Town of Troll's Bane

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Town of Troll's Bane

Post by Fooser »

Town of Troll's Bane


((Next Elections:
Nomination May 1st - May 3rd
Intermediate Period; May 3rd - May 6th
Election Process; May 7th - May 9th))

Governor: Fooser
Guard Captain: Amadi Yusuf Randal
High Judge:
Diplomat / Scholar: Hooshmand al'Hooshyar


I. Citizens (Bürger)

Current Citizens (the list is subject to change):
Momentane Bürger (Diese Liste ist ohne Gewähr):

Achae Eanstray
Adovia Reluren
Alli Zelos
Amadi Yusuf Randal
Anthony Xavier
Artimer Fault
Ashayen Cromwell
Ayla To'lorn
Banduk Robberhauf
Colin Smalls
Dantagon Marescot
Dzatz Darksmell
Carim Black
Colin Smalls
Edward Cromwell
Eric Silverblade
Eli Travinius
Elisabeth Marescot
Elsi Lednem
Ethan Galan
Fianna Heneghan
Gildon de Vymont
Gordon Walker
Hooshmand al'Hooshyar
Indril Linwelin
Jens Felldrus
Jonathan Cain
Jorokar Sladrir
Johann Brown
Joxia Doral
Julia da Silva
Kaila Galathil
Kenneth Ladrus
Konrad Knox
Merrilyn Ferry
Nimra Therkel
Perrillynn Appalachia Primrose Asmurf
Persus Wyatt
Philip Farefield
Quay Calimon
Rhyel Sarmir Ryrin Lester
Roland Ross
Rolfe Yeomen
Shane Lovett
Silas Farron
Slazf Kruvkva
Ssafar Zakarrr
Suriam Masens
Taliss Kazzxs
Thane Godfrey
Thomas Rothman
Zaue Xavier

II. Residents (Bewohner)

Current List of Residents:
Momentane Liste aller Bewohner:

Lord William Elderberry
Roland Ross
Lennier (Lifetime)

III. Outlaws (Vogelfreie)


Town Guards - If you wish to be one, or no longer wish to be one, please note it somewhere.

Amadi Yusuf Randal - Guard Captain

Taliss Kazzxs - Lieutenant

Full Members
Rorak - Guard
Eli Travinius- Guard
Ubbdiwak - Guard
Altrix - Guard
Arthael Meranwyn - Guard
Dantagon Marescot - Guard
Jorokar Sladrir - Guard
Ayla To'lorn - Guard
Philip Farefield - Guard
Jyllian - Guard

Timotheus Eisenherz
Jonathan Cain
Slazf Kruvkva
Julia da Silva

Roveig Grann

Standing Army - Not Paid
Leader - Konrad Knox

All guards have an expectation for behavior that they should keep in mind at all times. Complaints will be investigated, and if there is any wrong doing, there will be warnings.
1 Case - Suspended from the guard for a ((RL)) week
2 Cases - Suspended from the guard for a ((RL)) week, 15 silver fine, demotion if possible
3 Cases - Expelled from the guard, further criminal and or citizenship punishments to be discussed


Citizenship Guidelines

I. General

The status of a person within the borders of Trollsbane can be divided into three categories. Each person belongs to one category in every circumstance, even if the person does not agree to that. Each category is different in legal (and other) aspects.

I a. Citizens
These are the citizens of Trollsbane. The Citizens have highest legal protection within the realms of Trollsbane. Only they are the ones to be allowed to apply for certain positions and appeal to the highest level of the government. Only citizens or registered organizations will be allowed to build within the walls of Trollsbane anymore. Dual citizenship will not be allowed for any new citizens and the dual citizenship of old citizens will be reviewed on individual basis (should the person be unwilling to give up of the citizenship of other town, the government may reserve the right to void his/her citizenship). Each individual case of citizenship application will be considered by the Government, and the application may be rejected for any/no reason at all. Governor may also remove the citizenship from anyone who commits crimes or actions despisable enough.

I b. Non Citizens
Are also protected while within the walls of Trolls Bane. But likewise, if a non citizen commits a crime, they will be treated harsher than others. If a non citizen wishes to own land, they must pay a tax on the land, while normal citizens do not. A non citizen cannot be a guard or run for any town office.

