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Time of survey.

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:29 pm
by Rincewind
~ Time of survey. ~

Clan of Dar'krest! The holy father prooves our fortitude. Sadly mes has to announce the loss of a warrior. Last week the creature (wich attacked us severul times) managed to kill White Skull Skull'Fed. This shows us. The ghosts threat serious is. More than any other time wes hab to stand together now. In this time of survey, the Clan must show its strongest side! Radical actions shall answer this! Therefor mes want you to get ready. Don't leave the cave without n' weapon. Stay close together. Don' trust any strangers. Should wes fail to oppose these creature, this might be the last days of the Clan.

Gôsh. But do nut suffer. Your leaders worked out plans which will save us all. Soon the Clan will superior even the cruel creature. And then will rise again. Everyone will accept the force of the horde once more. Much stronger than ever we's will stand against all survey! And grow even stronger than before! We are a Clan. The Dar'krest will not bow before any threat. Heads up. Hands up.



The day of sacrifice

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:49 pm
by Rincewind
A painted pig skin is placed inside the cave of the Dar'krest mountain. And soon the message is known everywhere under the orc folk of Gobaith. Widely spread from mouth to mouth.

Warriors of Dar'krest!

Finally the preperations for the big sacrifice are done.
Once again blood shall be spilled over the altar of mighty father!
Once again the messenger shall appear!
Once again his prudent advice shall guide us.

The 24. Ushos 36 was choosen to be the day of sacrifice. Your chief expects many participants.



Re: Dar'krest Mountain Clan

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:26 pm
by Rincewind
  • Image
    • Orcs n' Orcse!
      Rewarding loyality and braveness
      since the last months. And recognizing
      how fast she grown up, the chief orders!
      It shall be declared the promotion of...
      • White Skull Criea K'uog!

Re: Dar'krest Mountain Clan

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:51 pm
by Rincewind
A painted pig skin is placed inside the cave of the Dar'krest mountain. And soon the message is known everywhere under the orc folk of Gobaith. Widely spread from mouth to mouth.
      • Image
Clan of Dar'krest!
Today shall be announced the end of suffering! Finally our father blessed the Clan with it much
biggest success since the day of hammer!
Gôsh last night all efforts of us brave scouts got reward! In a plucky attemt the orcs attacked the
demonic mage Verdazar. Who managed to make everyone believe he got lost in oblivion of demonic
realms! Even his allies gave up on him. Not so the orcs! Nevermind, now the witcher is bounded in
chains and awaiting his tribunal in front of the Blood-Cicle! Hurray, me say. In secret action the
fameous and well blessed Shaman Knak'gash and
mighty Black-Skull Jag archieved the capture.
And tagtha, our ancestors will be proud for shure.

Furthermore the chief orders highest security level possible! Noone enters the dark hole cave!
Except the Blood circle of course. Delinquency will be punished with death, shouldn't the witcher kill you anyway.
Also - only members of the clan are allowd inside of the cave. No guests welcome, got it?

Hurr, until this is over mes want you to be very carefull. And for gods sake don't spoil anything to outsiders.
The temple might attempt to free their old leader, and so on.

Tribunal starts at 21. Ronas 36!
Where the bloodcircle will judge over the deeds of Verdazar!
  • May he suffer in front of Cherga soon.
    May the clan hold the holy armor of ancestor Rugh'tho in it hands soon.

This is your proud chief writing!
Follow my orders!


((Tribunal will start at saturday, the 31 march. 17pm GMT - thats18pm Server-Time.))

Re: Dar'krest Mountain Clan

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:36 pm
by Rincewind
~ The tribunal starts soon. ~

Re: Dar'krest Mountain Clan

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:57 pm
by Rincewind
  • In the morning of 16. Irmas, year 36 the top of the mountain Dar'krest is on fire. They burned the altar of the Untold God and only ash is left of the fireplace. When the flames are gone the wind blows the ash all over the plateou. And at a slightly burned hedge - the orcs find a dirty smelly Chain. Several pointy ears are atached to it and soon they agree, who's chain it was. Just a few steps further, rolled behind a rock on the ground, there is the chief's helmet. It's heavely deformed and blackened by soot...

