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Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 6:17 pm
by Rugh'toh
Queen of the dwarves!

Since da Orcs ob dis isle beh united under one banner, dere nub have been any violent conflicts between the dwarves and the Orcs!

This has changed now! The Orcs are angry! The Orcs seek for vengeance!

One of yoos kind dared to attack the Chief of the Orcs for no reason!
That dwarf dared to use unhonorable coward magjik to knock the Chief out!

Yoos kind hab attacked da Chief!
Da Orcs take dis as barefaced offence and attack on the whole Clan!

  • The Orcs demand an official excuse of the Queen of Silverbrand fer this merciless and senseless attack!
  • The Orcs also demand the mage who attacked the Chief! He shall stay in our jail and feel the consequences of what it means to attack an honorable Orc for no reason! He said his name whub beh Rogwart - still, since he is such a coward we doubt dis beh his true name!

Yoos kind have ten dwarven days to give us whub we demand!

After dese ten days fer any day witout following our demand one random of yoos kind shall beh slaughtered!

Chief of the Orcs ob da northern mountains

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:00 pm
by Rugh'toh
Queen ob Silverbrand!

Silverbrand beh the town of all dwarves of da isle!

Yoo as Queen take da responsibilty of da deeds of yoos kind!

Ib yoo nub beh able to speak fer all dwarves on dis isle, yoo weak clan beh! Yoos words prove da weakness of the dwarves den!

Now, da Orcs give yoo da opportunity to use dese yoo given time to make da dwarves strong again!

Da Orcs still demand both an official excuse of Silverbrand and the dwarf who attacked the Chief!

Find him - yoo still have ten days to do soo!

Chief Rugh'toh!

Friedwulfa wrote:Rugh'toh,

I, Queen Friedwulfa Silverblade of Silverbrand, know this Rogwart. He was a short time our guest, but i doesnt belongs to us. Maybe you should read our laws, nobody is allowed to use magic, except for one Elf, on our ground!

There is no need for us to ask for forgiveness. If he comes again to Silöverbrand, i will send him to you, so you can judge him.

Queen Friedwulfa Silverblade of Silverbrand

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:07 pm
by Manron
Wrong little Orc, if a dwarf attacks in name of Moshran, so its one of us? I don´t think so! If he learn magic anywhere and used it next or on you, its not our problem!
Its the same like, when an orc says he want to eat just fruits, dont attack and loves flowers...
He is not one of yours right? You don´t want orcs like that, so don´t tell us that we must give you a "sorry" for an bastard who use magic!


Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:12 pm
by Rugh'toh
Meh wonders why a dwarf witout any title be allowed to reply to dis precarious affair!

Eben worrrse when dis stumpy called Manron uses his words witout tinking before!

Call da Chief once more little orc and da ten days be ober right away!

Queen ob Silverbrand, yoo shall reply!

Chief Rugh!

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:16 pm
by Daelyn
A dwarf... who used magic? This is unlikely at best... Seems to me the orcs are trying to start a war!


Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 7:24 pm
by Rugh'toh
Queen ob Silverbrand!

Da Orcs nub happy beh how we treated by yoos kind!
  • First a stumpy smashes da Chief!

    Den stumpy called Manron calls da Chief a little orc eben when nubudy asked him fer his opinion!

    Finally yoo nub offer us any support in solving dis affair!

Me tells yoo whub we tink:
  • Da dwarves beh weak! Dey nub be able to unite da dwarves under one clan!
    Dwarf Manron asked whub we doo wit Flower Orcs, whoo nub believe in Father. Meh says yoo whub we doo: We smash dem!

    Yoo should do same with dwarves whoo nub beh on yoos Clan and nub believe in Irmorom!
    Orcs say: Yoo beh responsible fer da deeds ob dis dwarf!
  • Orcs also start to tink dat yoo alredeh know da dwarf who attacked da Chief but nub wunt give him to Orcs!

Ten days left, Queen ob Silverbrand!

Time to act as a true leader and solve dat prrroblem!

Chief Rugh'toh!


if you arent able to solve your problems with only one dwarf, why do you involve us? Its your inability not mine.

Solve your problems alone and leave us alone.

Queen Friedwulfa Silverblade of Silverbrand

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 10:35 pm
by orgis
Daelyn wrote:A dwarf... who used magic? This is unlikely at best... Seems to me the orcs are trying to start a war!

hurrr yuu dare say da cheif lie!? easy oo fix just yuu and da rest ob da stompies oo lazy oo fix da problem
Friedwulfa wrote:Friedwulfa wrote:

I, Queen Friedwulfa Silverblade of Silverbrand, know this Rogwart. He was a short time our guest, but i doesnt belongs to us. Maybe you should read our laws, nobody is allowed to use magic, except for one Elf, on our ground!

There is no need for us to ask for forgiveness. If he comes again to Silöverbrand, i will send him to you, so you can judge him.

