Tol Vanima

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Post by Damien »

Shandariel's Worte sind in dieser Hinsicht korrekt. Zwar wurde es in der Vergangenheit als völlig selbstverständlich angesehen, daß jeder Elf auf der Insel wilkommen ist und die öffentlichen Ressourcen nutzen darf, solange er sich nicht so danebenbenimmt wie manche Menschen es zu tun pflegen - doch die schriftlichen Formulierungen waren vom Wortlaut her weniger eindeutig.

Zudem könnte man in einigen wenigen Fällen solcher Elfen, die nicht auf Vanima Wohnen, jedoch sehr viel für die Insel getan haben, eine Ausnahme machen was die Bürgerliste und das Recht auf eine Stimme bei Abstimmungs-Entscheiden angeht.
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Shandariel el Lysanthrai
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Post by Shandariel el Lysanthrai »

Nachdem ich mich mit Lesska, neue Führerin der Echsen von Zzyathis, besprochen habe konnte ich nun endlich den Inhalt der Vereinbahrung zwischen Zzyathis und Tol Vanima rekonstruieren. Diesen werde Ich nun hier wiedergeben, und er gilt damit als geltend.

Folgendes ist der Inhalt des Vertrages zwischen Zzyathis und Tol Vanima den Isilwen laut Lesska ausgehandelt hatte:

Tol Vanima und Zzyathis vereinbahren gemeinsam eine Anlegestelle in der Nähe der Schmiede zu bauen der beide Heimatorte miteinander Verbindet. Hierbei werden Tol Vanima und Zzyathis jeweils die Hälfte der Kosten tragen.
Den Echsen von Zzyathis wird gestattet unsere Insel jederzeit zu besuchen und in Zeiten der Not die Waffen zur Selbstverteidigung zu ziehen.
Desweiteren ist es Szrenszor und Lesska gestattet auf Vanima zu leben und unsere Mine und Schmiede zu verwenden. Jedoch ist dies NUR diesen beiden gestattet, und jedem weiteren Echsen den sie dieses Recht zugestehen. Bisher gilt dies für keinen weiteren. Jeder angehörige des Echsenvolkes der nicht von Lesska oder Szrenszor befugt wurde die Mine und Schmiede zu nutzen hat eine Erlaubniss bei den Ältesten der Elfe einzuholen.

Sollte Szrenzor oder andere Echsen weitere Bestandteile dieses Vertrages kennen und diese auch Nachweisen können bitte ich sie sich mit mir oder Elder Damien in Verbindung zu setzen. Diese weiteren Inhalte müssen jedoch von Elfen und Echsen bestätigt werden können.

Desweiteren schuldet Tol Vanima, so teilte Lesska es mir mit, den Echsen von Zzyathis noch immer die Hälfte der Silberkosten für den Bau der Anlegestelle. Diese Hälfte beträgt 125 Silberstücke. Da ich derzeitig nicht über die Finanzen Vanimas verfüge würde ich gerne zu einer Sammlung aufrufen. Wenn jeder Einwohner Vanimas einen kleinen Beitrag beisteuert sollten wir diese Schulden schon bald begleichen können. Ich danke euch allen vielmals.

Mögen die Fünf euren Pfad segnen

~Shandariel el Lysanthrai~
Älteste von Tol Vanima

p.s. Ich bitte vielmals um Vergebung, aber Ich wäre sehr dankbar könnte dieser Text in die neue Sprache übersetzt werden.
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Post by Aelorn »

Shandariel el Lysanthrai wrote:After having talked to Lesska, the new leader of the lizards of Zzyathis, I am finally able to reconstruct the content of the treaty between Zzyathis and Tol Vanima. I will give an account of this treaty here and it is thereby effective.

The content of the treaty between Zzyathis and Tol Vanima which had been negotiated by Isilwen according to Lesska is as follows:

Tol Vanima and Zzyathis agree on building a pier near the smithy which will connect both hometowns. Tol Vanima and Zzyathis will bear half of the expenses each.
The lizards of Zzyathis are permitted to visit our island at any time and to draw weapons in self-defence in case of an emergency.
Furthermore, Szrenszor and Lesska are allowed to live on Vanima and to use our mine and smithy. However, ONLY these two and every other lizard they give this right to are granted permission for this. So far, this applies to no other. Every member of the lizard people who has not been allowed by either Lesska or Szrenszor to use the mine and smithy has to ask for permission from the elders of the elves.

