Announcements of Trollsbane

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Post by Dantagon Marescot »

Being as the dwarves of Silverbrand, as far as I know, have not withdrawn from going on the offence in the next dwarven day, I am asking all those unable to fight or unwilling to fight in the name of Trolls Bane to evacuate the town. I do not care if the govenour agrees with me or not. I will not let innocent citizens, residences, outsiders, people of Trolls Bane, Silverbrand, Varshikar, Nordmark, Greenbriar, Tol Vanima, Gobaith, Albar, Serinjah, Salk, Illarion, anywhere, anyone, die!

Once again, anyone who is part of Trolls Bane and refuses to fight for Trolls Bane or is unable to fight for Trolls Bane shall evacuate immediately. Anyone who is not part of Trolls Bane should avoid the town at all costs. I proclame this to be in effect until it is sure that the dwarves will not attack Trolls Bane.

Sir Dantagon Marescot
Knight of Gobaith
Warrior of Bragon
Commander of the Trolls Bane Milita
And various other titles and wastes of breath that should remain unspoken.
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Post by Alytys Lamar »

Dear Governor,

Varshikar is waiting for a statement.

After the attack in our town by Dain Laiden -- your Captain of the town guards *Sir* -- and the cowardly attempted murder from Dominic Fisher on the unarmored Leader from our town, Gryphius Messerzunge, I send you a message...

No respons ? No punishment ? No investigation ?

We are waiting Governor ...

Lady Aleytys Lamar
Captain / Militia Varshikar
Honoured protector of the town
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

An Announcement

Please welcome

Ethan Galan

As Citizens of Trollsbane!
The Status of Midrusio has been demoted to Resident due to his personal request.

Guards and Mercenaries, Attention!


Today the wage of First dwarven month will be paid. I hope as many of you as possible will attend to receive your salaries.

Lady Lamar,

No statement has been issued as of yet, due to the unclear situation which we have with dwarves of Silverbrand. In due time, Captain Laiden shall be questioned. Appropriate action will be taken if deemed necessary after the hearing.

Governor Cromwell
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Post by Thorwald »

* Kommt an diesem Anschlag vorbei betrachtet ihn und grummelt :

Hoffendlich wird mir bald mal einer meiner Zwerge die diese Sprache sprechen können sagen um was es geht , nicht das hier ein Termin gesagt wurde und keiner erscheint von uns .
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Post by Alytys Lamar »

Aleytys pins a parchment, written from her hand , to the board.

Governor Cromwell, and townsfolk of Troll's Bane,

by the varshikarian vow i swear i speak the truth:

Upon Chos 21, an armed force, consisting of Dain Laiden, an orc, who was referred to as Grivijak, and Dominic Fisher entered Varshikar. Last two mentioned individuals were banished by our honored protector beforehand, and obviously their mere intent was to stir up havoc. They were asked to leave, admittedly in a rather harsh tone, but nothing else is to be expected, if one formerly banned acts so offensively against a public decision. Your captain, on the other hand, was assured that we held no grudge against him thus far.

I ordered Grivijak and Dominic to follow me to the boundaries of our realm. Outwardly, Dominic obeyed, while Grivijak didn't. Whilst i still attempted to persuade Grivijak to join us, Dominic snuck up behind me, and thrust my back with his blades. Though i neither carried arms, nor i wore an armor, Dominic still chose to resort to such foulness. The last thing i saw and heard before darkness took me, was fierce a fight, and the clangour of swords. And your captain, venerated governor, fought against us.

I do not seek to credit Grivijak's and Dominic's deeds with a comment - what they did and will do, if their vileness is not curbed soon, speaks for itself. But your captain, governor - the one you've entrusted with the task of maintaining security for your people - clearly has shown, what he's made of. That bloodshed was by no means unavoidable - it was a senseless act of terror, to be testified by two more individuals who stood with us.

Consider this a sole piece of information - we expect nothing, therefore we ask for nothing.

