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The magic academy of Gobaith~Die Magische Akademie Gobaiths

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:47 pm
by Magic Academy
(( Translation below ))

Die Magische Akademie Gobaiths

Die Magische Akademie Gobaiths ist die älteste und bislang erfolgreichste Magische Akademie auf Gobaith. Bereits seit vielen Jahren vermittelt sie Wissen und Können an junge, talentierte Magier und Kampfmagier. Geleitet wird die Akademie durch die eine Direktorin, unterstützt von den Eldern, die die Akademie auf offiziellen Anlässen vertreten und sonstige Verwaltungsangelegenheiten regeln.

Die Akademie untersteht der grundlegenden Verwaltung durch Lor Angur.


Kadiya Artaliar

Die Elder
Siedeon Vilarion

I. Die Ziele der Akademie sind:

1.Der Schutz und die Erhaltung des arkanen Wissens und der Macht
2.Die neutrale, kostenlose Ausbildung von Magiern
3.Verbreitung von Wissen auch unter nichtmagischen Bewohnern Gobaiths.

II. Kodex der Akademie
~Siehe nachfolgendem Post~

III. Die Lehrer

Folgende Magier/Warlocks sind berechtigt, an der Magischen Akademie Gobaiths mit Hilfe des Lehrraums neue Schüler auszubilden:

- Damien, Magier
- Eli Travinus, Magier
- Kadiya Artaliar, Magierin
- Sideon Vilarion, Magier
- William Elderberry, Magier
- Ilaya Iselle van Illdoran, Magierin
- Kawako Tao, Magier
- Melodia, Warlock

Abwesende, ehemalige oder nicht bestätigte Lehrer und Magier/Warlocks.
Sie sind ebenfalls zum Unterricht berechtigt, haben aber (noch) nicht die Genehmigung den Lehrraum zu nutzen

- Blake Thorn, Magier
- Kaila Galathil, Magierin
- Pellandria, Warlock
- Silas Farron, Magier
- Avalyon el'Hattarr, Magier
- Seregon, Magier
- Ogerawa Kiochio, Warlock
- Arelas, Magier
- Lacy Draku, Warlock
- Fin Aurelius, Magierin
- Talirea, Magierin
- Nalcaryos von Weißhafen, Magier
- Orren Padick, Magier

IV. Allgemeines
Jeder Magier oder Warlock, gleich welcher Rasse, Herkunft, persönlicher Gesinnung oder Gilden-/Stadtangehörigkeit soll die Möglichkeit bekommen an der Akademie zu lehren solange er den Frieden der Akademie nicht gefährdet.

Die Akademie ist ein neutraler Ort des Lehrens und des Lernen und Streitigkeiten, gleich welcher Art, unabhängig ob unter einzelnen Personen, oder unter Gilden/Gruppen haben hier nichts verloren.
Ebenso sind die allgemeinen Regeln des Anstandes und der Höflichkeit einzuhalten.

Wer nicht in der Lage zu sein scheint, diese einfachen Regeln zu befolgen und den Akademiealltag aus diesem Grund gefährdet kann, zeitlich befristet oder bei erneuten Verstößen auch permanten, der Akademie verwiesen werden.

Jeder Lehrer, der an der Akademie Magie unterrichten möchte, kann sich bei der Akademieleitung melden und ihm wird Zugang gewährt.

Auch nicht-magischen Lehrer sind dazu einladen, offizielle Unterrichtsstunden an der Akademie abzuhalten. Für eine thematische Absprache werden diese allerdings ebenfalls gebeten, sich zuvor ebenfalls mit der Akademieleitung in Verbindung zu setzen.

Desweiteren wird es zukünftig in regelmäßigen Abständen (( jeden zweiten Mittwoch im Monat )) eine offene Sprechstunde geben, wo Probleme und Anliegen an die Leitung herangetragen werden können. In dringenden Fällen ist sie zudem auch mittels einer Taube zu erreichen.