Should Szrenszor or other lizards know of further points to this treaty and be able to prove them as well, I ask them to contact me or Elder Damien. However, these further contents have to be confirmed by elves and lizards alike.
Furthermore, as Lesska informed me, Tol Vanima still owes half of the silver costs for the construction of the pier to the lizards of Zzyathis. This half accounts for 125 silver coins. Since I am currently not in control of Vanima’s finances, I would like to make a plea for a fundraising. If every inhabitant contributes a small amount, we should be able to clear this debt soon. Thank you all very much.

May the Five guide your path.

~Shandariel el Lysanthrai~
Elder of Tol Vanima
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Drakon Gerwulf
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Post by Drakon Gerwulf »

A note is pinned beneath the last one written in New and old Common the handwriting seems to be of average quality the note reads.

" I have some of Vanima's coins and as soon as I see Lesska again I will repay her the money owed, It seems this debt is long past do to be repaid and to keep us in a good alliance with the Lizardfolk I will do so at first chance I get to see Lesska.

Drakon Gerwulf "


Eine Notiz ist unter der letzte in New geschrieben und alte Gemeinsamen die Handschrift merken scheint der durchschnittlichen Qualität der Notiz heißt es werden.

"Ich habe einige Münzen Vanima und sobald ich wieder sehen Lesska ich ihr das geschuldete Geld zurückgezahlt werden müssen, scheint es diese Schuld ist längst Vergangenheit zu tun zurückgezahlt werden und uns in einer guten Verbindung mit dem Lizardfolk Das will ich tun um zu halten erste Chance, die ich kennen zu Lesska sehen.

Drakon Gerwulf "
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Shandariel el Lysanthrai
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Post by Shandariel el Lysanthrai »

Aufgrund kürzlicher Ereignisse möchte ich die Allgemeinheit
darauf hinweisen das es vorläufig NICHT länger ohne weiteres
gestattet ist auf Tol Vanima vergrabene Schätze aus der
Erde zu holen. Die Tatsache das diese mit dem Auftauchen
magischer Wächter einhergehen ist eine Gefährdung für den
Frieden und die Ruhe Vanimas und seiner Bürger.

Ein jeder der in Zukunft einen Schatz auf Vanima bergen
möchte hat dies bei einem Ältesten zu erbitten. Sollte
diese Bitte entsprechend vorgetragen werden wird die
Möglichkeit bestehen den Schatz unter Aufsicht der
Tinechor zu bergen. Die Tinechor wird dabei nur für den
Frieden Vanimas sorgen und nur dann eingreifen sollte die
Gruppe an Schatzjägern die Sicherheit unseres Heimes
gefährden da sie die Wächter nicht alleine beseitigen können.
Als Zeichen des Respektes Vanima und seiner Ruhe gegenüber
werden die Schatzjäger der Tinechor gestatten nach Bergung
eben jenes ein Stück davon auszusuchen welches zum Wohle
Vanimas diesem gespendet wird. Das Geld ist dabei ohne
belangen, denn wir Interessieren uns nicht dafür. Sollte die
Tinechor einschreiten müssen um die Wächter zu beseitigen
da die Schatzjäger dieses alleine nicht geschafft hätten geht
der gesammte Schatz an Vanima!

Ein jeder der ohne Erlaubniss und ohne Absicherung durch
die Tinechor Schätze auf Vanima ausgräbt, bringt damit die
Insel und dessen Bewohner in Gefahr und wird dafür
dementsprechend mit Konsequenzen zu rechnen haben.

Vanima is Heimat der Elfen und unserer Ahnen und Hort des
Friedens und der Traditionen. Jeder der unser Heim durch
ungebetene Besuche, Gefährdung der Sicherheit und des
Friedens sowie durch mangelnden Respektes dem elfischen
Volk und den Bewohnern Vanimas gegenüber belästigt ist
NICHT auf Vanima willkommen. Unser Heim ist weder eine
Taverne noch eine Attraktion für Touristen. Bitte respektiert dies.

Ich danke euch für Euer Verständniss.

Mögen die Fünf eure Pfade segnen.