~Gryphius Messerzunge~
Leader of Varshikar


Governor Cromwell und Bevölkerung von Trolls Bane

Bei meinem Varshikarian-Gelübde schwöre ich, dass ich die Wahrheit spreche:

Am 21. Chos, trafen bewaffnete Männer , bestehend aus Dain Laiden, einem Orc, der Grivijak genannt wurde und Dominic Fisher , in Varshikar ein. Die letzten zwei erwähnten Personen waren von unserem geehrten Beschützer der Stadt im voraus verbannt, und offensichtlich war ihre bloße Absicht, Chaos zu verbreiten. Sie wurden gebeten, zugegebenermaßen in einem ziemlich harten Ton, die Stadt zu verlassen, aber nichts anderes soll erwartet werden, wenn ein offensichtlich Verbannter derart offensiv dagegen verstößt.
Ihrem Captain wurde andererseits versichert dass wir keinen Groll gegegn ihn hegen.

Ich befahl Grivijak und Dominic, mir zu den Grenzen unserer Stadt zu folgen. Es schien als folge Dominic, während Grivijak dies nicht tat. Während ich noch versuchte, Grivijak zu überzeugen, sich uns anzuschließen, schlich Dominic hinter mich und stieß mir seine Klingen in den Rücken. Obwohl ich weder Waffen, noch ich eine Rüstung trug, beschloss Dominic dennoch eine solch verdorbene Tat auszuführen.

Das letzte was ich sah und hörte, bevor die Finsternis mich zu sich nahm, war ein wilder Kampf und der Klang von Schwertern . Und Ihr Captain, verehrter Gouverneur, kämpfte gegen uns.

Ich bemühe mich nicht, die Taten von Grivijak und Dominic mit einer Anmerkung zu kreditieren - was sie taten und tun werden, wenn ihre Boshaftigkeit bald nicht gezügelt wird, spricht für sich selbst. Aber Ihr Captain Gouverneur - derjenige, den Sie mit der Aufgabe betraut haben, Sicherheit für die Bevölkerung aufrechtzuerhalten, hat klar gezeigt gezeigt, woraus er gemacht ist. Dieses Blutvergießen war keineswegs unvermeidlich - es war eine gefühllose Tat des Terrors, die von noch zwei anderen Personen bezeugt werden kann, die mit uns kämpften.

Betrachten Sie das als eine Information - wir erwarten nichts, deshalb bitten wir um nichts.

~Gryphius Messerzunge~
Leader of Varshikar
Werner von Mintraching
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Post by Werner von Mintraching »

Werte Lady Lamar,
Regierung Trolls Bane von zweifelhafter Ehre,

nicht, dass ich hetzen will oder Kriegstreiber sein möchte, es sind da Namen dabei, die mit Siltaris Tod in verbindung gebracht werden, der nebenbei noch immer noch ungesühnt ist.
Vieleicht würde Gobiath friedlicher werden, wenn diese Schurken endlich ein für alle mal eingesperrt würden wie es ihnen zusteht, an statt sie zu Wachen und derren Kapitän zu erklären!
Ist es gar die Art und weise, der Handlanger von Caleum die sich Regierung von Trollsbane nennt Diplomatie zu betreiben mit ihren Nachbarn?
Ist es die Art und Weise von jehnen Recht und Gerechtigkeit zu betreiben oder soll es viel mehr ein neuerlicher angriff auf ein weiteres Dorf sein, das destabilisiert und entwurzelt werden sollte wie einst Trolls Bane um eine eigene Regierung ein setzen zu können.
Ist es die Art und weise von Trolls Bane oder Caleum den Krieg zu erklären?


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Post by Retlak »

((Argh everyone who keeps calling him Grivijak when he was never called this deserves to be banned.))
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Mr. Cromwell
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

An Announcement
I, Aeridor Isthil admit to have killed Siltaris in self defence. She drew her blades first and forced me and those with me to defend ourselves. I alone struck her down, while others simply parried her blows or fought with the others who arrived at the scene. If you feel a man who strikes down another warrior in self defence should be punished, then be it.

~Aeridor Isthil~

PS: William Elderberry was never there.
As Aeridor Isthil confessed and took responsibility for the death of Siltaris, all the other accused for that have their names cleared of suspcion as far as Trollsbane is concerned. Aeridor is declared outlaw, but should he surrender willingly, I shall be lenient and spare his life.