Queen Friedwulfa Silverblade of Silverbrand
as yuu can seee da queen hur self says she knus dat evil stompie! sus before yuu say da orcs ling read facts yuu scumbags!

walks away feeling quite happy wae himself

signed: Orgis Ug of the Dar'Krest

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:18 am
by Manron
Rugh'toh wrote:Meh wonders why a dwarf witout any title be allowed to reply to dis precarious affair!

Eben worrrse when dis stumpy called Manron uses his words witout tinking before!

Call da Chief once more little orc and da ten days be ober right away!

Queen ob Silverbrand, yoo shall reply!

Chief Rugh!

I call you who even i want! And i have a title, elder king, if you want to know it! I say what i want, if you want to start a war, look for another Town, Guild or Group... Dwarves never used magic so this dwarf is not one of us! You should ask before you say something like that...!


Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:00 am
by Rugh'toh
Yoo beddur start to look for the one in yoos line!
He can cast magjik and normally speaks da old tongue!

Nine days left, Silverbrand!

Chief Rugh'toh

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:22 pm
by Friedwulfa
We do nothin!

Its your Problem. Find this Dwarf alone. I am not interested in your problems!

Queen Friedwulfa Silverblade of Silverbrand

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:26 pm
by Bellringer
Friedwulfa wrote:We do nothin!

Its your Problem. Find this Dwarf alone. I am not interested in your problems!

Queen Friedwulfa Silverblade of Silverbrand

Yousks will be interestinks soon! Only nine daysks - then Orcs will havinks attention of all dwarfsks! You better thinkinks of your brethren, not justsks yourself - unless the dwarfsks carinks not for their own bloodsks!
You silly shortsks race, not yousks understandinks the responsibilitiesks you havinks for each othersks?

Clan Shaman Grakir

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:40 pm
by Friedwulfa
An alle Zwerge:

Der nächste den ich erwische der das Tor beim verlassen der Stadt auf lässt, zahlt ein Goldstück oder geht für ein halbes Jahr in den Kerker!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:25 pm
by Friedwulfa
Senrin der Ältere wrote:Irmorom zum Gruße,

Ich möchte für den 17. Bras zur 6. Stunde
des Morgens* zum gemeinsamen Gebet
zu Irmorom einladen.
Jeder Gläubige darf sich herzlich
aufgefordert fühlen sich mit den Zwergen
Silberbrands im Tempel einzufinden.


Ferin Zwergenblut

Wahrer des Glaubens Irmorom

(( *Sonntag, 7. Dezember, 18 Uhr dt. Zeit ))
Darauf weise ich mal nochmal hin!

Königin Friedwulfa Silberklinge von Silberbrand

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:15 pm
by Alsaya
*Aus den Tiefen der Mine klingen noch immer scharrende und klickende Geräusche welche unheilvoll durch die Gänge hallen. Es scheint als hätten noch mehr Spinnen ihren Weg vor die Tore Silberbrands gefunden.*

*One can still hear clicking and scratching sounds from the depths of the mines which echoes ill-omend through the halls. It seems even more spiders found there way to the gates of Silverbrand*

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 7:26 pm
by Rugh'toh
Dwarves ob Silverbrand!

In da great wisdom ob Orcs, we decided to believe yoos words:
We believe yoo dat da stumpy mage nub beh part ob whub yoo call Silberbrand!

Consequently da Orcs retreat from da demand dat Silverbrand shall excuse in da name ob dis mage!

Still, dis mage stumpy beh! As such yoo surly nub wunt see da name ob Silverbrand disgraced by a mage dwarf!

Dis why da Orcs still resist on two demands:
  • Tell us da name ob dis dwarven mage!
  • Catch and deliver dis dwarf to da Orcs! Else da Orcs whub do dis wit on means!
    And beh assured dat dwarves nub whub like Orc means!

Seven days left, Silverbrand!

Chief Rugh'toh!

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:32 pm
by Nikolaus
There wont be a war, the situation is solved.

The dwarfen mage was a kind of demonic illusion. It came to the island because of me but I managed to ban him.

I excuse for my mistake.

~Nalcaryos von Weißhafen~


Es wird keinen Krieg geben, die Situation ist bereinigt.

Der Zwergenmagier war eine Art dämonischer Illusion. Er kam durch mich auf die Insel, doch konnte ich ihn wieder bannen.

Ich entschuldige mich für die Unangenehmheiten.

~Nalcaryos von Weißhafen~

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:44 pm
by Rugh'toh
Dwarves ob Silverbrand!

Orcs hab decided to believe whub da elfie sais and da word ob da dwarves!

Da elf hab excused fer his mindless deeds by his words and gifts fer da mighty Horde!

Though, ib we ebburr shall meet dis dwarven mage again and see him alive, den brutal war whub come up immediatly!

Take dis affair as lesson!

Nebburr attack any Orc! And nebburr treat us witout respect!

Chief Rugh'toh

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:26 pm
by Kingdom of Silverbrand
Altkönig Manron ist vom 1. Eldas im Jahre 26 an als neuer Richter Silberbrands unter Irmoroms Gnaden eingesetzt!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:45 pm
by Alsaya
*An jedem Tor, welches von der Mine aus zu erreichen ist, findet sich ein, mit einem Dolch befestigtes, Pergament.*

Zwerge Silberbrands, euer winziges Reich wird bald das Meinige sein!