~Shandariel el Lysanthrai~
Älteste von Tol Vanima
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Post by Aelorn »

Shandariel el Lysanthrai wrote:Due to recent happenings, I would like to inform the public
that it is NO longer permitted to unearth buried treasures on
Tol Vanima offhand for the moment. The fact that this is
accompanied by the appearance of magical guards
constitutes a danger for the peace and quiet of Vanima and
its citizens.

Everyone who would like to excavate a treasure on Vanima
has to ask an elder for this purpose in the future. Should this
request be made appropriately, the possibility to unearth the
treasure under the supervision of the Tinechor will be granted.
The Tinechor will only take care of the peace on Vanima in the
process and will only intervene if the group of treasure hunters
endangers the safety of our home because they are not able to
dispose of the guards by themselves. As a symbol of respect
for Vanima and its tranquility, the treasure hunters will allow
the Tinechor to choose one item from the treasure after its
excavation which will be donated to Vanima for its benefit.
The money is of no importance since we are not interested in
it. Should the Tinechor be forced to intervene in order to
dispose of the guards because the treasure hunters would not
have managed to do so by themselves, the entire treasure will
go to Vanima!

Everyone who digs up treasures on Vanima without
permission and securing thereby puts the island and its
inhabitants at risk and will thus have to expect consequences.

Vanima is a home for the elves and our ancestors and is a
haven of peace and traditions. Everyone who disturbs our
home through uninvited visits, the endangerment of safety
and peace as well as a lack of respect for the elven people and
the inhabitants of Vanima is NOT welcome on Vanima. Our
home is neither a tavern nor an attraction for tourists. Please
respect that.

Thank you for your understanding.

May the Five bless your paths.

~Shandariel el Lysanthrai~
Elder of Tol Vanima
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Post by Shandariel el Lysanthrai »

Für ihr unverschämtes Benehmen auf Tol Vanima, das mitführen einer
Waffe der Drow und Beleidigungen einer Ältesten gegenüber sind die Menschenfrau Leva
und der Menschenmann Harok Silversmith hiermit von Vanima verbannt. Ihnen bleibt der weitere
zutritt verwehrt bis sie sich gebührend bei den Elfen und den Ältesten entschuldigt haben.


~Shandariel el Lysanthrai~
Älteste von Tol Vanima

p.s. Ich möchte erneut hinzufügen. Es ist NICHT gestattet Vanima wie eine Taverne zu behandeln.
Wenn ihr unsere Insel besuchen wollt, so gerne. Aber bitte nicht ohne unsere Kenntniss. Vanima
ist keine öffentliche Stadt, es ist die Heimat der Elfen. Wir gehen schon große Kompromisse ein
indem wir den Aufenthalt für Angehörige anderer Völker gestatten und niemanden der unbefugt
unser heiliges Land betritt augenblicklich hinrichten. Denn so ist es auf dem Festland bei vielen
Elfensiedlungen üblich. Doch wir wollen in Frieden mit den Völkern leben, deswegen sind wir offener.
Bitte nutzt nicht unsere Gutmütigkeit aus. Zeigt Respekt für unsere Heimat und bittet einen Bewohner
zumindest um Erlaubniss ehe ihr diese besuchen kommt. Oder meldet euch beim Betreten der Insel
bei einem anwesenden Bewohner oder Elfen und fragt höflich ob euer Besuch auch nicht ungelegen
Solltet ihr dies respektieren seit ihr uns gerne willkommen.


For their impertinent behaviour on Tol Vanima, the carrying of a drow weapon on our land and the
insulting of an elder of Tol Vanima the human woman Leva and the human man Harok Silversmith are hereby
banned from Tol Vanima. Any further visit of our isle is refused to them until they apologized
properly by the elfs and the elder of Tol Vanima for their behaviour.