I c. Outlaw
Outlaws are those who have violated heavily against the Government of Trollsbane. Outlaws may or may not have a bounty on their head for their capture dead or alive. The citizens, residents and outsiders alike are forbidden from providing shelter, food, healing or any other aid to outlaws. Should a person be caught in aiding the outlaw, depending on circumstances he/she may be committing a treason. The outlaws have no protection under the law, and they can be killed, robber or injured without fear of punishment.


Land / Laws / Property

This is the officially recognized ownership of land in Troll's Bane.


Property / Structures
A. Shop - Public, Maintained by Eliza
B. Personal Residence - Garon Goldhand
C. Arena - Embassy of Goldburg
D. Teleporter - Public
E. Eastern Gate - Public
F. Common Area - To Be Developed
G. Tavern - Embassy of Silverbrand
H. Library - First Floor - Public / Second Floor - Grey Light
I. Northern Gate - Public
J. Jail / Guard Post - Public
K. Workshop - Public
L. Pigs - Public
M. Hospital - Druids of the Forest
N. Seahorse Building - Public
O. Personal Residence - Silas Farron
P. Farmland - Public
Q. Western Gate - Public

Undeveloped Land (In Blue)
None cited

Flats and Inn Rooms
Inn Room #1 - Nalani Marescot
Flat #1 (F1) - Artimer, Elisabeth Marescot
Flat #2 (F2) - Unoccupied

I. To Docks, Greenbriar, Farmers Union
II. To Marshes, Graveyard, Varshikar, Desert
III. To Crypt, Grey Rose
IV. To Southern Forest

Land/Property Laws
1. All auctions of land or buildings can only be won by a citizen of Troll's Bane, or foreign body required to use the land as an embassy.
2. Non-citizens pay a fee to hold land, unless it serves a diplomatic function, or there is an agreement with the government to state otherwise.
3. The town can never take away land unless the owners are convicted of a moderate or serious crime, or the owners have permanently left the town or island.
4. All public land can be dealt with as the current government sees fit, but it is illegal to take ownership of public structures by anyone within the government. It is also illegal to sell defense structures -- the jail, the wall, and the gatehouses.


Town Treasury

All spending and taxing will be made public for anyone who feels the need to look at it. The following ink colors will be used:

Spending from Personal Funds
Current Total: 999 silver, 19 copper

+17 silver, 87 copper -- Taxes

-100 silver -- Guard Funds
+53 silver, 35 copper -- Taxes
+48 silver, 56 copper -- Taxes
+50 silver -- Chester's Fine
+5 silver -- Miscalculation

+17 silver, 22 copper


The Town of Troll's Bane and Kingdom of Silverbrand have renewed their treaty between one another, and have accepted the following points:

-A guarantee of peace between both settlements.

-Acceptance and full recognition of the Fluffy Sheep Tavern as the embassy of Silverbrand, and therefore sovereign property of Silverbrand. This status is guaranteed forever.

-Criminals, which are wanted by both towns, and caught by one, will be transferred to the other town upon completion of punishment in the town they were caught in.

-Silverbrand will be the preferred source for purchasing new items for the town armory. Both towns should be open to trade proposals from each other.

Thorwald, King of Silverbrand
Fooser, Governor of Troll's Bane

This is the treaty of allegiance to preserve concord between the members of the Knighthood of Gobaith and the people of Troll's Bane and its territory. This agreement gives:

- The rights for the members of the Knighthood to act for the cause of justice on the grounds of Troll's Bane.

- The rights for the authorities of Troll's Bane to call for the knighthood's services as long as the intentions are right and just.

May it be noted that these rights will not entitle any member of the Order to break any town laws at any time.

Grandmaster Jorokar Sladrir

Laws - Keeping the same system as before

Laws and Regulations

I. Appeals

A new feature is added and is available to Citizens and to a lesser degree, Residents.

When a citizen is accused and punished for a crime other than a light one, he/she has the right to make an appeal to the High Judge of Trollsbane. If the crime the citizen is accused of is severe enough, the case can be appealed to the Governor even after the decision of the High Judge. This is reserved for the most serious crimes only. Should the appeal be seen as valid, the Citizen may be entitled to monetary compensation and an apology. If a monetary compensation is seen as necessary, the exact amount is determined by the Governor and the Chancellor.

When a Resident is accused of and punished for a crime other than a light one, he/she has the right to make an appeal to the High Judge of Trollsbane. They do not have the right to appeal to the governor. Should the appeal be seen as valid, the Resident may be entitled to monetary compensation and an apology. If a monetary compensation is seen as necessary, the exact amount is determined by the Governor and the Chancellor.