  • Am Vormittag des 16. Irmas im Jahre 36 steht der Gipfel des Dar'krests in Flammen. Sie verzehren den Altar des Ungenannten Gottes und verwüsten die Feuerstelle. Als die Flammen endlich versiegen vertreibt der Wind den großteil der Asche über das gesamte Plateou. In einem angesengten Busch finden die Orks eine verschmierte stinkende Kette. Verschiedne spitz zulaufende Ohren wurden getrocknet daran aufgefädelt. Schnell ist man sich einig, welchem tapferen Krieger dieses Überbelibsel einst gehörte. Nur wenige Schritte weiter hinter einem Stein liegt der Helm des Häuptlings. Er ist strak verformt und von Ruß geschwärzt...

Re: Dar'krest Mountain Clan

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:03 pm
by Boomer
A parchment in orcish has been pinned on the inside of both gates to the cave.
SpReAd ThE mEsSaGe OrCeN bRoThErS aNd SiStErS!

A mIgHtY wArRiOr Of OuR fAtHeR hAs FaLlEn. BeTrAyEd By ThE sPeLlCaStEr hE TrUsTeD.
A qUiCk AnD hArSh ReTaLiAtIoN iS nEcEsSaRy To ShOw EvErYoNe HoW tHe PrOuD gReEn RaCe DeAlS wItH tRaItOrS.

UnTiL aN oRc ClAiMs MuRgOs PlAcE, i, RoK kRé Ho, SiLvErSkUlL aNd FoRmEr ChIeF oF tHe SkUlLcRaShEr ClAn WiLl TaKe CaRe Of DaR'kReSt!
I aNnOuNcE gAtHeRiNg FoR 6tH fInDoS At MiDdAy To CeLeBrAtE mUrGo TaKiNg HiS pLaCe At ThE aNcEsToR's FiRe AnD fInD nEw ChIeF.

ShOw YoUr ReSpEcT fOr tHe GlOrIuS lIfE oF oUr FoRmEr ChIeF aNd ShOw Up!

~RoK kRé Ho

Ein Pergament auf Orkisch wurde auf die Innenseite beider Tore zur Clanhöhle gehängt.

VeRbReItEt DiE nAcHrIcHt OrKiScHe BrÜdEr UnD sChWeStErN!

EiN gRoSsEr KrIeGeR uNsErEs VaTeRs IsT gEfAlLeN. bEtRoGeN vOn DeM sTaBsChWiNgEr DeM eR vErTrAuTe.
ScHnElLe UnD bRuTaLe VeRgElTuNg IsT nÖtIg Um Zu ZeIgEn WiE dIe StOlZe GrÜnE rAsSe MiT VeRrÄtTeRn UmGeHt.

BiS eIn OrK mUrGo'S pLaTz BeAnSpRuChT wErDe IcH, rOk KrÉ hO, SiLbErScHäDeL uNd eHeMaLiGeR hÄuPtLiNg DeS ScHädElBrEcHeR cLaNs üBeR dEn DaR'kReSt ClAn WaChEn.
FüR DeN 6. fInDoS Zu MiTtAg KüNdIgE iCh EiN tReFfEn An Um MuRgO's EiNzUg An DaS fEuEr UnSeReR aHnEn Zu FeIeRn UnD eInEn NeUeN hÄuPtLiNg Zu FiNdEn.

ZeIgT eUrEn ReSpEkT fÜr DiE rUhMrEiChEn TaTeN uNsErEs HäUpTlInGs UnD kOmMt ZuM tReFfEn.

~RoK kRÉ hO

Re: Dar'krest Mountain Clan

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:04 am
by Knak' gash
*a shaded figure walks from the darkness of the cave, his eyes darker than the unholiest of nights*

This be dark day for da horde, day of much sorrow, yes... brothers need to be avenged yes, mourned first and avenged. Now, nub orc will take da path of da horde unless worthy. Mes be da voice of father for da orcs, yes... and me will decide as Father guide who da chief will be. All who want to take command of da horde have to show respect fur father, and fur ancestors. Da chief and mighty Jag need proper burial, and ritual to take them to the kingdom of father, yes... after, da orc who shows to be da stronguest in battle will be da orc that be hand of horde. And if orc betrays da ancient ways mes will burn him with mes own old hands...

Re: Dar'krest Mountain Clan

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:49 pm
by Boomer
Outside of the gate to the cave as well as on the spears that mark the borders of the orcen territory new parchments in common language are pinned.
In A hOnOrAbLe FiGhT tHe FaThEr ChOsE yOuNg CrIeA tO lEaD tHe ClAn. RoK aNnOuNcEs ThE rEiGn Of ThE sEcOuNd FeMaLe ChIeF In HiStOrY oF cLaN.
MaY sHe LeAd ThE cLaN tO sTrEnGtH aNd GlOrY.

