The Trollsbane Guard

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Taliss Kazzxs
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The Trollsbane Guard

Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

The Trollsbane Guard


The Image

The Town Guard of Trollsbane is to be different from that of the previous. Our goal in this day is not only to protect the town but to also be there for the people instead of against them. In the past there were protective orders that did just the opposite of their original intent. Instead of offering protection they would induce fear and would show every element of corruption imaginable. In this guard it will not be tolerated. All claims of citizens, that a member of the guard has done wrong shall be investigated upon the Captain having been notified. Should the Captain of the guard fail at his duties and not look into the problems within his own guard the Governor shall have the power to fix things for him.

All guards have an expectation for behavior that they should keep in mind at all times. Complaints will be investigated, and if there is any wrong doing, there will be warnings.

1 Case - Suspended from the guard for a week
2 Cases - Suspended from the guard for a week, 15 silver fine
3 Cases - Expelled from the guard, further criminal and or citizenship punishments to be discussed

Citizenship list and Laws can be found here.

The Current Roster of the Guard
Name - Rank

Amadi Yusuf Randal - Guard Captain

Taliss Kazzxs - Lieutenant

Full Members
Rorak - Guard
Eli Travinius- Guard
Ubbdiwak - Guard
Philip Farefield - Guard
Keunthus - Guard
Altrix - Guard
Dantagon Marescot - Guard
Ayla To'lorn - Guard

Timotheus Eisenherz
Julia da Silva
Slazf Kruvkva

Roveig Grann

Unknown Status
Rolfe Yeoman - Recruit
Rajav - Recruit
Acuzio- Recruit
Arthael Meranwyn - Guard
Jyllian - Guard

Prosecuted and wanted persons
Name - Description - Crime - Punishment Status

The Town Guard is made up of the professionals, who shall receive a regular pay for their services. The Town Guard is primarily responsible for the defence of the town, as well as executing the orders of the Government and upholding the laws of Trollsbane. They are in service all the time, unless said otherwise.

The Captain
He is the commander of the guard and can only be overrulen by the Governor, or in some cases by the High Judge. He has to have the capability to lead the men and organize the guard, while keeping the citizens and residents safe and the guard efficient and working. He recommends people who should be promoted to the Governor and oversees the recruitment of new guardsmen. His pay and benefits are negotiated.


The right hand man of the Captain who can lead the men in war as well as peace. He must have a sharp wit and the ability to organize his troops. He knows the law, is a capable fighter and a man loyal to the town and the governor.


A person who has proven his ability as a warrior and can be trusted with the responsibilities of a guard. Having served his time as a Recruit a Guard has shown his loyalty and judgment enough to have earned a key to the jail.


A fresh recruit of the guard. He must do his best to learn the laws, how the guard works and how he should behave in each situation. He will be trained by his comrades and commanders.


The town may be willing to employ Mercenaries as support of the Town Guard. All Non-citizens members of the Town Guard are seen as mercenaries. They receive reduced wage in comparison to citizens, but as long as they are not members of any other town, their citizenship-applications shall be viewed favourably. Mercenaries cannot become Officers of the Guard. Anyone interested in becoming a mercenary should contact the governor by letter. The pay which mercenaries receive is 75% of Citizen-pay. All Ranks/positions except those of a lieutenant and of the captain are open for mercenaries. Mercenaries may not be given keys to the town jail.


The guard and mercenaries are entitled to a pay for their services. They receive a pay once in a month. The pay they receive increases as their experience and time served in the guard increase. Inactivity or failure to perform duties will lead into revocation of wage. The wages may be subject to changes.

Wages are distributed by the Governor every two dwarven weeks. ((2 RL weeks)).
Should pay not reach you, you are expected to contact the Governor yourself.

Mercenary: 10 silver

Recruit: 10 silver
Guard: 15 silver
Lieutenant: 18 silver
Captain: 20 silver


~Lieutenant Taliss Kazzxs
~Captain Amadi Yusuf Randal


Die Wache von Trolls Bane

Der Ruf

Die jetzige Wache von Trolls Bane ist anders als alle vorherigen. Es ist nicht mehr nur unser Ziel die Stadt zu beschützen. Sondern auch für die Bürger da zu sein. Und nicht gegen die Bürger zu handeln. In der Vergangenheit waren Maßnahmen zur Verteidigung welche der ursprünglichen Absicht entgegenwirkten. Anstatt Sicherheit zu geben verbreitete sie Angst und jegliche Form von Korruptheit.
In dieser Wache wird das nicht akzeptiert.
Alle Bürger die von Wachen schlecht behandelt fühlen, sollen dies dem Captain der Wache melden. Er wird sich annehmen. Falls der Captain der Wache seine Pflichten verfehlt, hat der Statthalter die Macht Dinge für ihn zu erledigen.