Governeor Cromwell
Werner von Mintraching
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Post by Werner von Mintraching »

Mr. Cromwell wrote:An Announcement
I, Aeridor Isthil admit to have killed Siltaris in self defence. She drew her blades first and forced me and those with me to defend ourselves. I alone struck her down, while others simply parried her blows or fought with the others who arrived at the scene. If you feel a man who strikes down another warrior in self defence should be punished, then be it.

~Aeridor Isthil~

PS: William Elderberry was never there.
As Aeridor Isthil confessed and took responsibility for the death of Siltaris, all the other accused for that have their names cleared of suspcion as far as Trollsbane is concerned. Aeridor is declared outlaw, but should he surrender willingly, I shall be lenient and spare his life.

Governeor Cromwell
The first dead man i saw confess any thing, but not the first man who pretend to be silly to blinde the others!

Is it Your way to steal you out of the accountability?
Move Your a. and find the guilty peoples!
If you woun't find the murders, then you are as guilty as they are!
Guilty also to not defend your Villagers!
If You and your so called "Gurads of Trolls Bane" do not try to find the MURDERS ! ! than no one else can respekt your laws"
If killing an honorable villager! ! ! is not enoug to make Your defence of law moving so what will be enough?
If You aren't moving your d.... a. i can understand the dwarfs and ther reason for fight!
They will get my support if you don't any recognisable moves!


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Post by nmaguire »

There is no such thing as a Gurad. Aeridor is not dead, he is IN JAIL. There was nothing at all to say he died.

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Post by Retlak »

Some people are such morons.

I guess they must think siltaris is still alive aswell!

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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

An Announcement

Aeridor has surrendered to the Guard of Trollsbane. Due to his cooperation, the punishment has been commuted from death-sentence to imprisonment. He has thus been jailed indefinately for his involvement with the death of Siltaris, according to his confession.

The Official Response of Trollsbane
In regards to the retarted concerns of Werner von Mintrachting

You have already stated your support to the dwarves in my presence many times before. Hence, I dont have any false assumptions that whatever I would do or not do with those accused of involved with death of Siltaris would ever change anything in that respect. You would still side with the dwarves anyhow, you perfidious little crybaby.

Secondly, if you were not a side-taking, dishonest and drooling fool, you would know that Aeridor is very much alive. Instead of pretending moral panic, you should focus on what actually has happened. Aeridor has confessed and taken full responsibility for the death of Siltaris and has thus been jailed by Trollsbane. Yet, you bloody dare to accuse me and the guard for not doing anything. We have caught the killer of Siltaris, which is much more than ANYONE on the island can say. Especially those friends of yours who make constant false accusations and seek no justice, rather than blind revenge, can claim. We have the confession. We have the individual locked up. Now, I ask you: What would exactly make you satisfied?

Of course, it's not like you really cared isn't it? You just want to moan and complain about something that I did or didn't do. But don't worry, you have convincingly managed to establish that you are an indecisive idiot, and thus have been forgiven for wasting my time. I will simply know better next time.

Indeed, there is nothing that I could do that would ever make you happy. Either I would be too lenient or too harsh, or the chains of the prisoner would be too tight or too loose, or then I would have misplaced a comma somewhere in the announcement. Indeed, demands from fools such as yourself are best left completely unheeded, as trying to please you is never possible.

Mister von Mintrachting, please cry me a river.

With concern and kind regards
Governor Cromwell
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Post by Lrmy »

A meeting of the guard will be held on the 20th of Elos. The meeting with be held at ((16:00 GMT)). We will meet in the town square. If you cannot make it, speak with me in person or by dove.

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Post by Julius »

I am not so sure, Dain. Have you really been attacking Varshikar as the rumors say?

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Post by Lennier »

Governor Cromwell,

Be congratulated for the catch of 'Aeridor'.

I agree with you and your kind of argumentation. If 'Aeridor' is the one and only murderer of Siltaris, all other, which are accused to be involved in this case, should not be blamed and hunted for this anymore.