~RoK kRé Ho
Aussen an das Tor zu der Höhle und an die Spieße die die Grenze des Orkterritoriums markieren sind neue Pergamente in der Handessprache gehängt worden.
In EiNeM eHrEnVoLlEn KaMpF hAt DeR vAtEr DiE jUnGe CrIeA gEwÄhLt Um DeN cLaN zU fÜhReN. rOk VeRkÜnDeT dIe HeRrScHaFt DeS zWeItEn wEiBlIcHeN hÄuPtLiNgS iN gEsChIcHtE dEs ClAnS.
MöGe SiE dEn ClAn Zu StÄrkE uNd RuHm FüHrEn.

~RoK kRé Ho

Re: Dar'krest Mountain Clan

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 7:57 am
by Sir Gnar
~ Bruddahs an sistahs,

Dah Dar'krest hab fallen to dah witchah ob Kumdah. Weh beh ill prepared an our chiefah provoked dis witchah without speaking ob it to any odurs. It was nub wise as has behn dah way ob our horde fore tooh long. Muh dwelling is stocked plenty ob food, armahs, weaponry and any other supplies yooh beh needin. Uhh ask all ob dah surving horde tah send word that yooh still breath an all newblood to dah island beh encouraged tah send word so daht yooh may find shelter in dah fully supplied armament with propah equipment an training. Uhh will await word from yoohs...

x Slug'Gnar

Re: Dar'krest Mountain Clan

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 5:15 pm
by Rincewind
Since the Orc caves in the north was occupied by enemie forces the Clan board got moved to another cave. Wich is located in a secret place. Also somone updated the lists, concerning membership and alliances.

removed skin wrote:Defensive Alliance <->This Alliance includes right of way and right of hunting at land of Dar'krest. ~ view the actual memberlist of the order ~

Re: Dar'krest Mountain Clan

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 6:01 pm
by Rincewind
Since all time there was a place, a hall where the Orcs of the Clan gathered to honor their ancestors. Where the walls are decorated with painted skins and rude faces was engraved into the stones. And even in the time of survey, when the Clans cave is lost... they prepare such a hall at a hidden place. Therefore the ancestors shall never be forgotten.
    • Image
Black Skull Ratarusk
Better known as Jag, one of the few brothers who have became Blackskull for the Clan. He was master warrior and managed to handle almost all kinds of weapons. He, thus, also occupied the position of the Clan's drillmaster. His favourite weapons were his two widely feared maces – Stumpie Crasher and Longear Muncher –, which he used to cause many damage under the Clan's enemies after he joined the Clan during the reign of Chief Rugh'toh. Most famous was his successful participation in the battle against the former Temple during the Day of Green Growl, where he also won the tournament to Trolls Bane and became the First Knight of Gobaith temporally. He was also known for his terrifying collection of elven ears. He died side on side with his friend and Chief Murgo in the honourable defence of the holy mountain against the Bearers of Fire on the 16th of Irmas in the year 36 after the Sorcerer.

~ The picture shows a roaring warrior who wears a dark shadowplate underneath of his panther fur and swings two maces. The shadowplate is sinister decorated and appears frightening. A black orcish skull is painted on the chest of his armour and a little chain hangs at his belt, which is almost completely covered by a piece of fur. ~
Chief Murgo
~You examine a life-sized stone statue. It is coarse worked and frugal ornamented. Although the engraved details suffice to produce a comprehensive image of a bandy-legged, crooked orc. A moldy panther fur was placed over his shoulders and his lips smile invidious. His hair line starts at the back of his head and his stony eyes glancing filled with greed and deviousness straight forward. His chest is covered by bones formed out of stone like armor. At his side, there is a handy drum, engraved with scenes out of a warriors live. His right hand shoulders a mighty stony war axe. The left hand is in raised position, forming a claw big enough to hold a heart. The head of the axe is ornamented with orcish runes and symbols, telling those who know their meaning, that this axe was possibly blessed with the power of fire. Then, engraved at the statues pedestal in a meticulous way, the orc’s tale.~