~Shandariel el Lysanthrai~
Elder of Tol Vanima

p.,s. I want to add the following again. It is NOT allowed to see and use Tol Vanima as a tavern. If you
want to visit our isle...sure, we welcome you. But please not without our knowledge of your visit. Vanima
is no public town or settlement. It is the home of the elven folk. We are already agreeing on great
compromises with allowing non-elfs to enter our home and to stay here. This is not common for the
elven settlements on the mainland. there trespassers who are not welcomed are even shot on sight if they
dare to enter the holy lands of our folk. But we want to live in peace with every folk, so we are more open.
Please don't abuse this good nature of us. Show respect for our home and for the elfs of it and ask one of
them for allownance before you visit it and run around. Or go to an elf or citizen of Vanima once you enter
our home and ask friendly if your visit wouldn't come ill-timed.
Should you respect this you will be welcomed.
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Shandariel el Lysanthrai
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Post by Shandariel el Lysanthrai »

Meine Brüder und Schwestern...

anbei findet ihr die Liste der für den Umbau benötigten Rohstoffe mitsammt Angaben wieviel wir bereits sammeln konnten. Weitere Spenden sind jederzeit gerne gesehen und bei Damien oder mir einzureichen.

Zusammen erschaffen wir uns ein neues, schöneres Vanima!

Mögen die Fünf euch Segnen.

~Shandariel el Lysanthrai~
Älteste von Tol Vanima


My brothers and sisters...

here you will find a list of the ressources needed for the rebuilt of our Vanima. You will also find informations about how many we gathered already and how many are still needed, Nore donations are always welcomed and best given to Damien or myself.

Together we will make a new, even more beautiful Vanima!

May the five bless you.

~Shandariel el Lysanthrai~
Elder of Tol Vanima

Haupthaus: / Mainbuilding

Münzen / Coins
SIlbermünzen / silvercoins: 212/212

Holz, Metall, Stein / wood,metal,stone

Apfelholzbretter / Appel wood boards 840/840
Nadelholzbretter / conifer wood boards 800/800
Naldorbretter / naldor wood boards 70/70
Scheite Naldorholz / logs of naldor wood 600/600

Eisenbarren / iron ingots 10/10

Behauene Steine / worked stones 3800/3800
Grober Sand / coarse sand 1120/1120
Glasbarren /glass ingots 180/180

Werkzeuge&Nägel / tools&nails

Hammer / hammers 62/62
Säge / saws 12/12
Eimer / buckets 56/56
Schaufel / shovels 28/28

Nägel / nails 520/520
Nägel und Keile / nails and wedges 430/430

Farben, Stoffe, Wolle / dyes, cloth, wool

Weißer Stoff / white cloth 15/15

Sonstiges / miscellaneous

Lange Griffe / long handels 3/3

Rest der Insel / Rest of the isle

Münzen / Coins

SIlbermünzen / silvercoins: 376/376

Holz, Metall, Stein / wood,metal,stone

Kirschholzbretter / cherry wood boards 250/250
Nadelholzbretter / conifer wood boards 800/667
Naldorbretter / naldor wood boards 1345/976
Scheite Naldorholz / logs of naldor wood 940/940

Kupferbarren / copper ingots 5/5

Behauene Steine / worked stones 1700/1700
Grober Sand / coarse sand 3080/3080
Lehm / clay 20/20

Werkzeuge&Nägel / tools&nails

Hammer / hammers 71/71
Säge / saws 57/57
Eimer / buckets 4/4
Schaufel / shovels 112/112

Nägel / nails 960/212
Nägel und Keile / nails and wedges 510/292

Sonstiges / miscellaneous

Asche / ash 2000/2000
Stroh / straw 2000/2000
Last edited by Shandariel el Lysanthrai on Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:24 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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benötigte Materialien

Post by GolfLima »

die 20 Eimer und die 10 Ballen weißer Stoff sind kein Problem.
habe beides im Haupthaus auf Lager.

Grüße Jerem
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Drakon Gerwulf
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Post by Drakon Gerwulf »

All the apple are accounted for I have them on a mule as well as the cherry. I have over 300 Conifer logs and about 100 Naldor logs.

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Post by Pterry »

I'll take care of the nails. And the "nails and wedges," or "pins & cotters" as we call them in the New Language.

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Post by Matron »

Sand and straw are both soon organized. I also can collect the needed logs and ashes, if somebody is willing to help.
~ Magnus
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Post by Darkshade »

Ksiksin would gladly supply what ever carpenting goods are needed for contruction of Tol Vanima. Sheisnt quite sure what is required. but if she is asked she will provide.
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Cain Freemont
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Post by Cain Freemont »

A note is pinned below recent formal announcements, the parchment tattered and curled at its ends, as though it had been packed poorly and became damp at one point. It is written in elven, though the letters themselves are far from elegant.

Tol Vanima walks a thin line. Threatening to take away its majesty from outsiders? To what end, exactly? There is nothing that the larger of Gobaith requires from Tol Vanima. Those who sit high in the trees of Vanima paint the image of a desire for isolation, not welcoming. While I feel that people should not tread heavily upon the lands, as one would expect of any guest, treating others as though they are tourists going out of their way to bring unrest is folly. Tol Vanima has never been similar to elven settlements on the mainland, so I fail to see why there seems to be a need to illustrate how defiant one supposes to be of mainland tradition. There may, in fact, be people who do not realize the difference because of never having been amongst the elves on the mainland, but is that any reason to stare down one's nose at them and offer scorn and idle threats of isolation? Tol Vanima has seen far better days than this; of that I am sure. I appear to have missed much in my absence, but to see this from an Elder of Tol Vanima is unsettling at best.

Best of wishes in regards to the new treaty with the lizardfolk of Zzyathis. Hopefully they are not treated as riff-raff like the rest of the non-elven Gobaith population.

Cain Freemont
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Post by Shandariel el Lysanthrai »

*A message in a beautifull handwriting is pinned to the wall. It is kept in the elven language*

To my dear sisters and brothers.

For the safety of our kin I have here a few names of places which are too dangerous for the elven folk and which, if possible, should be avoided for your own well being. Some of those places are more dangerous then others. The red ones should be avoided by ALL means, the yellow ones if possible. they should be entered just if it really couldn't be avoided to go there. And even then I encourage just experienced warriors or mages to go there.

This area lays south of Greenbriar and may be reached over a boat at the harbor.
Hellbriar is home of the Temple. Necromancers, Demonologists, Blackstone Cults, Criminals. They all gather there.

This area lays to the far northwest of Gobaith
The Nordmark have a strong hate for any magic or elfs. Any elf going there is in great danger!

Territory of the Orcs
It lays northwest of Varshikar. For this area the same like with the Nordmark counts

Lair of the Dragons
This location should be kept hidden. Anyone finding a cave with lava and floating skulls should turn around immediatelly and leave.
It is forbidden to enter the lair. Doing so may result in Dragons attacking our settlements in anger and wrath

Currently Trollsbane is not safe to be entered. Recent happenings make it look as if the temple got again influence onto the town and the townguard itself. So please try to avoid Trollsbane until this matters got solved. And even beside a possible influence of the Temple to the town it is still a dangerous place were many criminals roam.
Several members of our race were harmed or harassed in Trollsbane in the last months without experiencing justice or protection through the towns guard or leadership. So please don't go there if not really necessary.

Southern Forrests
The undeads roam that parts. Just experienced warriors should go there.

East of Gobaith
Same as with the Southern Forrest

Ogre Mountains
North and Northeast of Varshikar.
Beside the Ogres some deeper parts contain dangerous giant spiders

The parts of the Kumdah desert behind the Oasis
Scorpions could be find there. Aswell as other dangers sometimes.
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Post by Shandariel el Lysanthrai »

Der Segen der fünf sei mit euch, meine Brüder und Schwestern.

Der Monat Naras geht seinem Ende entgegen und schon bald werden wir den ersten Tag
des Monats Elos feiern dürfen. Und mit diesem Tag Feiern wir das "Fest der Erneuerung".
Zu jenem besonderen Anlass suche ich einen Elf oder eine Elfe, gerne auch eine Gruppe,
die Freude daran hätten ein großes Fest für jenen Tag vorzubereiten. Ein Fest an dem wir
das neue Vanima feiern, ebenso wie unsere neu gewonnene Gemeinschaft und Stärke. Ein
langer Weg liegt hinter uns, und mit der neu erblühten Gemeinschaft der Elfen wird bald
auch Vanima's Fauna von neuem erblühen. Lasst uns dies mit einem großen Fest für alle
Elfen und alle Freunde Tol Vanimas feiern!
Ein jeder der Interesse hätte sich um die Ausrichtung dieser Feierlichkeit zu kümmen schreibe
mir bitte eine Taube.

Möge das Gleichgewicht euren Seelen Frieden schenken.

~Shandariel el Lysanthrai~
Älteste von Tol Vanima


The blessing of the five may with you, brothers and sisters.

The month of Naras will end soon, and the Elos is not far away. And with the first day of Elos
will come also the "Festival of Renewal". For this special day of the year I am looking for an
elf or elfess, it can be a group aswell, which would find the joy to organize and plan a festival
for that day to celebrate our new won community and strength. To celebrate the new Vanima!
A long path lays behind us, and together with the new community of us elfs will also the Fauna
of Vanima bloom soon again. Let us celebrate this merrily, together with all elfs and friends of
Tol Vanima!
Everyone who has the interest to help with the organisation of this festival may send me a dove

May the balance bless your souls with peace.

~Shandariel el Lysanthrai~
Elder of Tol Vanima
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Drakon Gerwulf
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Post by Drakon Gerwulf »

A note is written in New and Old Common.

All is safe again and all Mining can be done again the Gnome's have left peacefully and were very respectable.

Drakon Gerwulf


Eine Notiz ist in neuen und alten gemeinsamen geschrieben.

Alles ist wieder in Sicherheit und alle Mining kann mal wieder geschafft die Gnome haben friedlich verlassen und waren sehr respektabel.

Drakon Gerwulf
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Post by Shandariel el Lysanthrai »

It saddens me that there had been not a single elf or elfess who
showed interest to help with the planning of the festival for the 1th of Elos.
Now the time is too short and I fear we won't be able to prepare anything in time.
I really hoped we could have a festival to celebrate our new community and the
again lively Vanima. In future I shall try harder to animate our brothers and sisters
for such social events and gatherings. That we weren't able to find someone in time
is no fault of our community but my own. I failed at this simple task and it is my
wish to apologize to my brothers and sisters.
In future we shall focus more on those festivals and traditions of our kin.
They are part of our culture and our heritage. It is important to stay in contact with
those, being so far away from our home woods on the mainland.
We should never lose conctact to our roots, they are which keep us alive.

May the five guide us on our path and may they grant us strength and bravery in the
comming days of Mas.

~Shandariel el Lysanthrai~
Elder of Tol Vanima
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Post by Seori »

I would be happy to help arrange a celebration for the Elven New Year on the first of Elos. We should greet the new year with a 'festival of lights' with every member of the community holding up a lamp to ward off the darkness opened up by the change in years. After that there will need to be traditional delicacies like elven wine for everyone to savor. And of course, a new year's blessing for good luck!
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Post by Caelianna »

A note written in common and elven is pinned on the board.

Brothers, Sisters, and Friends,
We invite you to come join us in the celebration of the New Year. ((first of Elos is at around 11pm gmt saturday))
Together we shall banish the dark and ruin and welcome the light of the new year.
May the five always light our paths.
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the burning...

Post by Maeglin Telemmaite »

*A tall elf dressed ina ll black including a mask covering his face except for his sharp teeth looks outward at the burning land before he grins evily.*Poor, pathetic elves...always thinking they are safe from harm...always mistreating others...them and their sacred items..*.watches the workshop burn and he is evily grinning.* As this land burns let it rise into a new beginning! let these poor unfortunate souls get what they deserve!*He walks off...leaving the island a smoldering pile of ashes and trees behind him. * least it helped with the over planting.
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Sammy Goldlieb
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Post by Sammy Goldlieb »

Whole Vanima is burned..the trees...nearly all..away! May the gods strike a lightning in the burner!


*you may notice some wet places at the parchment*
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Sir Gnar
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Post by Sir Gnar »

~ An exhausted dove can be seen taking rest & carelessly stripping itself of a yellowed parchment that blows around without direction in the main hall. If one were to collect the parchment they would read the following:

~ Dis beh muh words for dah long ears ob dah Vanima. Before Slug whub sent to dah mainland, jur Drakon hab make offering fore Slug spare dah life ob jur cowarldy 'Tinechor' Idrandal. Dis offering whub to be a feast for all muh bruddahs to share on. Now meh readying muh tings fore dah travel back to Gobaith & tinking muh food supplies at dah cave are sure spoiled & rotten by dis time, Slug looking forward to dis feast. Dah ship Slug travel on leaves through dah fog dis night & dah captain tell Slug weh beh arriving in no more dehn 10 days time wib guhd seas. Best joos get dah cooking... x Slug
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Post by Friedwulfa »

Werte Bewohner Tol Vanimas,

Silberbrand informiert hiermit, das die nächsten irmoromschen Spiele in etwa drei bis vier zwergischen Wochen beginnen werden. Wir laden die Bewohner Tol Vanimas herzlich ein, als Gemeinschaft für Ruhm und Ehre teil zu nehmen.