But I would like to 'see' the killer Aeridor to can speak him myself. I need to be sure, i need to listen his plea of guilty before i can remove the anouncement and before i can talk with our friends in the north to do the same.

If there is a possibility to can solve this, in presence of your guards of course... i would be glad about it.

Grandmaster of the Grey Rose~
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

Grandmaster Lennier,

I am happy to see that you have a better reaction than that useless, troublamaking drone von Mintrachting. Of course, a meeting with the prisoner is arrangeable if that is what you wish.

Governor Cromwell
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Post by Lennier »

Governor Cromwell,

I hope we can solve this soon. I want to see the self called 'Killer of Siltaris'. I still have more interesting and serious informations, which stay against it. Informations of persons with good connections to the ones, who are banned in the northern territories. Their "friends".

In use of these words - your words - Mr. Cromwell, the list of banned People will stay as long as needed.

Furthermore it seems, a letter to the captain of your town guard did not reached him. Or he is busy with other things. I do not want to start to accuse about him. But I need to repeat my accusual against William Elderberry in public now, for attacking the servant "Timotheus Eisenherz" in the shop of Eliza some days ago.

Maybe the laws do not protect non-citizens against crimes. But take care for our contract. Maybe it is a hard job for all guards, to remember all names of the Greys, which need to be protected. I believe it. But i have to say, that it is neccessary to learn all their names. Your guards get paid? So they should do their job.

I hope the Judge Fooser takes care about the attack against my servant now, when the captain is busy with other things...

Apropos, it was a pleasure for me to fight togteher with other people against undeads, which were around and in 'your' town yesterday. We should talk about corious happenings of the last days...

Grandmaster of the Grey Rose~
Last edited by Lennier on Thu Oct 18, 2007 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Executor »

The guard was represented during the fight yesterday Lennier. I was there. Also the guard will do it's best do protect the Members of the rose, but it would be very helpful if you could carry some kind of proof. Even if we did learn all your names by heart, anyone could claim to be you.

The five be with you.

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Post by Lennier »

Like i wrote: A letter was aimed to the captain, with an accusual against William Elderberry for his attack. But until now nothing happened.... I hope my words did not confused him.

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Post by AlexRose »

... I never attacked anyone. I don't know where you got this rubbish from. Since my magic is not strong enough to kill and I cannot even pick up a sword decently, this claim is impossible. Add the fact that, if as you said I attacked him in the shop, Eliza would've seen, this proves that I didn't do so.

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Post by Fooser »

Lennier wrote: I hope the Judge Fooser takes care about the attack against my servant now, when the captain is busy with other things...
You can send information to me about criminal cases whenever you like Lennier.

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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

Master Lennier,

Firstly, I am delighted to hear about the valiant defense you put against foes of Trollsbane, and you are indeed a valuable and appriciated friend, like I have said in the past. I'm sure that it was simply some delayed mas-day phenomenom, like we have had on many years before.

Secondly, I am happy to note that the Grey Rose is adopting the laws of Trollsbane for their own territory. That only goes further to prove that this kind of reform was necessary for this town. Whether or not the Grey Rose chooses to keep the people as banned or not, is an entirely internal matter of the Rose. However, if they have not done anything, what is the point?

I am interested to hear about the information which you have, that would conflict with the hard evidence that we have. Of course the meeting shall be arranged as soon as possible, but I ask you to be patient. The guards are doing their best to protect the greys, however.. It would not hopefully be too much to ask, if the members of the Rose would aid the unclear situation and register themselves as Residents. That would make the situation much more clear for the guard. Of course, you can also provide me with an up-to-date list of members and I make them all residents.
I look forward to the meeting.

Governor Cromwell
((I'll be working a lot on the next days, and have preplanned stuff to take care of which has an priority, so I might not be able to arrange a meeting with Aeridor very soon. Sorry. :( ))
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

An Announcement

Citizens and Visitors:

Henceforth it shall be illegal to dig up treasures of anykind within the town walls. All maps which indicate that a treasure is within the walls must be turned over to the first city official you meet. Digging up treasures means endangering the inhabitants, and shall be dealt with harshly.

