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New Town Guard of Troll's Bane

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:54 pm
by Town Guard of TB
OOC Note:
This Topic is about proclamations of the 'Town Guard'.
This is no place for discussions about the posts in here.
Before you post anything here, please consider the option to send me a PM. Please do not spam this topic.

ImageThe Town Guard of Trolls BaneImage

Code of Honour

1. All individuals are permitted within the territories of Troll's Bane.

- Any individual may have their right to travel or reside within the territories of Troll's Bane permanently withdrawn by the Town Magistrate or official declaration from the ruler of Troll's Bane.
- Any individual may have their right to travel or reside within the territories of Troll's Bane temporarily withdrawn by a member of the Town Guard.
- No known criminal shall be harboured within the territories of Troll's Bane.

2. All individuals within the territories of Troll's Bane must respect and obey the government of Troll's Bane and its rule.

- No individuals or organizations may plot, conspire, or take action against the government of Troll's Bane, its rule, or the town.

3. All individuals are permitted to utilise any and all resources and tools within Troll's Bane.

- Tools within Troll's Bane include, but are not limited to: workbenches, ovens, anvils, furnaces, and grinders.
- Resources within Troll's Bane include, but are not limited to: water, trees, fields, fruit, and animals.
- All trees within the walls of the Troll's Bane township are excluded from this rule. It is forbidden for anyone other than a town official to cut them down.
- Any individual may have their right to utilise the tools and resources within Troll's Bane temporarily withdrawn by a member of the Town Guard in a case of repeated misuse.
- The owner of any privately owned resource or tool within the territories of Troll's Bane may use their property in any reasonable manner, which may include the exclusion of others.
- The act of littering will be punished with a fine proportional to the crime.

4. An individual within the territories of Troll's Bane must not interfere with the search for justice.

- Victims, suspects, and witnesses of crime are required to cooperate with any resulting official investigation.
- Resisting arrest, escaping lawful detention, and obstructing the search for justice are all punishable offences.

5. The integrity of the person, character, and freedom of an individual within the territories of Troll's Bane are rights which may not be interfered with.

- Unnecessary violence of any form against another's person is forbidden within the territories of Troll's Bane.
- Combats of any form, including non-lethal duels, are forbidden within the walls of the Troll's Bane township. The only people exempt from this rule are the Town Guard and anyone with specific permission from the government of Troll's Bane.
- Any individual in possession of a weapon within the territories of Troll's Bane must keep the weapon sheathed and in plain sight.
- Any individual may have their right to possess a weapon within the territories of Troll's Bane withdrawn by a member of the Town Guard.
- No individual may threaten another, whether expressly or otherwise.
- No individual may cause harm to another's reputation by publicly spreading false statements.
- No individual may hold another against their will and without lawful reason to do so.
- Offensive magic may not be cast within town

6. All individuals within the territories of Troll's Bane are to be treated with respect and civility.

- No individual may be discriminated against on the basis of race.
- No individual may be discriminated against on the basis of gender.
- No individual may be subject to unreasonable insult.

7. An individual's property belongs to the individual alone. Property rights are granted to all individuals within the territories of Troll's Bane.

- No individual may knowingly deprive an owner, against their will, of a possession.
- No individual may enter or remain within a building, when it is against the owner's will for them to do so, and the owner's will is known to the individual.
- No individual may cause harm to another's property.

While within the territories of Troll's Bane, all individuals, regardless of other cultural affiliations, are required to adhere to the Troll's Bane Code of Honour. All residents of Troll's Bane are required to adhere to the Troll's Bane Code of Honour at all times, regardless of location.

The Town Guard of Troll's Bane are not above the Code. However, the Guard are granted immunity from punishment for any breach of the Code, provided they are acting reasonably and honourably within the search for justice. Whether a guard has acted reasonably and honourably shall be determined by a body independent of the Guard.

For offences deemed to be of minor harm, a member of the Town Guard has the power to fine the offender up to 10 silvers, and sentence them to a prison term of up to one week. For offences requiring an investigation and sentencing by the Town Magistrate, the Guard may, when necessary, detain a suspect indefinitely.