V. Ausbildungsgesuche:

Gesuche nach einem Lehrer sind hier an das Brett anzutragen oder, sollte der jeweilige Anwärter sich bereits einen bestimmten Lehrer ausgesucht haben, bei dem er gerne in die Lehre gehen würde, an diesen zu schicken. Bei der Bewerbung am Brett ist folgender Steckbrief auszufüllen:


Alte Sprache ((deutsch)) / Neue Sprache ((englisch))

Persönliche Anmerkungen:

Gesuche am Brett, die nicht nach diesem Schema gestaltet sind werden ignoriert und/oder ohne Vorwarnung wieder entfernt.

Da einige Mitglieder der Akademie es vorziehen, wenn nicht allen bekannt ist, dass sie Magier sind oder sich in der Ausbildung zu selbigem befinden, ist eine komplette Mitgliederliste nur im privaten Bereich der Akademie angeheftet.

~Die Akademieleitung~


The magic academy of Gobaith

The Magic Academy of Gobaith is the oldest and, so far, most successful magic academy on the whole isle of Gobaith. For many many years now, it has been bringing out knowledge and skill to young, talented mages and battlemages. The academy is led the headmaster, supported from the Elders.


Kadiya Artaliar

Siedeon Vilarion

I. Aims of the Academy:

1.To protect and to keep the knowledge
2.To offer a neutral and free apprenticeship to new mages
2.Spread of knowlege to non-magican also

II. Kodex of the academy:
~See next post~

III. The teachers

The following mages/warlocks are allowed to use to teach new mages with the use of the teaching room

- Damien, Mage
- Eli Travinus, Mage
- Kadiya Artaliar, Mage
- Sideon Vilarion, Mage
- William Elderberry, Mage
- Ilaya Iselle van Illdoran, Mage
- Kawako Tao, Mage
- Melodia, Warlock

Absent, past or not unconfirmed teachers and mages/warlocks.
They are also allowed to hold lessons, but haven't (currently) the access to the teaching room.

- Blake Thorn, Mage
- Kaila Galathil, Mage
- Pellandria, Warlock
- Silas Farron, Mage
- Avalyon el'Hattarr, Mage
- Seregon, Mage
- Ogerawa Kiochio, Warlock
- Arelas, Mage
- Lacy Draku, Warlock
- Fin Aurelius, Mage
- Talirea, Mage
- Nalcaryos von Weißhafen, Mage
- Orren Padick, Mage

IV. General

Each mage or warlock, of whichever race, provenance, personal ethos or guild-/town-membership should have the opportunity to teach at the magic academy as long as he or she does not jeopardize the peace upheld at the academy.

The academy shall be a neutral place for teaching and learning and all differences, no matter of which nature, whether between individuals or between groups or guilds, do not belong here. The common rules of decency and politeness are to be followed in the at all times.

People, who do not conform with these simple rules and jeopardize the academy life with their behaviour, could be expelled, temporarily or permanently, from the academy grounds.

Each teacher, who wishes teach at the Magic Academy, can contact me and he or she will be granted access.

Non-magical teachers can feel also invited, to hold official lessons at the academy. Please contact the headmaster as well to reach an agreement on which subjects they wish to teach. They will be granted access as well after an agreement has been reached.

Additionally there will be open consultation-hour at regular intervals (( the second Wednesday of each month )) in the future, were complaints and other concerns could be communicated. Doves can reach me at all times for more urgent matters.

V. Applications

Applications for an apprenticeship have to be posted on our board here. If a possible student has already chosen the teacher he would like to learn from, he may also send a message to that teacher personally. All wanna-be mage that applies, has to fill out the following form:


Old language ((german)) / New language ((english))

Personal remarks:

Applications on the boards, that aren't worked out like that will be ignored and/or ripped off without warning.

Since some members of the academy prefer not to be named publicly, a complete list of all members of the academy can be only seen in the private parts of the academy boards.

~The Headmistress~

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:50 pm
by Magic Academy
Dies ist der Kodex, lebe und strebe nach seinen Weisen.

Magie ist kein Werkzeug, sie ein ein Freund.
Nutzt du sie weise, wird sie sich stärken, missbrauchst du sie, wird sie dich verlassen.

Wissen ist Macht und seltene Macht ist gefährlich.
Doch in den richtigen Händen führt diese Macht zu großer Stärke.

Trinke vom Fluss des Wissens.
Viele haben es ignoriert, doch die die ihn tranken formen die Natur nach ihrem Willen.

So wie das Mana durch deinen Körper fließt, so fließt auch dein freier Geist.
Nur wenn sie eins sind, wirst du vollständig sein.

Lass die Stille der Meditation in deinem Herzen Klingen.
Denn das Lenken des Mana benötigt größte Konzentration.

Die Magie wird durch den Geist kontrolliert.
Kontrolliere deinen Geist um die Macht der Magie zu beherrschen.

Einen Spruch zu sprechen dauert Sekunden, ihn zu beherrschen dauert ein Leben lang.


This is The Codex, follow it's teachings.

Magic is a friend.
Use it wisely and it will embrace you, use it badly and you shall lose it.

Knowledge is power, raw power is dangerous.
But when in the hands of a person who can control it well, it gives him great strength.

Drink from the stream of knowledge.
Many have ignored it, the few who have sipped can control nature unto their bidding.

As mana flows within your body, let your spirit flow freely.
When they are one, you shall be complete.

Let the silence of meditation repeat itself in your heart.
For controlling mana requires great concentration.

Controlling magic is all in the mind.
Focus your mind, and grasp its power.

A spell is created in a few seconds, a Mage takes a lifetime to master it.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:57 pm
by AlexRose
Bollocks to this. Surely some kind of confirmation should've been given before you try to take the academy land and prohibit others from using it for their business. You didn't even get half the teachers in this little "High circle" of yours. A mage has always been considered one to have 18 runes, not all teachers have the time to spend 2 hours per student, aye? Use these rules yourself if you like, but you can't prohibit the other teachers from using the room if they refuse your rules.

Eli is a brand new teacher, also. Does he even have any students, and Kawako; I would've thought you'd have more tact. I'm disappointed.

And I'm disappointed with this sham, where none of you bothered to contact the other mages first.

You can keep us out of your guild by all means and let the other mages teach outside of your rules, but you can't deny us access to the teaching room.


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:03 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Accept it, or not. We will add locks to the maingates and change the password of the teaching room as soon as we realize that any teacher that didn't accept our rules is using the academy grounds to teach his students.

The people of the high council were decided after their level of reliability and the rules were made because such rules were needed. As soon as the Academy got manifested with the new structure, teachers may add wishes on the rules and the law.

~Taeryon Silberlicht

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:08 pm
by AlexRose
Decided by who? Oh yes. YOURSELVES. You can't bloody lock out over half the academy with no warning in a "you'll do as we say and have no choice in the matter" fashion. Who do you think you are; Saladin bloody Tyrus? You just took 3 people who'd like a bit of power of the academy, then two weak minded people (one of whom was your student) who you don't think will turn against you and then try to boot the rest of us out. It's ridiculous.


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:11 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Damien and Sideon are the true leaders of the academy. They are the oldest teachers of the academy. Non of the members of the high council is a mainful member of any other guild or town, which YOU are. That's why those people were chosen and not you. And, going after the number of people we have on our side, we are more than 50% of the academy.

~Taeryon Silberlicht

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:16 pm
by AlexRose
Strange, since I only see this council of you 5 in the description, no mention of Damien or Sideon. You can't use the fact that I'm in a separate organization to disregard my voice, the academy is NEUTRAL, and doesn't handle in other affairs. Every teacher has rights, just like I accept that Eli has a voice, despite the fact he only just became a teacher.


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:24 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
If you read over the message again, you will see, that Damien and Sideon are the Elders of the Academy. Furthermor, including the members that allready accepted the new structure and our students, we are a bit less than 20 people. I won't discuss this any further. The academy got a new structure and if you don't accept it, you won't be allowed to teach any students on the academy grounds anymore.

~Taeryon Silberlicht

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:41 pm
by Athian
So basically this academies life blood is actually it's teaching room. Very few of it's teachers are skilled enough in their arts to even be called teachers. Furthermore without the aid of the teaching room itself virtually the entirity of the academy staff becomes inept. Therefore in order monopolize magic teaching you threaten to take away access to the only freely useable source of rune transferance.

It makes me wonder if the people running the academy really deserve to be allowed to teach. Never once have any of you sacrificed a thing for your students without the convience of the academy. and yet you seek to control it as if you are the only people with rights to it. I wonder if any of you would even be teachers without the assistance of that room. an academy thats founded on a crutch like a single room is a complete mockery.

Athian Corulas

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:44 pm
by Mr. Cromwell
Burn Taeryon!


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:47 pm
by Pellandria
Athian you are afraid noone trust the lieing words that crawl out of your quill and your lips?
Maybe you are afraid that you aren't a teacher without the room aswell?

~not signed~

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:49 pm
by AlexRose
Taeryon made plenty of sacrifices to teach his students! Demanding maps from them for rune payment is hard work! Eli had a great role model.

I also find it amusing that I caught Pellandria criticizing Kawako a few weeks ago, but now they're chummy in this little group.


P.s. Of course we are no teachers without the room. Avalyon could barely teach without the teaching room, so what; you will hold siege to it?

Very well.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:03 am
by Zeddicus su'Zanderfall
Name: Zeddicus su'Zanderfall
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 53
Mage/Battlemage: Mage
Personal remarks:
As disorganized, malunified and downright foolish (W.E; from reading your prior remarks on this board and others) some of this seems, your use far outweighs any downfalls apparent. I am a 'student' that will dedicate myself wholly to the magic of this land.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:07 am
by Amira Ranevskaya
It does not matter that William has nothing worth saying. I think he just continues to complain because he enjoys reading his own hand writing. Just like he continues to speak when no one cares to listen because all he wishes to do is hear his own voice and arrogance.


Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:46 am
by Athian
Quite the contrary unsigned reader. I agree completely with William. Ask your teaching staff one day perhaps who assisted them in there learning when there former teachers abadndoned them without word. Ask them if they cared so greatly about regulations and barring people from the using the teaching room then.

Its nice to see the gratitude of the mages in the academy, they show much of there character with this behavior.


Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:08 am
by Fooser
All mages should stop their petty arguing and forget this nonsense, and move to the greatest town on the island -- Troll's Bane.


Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:26 am
by Cliu Beothach
Name:Brer Beothach the Astral Bard
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Mage/Battlemage: Mage
Personal remarks: Immaculate wordplay back in tooth, we sail through the shimmering hollows.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:33 am
by AlexRose
Another thing. One of your "high council" was never even approved to have BHONA, Taeryon; you just taught him yourself without permission.

And were any of you 5 even on Gobaith when the ritual to create the Academy took place? I thought not. Did any of you think about how Athian was a teacher long before you? Your council comprises of people, some of whom who were not even the first in the list to receive BHONA, one of which received it illegally and a short period of time ago?

This is disgraceful.


Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:07 am
by Vilarion
I strongly suggest to give Athian all access he requests.

Sideon Vilarion

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:15 am
by HolyKnight
Teachers and Students of the Magic Academy of Gobaith,

Perhaps I was not here when the walls and buildings of this academy were built or when the teaching sanctuary was created to allow our teachers to pass along runes without fear losing their own ability. I am not as old as Master Corulas or Master Elderberry nor do I have their capability in any rune-class. Master Elderberry claims "you just took 3 people who'd like a bit of power of the academy, then two weak minded people (one of whom was your student) who you don't think will turn against you and then try to boot the rest of us out. It's ridiculous." In one sentence I am said to be after power and that I am weak minded. If compassion and a desire for integrity are either of those then I am guilty. If wanting to live in coexistence with my brethren and truly caring about what my fellow colleagues think is weak minded and seeking power then I am guilty.