Any treasure dug up within the walls without proper authorisation will be confiscated immediatly and the persons involved shall be receive an additional punishment.

The Seahorse Hearing

The hearing for the ownership of the Seahorse was held according to the schedule. Surprisingly, and totally contrary to his promise, Jerimedes has failed to to provide the evidence as requested by the Government of Trollsbane or to show up to the meeting at all.

Counter-evidence was provided as expected by our punctual high judge. In order to demonstrate the will of Trollsbane to settle this matter with the adequate hearing of both sides, the deadline has been postponed by one dwarven day. However, this is the final delay Trollsbane shall give in this matter. No change of representative for the Siltaris will is allowed, but in case Jerimedes had difficulty with coming up the documents, an additional day is given for him to prepare the case.

Should the evidence not be delivered by Jerimedes personally tomorrow, then the decision will be made based on the evidence provided by High Judge Fooser alone.

Governor Cromwell
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Post by Lrmy »

A note is pinned to the wall
Dain Laden, Captain of the Town Guard of Trolls Bane...

With this letter i want to inform you about a senseless attack few days ago, by William Elderberry against our Servant There seems to be a name scribbled over, so no one can read it.

The act happened in the Shop of Eliza.

I hope you will take care for the secret of people in the town. I hope the case can be clearified.

Grandmaster of the Grey Rose~
I asked William about the incident, it seems that he claimed his innocence and I had no proof this event even happened. Grandmaster Lennier, I ask what you would do if you received a letter about a mage attacking a citizen of Troll's Bane in your castle. Not to mention, the letter would be from the leader of the attacked person's city.

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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

An Announcement

We have new citizens. Please welcome Ayla To'lorn and Eli Travinus as your fellow citizens. Eli Travinus is also appointed as the Forester of the town with a monthly wage of five silvers. Do not hinder him in his duties.

The Guard

Jorokar Sladrir
Has been appointed as the Lieutenant of the Guard. He is henceforth the second in charge and only responsible to myself and captain Laiden.
We trust that he will serve the town well in his current position.

Harald Hradradr
Has joined the guard as a recruit. We believe that he is going to be a fine addition to the guard and serve the town well.

The Seahorse hearing

Dear Citizens, residents and others involved.

Due to the fact that after several letters, extended time amounts and considerable leniency and understanding from the side of the City of Trollsbane, Jerimedes has still failed to provide the City officials with any evidence to support the legitimacy of the so-called testament of Siltaris, the government shall finally act according to the simple set of rules agreed to in the beginning of the investigation.

Thus, the building known as the "Seahorse" and all land which belongs to the building are thus declared as property of Trollsbane, due to lacking evidence from the appointed representative of 'the will'. High Judge Fooser did his duties with the punctuality and rigor expected from a lizard in his position. Due to the fact that no counter-arguments were presented against the evidence, the evidence provided by Fooser is considered to be legal and true.

Should Garon goldhand feel that he has been cheated in the trade, he has to discuss with Grandmaster Lennier of the Grey Rose. The City of Trollsbane accepts no responsibility for any loss that may or may not have been incurred to him personally due to the invalidation of the testament and takeover of the building by the city. The city will also refuse to state whether or not any compensation to him would be appropriate to begin with, due to the fact that this is an internal affair of the Grey Rose and Grandmaster Lennier. We hope that this will cause no problem with the hamlet of Silverbrand, and would be very disappointed if King Thorwald should be willing to endanger the lives of others through violent means, when trying to reclaim something that is not even legally his to begin with. The city of Trollsbane, and not myself personally, is the new owner of the Seahorse.

The future use of the Seahorse shall be decided by the Government.

Kurtz ubersetzung:
Weil Jerimedes hat nicht gewollt das beweis zu der Regierung von Trollsbane geben, der regierung ist der neue eingetümer von Seahorse. Wenn Garon Goldhand Entschädigung will, sollte er mit Lennier von Der Grauen Rose diskutieren. Der Stadt von Trollsbane will nicht sagen wenn das entschädigung ist fair order nicht, weil das ist eine innere materie von der Grauen Rose. Wir hoffe, das König Thorwald wollte nicht ein krieg erklären um etwas zu haben, das nicht gesetzlich ihm ohnehin gehört.

