Storm of the Dead

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Storm of the Dead

Post by Orioli »

Three fighters and a lone mage walk happily out of Trolls Bane on a sojourn.

As they leave they see an odd portal surrounded by unearthly fires. The mage makes a slight guesture or two and the fires are out .. the gateway also closes.

They trudge on. Nearing the mountain range they spot a red demon skeleton and leap into action.

The warriors are fierce in battle as many red demons surround them. They line the road as far as the eye can see. with them come Madness mummies in great numbers.

Soon it is obvious that they are in a mine field of liche spawn. Then the weather grows harsh. Thunder, lightening and torrential rain pours down on them.

The Mage gets separated and surrounded. She runs for her life. Barely managing to crawl onto a cross she lays exhausted for a few moments.

In agony she casts healing spells on her own battered body. Finally catching a breath, she skips along by the arcane spirit that surges in her. She follows the sound of a blood curdling death scream.

As she drops into the graveyard in flash of blue sparks, she views a liche surrounded by her companions. Those awful screams come from that vulgar creature.

With horror she watches while two of those brave souls wedge a blade in the base of that skull and pop it off like an acorn cap. The lifeless body falls then to the ground. ~right there~

Perhaps from the Liche spirit moving in him, one of the warriors grabs the skull yelling.. ITS MINE. He runs off toward town.

Then the mage and the other two faithful warriors, exhausted and bruised from battle, find their way toward Kalahorn Keep.

Half way there the crazed fellow warrior is suddenly among them. Apparently, the Liche head has teleported him back, among his fellow heros.

Resigned to this now, perhaps sobered by the sudden relocation, he walks with them. They are exhausted and think only of a warm fire and hot meal.

As they near the Keep a lone entity greets them, noone even asks who it is. Clearly it is not just a man. They enter the gates and the being takes the Great Liche Skull.

He settles it to rest in the entry way hall of Kalahorn Keep .. where it shall remain.

Be Careful Lone Traveler when you wander the roads of the Eastmark lands. Sometimes.. when the wind howls.. there can be a Liche on the loose....
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