Punishments given for light offences cannot be appealed under any circumstances.

The Governor reserves the right to overturn any judgement, punishment or release with his veto.

II. Laws
The Laws of Trollsbane


To punish criminals according to their status and graveness of the crime, the town employs several different kinds of punishments. These include but are not limited to: Humiliation (Pillory), Forced Labor, Fines, Confiscation of property, Imprisonment, declaring someone as outlaw or Execution (By hanging or decapitating).

Additionally, the governor may decide any other punishment he sees fit. There is no such thing as cruel or unusual type of punishment in Trollsbane.

Guards should note, that the near-minimum amounts in the guidelines apply for citizen or resident perpetrators in very, very innoncent cases. I recommend that you use the highest amounts for outsiders at all times. The fines are to be handed up the chain of command, all the way to the Captain of the Guard or the Governor. Note that you are not supposed to hand out all the punishments at once, but rather fine the person and then apply some other punishment.

Citizens should be, in some cases, be allowed to walk free after paying. Resident perpetrators should also be offered the way to pay their way out and then apply some banishment, instead of locking them up. Outsiders should be locked up when possible and fined. If they will not pay, lock them up for a longer time.

III.I Light Offences

Punishment guidelines which the guards should use:
Fines - 1-10 silvers, or up to the worth of the stolen item if it cannot be returned.
Banishment for: 1-5 days
Jail for: 1-3 days
Pillory - ?
Forced labor - ?

A. Thievery
Everyone who takes property of someone else while acting against the owners wish or without the owner’s knowledge commits crime in terms of the Law. If the stolen products or materials have become a part of larger entity, have been used for the manufacutre/repair of a thing or cannot be reliably or without risking damage to the victim be separated from the posessions of the thief, then the victim may be entitled to be given complete posession of that for which the stolen materials were used for. It should be noted, that only the property of Citizens and Residents will be protected against thievery.

B. Break in/Trespassing (Private building)
Whoever breaks into a house of an individual against the will or knowledge of the owner, or refuses to leave when asked to commits a crime against the law.

C. Disturbance
Everyone who disturbs the calmness and peace in Troll’s Bane by any excessively repeated verbal or physical actions and continues to do so even after official warning, commits crime in terms of the Law. Guards should note that Citizens should not be implicated for this, barring an extremely strong disturbance to others.

D. Assault
Assault is a crime which involves attacking someone with one’s fists or wounding him to the limbs in non-lethal way (and without cutting off the victim’s limbs). Guards should note that only residents and citizens are protected against an assault.

E. Defamation
Everyone who purposely designs and spreads wrong claims to harm someone else or to have own benefit from doing so commits crime in terms of the law. The crime is especially grave if it involves unfoundedly accusing someone in the government or guard baselessly for committing a crime (Then treat as Category III.III crime). Only citizens, guards and others in position of authority are protected against this type of crime.

F. Conspiracy to commit a Crime
Conspiring to commit a crime is now a crime in itself under the law. Should a person be caught in the act of planning, attempting or inciting others to break the laws and regulations alone or in a group, he is subject to the exactly same punishment as he would get for doing the crime. (Treat as category III.I-III.III crime depending on the crimes)

II.II Medium Offences

Punishment guidelines for the Guard:
Fines - 10-25+ silvers, or up to the worth of the stolen item if it cannot be returned.
Banishment for: 10+ days
Jail for: 7+ days
Forced labor - ?
In the serious cases if the perpetrator flees, the captain of the guard may declare someone as an Outlaw.

A. Claiming false status to Authorities
Claiming to be a Resident/Citizen when you in fact are not is now a crime under the law. When this false claim is done by person who is accused of a crime, he/she can get double the maximum punishment under the law for the crime.

B. Giving false information to Authorities
Lying to the authorities is a crime under the law. When the authorities ask you a question, you should answer truthfully. The punishment varies depending on the magnitude of deception.

C. Obstruction of Justice
Anyone perverting or distorting the course of justice, interfering with law-enforcement or preventing the law enforcement from fulfilling their tasks commits a crime under the law.

D. Resisting Arrest
Resisting arrest through physical or verbal means is a crime under the law. Trying to prevent the arrest of someone, or sheltering him/her else by the same means is an equal crime under the law.