Any citizen of Troll's Bane may make an arrest in the following cases: murder, assault, robbery, thievery, arson, intentional damage of property, kidnap, and escape from lawful detention. Provided the force used while making such an arrest was reasonable, the citizen will be immune from any punishment that would otherwise arise. The arrested individual must be delivered to the Troll's Bane prison as soon as reasonably possible.

The Town Magistrate reserves full sentencing discretion. Punishments shall be determined on a case by case basis.

Any individual charged with committing a crime may write a letter to, or request a meeting with, the acting Town Magistrate appealing the sentence. The Town Magistrate shall then decide whether to grant the appellant a hearing.


Governor of Troll's Bane:
Viceroy Edric Galthor

Town Magistrate:
- duties currently performed by the Governor -

Members of the Town Guard:


The Guard:

Anon D'Athen
Darius Kain


Kenfric Shalpert
Zach Dawson
Rexus Orius
Stefan Elvaris
Jakane Kanley


Darren Sveinsson
Mindi Lystone
Sasha Arannir
Lucy Bann

The Watch:

Warden: - vacant -

John Leador
Adran Tanner
Faldor Norem
Hagen Delmos
Jon Fehrin
Kelvin Rakarv
Manuel Lenath
Laren Threll
Rowan Gavin
Neris Ovento
Seron Lefar
Talon Lefar
Viktor Arkon
Toran Lobas


Guard- 10 silvers per month
Recruit- 5 silvers per month

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:59 pm
by Town Guard of TB
1. Allen Personen innerhalb der Gebietes Troll's Bane wird erlaubt.
- ...innerhalb Troll's Bane zu reisen, zu rasten oder zu wohnen, sobald es von einem Priester der Gerechtigkeit oder einem offiziellen Vertretter bewilligt wurde.
- ...zeitweise innerhalb Troll's Bane zu reisen, zu rasten oder zu wohnen, sobald es von Mitglied der Troll's Bane Garde gemeldet wurde.
- Kein bekannter Verbrecher soll innerhalb des Gebiets Trolls Bann beherbergt werden.

2. Alle Personen innerhalb der Gebiets Troll's Bane müssen den Prinzen und seine Regeln respektieren und folgen.
- Keine Personen oder Organisationen kann sich gegen den Prinzen, seine Regel oder die Stadt verschwören.

3. Allen Personen wird erlaubt alle Mittel und Werkzeuge innerhalb des Troll's Bann zu verwenden.
- Werkzeuge innerhalb Trolls Bann schließen ein, werden aber nicht beschränkt auf: Arbeitstische, Öfen, Ambosse, Brennöfen und Schleifer.
- Mittel innerhalb des Trolls Bann schließen ein, werden aber nicht beschränkt auf: Wasser, Bäume, Felder, Frucht, und Tiere.
- Alle Bäume innerhalb der Wände der Troll's Bane Stadtgemeinte werden von dieser Regel ausgeschlossen. Nur ein STadtverwalter hat das Recht, das Fällen von Bäumen zu verordnen.
- Jeder Person kann das Recht, die Werkzeuge und Mittel innerhalb des Troll's Bann zu benutzen, in Falle des wiederholten Missbrauchs, provisorisch von einem Mitglied des Stadtwächters zurückgezogen werden.
- Der Eigentümer jeder Quelle in Privatbesitz oder Werkzeugs innerhalb des Gebiets Troll's Bann kann ihr Eigentum auf jede angemessene Weise verwenden, die den Ausschluss von anderen einschließen kann.
- Fischerei, wird abgesehen von der Küste westlich von der Werkstatt und nördlich vom Kreuz verboten.

4. Eine Person innerhalb der Territorien des Trolls Bann darf nicht die Suche nach Gerechtigkeit stören.
- Opfer, Verdächtige und Zeugen eines Verbrechens sind verpflichtet mit jeder resultierenden offiziellen Untersuchung zusammenzuarbeiten.
- Verhaftung Widerstehend, gesetzlicher Haft entkommend und die Suche nach Gerechtigkeit behindern, sind auch strafbaren Straftaten.