I want it to be publicly known that I did not want to be a teacher at this moment and that I did not want to be a member of this High Council. I respect the heritage and the perseverance of this Academy and those that have stood proudly at the gates. I also want it to be publicly known that I requested twice for Master Elderberry to be put onto the High Council as well as Master Corulas. I have always respected the both of you at all times, I do not know what the other High Council members think about Master Corulas. I can, however, tell you exactly what they think about you Master Elderberry for I have witnessed you blatant disrespect to me far too many times. Your coil and sly remarks and mockery toward one of your Colleague's students as a dog is a clear indication of why you do not have a seat on the High Council Master Elderberry. Apparently the other members of the High Council and most everyone else has had similar views of your manners. You boast about being here since the Magic Academy was built yet you have learned nothing about courtesy. I have and will continue to show you respect as a teacher of this institution and I supplicate for you to do the same.

I leave you with these closing remarks my brothers and sisters, from the old Academy Boards.
Teachers and Students should trat eachother with respect and try to
live in coexistence. A teacher should not do anything
on the academy ground that could insult or displease another teacher.
New teachers are voted by a democratic council which is formed by the actual teachers.
Every teacher has one vote.
Praying for unity of purpose and harmony,

Member of the High Council
Faithful to Lord Zhambra

Eli Travinus

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:37 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Athian, I understand that you are complaining, but I ask you to meet me in private, so that I can explain everything further to you. There are several reasons that you aren't on the list.

William, you have no idea about what you are talking it seems. The thing with the maps were two students of mine, that had to get some maps each, because of several, private reasons. I can also gladly inform you, that I gave highly expensive gear to some of my students and that I'll be the one to pay the dormitory for the students of the academy. If you mean Eli by the student that didn't have permission to get BHONA, you are misinformed aswell. He had enough permissions of teachers to get it. Oh and may I remind you that I was the one who gave BHONA to you aswell? I ask you not to talk about things you have no idea about.

Elder Vilarion, I sent a dove to you.

~Taeryon Silberlicht

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:44 pm
by Kevin Lightdot
I love when I am forgotten.

-Kevin Lightdot

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:03 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
You weren't considered as a teacher, because we thought that you aren't able to use BHONA. If we were wrong in this thinking, please tell me and I will add your name to the list.

~Taeryon Silberlicht

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:09 pm
by AlexRose
You taught me BHONA when I got permission. You told me yourself you collected donations for a house for yourself on academy grounds, so it's hardly your own money.

Eli, I didn't put you under the "lust for power" group, and if you've not even begun to teach yet, I don't yet regard you as a collegue; and there is no need to treat other people's students in high respect, as several teachers do not and it's not in the rules.


Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:12 pm
by Turwinkle
Name: Turwinkle
Race: Halfling
Gender: Male
Age: 58
Mage/Battlemage: Mage
Personal remarks: I am willing to devote my life to the study of magic.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:12 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
William, all the money I have is mine. Please learn to see what is joke and what is serious business.

~Taeryon Silberlicht

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:14 pm
by AlexRose
Strange, because it didn't seem like a joke at the time.

How convenient.

Anyhow, it's not hard to get money when you're constantly doing maps as I've seen you.


Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:26 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
I'm not the one of us two who has his private town, about 15 gold and most likely the biggest collection of raw gear on the whole isle. Besides, going on treasure hunts with your friends isn't illegal, is it?

~Taeryon Silberlicht

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:29 pm
by AlexRose
Nice to know some of us have done something with their lives, aye?


Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:32 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Indeed. Some of us have their private, uncomfortable, useless and not much liked by the people town and friends that only hang around with them because of their money and might, while others are the part of the leadingship of the academy, while they are happy in love with their one special person.

~Taeryon Silberlicht