Governor Cromwell
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Post by Lennier »

Dain Laden,

To declare his innocence is Willams right. Very true. But I hope you might see the danger of it, if something like this happens more than only one time. I hope you have an eye at such "persons", which were essential part of the rebellion against the last legitime goverment of Trolls Bane.

So, I wrote a complain about the happen. You was not able not proof it because of the lack of wittnesses. The logical consequence is to close this case - i am right? I need protest against it, because i believe in the words of my servant and need to take care, that the contract between us will be followed.

I hope we do not have to find out, that more cases like this will happen.


Governor Cromwell,

To fight drows and to help to protect the integrity of the social structure of the isle needed all my time in the last days. So i am surprised of the result of you and judge Fooser about the case of the Seahorse.

In view of the Grey Rose the testament was real and legitime. Maybe former-governor Siltaris did something wrong. But a better solution would be to implement the testament and the dwaves, so that noone has to feel like to be the "loser" in this case. To attach the whole building without any compensation was the most dangerous result of all other alternatives.

I need to protest against it. You will take your souvereign rights, which are agreed with us. But i have to dispent. I my eyes the testament was legitime. The financial lose of the dwarves can not be discussed with me. I "was" legitime co-owner with the right to sell my property. That is what i did.

If the dwarves want any compensation for their financial lose now, they need to debate with the goverment of Trolls Bane. The goverment of Trolls Bane is the only, who is responsible for the results of the issue. In this case i can not be adjustor between both parties anymore...

Grandmaster of the Grey Rose~
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

Grandmaster Lennier

The case involving your servant has been, as you know, taken up by the High Judge of Trollsbane. As for witnesses, Eliza was present and it might be possible to get some information from her. We would also like to meet your servant in person to discuss about the matter. The knights of the Rose do enjoy the protection of the Guard, however.. There might have been a case of someone pretending to be Elderberry in order to tarnish his reputation.

As for the Seahorse, I am sorry to say that you are wrong. You cannot be the legitimate owner of something, if the person who gives it to you is not the legitimate owner in the first place.. This is elementary law, and everyone should be able to understand that. This has been proven by the evidence provided to myself, and as the defender of her will did not bother to counter it due to inability or sloth, this is the legal situation. Thus, the one who is the victim of the theft (in this case, the city of trollsbane) will be entitled gain ownership of the entire good or object by the thief (this case, the seahorse), when the exact amount or value of theft cannot be objectively measured, as the money in question has already been spent on things which have been included into other things. We do not take theft of any kindly here, and will not accept the chance, that our city would be inadequately compensated for the embezzlement simply because the theft cannot be measured. This may sound harsh, but it is just and fair according to the laws of the town.

Furthermore, I would personally like to state my discontent with the fact that a share of the property was already traded away the before/if the will was accepted as legal by the city. Anyone should understand, that Garon Goldhand made a very risky investment as he chose to buy the share in such situation. The city owns the Seahorse, and we hope that everyone can adjust to that without any problems. Naturally, should Garon Goldhand of Silverbrand wish to talk with us, we are happy to do so.

Governor Cromwell
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

An Announcement

A man called Arash, who is a habitual criminal, has been arrested by the Authorities of Trollsbane. He is accused of breaking in to a building, theft, resisting arrest, damage of property, conspiracy to commit a crime and obstruction of justice. For these serious crimes, he shall be held until he is willing to cooperate with the authorities.

Governor Cromwell
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Post by Mr. Cromwell »

An Announcement

Dear citizens

I ask you to welcome Silas Farron as the new Chancellor of Trollsbane. He will act as my deputy, and I hope that you give him the respect he deserves.

Jorokar Sladrir has resigned from his position as the lieutenant of the guard due to personal reasons. We thank him for performing his duties well, and announce that he is welcome back into the guard, should he wish that.

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Post by Miklorius »

I highly doubt that it is wise to make as chancellor the former, illegally appointed governour Silas Farron who had almost evoked a rebellion against him before he decided to leave voluntary!

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