E. Disobedience
Everyone who refuses to follow official orders of the Town Guard or the Government, especially refuses imprisonments, bans or other official punishments commits crime in terms of the Law.

F. Robbery
In cases of thievery where the victim is threatened to be harmed by violence the crime has to be considered as Robbery in terms of the Law. When violence is used the crime has to considered as assault or attempted murder and robbery. It should be noted, that only citizens and residents will be protected against Robbery.

G. Threat and duress
Threatening a citizen or a resident with violence, or trying to force them into doing something against his will is crime against the law. Guards or other representatives of authority can never be charged for this without the approval of the High Judge. Residents are protected against threats or duress only within the walls of Trollsbane.

H. Kidnapping
Capturing or holding someone against his will is a crime against the laws. This does not apply to criminals and a guard or other representative of government is never committing a kidnapping. It should be noted, that only Citizens and Residents will be protected against kidnapping. (Kidnapping of a citizen should be treated as III.III crime)

I. Attempted Murder
Attempted murder is a crime where it can be seen that the perpetrator attempted to murder the individual, or that the victim was sufficiently severely wounded to justify that. Guards should note that Outsiders are protected against attempted murder within the walls of the city. (Attempted murder of a Citizen or a Resident should be treated as category II.III crime)

II.III Serious Crimes

Fines 25-50+ Silvers
Banishment for: Good
Jail for: 20+ days
Forced labor - ?
If the perpetrator flees, he should be declared as an outlaw.

A. Spying
Spying for the benefit of other town or organization is a crime under the law. The magnitude of punishment depends on the graveness of the leaks, to which organization/town the spying has been conducted for and the duration of the spying. Always treat the case as category III.III crime until proven otherwise.

B. Murder
When a person is irreversibly killed by someone else, and it cannot be determined that this was in self-defence, it is seen as Murder in front of the law. ((OOC: Only Perma-deaths can be murder))
Anyone accused of Murder who doesn’t turn him/herself in immediately becomes an outlaw.

C. Arson and Damaging of property
Anyone who through fire or any other means, intentionally or unintentionally, damages the property of the town, an individual or a group commits a crime under the law. To encourage caution with fire, even unintentional cases of property damaging will be punished with fines. The minimum fine is 25 silvers but there is no upper limit.

D. Treason
An individual, who alone or in a group, commits any or all of the following acts may be found guilty of treason: Inciting a rebellion. Belonging to, associating with, assisting or supporting a group which plans to overthrow the government of Trollsbane or assassinating a person belonging to or working for the government (or planning to do those individually). Anyone convicted of spying may also be punished for treason, and vice versa.

Revocation of citizenship, branding as outlaw, confiscation of property, extreme fines, a long period of hard labour or death by hanging may be given as punishments for treason, depending on the seriousness of the person’s guilt. All punishments for treason are handed personally by the Governor, or by the captain of the guard, should the governor be absent.
Last edited by Fooser on Mon May 12, 2008 5:44 am, edited 176 times in total.
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Post by Fooser »

the parchment is ripped off
Last edited by Fooser on Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fooser »

the parchment is ripped off
Last edited by Fooser on Tue Jan 01, 2008 6:08 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by Fooser »

The following bright red area has been given to Ayla To'lorn and Jorokar, both citizens of Trolls Bane, to do with as they please.


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Senrin der Ältere
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Post by Senrin der Ältere »

To the government of Troll's Bane,

I think I have to report a happening in ya

Today, I had to defend my life within the walls
of ya town.
I was drying my leather, when a human attacked
me and stole parts of the leather I collected.
Of course I defended myself and soon, the human
tried to escape, surprised by the braveness and
strengh of the dwarfes.
I followed him shouting "Stop the thief", but noone
cared, until the bandit shouted "murderer". Then
some humans noticed us, but we were too fast for
At the Farmer's Union I finally cought the criminal
and tought him a lesson in dwarven justice.

I'm very sad that there are still criminals in ya town
and that nobody helps the other one.


Ambassador of Silverbrand
Guardian of the Holly Flame of Irmorom
Caretaker of the Fluffy Sheep Tavern
Secretary of the King of Silverbrand
Keeper of the Faith of Irmorom
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Post by :) »

Someone approaches the note, and scribbles a last line in red under the list of titles
Senrin der Ältere wrote:Andril
Ambassador of Silverbrand
Guardian of the Holly Flame of Irmorom
Caretaker of the Fluffy Sheep Tavern
Secretary of the King of Silverbrand
Keeper of the Faith of Irmorom
Last Clanlord of the Clan of Dwarven Joy
Grand Lord of Boasting
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Amadi Yusuf Randal
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Post by Amadi Yusuf Randal »

I want to inform you that the "teleporter" near the eastern gate doesnt work.
I paid some coins, but it didnt work.