~ Ihr betrachtet eine lebensgroße steinerne Statue. Sie wurde grobschlächtig behauen und lediglich schlicht verziert. Doch die herausgeschlagenen Details genügen um sich ein umfangreiches Abbild des dargestellten Orks zu machen. Er hat krumme O-förmige Beine und seine Fußspitzen zeigen nach außen. Ein moderndes Phanter-Fell wurde der Statue um den buckeligen Rücken gelegt. Seine Lippen umspielt ein garstiges Lächeln, sein Haaransatz ist ihm bereits weit auf den Hinterkopf gerutscht. Die steinernen Augen der Statue starren voller Gier und Niedertracht gerade aus. Am Oberkörper wurden kleinere und größere Knochenteile aus dem Stein gehauen, sie bilden eine Rüstung. An der Hüfte trägt er eine schlanke längliche Trommel mit sich, auf deren Seite verschiedene Szenen aus dem Leben eines Kriegers in den Stein graviert wurden. Mit der Rechten schultert der Ork eine mächtige steinerne Kriegsaxt. Indessen ist der linke Arm angehoben, mit der Hand eine Klaue formend, groß genug um ein Herz zu umfassen. Das Axtblatt wurde mit mehreren orkischen Runenzeichen verziert und die die der Sprache mächtig sind verraten die Zeichen, dass diese Axt einst mit der Macht des Feuers gesegnet worden sein soll. Der Sockel der Statue wurde ebenfalls eng und akribisch mit orkischer Schrift versehen. ~

This is our ancestor Murgo, chief of the Holy Mountain and Clan of Dar’krest. He earned big honor in live as well as in death. Therefore his deeds shall be engraved in stone, to inspire the younglings. He was notorious and redoubtable even at foreign folks. And their greatest warriors began to evoke the hideous smell of fear, by getting aware that our ancestor might be close. Never shall be forgotten the awesome victories of the Dar’krest while commanded by Chief Murgo. Soon after Murgos mentor and friend Rugh’tho was sealed by stone for eternity, he raised his axe to stand against Slug’Gnar and his Shadow Clan. Shortly they were forced to submit to the sovereignty of rightful chief Murgo and his loyal companions. Suddenly the ogre Grokk rose from the close mountains and attempted to conquer the Dar’krest Mountain with giant army of Ogres. In a heroic battle the siege was broken and finally Murgo slays the Grokk mano-a-mano. But the enemies of the Dar’krest are multitudinous. So our ancestor forged a chain of alliance with the mighty but malicious witcher Djironnyma. An artifice, which shall be revealed years later to scout the witchers’ weaknesses, because it was well known he wasn’t a usual mortal anymore. Several days later the ground of the human town Troll’s Bane was shivering. While a horde of orcish warriors and their allies achieve victory over the heretic Templers of Hellbriar. The following winter the warrior Krazzak gains sovereignty over a bunch of clan less orcs and gathers them under the banner of the Stormbloods. They should make the Dar’krest their enemie soon. With grim and strength the challengers got crushed and they say Murgo himself punished Krazzak for his deeds by putting his head on a pointy pale. Since time immemorial the orcs had to fight for respect and obeisance of the humans. Sick of the continuing vilification of orcs in the town of Troll’s Bane, Murgo and Black Skull Jag fought two successful battles against the current leader of the humans. Then in the year 36, of Irmas the chiefs’ artifice was revealed and our ancestors Murgo and Jag faced the witch master Djironnyma on the top of Dar’krest mountain. Both shall fall heroically by fulfilling their duty as warriors. Warriors, who never hesitated to risk their lives to defend the Clan and honor their Ancestors. Honor full chief Murgo, faced even setbacks with cool blood and bravery. Therefore it is now our proud duty to respect the forefathers and take their exemplary deeds as ideal for our own live.

- May the forefathers, residing in the green Land of the Ancestors look upon their successors with pride. -

Dies ist unser Ahn Murgo, Häuptling über den heiligen Berg und Klan Dar’krest. Der große Ehre erlangt hat, im Leben wie im Tod. So seis nun hier in Stein geschlagen, dass seine Taten die Jünglinge anspornen. Er war berüchtigt und gefürchtet. Selbst unter den fremden Völkern kannten die Krieger seinen Namen und begannen widerlich nach Angst zu stinken, glaubten sie unseren Ahn in der Nähe. Niemals sollen die Siege des Dar’krests vergessen werden, die durch Murgos Befehl errungen wurden. Alsbald nachdem Murgos Mentor und Freund Chief Rugh’tho für die Ewigkeit im Stein eingeschlossen wurde, erhob Murgo seine Axt um den Slug’Gnar entgegen zu treten. Der schließlich mitsamt seiner Gefolgschaft dem Schatten-Klan, dem rechtmäßigen Häuptling des Dar’krests und seinen Treuen unterlag und sich dem mächtigen Murgo unterwerfen mußte. Kaum nach diesem Sieg erhob sich im nahen Gebirge der Ogerhäuptling Gork und trachtete danach den Berg Dar’krest zu erobern. In einem heldenhaften Kampf gelang es den Festungsberg zu halten und schließlich erschlug Murgo den Gork von Angesicht zu Angesicht. Doch dies waren nicht alle Feinde des heiligen Berges. Um den Klan vor dem mächtigen aber bösartigen Hexer Djironnyma zu schützen schmiedete Murgo ein enges Bündnis mit diesem. Eine List, die sich erst offenbarte als unser Ahn die Schwächen des vermeintlich unsterblichen Hexenmeisters ausgeforscht hatte. Und Tage darauf sollte die Menschenstadt Troll‘s Bane unter den Schritten der Ork-Armee und ihrer Verbündeten erzittern. Hier errungen unsere starken Krieger den Sieg über den ketzerischen Tempel Hellbriars. Im darauf folgenden Winter erhebt sich der Krieger Krazzak über einen Haufen klanloser Orks und vereint sie unter dem Banner der Sturmblüter, der Stormblood-Clan. Welcher sich den Dar’krest schon bald zum Feind machen sollte. Mit Grimm und Stärke wurden die Stormbloods zerschlagen und es heißt der große Murgo selbst habe Krazzak für seine Angriffe gestraft und seinen Schädel auf einen Pfahl gepflanzt. Seit je her mußten die Orks bei den Menschen um Respekt und Ehrerbietung kämpfen. Die ewigen Herabwürdigungen der Menschlinge in der Stadt Troll’s Bane leid, schlug Murgo gemeinsam mit Schwarzschädel Jag zwei siegreiche Schlachten gegen den herrschenden Menschling. Dann im Jahre 36, des Irmas gelang es unseren Ahnen den Hexenmeister Djironnyma mit einer List auf den Gipfel des heiligen Berges zu locken. Wo unsere Ahnen Murgo und Jag heldenhaft im Kampf gegen diesen fielen und erfüllten so ihre Pflicht als Krieger. Krieger deren unzählige Heldentaten von Mut und Ehre zeugen, stets bereit mit ihrem Leben den Klan Dar’krest zu schützen und dessen Ahnen zu Ehren. Als ehrenvollster unter seinen Kriegern ertrug unser Häuptling selbst Niederlagen, die gering an der Zahl waren, mit kaltem Blut und Tapferkeit. So ist es nun unsere ehrenvolle Pflicht die Vorväter zu achten und uns von ihren beispielhaften Taten leiten zu lassen.

- Mögen die Vorväter im grünen Land der Ahnen mit Stolz auf ihre Nachfahren blicken. -

Re: Dar'krest Mountain Clan

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:33 pm
by Lia

WE have SUFFERED many LOSses.The WITCHER took US not ONly some OF us BUt also our home.
The hOMe of our whelp's!
HE belIEVed the clan WILL bow, and HE wanted to be OUR chIEf before HIM crawl LIke a coWARdly magGOT.
We fOUght and WE lost.
WE still have HONOR and no Dar'krest will deny our ANCestors or FATHER.
Let US shoW the PInk MONKEY that NO one can EXTInguish the DARKest clan!
Let's SHOw him that EACH of US has MOre HONOR than hE will eVEr have!
NOW we hAVe a new CAve.SEnd A mesSAge to the WARlord and follows his inSTrucTIOns, for NOW

COme HOME my BROthers anD siSTErs. FoLLOwing the CALL of the FATHER and of the CHIefs Criea.


AND so I ANNounce the DEATH of oUR formEr warlords ROGRUK BREGOGUK. He was a GREAT wARrior And an HONORable orc.
HE will NEVER be FORgoTTen
I appoint Silverskull SLUG GNAR as his SUCCESSOR.
FRom NOW on HE will BE known as the WARLORD
MaY it BE fair to hIS rank aND brinG much HONOR to the CLAN.