Die Bewerbe werden sein: Schneiderei, Schreinerei, Schmiedekunst, Bergbau, Hindernislauf, Dicht- und Sangeskunst, Schwertkampf, Gruppenkampf und ein alchemistisches Konzil, in welchem Alchemisten der Insel gemeinsam den weisesten und gebildetsten unter sich ermitteln können.

Der Ablauf ist so geplant: Tol Vanima darf zu jedem Bewerb einen Recken schicken, die Teilnahme ist umsonst. Desweiteren darf jede Gilde die sich zugehörig zur Gemeinde fühlt je einen Recken pro Bewerb schicken, welcher auch gleichzeitig für Tol Vanima antreten darf, auch diese Teilnahme ist umsonst.

Am Wettkampftag werden alle Handwerker informiert was genau ihre Aufgabe ist (damit niemand vorher ein Meisterstück einschmugggeln kann), sie bekommen ihre Materialien gestellt, ihr Werkzeug müssen sie selber bei Hand haben.

Tol Vanima ist angehalten, für den Fall das es mehrere Bewerber für einen Bewerb gibt, Vorkämpfe abzuhalten, bei denen, auf Anfrage, Silberbrand gerne behilflich ist.

i. A. Friedwulfa Silberklinge

((translation follows))
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Post by Kingdom of Silverbrand »

Dear inhabitants of Tol Vanima

Silverbrand wishes to inform you that the next Competitions of Irmorom will take place in three to four dwarven weeks. We heartily invite Tol Vanima, as community, to participate for the glory and the honour of your town.

The competitions will be: Tailoring, capentering, smithing, mining, steeplecheasing, poetry and singing, fighting with swords, fighting in groups as well as an alchemy council in wich the alchemists will search for their wisest and most educated one.

The planned course of events: The town may send one participant for every competition. Participating is free from any charge. In addition every guild that feels connected with Tol Vanima may send another participant who can take part on the competitions as well.

On the day of competition, all participants will be informed about their actual task (so nobody can smuggle a master piece into the competition) and they will get the material, the tools have to be crafted by their own hands.

In case that there is more than one applicant for a competition, Tol Vanima is asked to hold pre-competitions. Silverbrand will gladly support you with these, if whished.

Yours sincerly,
p.p. Friedwulfa Silverblade
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Post by Felbion Lijawyn »

Honorable citizens of Tol Vanima,

it is at this moment unclear to me, who carries the leadership of Tol Vanima due to the current, ongoing discussions led on this board. I do not wish to interfere with those discussions but if there is any possible way, the Free Scribes of Gobaith would like to meet up with your leader or leaders to discuss possible future business relations as well as contracts between our guild and your haven.


~Felbion Lijawyn
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Post by nathi »

Dear Felbion

our current and most active Elder is Damien.

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Post by Damien »

That is indeed true. I do prefer to be contacted using doves.

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Post by Felbion Lijawyn »

A small note has been pinned to the board. The writing on it is written in clean, elegant elven latters:

Brothers and sisters,

the sister Talathiel has been assaulted by two men wearing black clothing and masks that covered their faces today. She was able to send out a dove with a letter that asked for her help and me and several other people found her, laying wounded in the corner of the workshop. She had a bleeding on her head, some bruises along her arms and an arrow had been shot into her foot. Since we were unable to find a medico, me and the human known as Felix tried to help as best we could. I wrapped a piece of cloth around her head to stop the bleeding and we were able to push the arrow out of the wound in her foot. I poured some healing potion into the wound and let Talathiel drink the rest of the bottle. As of now I can't tell if that was enough, but the wound appeared to be closing - slow though.

I am telling you this as a warning and a request to help Talathiel if you should be able to. We rested her in one of the beds in the basement and I burnt some sibanac to make her more comfortable.

~Felbion Lijawyn
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Post by Djironnyma »

Bürgern Tol Vanima ist eine Grundausbildung in den arkanen Künsten Möglich. Details sind öffentlichen Aushang der Träger des Feuers nach zu lesen.


It is possible for citizens of Tol Vanima to get a basic education in the arcane arts. For details read the public board of the Bearers of the Fire.