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Post by Fooser »

Troll's Bane has renewed a treaty with Silverbrand. Thanks to Andril and Thorwald.
The Town of Troll's Bane and Kingdom of Silverbrand have renewed their treaty between one another, and have accepted the following points:

-A guarantee of peace between both settlements.

-Acceptance and full recognition of the Fluffy Sheep Tavern as the embassy of Silverbrand, and therefore sovereign property of Silverbrand. This status is guaranteed forever.

-Criminals, which are wanted by both towns, and caught by one, will be transferred to the other town upon completion of punishment in the town they were caught in.

-Silverbrand will be the preferred source for purchasing new items for the town armory. Both towns should be open to trade proposals from each other.

Thorwald, King of Silverbrand
Fooser, Governor of Troll's Bane
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Post by AlexRose »

You can't guarantee something past your reign.

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Post by Fooser »

I can, because I am Fooser.

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Senrin der Ältere
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Post by Senrin der Ältere »

The kings of Silverbrand stand to the words
the Kingdom has said, even if it was an elderking.


Ambassador of Silverbrand
Guardian of the Holly Flame of Irmorom
Caretaker of the Fluffy Sheep Tavern
Secretary of the King of Silverbrand
Keeper of the Faith of Irmorom
Last Clanlord of the Clan of Dwarven Joy
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Post by nmaguire »

Meh tinks stumpy have too long name and too small boots!!!

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Dalan Ginthor
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Post by Dalan Ginthor »

While I am no citizen of Troll's Bane, the incident I am about to report resolved on its grounds and I do hope that some action is taken.

The incident involves two mindless orcs. I was merely mumbling to myself when they overheard the words 'obnoxious' and 'sickening'. In no way did I address those orcs, however, they seem to insist that I have offended them with those words, a misunderstanding, obviously, yet they do not comprehend.

I was ready to forget all until they both growled at me and spoke ill of me. More than that, they have ordered me to never speak poorly of them, and even then, they have threatened me and menaced me cruelly.

I had to flee in order to avoid any violence from their side, as I am a man of no violence myself.

The two orcs looked like (( 77... )) and (( 12... )), not much do I remember, however one called his companion by the name 'Gabon'.

I do hope that some action is taken, I would even suggest that all orcs are banned from Troll's Bane's ground, as this unwanted behaviour is typical of their kind.

I thank the authority for the attention,
~ Gordon
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Post by Jaren »

~ Written in smooth handwritting ~

I am disappointed to find that even with captains changed the gaurd still remains a corrupt cancer to Trolls Bane's Government. They are many strong and a great quantity, but closing your eyes to the reports of their abuses will come at a steep price. One day your gaurds will abuse the wrong person and then you will reap what you sow.

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Post by wolfsword »

Not all orcs cause trouble, that would be racist to them, if we do ban them all and I for one, am against it.

-Tom Raphael Wolf
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Post by Bellringer »

Do not expect changes straight 'way Jaren, the Cap'n Taliss 'as only bin 'ere a few days, 'ant 'e?

An' don't go tellin' me 'bout "racism" wolf, 'lot o' them orcs are a bad breed so they are...'cos of skull shape see. I'm sure orcs'll b'have 'emselves though, like anyone else who wants to do well in Troll's Bane.

~ Rolfe Yeoman
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Post by Julius »

Gordon, if I were a orc and you were to stand beside me and mumble the words sickening and obnoxious what would I think? Orcs are often verbally bashed by our race because of the way they live their lives. Did the orcs attack you? No. It was a misunderstanding on there part and therefore I see no crime here. Gabon is a good orc and I am almost certain that he would have restrained himself and the companion orc from ever raising a blade to you.

Thank you,
Julius Rothman - Owner of the Arena!
Guard of Trolls Bane
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Post by Dalan Ginthor »

Therefore, from the guard's words, I conclude that:
  • - Threatening and harassing are not against the laws and can be
    done freely in town without risk of being fined or jailed (even though the
    two mentioned acts are clearly named in the parchment of laws).