5. Die Integrität der Person, des Charakters und der Freiheit einer Person innerhalb Troll's Bann darf nicht gestört werden.
- Die Unnötige Gewalt jeder Form gegen eine Person ist innerhalb Troll's Bann verboten.
- Kämpfe jeder Form, einschließlich nichttödlicher Duelle, sind innerhalb der Wände Troll's Bane verboten. Die einzigen von dieser Regel freigestellten Leute sind die Stadtwächter und die mit spezifischer Erlaubnis vom Prinzen.
- Jede Person im Besitz einer Waffe innerhalb des Gebiets Troll's Bane muss die Waffe eingezogen und im einfachen Anblick halten.
- Jeder Person kann das Recht, eine Waffe innerhalb Troll's Bane zu tragen, von einem Mitglied des Stadtwächters zurückgezogen werden.
- Keine Person darf einer anderen weder ausdrücklich noch sonst drohen.
- Keine Person darf den Ruf einer anderen Person Schaden zufügen, indem sie falsche Angaben öffentlich ausbreitet.
- Keine Person darf einen anderen ihrem Willen aufzwingen ohne gesetzlichen Grund.

6. Alle Personen innerhalb der Territorien Troll's Bann sollen mit Rücksicht und Zuvorkommenheit behandelt werden.
- Keine Person darf auf der Grundlage der Rasse unterschieden werden.
- Keine Person darf auf der Grundlage vom Geschlecht unterschieden werden.
- Keine Person darf der unbegründeten Beleidigung unterworfen sein.

7. Ein individuelles Eigentum gehört der Person allein. Eigentumsrechte werden allen Personen innerhalb Troll's Bann gewährt.
- Keine Person darf einen Eigentümer gegen ihren Willen den Besitz bewusst berauben.
- Keine Person darf hereingehen oder innerhalb eines Gebäudes bleiben, wenn es gegen den Willen des Eigentümer ist und dieser Person das bekannt ist.
- Keine Person darf einem anderes Eigentum Schaden zufügen.

Jede Person innerhalb Troll's Bane, unabhängig von Kultur, Herkunft oder Rasse, muss sich an den Ehrenkodex von Troll's Bane halten.
Jeder Bürger von Troll's Bane muss sich an den Ehrenkodex von Troll's Bane, unabhängig von seiner Position, halten.
Jedem Stadtwächter kann Immunität von einer Strafe für einen Bruch des Kodex gewährt werden, wenn die Gründe vernünftig und ehrenvoll der Suche nach Gerechtigkeit dienen. Ob ein Wächter vernünftig und ehrenvoll gehandel hat, soll von einem unabhängigen Wächter bestimmt werden.
Jeder Stadtwächter hat das Recht, jemanden der eine Straftat mit geringem Schaden angerichtet hat mit bis zu 10 Silberstücke oder einer Gefängnisstrafe bis zu einer Woche zu bestrafen.
Für Straftaten, die eine Untersuchung verlangen und durch einen Priester der Gerechtigkeit verurteilen werden, kann der Wächter, wenn notwendig, einen Verdächtigen unbestimmt verhaften.
Jeder Bürger Troll's Bann kann eine Verhaftung in den folgenden Fällen machen: Mord, Angriff, Raub, Diebstahl, Brandstiftung, absichtlicher Schaden des Eigentums, Entführung und entweicht gesetzlicher Haft.
Vorausgesetzt dass die angewendete Gewalt, indem man solch eine Verhaftung machte, angemessen war, wird der Bürger gegen jede Strafe geschützt sein, die sonst entstehen würde.
Die angehaltene Person muss an den Troll's Gefängnis geliefert werden, sobald dies möglich.
Der Priester der Gerechtigkeit hat das Recht das volle Strafmass festzulegen. Die Strafe wird von Fall zu Fall entschieden.
Jede Person darf wegen Begehung eines Verbrechens dem Priester der Gerechtigkeit einen Brief schreiben, oder um eine Sitzung mit einem stellvertrerenden Priester der Gerechtigkeit bitten.
Der Priester der Gerechtigkeit soll dann entscheiden, dem Berufungskläger ein Hören zu gewähren.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:08 pm
by Grokk
The Dwarf known as Udan Trollbane has been spotted within the walls of Troll's Bane, in direct defiance of his banishment from the lands. He is to be delivered to the Troll's Bane prison, where further punishment shall await.

Edric Galthor,
Magistrate of Troll's Bane.

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:54 pm
by Town Guard of TB
Darius Kain has been promoted to Lieutenant

~Aeris, Captain of the town guard

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:36 am
by Khaeos
I would like to report the woman named Orioli.
Today I was attacked near the smithey while I was checking my Depot. She repeatedly Kicked me and punched me and pulled my hair. She continued to follow me and harrass me and threatin me. She says that I have been Harrassing her but she has no proff. I tell you now that I am not harrassing her. I never speak to her cause she doesnt like me.
I told her to leave me alone, I told her that I have never harrassed her. She continued to hit me and threaten me. I was unarmed.
I hope that you will do your duty and arrest this woman. I cant even go to my depot without being harrassed. Its the guards duty to make sure all of trolls bane feels safe within its walls. Well I dont.

Thank you for your time ~Khaeos~

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:20 am
by Town Guard of TB
Dranis has been removed from the town guard roster.

~Aeris, Captain of the town guard

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:31 pm
by Town Guard of TB
*A note is pinned to the board*

Alex and Udan are released on the following conditions:

1) They are to mine 500 iron ore and 500 coal each, and forfeit all to an official of the town

2) They are banished indefinately from the Prince's land. This extends further than the walls of the town.

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:09 pm
by Grokk
I seek contact with the individuals known by these names:

Alvis Thrym
Melodia Luyten

If anyone should be able to assist with this matter, please leave a letter at the offices of the Town Guard, addressed to myself.


Edric Galthor
Magistrate of Troll's Bane

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:08 pm
by Kadiya
Mister Edric Galthor,

Miss Xavina is one of my students, and if you wish to speak to her please contact me.

~Kadiya Artaliar~
Headmistress of the magic academy

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:42 pm
by Orioli
I assisted a beggar in town giving him food and clothing. He acted like he was in need. Later he produced a baby and pretended it was mine. It was not. He held a blade to its throat and told me he would send me a note. I am worried that he is not a nice man. I hope if you see him you can collect the child. I will turn any note over to you. He said his name was Colin and he seemed to know Banduk and Rogan.

signed Orioli

the note has arrived and this is it..
Colin Smalls wrote:Dearest Orioli,

If you want your daughter alive, it will cost you one single gold coin in ransom.

~Colin, the Gypsy.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:01 am
by bdgdkay
I once knew a man by the name of Colin Smalls, and he was a gypsy as well. I will track him down and see what I can do.


Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:38 am
by Rogan Thorgrim
Crime Report:

During my morning rounds, I bumped into an Orc, who went by the name Cocidius, on the edge of Trollsbane territory. Mister Cocidius attacked me without warning (I'm still not sure why). I managed to defeat him in combat, but he escaped, and I chased him for hours, every now and then stopping to do battle. Finally, after a stalemate, I agreed to let him go. He claimed that 'One day I will come for all others', which i take as a sign that this orc is a potential threat to anyone he meets. He can handle a sword well enough, though he doesn't seem too smart upstairs.

I'll also add that the same orc attacked a sleeping elf in the tavern, sending him to the cross.

I advise caution for all citizens around this orc.

~Rogan Thorgrim

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:48 pm
by Grokk
The Orc known as Cocidius is to be delivered to the Troll's Bane prison, dead or alive. He is a dangerous and unpredictable individual, so please do not approach him unless you are trained in the arts of combat. All necessary force may be used against him.


Edric Galthor
Town Magistrate

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:51 pm
by Grokk
Mister William Elderberry and Mister Sandro Arcanum are hereby banished from the lands of Troll's Bane.


Edric Galthor
Town Magistrate

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:16 pm
by Sandro Arcanum
The note is torn down

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:44 pm
by Grokk
-The note above is torn down and replaced with the following-

Mister Arcanum requires no such thing. He is not a defendant, but an exile. The handing over of Mister Arcanum to the Guard would require that he stand upon the territories of Troll's Bane, which is in breach of his banishment and, therefore, not going to occur.


Edric Galthor
Town Magistrate

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:41 pm
by bdgdkay
I can personally vouch for the good merit of Mister Arcanum, and if he is not allowed to request the charges against him, that I will in his stead. If you will not state the charges, Then I will go to a higher authority, and you do not want to go there with me. I have been the head of the guard several times, and I have high standing with several figures of authority higher than you.


Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:56 pm
by Sandro Arcanum
The note is torn down

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:28 pm
by Town Guard of TB
The Magistrate is the one you must seek your answer from. Not the guard.

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:07 am
by Grokk
-A guard tears down Sandro's letter almost straight after it is placed on the board. A while after receiving the message, the magistrate has his assistant pin up his reply.-

Mister Arcanum,

If you wish to discuss this matter, please do so with me in private. There is no need to pursue this publicly, nor a reason to involve the Town Guard. You only hurt your own situation with your attempts to tarnish their reputation. I assure you that no mistakes have been made. Please have a letter delivered to my offices if there is a question you wish answered.


Edric Galthor
Town Magistrate

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:26 pm
by Jakane
Guten Tag,

mein Name ist Jakane Kanley, ich lebe in Trolls Bane und liebe diese Stadt und würde gerne mit einem altsprachigen Offizier über einen möglichen Beitritt sprechen.

Ich würde mich über eine Taube freuen.


Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:11 pm
by Grokk
Mister Sandro Arcanum has served his banishment, and is hereby permitted to return to the territories of Troll's Bane.


Edric Galthor
Town Magistrate

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:06 pm
by Grokk
"Guide us, Elara. Through law, your end is done."

Mister Dranis has been found guilty of the following crimes:

Five counts of assault, three of which resulted in the serious wounding of his victims.
Two counts of kidnapping.
One count of threatening to kill.

Mister Dranis is to be held in the Troll's Bane prison until the 21st day of Tanos. Mister Dranis is fined 70 silvers, which shall be divided amongst his victims.

"The Goddess' light reveals the path to justice. We pass on your knowledge, Elara."


Edric Galthor
Town Magistrate

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:36 am
by zda
*the note is on the door*

we had to lock a wraith in the jail. no one could kill it so be careful when you enter the jail

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:55 am
by Town Guard of TB
The wraith no longer haunts my office. I have dealt with him personally.

~Aeris, Captain of the town guard

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:28 am
by Town Guard of TB
Stefan Elvaris has been recruited as a member of the town guard.

~Aeris, Captain of the town guard

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:11 am
by Town Guard of TB
Altrix has joined the guard


Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:22 am
by Town Guard of TB
Due to the numerous complaints of rotting fish, fishing in town is now prohibited. The only exception is the coast west of the workshop and north of the cross.

~Aeris, Captain of the town guard

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:22 pm
by Grokk
Joseph Flame is fined 15 silvers. He is given three weeks to pay these fines.


Edric Galthor
Town Magistrate

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:08 pm
by Netsirk
*a note is slid under Mr. Edrics door*

I have some proposals for the Authority Figures of Trolls Bane

I propose that we get some kind of garbage dumpster or somewhere to put our garbage. Cause lets face it, Even though Fishing is Banned its not going to stop people from littering. So to save even more future bans I propose this: Instead of attacking the situation lets look at it from all angles, Then realize that yes littering is a problem so instead of attacking what we think is the root of the problem lets work together to solve it. Building a dumpster somewhere near town where we can throw our stuff away. That would seriously Solve this problem and help our society evolve as a civilized community. Then is anyone litters you an fine them. Cause then you have done everything you can to get rid of littering and its still happening.

Also I would like to propose doing community service for those who do not have enough money to pay their fines. Make them do a task to make up for it.

I seriously hope you at least consider these Proposals
I thank you for taking the time to read this
~Groovestrider Fleta Ross~