*On every gate which is reachable from the mine, one can find a note which is paved on the wood with a simple dagger.*

Dwarves of Silverbrand, your tiny empire will soon be mine!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:03 pm
by Nikolaus
*Nalcaryos kam erst vor einer Minute die Treppe hinunter, er wollte wieder einmal mit Friedwulfa sprechen, da erblickt er den Dolch und das Stück Pergament, das sich am Haupttor befindet.*

Hm...wundert mich, dass die Wachen so wenig aufpassen und soetwas zulassen.
Nunja...anscheinend haben die Zwerge nun ein größere Problem, als nur ein paar Spinnen in ihrem Keller.

*nachdem er dies zu sich selbst gesagt hat, klopft er wie immer zweimal ans Tor, nachdem keiner öffnet dreht er wieder uns spaziert wieder Richtung Leiter*

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:13 am
by Quasar
Malze Berchwerch läuft am Minentor vorbei und bemerkt den Dolch. Während er sich diesen Dolch dann näher anschaut fängt er an zu schmunzeln:

" Ja so eine schlechte Arbeit würde ick doch gleich ins Meer werfen als hier vorzuzeigen".

Mühsam entziffert er dann Buchstabe für Buchstabe den Text und spuckt dann wütend auf den Zettel. Zornig geht er weiter, bleibt kurz stehen und ruft

"Na ja, mit so einer Ausrüstung kommen sie nichtmal an unseren Spinnenweben vorbei!"

Laut lachend geht er weiter....

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:22 pm
by Friedwulfa
Ich erhebe hiermit formell Anklage gegen Nalcaryos von Weißhafen!

Er hat Silberbrand, die Einwohner und mich die Königin in eine ernste Gefahr gebracht durch unnötigen Schabernack. Dies erfordert eine Strafmassnahme.

Königin Friedwulfa Silberklinge von Silberbrand

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:49 am
by Manron
Der Fall "Nalcaryos von Weißhafen" wir am 11. Irmas 26 zur 3 Stunde in der großen Halle verhandelt! ((diesen sonntag 16:00 Uhr))

Ick bitte alle Zeugen, in diesem Fall alle Zwerge!!, anwesend zu sein! Ick, Richter Manron zu Silberbrand, werde den Fall handhaben und werde ein gerechtes Urteil unter Irmoroms Gnaden fällen!

Jeder der der Verhandlung beiwohnen möchte, möge mir eine Taube zukommen lassen um den sicheren und unbeschwerten Zugang zu gewährleisten!

Manron, Richter zu Silberbrand

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:08 am
by Vern Kron
~Written in common, hung up by a human~

To all citizens of the noble land Silverbrand, and whomever else it concerns,

It is with sadness I have come to inform you that there has been damage to the tavern in Troll's Bane. I am unsure of who currently owns it, but I believe you would be interested in some form, if you were not aware of it yet. I hope that these trying times become better for you soon.

Hail Irmorom,
Artimer Fault.

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:47 pm
by Manron
((die verhandlung wird auf halb 5 verlegt! mir is kurzzeitig was dazwischen gekommen! also nur eine kurze verspätung! :) ))

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:32 pm
by Eleina
Ein Zettel wurde mit einem spitzen Stück Stein in einer Ritze am Tor befestigt:

Grüß euch ihr Zwerge!
Ich bin eine arme Schneiderin die Scheren zum schneidern und Kohle zum färben sucht. Nen Mörser könnte ich auch gebrauchen. Nur bin ich wie gesagt arm und habe nur 100 Kupfer. Gerne bezahlte ich aber auch durch Arbeit!
Man kann mich in Bane finden.


Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:54 pm
by Senrin der Ältere
Irmorom zum Gruße,

Am 2. Olos zur 6. Stunde des Abends* werde ich
eine öffentliche Messe halten. Thema der Predigt
wird der Weg des Lebens sein.

~Ferin Zwergenblut

(( *Sonntag, 11. Januar - 18 Uhr dt. Zeit ))

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:44 pm
by Olive
TO whom it may concern, the goldburg entrance to the mine has become overrun with drow and gnomes.


Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:16 am
by Salathe
Much blood was spilt, but the many enemies in silverbrand have been killed.


Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:57 pm
by Kingdom of Silverbrand
Hört Hört!

Ihre Majestät ist vorerst nicht zu erreichen, daher
sind sämtlich Nachrichten für das Königreich an mich
oder Altkönig Manron zu senden.

Desweiteren verkünde ich hiermit das Thanseus
Valerian heute zum Paladin ernannt wurde.


~Seine Heiligkeit Ferin Zwergenblut
Hohepriester Irmoroms

Hear Hear!

Her Majesty is not avalible for some time, so all
messages concerning the Kingdom may be send
to me or Elderking Manron.

Furthermore, I wish to announce that Thanseus
Valerian was appointed to a paladin.


~His Holyness Ferin Dwavenblood
Highpriest of Irmorom