    - Befriending the guards will allow one to break the laws and walk freely
    around town.
I thank you then, for now I can learn how things work in Troll's Bane.

And if my conclusions (hence the guard's perceptions) are wrong, then I
hope that some action upon the guard is taken.

My thanks, once again.
~ Gordon
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Post by Julius »

Gordon, when did I say they would not be punished? I will speak to them but even you clearly stated that you mumbled something? Can you tell me why and what you were mumbling about that included such words that have been used against orcs in the past? Gabon and I have met maybe 3 times, Gordon, we are far from friends.
Gordon wrote: I do hope that some action is taken, I would even suggest that all orcs are banned from Troll's Bane's ground, as this unwanted behaviour is typical of their kind.
You even suggest that all orcs are banned from the land? Somehow there is a undying hatred from you towards the orcish race. Thats why I fail to believe that you were mumbling about something else.

Thank you,
Julius Rothman - Owner of the Arena!
Guard of Trolls Bane
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Post by Fooser »

Fianna Heneghan has been named the new judge for Troll's Bane. All complaints against guards or other officials should be directed to her to be looked at. She will also deal with criminal charges that are brought to her by me or the guards, and other disputes that need the attention of a neutral party.

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Taliss Kazzxs
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

I apologize for my late response on the recent happenings, the recent changes with the town has keept me very busy.

Gordon your incident with the orcs is noted and I will look into it immediately, I thank you for informing the guard.

Jeran I am not really sure what harassment you write of though the town guard is now taking such situations very seriously. If you can send me a dove explaining the matter in full detail I shall try my best to get it taken care of.

Julius Rothman in no longer with the Guard of Trollsbane.

In the future I ask everyone to please allow this parchment for town announcements and use Here for matters concerning the towns safety.

Also remember that things can also be taken care through dove to myself or the Governor.

~Taliss Kazzxs, Captain of the Guard
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

An investigation is taking place pertaining to the damage of the Fluffy Sheep Tavern . Should anyone have information about the arson please send me a dove. I have a fair offer of coin to anyone whose information leads to the capture of the one responsible.

~Taliss Kazzxs
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Post by Fooser »

I have surveyed the burnt tavern, and find it to be unacceptable and irresponsibly destructive. Although the property is Silverbrand's, if they request help in repairing the damages, Trolls Bane will aid them.

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Post by Eleonora »

As i entered the library in trolls bane today with kantar i've seen that there are some fire burning. we went outside and searched for help. the fire was extinguished before it could cause a wildfire.

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Post by Cliu Beothach »

As Astral Advisor I will guide any of those in spiritual DISARRAY! Send me a dove or hunt me down...

Brer Beothach
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Post by Fooser »

In a few days ((Sunday 3PM EST/8-9ish GMT)) I will be at the Seahorse Inn lower level, to set aside a period of time for anyone who has questions, requests, or concerns about anything for the town. If not, I will just be there attending to personal matters.

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Taliss Kazzxs
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Post by Taliss Kazzxs »

A youngling named Kazar has died in Trollsbane this day. The young man looked around the age of fourteen. He managed to inform us in a weak voice that an Instructor at the magic Academy harmed him for not finding him fit for his lessons. We tried our best to help him but his wounds were to serious. The Guard can not take any form of action about this for it did not happen on Trollsbane soil. I write this to inform the public.

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Post by Fooser »

It seemed no one had business to discuss a few days back, but me and Brer are at the Seahorse again now if anyone has business, complaints, or compliments (preferred) to discuss in person.

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Post by Fooser »

Troll's Bane Status

There was an unplanned meeting today at the Seahorse, I didn't think anyone would have showed up, but some did and we had a very substantiative time I believe. A number of issues were discussed mostly about the guards and security.

Next Election Cycle Set

Information about the next election cycle can be found at the top of the original parchment here.

Training Ground

A small area of land was discussed to be designated as a training zone, where fighting would be allowed. Due to the noise this causes it would have to be away from the library and hospital. If this can be done it has been accepted by the town, but this would also mean dueling and fighting would be restricted to this location only, and enforcement of this rule would be more harsh for those who fight in buildings and so forth.

Guard Wages

Wages were discussed more specifically and we came to the initial conclusion of the following:
Recruit: 10 silver
Guard: 15 silver
Lieutenant: 18 silver
Captain: 20 silver
This would be over every ((2 RL weeks)). This could be subject to change since I need to balance wages with the town income.