Von allen Wachen wird verlangt dass sie sich gut benehmen. Verhalten sich Wachen nicht entsprechend werden sie nach folgendem Schema bestraft:

1. Fehlverhalten: Die Wache wird für 1 Woche suspendiert
2. Fehlverhalten: Die Wache wird für 1 Woche suspendiert und zahlt 15 Silber Strafe
3. Fehlverhalten: Unehrenhafte Entlassung von der Wache. Weitere Bestrafungen sind vom Fehlverhalten abhängig.

Diese Vergehen werden vom Captain oder vom Hauptmann der Wache beurteilt.

Mitgliedsverzeichnis der Wache:

Amadi Yusuf Randal - Guard Captain

Taliss Kazzxs - Lieutenant

Full Members
Rorak - Guard
Eli Travinius- Guard
Ubbdiwak - Guard
Keunthus - Guard
Altrix - Guard
Dantagon Marescot - Guard
Ayla To'lorn - Guard

Timotheus Eisenherz
Julia da Silva
Slazf Kruvkva

Roveig Grann

Unknown Status
Rolfe Yeoman - Recruit
Rajav - Recruit
Acuzio- Recruit
Arthael Meranwyn - Guard
Philip Farefield - Guard
Jyllian - Guard

Verurteilte und gesuchte Personen

Name – Beschreibung – Verbrechen – Bestrafung

Die Stadtwache besteht aus gelernten Kräften. Es handelt sich um Profis. Sie ist in erster Linie dafür verantwortlich die Stadt zu schützen, als auch Befehle des Stadthalters durchzuführen und das Gesetz durchzusetzen.
Wachen sind immer im Dienst. Solange bis es anders verkündet wird.

Der Captain der Wache

Er ist der Kommandant der Wache und kann nur vom Statthalter überstimmt werden, oder in manchen Fällen vom hohen Gericht.
Er hat die Befähigung die Wache anzuführen und sie zu organisieren. Er soll die Bewohner und Einwohner der Stadt beschützen. Er hält die Wache effizient und laufend.
Er schlägt Beförderungen vor, welche vom Statthalter zu bestätigen sind.
Er überwacht die Rekruten und die Neuaufnahme von Rekruten.
Seine Bezahlung ist festgelegt.
Er Zahlt alle seine Wachen mit Gehältern aus.


Die rechte Hand des Captain der die Wachen im Krieg und in Friedenszeiten führen kann.
Er soll eine scharfe Klinge führen und muss die Truppen organisieren.
Er kennt die Gesetze gut, er ist ein herausragender Kämpfer, und absolut treu der Stadt und dem Statthalter.


Sind Personen, welche ihre Fähigkeit als Kämpfer unter Beweis stellten und denen man die Verantwortung der Wache anvertrauen kann.
Sie haben als Reckrut gedient, und soviel an Urteilsvermögen und Verantwortungsgefühl, dass sie einen Gefängnisschlüssel bekommen.


Neue Rekruten müssen zuerst die Gesetze verinnerlichen, lernen wie die Wache sich verhält und wie sie Situationen bewältigt. Er wird von seinen Kameraden und Vorgesetzten betreut.
Nur Bürger der Stadt können Rekruten werden.


Zur Untestützung der Wache können Söldner angeworben werden. Söldner müssen keine Bürger sein. Sie erhalten weniger Gehalt als Wachen. Wenn sie Bürger werden wollen werden sie bevorzugt behandelt.
Söldner können kein Hauptmann oder Captain werden.
Jeder der sich als Söldner bewerben will soll dem Governor eine Taube schicken.
Söldner bekommen keinen Gefängnisschlüssel.


Jedes Mitglied der Wache erhält einmal pro Monat gehalt.
Je länger Wache, desto mehr Gehalt wird bezahlt.
Absents und schlechtes Verhalten führt zu Gehaltskürzungen.

Alle 2 Zwergenwochen wird das gehalt vom Captain der Wache und von dem Statthalter ausbezahlt.
Niemand wird den Wachen das Silber nachtragen. Also meldet euch selbst, Wachen.

Söldner: 10 Silber

Rekrut: 10 Silber
Wache: 15 Silber
Hauptmann: 18 Silber
Captain: 20 Silber

~Captain Amadi Yusuf Randal
~Lieutenant Taliss Kazzxs
Last edited by Taliss Kazzxs on Sat May 10, 2008 9:56 pm, edited 28 times in total.
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Post by Korm Kormsen »

be greeted, captain taliss!

i am very astonished, to find two of my tribesmen listed in your guard list.
i would like to know, if that is a mistake, or if they really volunteered for your guard.

tjalf of nordmark
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

tjalf of nordmark, I give my thanks for pointing out my oversight and now the problem should have been fixed. All Guards and Recuits now listed are citizens of the town and have voluntered for the guard.

~Taliss Kazzxs
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

An arsonist of Trollsbane has been caught in the act and captured, the man who calls himself Ethan claims he has started around six fires in Trollsbane and has also confessed to having burned down the tavern. The man has given up accomplices though the truth of his claims are still being investigated. Due to the serious extent of this mans crimes and to the fact he has caused damage and risked lives on two different soils the guard of Trollsbane is looking for another place to keep the prisoner for his own safety until his trial. If another town with a jail would be willing to hold the arsonist for Trollsbane please contact me.

~Taliss Kazzxs, Captain of the Guard
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

Dalan Ginthor, also known as Gordan who looks like 1897**** has been jailed and is awaiting trial.

His crimes are as followed.
Threat and duress
Giving false information to Authorities

For proving himself through good works with the town and for showing braveness in helping deal with the recent Arsons, Julius Rothman has been reinstated into the guard.

~Taliss Kazzxs
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Alytys Lamar
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Post by Alytys Lamar »

She stood wiht raised brows and reads the message, twice....

With tightend lips and haste she scribble underneath few sentences.

Dear Taliss,

I wish to see him in Jail before the trial begins. Send me a dove with the time.

Lady Aleytys Lamar
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

I will send you a private dove with a time that you can see him Ayletys.

~Taliss Kazzxs
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Post by Shingo »

I would like to apply for a mercenary position.

~Shingo Sharpshot~
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

After gaining permission from the Governor then interviewing him. Shingo Sharpshot has joined the ranks of the Trollsbane Guard as a mercenary.

~Taliss Kazzxs, Captain of the Guard
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Senrin der Ältere
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Post by Senrin der Ältere »

I think it is a bit strange that the door
to the prision aswell as the one to a
cell is open.
I will wait at the door until a guard
arrives or I have to leave.


Ambassador of Silverbrand
Guardian of the Holly Flame of Irmorom
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

The main door to the jail house has been keep unlocked simply because we have not gotten new keys since the turn over of the town. The cell you had access to was unoccupied and is not being used until the main door can again be locked. The back door and all cells behind it are fully locked and secure. I am at the jail house now but it seems I have missed you, though I do thank you for the interest in our jails security.

~Taliss kazzxs
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

The first Guards tournament is being held in the upcoming days. It is to encourage training and growth of all those within the Trollsbane guard.

Only Guards, Mercenaries, recruits, and lieutenants may enter.
Wear your best Armor and bring your best weapons.
No magic or poisoned weapons allowed.

A prize from the Captains personal savings will be given to the winner.

It shall take place around ((Sunday, 9pm gmt))

Meet at Eliza’s shop.

I hope to see you all there.

~Taliss Kazzxs, Captain of the guard
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

The tournament will begin soon, we move from Elizas shop to the Arena.

~Taliss Kazzxs
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

I am pleased to announce that the first Guards Tournament was a grand success.

The winners are as follows:

1st place: Callith with the prize of 40 silver.
2nd place: Rorak with the prize of 10 silver.
3rd place: Julius Rothman.

The others I will not announce though there fine skill in combat is well noticed.

I thank everyone for attending, the next competition will be a dwarven week from now at the same time.

The first place winner may not attend the next event though he may the one after it.

I encourage everyone to train when possible and be ready for the next tournament.

~Taliss Kazzxs, Captain of the Guard.
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

A few announcements of the Guard.

Altrix has join our ranks as a Recruit.

Ubbdiwak has joined as a Mercenary.

After review, the recently jailed man Dalan Ginthor has been given permission to reside in Varshikar under the watch of Aleytys Lamar until his trail. Should he return to Trollsbane until his trail he is to again be jailed.

When the town leadership was changed two names followed with the Guard, Carim Black and Ethan Galan. I have yet to meet either of these men. They have a dwarven week to contact me else they be removed from our ranks.

~Taliss Kazzxs, Captain of the Guard.
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

Eli Travinius has joined our ranks as a recruit, he is the first mage to join the Guard.

~Taliss Kazzxs
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Post by Callith »

A lizard has been banned from town for one dwarven week because he attacked the halfling Merri. His description is ((1712))
A human man has been banned for one week for the same crime as the above, his description is ((1970))

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Vern Kron
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Post by Vern Kron »

~ something appears to have been written here, but all that remains is a very large smudge, and written underneath is,~
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

Acuzio has joined the guard as a recruit.
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

Ethan and Dalan Ginthor have both been tried and released from the Trollsbane jail.

An orc matching the description of 1090**** and calls himself karl is to be arrested. He interrupted a trial and attempted murder on around fourteen individuals. Because the Governor has expressed importance in this orcs capture, I ask all the guard to arrest him on sight.

Carim Black and Ethan Galan have been removed from the guard roster due to inactivity and failure to respond.

Taliss Kazzxs, Captian of the Guard.
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Post by berlioz »

Dear sirs and madams of the Trollsbane Guard!

I leave this note to report a tried and nearly completed murder in the middle of Troll's Bane on the evening of Findos, the sevententh.
I, an old and unarmed elf, was going to the public depot near the crafting house where a man and a dwarf were talking. I opened my depot to put in some things I fished today. Suddenly the dwarf began to insult me and tried to make me leave, because he seemed to believe that this depot was his one and nobody else should be allowed there without his permission. I refused naturally and peacefully, because I did not know of such a law and it was against common sense, that a place like this could be owned. The dwarf began to push me around, which I ignored. The man tried to intervene but unsuccesful, because the dwarf was enraged so much, that he attacked me with his swords and nearly killed me, but I managed to get away severely injured. He pursuited me, but luckily he wasn't able to get me with his short legs to finish his cowardly murder.
The other man called the dwarf several times "Chester", but that may not be his right name. The dwarf goes with the description of 4392****, the man was looking like 1838****.

I do not know, whether any other person has noticed the ongoings, but perhaps one will read this and remember everything.

Please do not let our peaceful town sink into a swamp of crime and violence!

Asgender Lar'Kadah
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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Though to me it is rather unthinkable that he would do such a thing, I will not deny that the discription matches Chester Copperpot. The other man fits the discription of Squire Konrad Knox. If this was him who also played witness to these events, I hope he will leave word to Taliss of what he saw.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

Philip Farefield and Jyllian have both joined the Town Guard as recruits.

An Orc matching the description 1367**** is to be arrested for multiple accounts of assault.

The incident with Chester Copperpot has been investigated and taken care of personally.

All Citizens are warned not to venture into the wells in Trollsbane, for the spider infestation has gotten extreme. A day may be planned soon to hold an extermination of the tunnels under Trollsbane.

All Guards are encouraged to attend an upcoming meeting so that we may organize ourselves, train, and see to other necessities. The meeting is set for ((Sunday, 9pm Gmt)) at Elizas Shop.
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

Meeting at Elizas begins in about a dwarven hour.

~Taliss Kazzxs
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Red Roger
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Post by Red Roger »

To the Guards of Troll's Bane,

There has been an incident today, 22nd of Olos in the early morning. Someone is guilty of arson, as some fires where lit inside the library. A young child - whom I did not catch his name but looked like ((1584xx)) - claimed to have seen a man running out of the library. I was told the man called himself Ethan, and looked like ((1975xx)).

Thank the citizens and passers-by and the Archmage for putting out the fire.

~ 'Red' Roger Vane
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Post by HolyKnight »

'Red' Roger Vane,

Thank you for your report I will look into it. Seems like someone wanted to be a bit more impressive sounding there are no Archmages on Gobaith at this time.

Guard Recruit,
Eli Travinus
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

The Orc Rukka whos description is about 2880**** is now wanted in Trollbane. She has attacked myself and aided in the escape of the Orc Karl. She is to be jailed on sight, use force if needed. If you have no key capture her until she can be jailed.

~Taliss Kazzxs, Captain of the Guard
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

Kruxx who looks like 8812**** is now wanted in Trollsbane for attacking Guards and aiding in the escape of the orc Karl.

Ethan who was previously been charged for Arson has again been jailed for starting a fire in the library.

Raban also known as Felix has been jailed for also starting a fire in Trollsbane.

~Taliss Kazzxs, Captain of the Guard.
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

A Guards tournament is being held in the upcoming days. It is to encourage training and growth of all those within the Trollsbane Guard.

Only Guards, Mercenaries, recruits, and lieutenants may enter.
Wear your best Armor and bring your best weapons.
No magic or poisoned weapons allowed.

A prize from the Captains personal savings will be given to the winner.

It shall take place around ((Sunday, 9pm gmt))

Meet at Eliza’s shop.

I hope to see you all there.

~Taliss Kazzxs, Captain of the guard
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

tournament begins soon, ((20 minutes)) meet at Elizas.
