in darkness so that others may live in light. I have fought with tooth and nail and blood for Gobaith, many times over, and yet never been applauded for such. I have been subject to the vilest deeds of cruelty from many groups, all in the name of righteousness and justice, and yet still I am the one who is evil. I have stood against tyrants, and demons, and those who would see all Gobaith burn. I have been forced to drink the tainted waters of the manawell as Bearers stood about me grinning with glee. What force of light and kindness would inflict such a torture upon another simply out of hate?

And yet, still, I am the villain.

How much have you sacrificed for Gobaith? What blood have you bled for freedom and peace?

If I am such an unwavering servant of unspeakable evil, why is it that Bane enjoys such prosperity and liberties? You squabble over laws and writ and condemn Joxia for claiming empty lands long abandoned. Yet what evils have actually been inflicted upon Bane and its people? What unspeakable terrors have been unleashed upon its population? What atrocities have been committed in the name of the blood god?

You spend your time berating me for my evils and calling for my destruction. Yet you have the breath and freedom to do so because of the sacrifices I have made for you. You are simply spoilt children that do not understand the path that must be trod to protect against slavery and death. Where were you when I opposed Netheria? Where were you when I fought back demons and the undead? Where were you when the Nordmarkers lined their borders with the skulls of slain elves? What good will you actually do with that shrill voice you value so deeply?

Who is it that now calls for blood? Who is it that now threatens to murder those who do not flee their home? Who is it that pursues an agenda built not on reason and justice, but out of blind hate and greed for power?

And yet you call ME evil?

~Verdazar Ivinius~

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:32 am
by The Vein
If I am such an unwavering servant of unspeakable evil, why is it that Bane enjoys such prosperity and liberties?
You do not speak of liberty, when you speak of life beneath this government. We have no voice, unless the child grants us one. Even once that voice is granted, it falls on deaf ears. We are not protected from oppression. We are not free. No, the only liberty that you shall find here lies in the hands of the handful of 'elite'. Those few nobles, whose rule is both arbitrary and unlawful.
Yet what evils have actually been inflicted upon Bane and its people? What unspeakable terrors have been unleashed upon its population? What atrocities have been committed in the name of the blood god?
An army marches towards our gates, only because of your government and your actions. You place our entire town in danger. And not once have you pledged to defend us against the nearing forces. We are told that a war shall arrive at our doorstep, but you offer no words of reassurance. Joxia is no leader. An army approaches, yet she speaks only to clear her name. And now you do the same. There is no thought as to our safety. No promise to protect us. No advice so that we may stay safe. For the Temple is of greater importance to you than Troll's Bane and her people. Defending yourselves against talk of collusion with demons and false worship holds precedence over the future of our town. Leave this place, rid us of your corrupt rule, and take your war with you, so that our people might be spared.

Throughout history, the Temple has waged war against Troll's Bane. Sometimes silent, sometimes for all to see. Your organisation has threatened, assaulted, and murdered the people of this town. Anything to restore itself to power once more. And once successful, you shout empty words of 'prosperity' and 'safety'. You say that you stood against Netheria, and yet so many of your brothers knelt before her, consuming the tainted blood which she offered to them.
You are simply spoilt children that do not understand the path that must be trod to protect against slavery and death.
Protection against slavery and death? You offer neither. Or are these two crimes not so when dealt by your own hand? The only protection of any concern to you is that of your absolute power. From the very laws of your government: "The nobles may ban or allow...slavery if they see fit." That is no protection. Slavery is not such a minor issue as to be left to the individual whims of these 'nobles'. What man would fight to free this island from slavery, only to offer his foolish brother the option to allow it as he please. And death? One only need speak out against this Despot and her rule to learn how much protection truly exists. Once again, from your very laws: "Individuals accused of treason or attempting to topple or overthrow the Government of Troll's Bane will be automatically put to death." A mere accusation of treason from yourself, the child-queen, or any other member of this dictatorship is enough to end a life. That is no protection.

None believe these empty words you cry.

Troll's Bane

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:16 am
by Po Will
Dear 'Trolls bane'. If you feel the need to hide your name, I'll fully understand that. But reframe from suggesting the average Baner shares your views. If you have a problem with the town, Varshikar is always open. Though, I do find it funny that you only opened your mouth at the moment of war. Might that be due to the fact that you knew no one would pay you the slightest whim of attention before hand?

I tire of hearing people talk of how Bane is such a terrible town with leaders with no ears. More over, it's a town whose people refuse to speak, then call for blood. You're pathetic.

In Nargun's name,
~Sere ~

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:04 am
by The Vein
Good halfling,

My mouth has always been open, as your very message shows. You have heard our words. I apologise that you grow tired of listening to them, but they shall not cease. If you are so unconcerned as to their content, then perhaps you could simply ignore them? Whatever you decide, I ask that you do not prevent others from hearing these words themselves.

I do not call for blood. I seek to avoid it. This war does not need to involve Troll's Bane. But unless the Temple releases its grip from the throat of our town, that shall not be possible.

Perhaps we are not the 'average Baner', if such a thing should even exist. But we are many. And, unlike this government, we love this town. We are every person who has shared quiet word around the campfire. We are every person who wonders why this town has returned so hastily towards such an obsolete system. We are every person who has asked why a mysterious stranger has ascended to instant rule above us, when folk such as you and I remain without a voice. We are every person who has fallen silent as these criminals approach, for fear of what punishment they might impart. If there are citizens of Troll's Bane who do not share these views, then nothing stops them from speaking also. Maybe the 'average Baner' wishes to defend Joxia, the Temple, and its rule. They may do so. But it is by no accident that none have spoken out in her support. None of her nobles have uttered anything beyond empty words. Not even Joxia herself has responded to the criticisms and questions levelled against her. Troll's Bane is certainly not a terrible town. There are none finer. But if you believe that your cries will be heard by this Government, then you are greatly mistaken.

Troll's Bane

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:28 am
by Felbion Lijawyn
How can you argue that the people of Trollsbane are comfortable with their current, unrightious leadership for the mere fact that no one speaks against them when the government instated a law that will lead to the death of anyone who dares say a word against it? The defenceless, peaceful people among those who feel that the current goverment is wrong have been silenced by threats, the free expression of their mind is no longer tolerated by the government.

~Felbion Lijawyn

Re: Erklärung / proclamation in Varshikar and Trolls Bane

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:53 am
by Po Will
Give me a name of whose parchment has been torn from the walls. Give me a name for whose throat has been cut after they've spoken. Give a name of someone unjustly forgotten after they've spoken. You talk about people being afraid of the government, yet I can plainly see -like the other people of Bane- that Bane has not had any such problems. No one has spoken simply because there hasn't been any reason to speak. If your claims of censorship of the people were true, I'd support you word, yet the fact of the matter is, NO ONE has spoken, NO ONE has tried to speak out against this 'oppressive' rule. NO ONE and I mean no one, has been put to death. You are simply scare mongering at the time of war, when true oppression marches to Bane. Again Bane, if you hold any value to your own word, you'll give all those willing to read a name to put this rubbish to. Till then, stop your scaremongering.

As for you Felbion, you even dare utter the phrase freedom of expression? Would you give that to a true worshiper of Moshran? Or would you fling them in with his darker followers? I doubt you would, simply because you, you and your ilk are the true oppressive ones on this island.

In Nargun's name,