Tree Cutting Policy / Forester Wanted

We have decided that it is not within the town's job to stop people from cutting tree's inside of the town walls. Just as long as the one chopping is aware of any possible safety risks (ex. people walking by), those who injure others are subject to criminal prosecution. On this note, the town is also looking for a forester, earning a salary of 5 silver every two dwarven weeks. First person who can plant, is a citizen, and asks, will get the job.


The subject of gambling has also come up. The question was raised on whether or not it was the guards job to enforce debts owed to another by means of gambling. We came to the decision that the town would take a hands off approach to this, and the gamblers can find private security if they so choose.

Knights Defending Troll's Bane

Knights of Gobaith may voluntarily serve to protect the town of Troll's Bane. If so, they would receive half wage of their guard counterparts, so 7 silver for a full knight, and 5 for a page. Both Dantagon and the town have agreed to this.

Other Notes:
-The town would be willing to hire a translator if one is looking for work, and is experienced in both languages used on the isle. The pay would also be 5 silver per two dwarven weeks.
-Mr. Luvett is now a citizen, and can be added to the collection of citizens with bizarre philosophical positions.

Guidelines for Town Officials

This was not discussed at the meeting, but is something I feel worthy of talking about for a moment. With three main officials in the town, their duties should be clearly stated, and their responsibility to keep the balance between themselves as well. No governor after this is bound to these guidelines, but they will be followed while I am, and I hope they are taken to heart afterwards, since they will limit the threat of abuse and oppression. It's not a subject most of us enjoy dealing with, but just in case the problem arises, there will be guidelines in dealing with ethical and criminal problems within the government or town guard.

Governor: Is elected once every year ((4 RL months)) as always. If under odd circumstances (resignation, death) a new governor is appointed, they have a couple weeks to announce the next election cycle, and that election must be within 1-1.5 dwarven months. The governor appoints a Judge each time a new governor is elected, or if the current judge is away from the isle or has stepped down.

High Judge: Is appointed every time a new governor is elected, or the old judge has stepped down. They deal with all criminal trials. Just as important, they handle complains against the Guard Captain, regular guards, and the governor. These complains can be sent directly to them, and the information provided will be looked into. If the judge believes a crime has occurred, it will be publicly announced, to which the following will occur:
1. Both the Official/Guard and the one who made the complain will gather their information and statements.
2. This information will be presented to the judge, and people may be called to speak on behalf of others (if not in person, they can write a statement).
3. After the defense given by the Guard/Official hasn't changed the mind of the Judge, they will give a punishment within regular guidelines. A guard has their punishments noted on the original parchment, and if it is a Governor or Guard Captain, they must step down.
4. If a guard captain is guilty, they are forced to their punishment, and to step down, where the Lieutenant or longest serving guard takes their place. If it is a governor, then an emergency election will be called. To avoid wrong doing by ambition, neither the Judge nor the Captain may be allowed to participate in the election, and the new governor will serve for a year as normal.

Punishments for normal guards are as follows:
1 Case - Suspended from the guard for a ((RL)) week
2 Cases - Suspended from the guard for a ((RL)) week, 15 silver fine, demotion if possible
3 Cases - Expelled from the guard, further criminal and or citizenship punishments to be discussed

Guard Captain: Unlike the Judge, they are not appointed whenever a new governor is elected. The Guard Captain serves until they are found guilty of a crime, have ethics complaints, or steps down voluntarily. Once that happens then the governor may pick a replacement. The Guard and its Captain enforces punishments given by the Judge, and defend the town by order of the governor. A judge may be replaced if both the Captain and the Governor deem the Judge to be in violation of a crime, and a replacement may be found, and this evidence must be presented publicly to avoid wrong doing by the guard and governor.

General Comments

I believe a lot of positive things are now occurring in Troll's Bane, there are many requests to build, many requests for diplomacy, and a guard that is in its best shape in a long time thanks to the efforts of the long serving guards, and Taliss. If you have any concerns, you may contact me via letter, or meet in person when we have meetings at the Seahorse again, I will try to be available on a day to day basis. Some clarification in laws will also be coming, but no major additions will be made, mostly editing and removing things.

Posts: 4725
Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2002 2:25 pm

Post by Fooser »

-Evan Ross has been named as the new forester

-Taliss and Narkissa are now owners of the following land: