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Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:35 pm
by Darkshade
Zehshirr is seen wandering off to the sea, muttering something about bad omens.

((Gonna be away until my ban is lifted, broke a rule long ago and it's coming back to haunt me, Wish me luck players!))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:52 am
by TiaSarah
((At this point I can't even come up with a good story for any of my chars. Since shortly after Christmas I've been plagued with work, personal, and most recently health issues. I'm not really sure when I'll be able to devote time to Illa again. I miss everyone terribly, but right now I just don't have the energy. I hope I can get things straightened out soon, but until then consider me on hiatus.))

PO Anne, Era, Carissa, Tiriel, and Rikka

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:45 am
by Copper Dragon
A slender elf slips from town after telling friends she is going for a walk. A recent attack has left her shaken and confused, so she is retreating to a hidden area to think things over and come to terms with events. Only time and thought can heal her wounds.

((Going to see my mother in a different state so will be gone a few days. Be safe all.))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:20 pm
by nathi
((hej igen ;-) ))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:19 am
by Sonara Stone
Iris could feel the mood of the night as she sat there in the forest, entirely alone save the small bird that perches on her hand. Crickets and frogs filled the night air with sound, keeping the young woman alert for the faint sounds of an approach. Occasionally, she glanced around, otherwise almost as still as the night as she lay in wait for something, for anything to break her tense but much enjoyed peace.

"I'm growing weak." Her whisper is in a lilting human tongue, directed towards the bird on her hand but easily lost into the other sounds of the night. The creature cocks its head at her voice, talons closing tighter around her fingers and threatening to draw blood. Iris doesn't seem to notice, thinking to herself and occasionally voicing them to the tiny winged beast.

"So much has changed... I've changed. Yet some things never will, and my need for recuperation is one of them." She takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly and turning her attention fully on the creature. "Go now. But return, I may need to send a few messages."

With a flutter of wings, the bird disappears into the night.

((I am going on vacation for the next 1-2 weeks. I may get on a bit, but nowhere near as much as I normally do. I'll still be trolling the forums, so you can PM as you like. <3 Ya'll.))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:47 pm
by Skamato
Es kann beobachtet werden wie Nerwin Weidenwind einige Taschen zusammensucht und sich mit reichlich Proviant in Richtung Wald begibt.


You can see that Nerwin Weidenwind search some bags and goes with food on the way to the forest.

((Vacation. I came back at the 9. March 2011))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:00 pm
by Shenandrea
You can see Shenandrea walking towards the harbor of Vanima. A few bags over her shoulders.
Ylvie has left a note at Nordmark that she's going to hunt wolves in the northern woods
((To much going on in RL right now. My daughter's sick and my soon to be mother-in-law aswell. And weddingpreparations. maybe I get a little time to rp but i can't see it right now))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:55 am
by Agrimur Farenson
Agrimur Farenson is nowhere ter be found. If ye ask the Nordmarkers, they'll tell ye that he went fer a long wolfhunt, in order ter get enough furs ter make himself a second cloak.

Agrimur Farenson is nirgendwo anzutreff'n. Wennste die Nordmarker fragst, sag'n se dir, dass er zu 'ner lang'n Wolfsjagd aufgebroch'n is um sich 'n zweiten Mantel zu näh'n.

((Gone skiing fer a week, have fun with yer war!

Bin ne Woche skifahr'n gegang'n, viel Spass mitm Krieg! :D))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:16 pm
by Joxia Doral
(( I have been called in to work for a little while but Im hoping to return in time for the battle, Joxia))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:42 pm
by Jupiter
Merung leaves even seldomer the Northern Woods than he already used to. Some people tell they heard strange mumbling while walking through the forest.
((won't be online very often for the next 3-4 weeks. Abitur etc))

Merung verlässt noch seltener den Nordwald , als er es sowieso schon tat. Einige Leute berichten von seltsamen Femurmel, während sie im Wald waren.
((werde die nächsten 3-4 Wochen nicht oft on sein. Abitur etc))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:27 pm
by Sammy Goldlieb
((away for unknown time. I got unemployed yesterday and I need to get rl running. I am sorry for that what today happened PO SAsha))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:14 am
by Morbius
Stefan climbed the fiery stairs toward the summit of the only land mark Hellbriar was known for. It’s active volcano. He was unsure why he was there, or what he would do next. He just needed some time to think, to get away from Trolls Bane, and the rest of the isle. He was unsure how long it would take, but ne needed somewhere to hone his skills and meditate on past events.

((I’m not allowing myself in game until I slay the bitch-dragon that is known as getting my life together, though I may make appearances for special occasions. See you soon guys. :) ))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:26 pm
by Matron
Some old man is found drunk and almost comatose in the very depths of a galley heading for some slave markets. The captain decides to sell good-looking Magnus to a brothel or something alike, thus delaying his return to Gobaith. Soon, rumors reach the island speaking of a very successful prostitute that is gaining vast influence among the highest ranks of society in Gynk.

((won't play him pretty much until the VBU I guess))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:15 am
by Alexander Knight
Some may see Alexander pacing the streets of Bane. Day or night, Rain or shine he walks, always whisteling a hauntly tune.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:38 pm
by Nerwin Weidenwind
Es kann beobachtet werden wie Nerwin Weidenwind einige Taschen zusammensucht und sich mit reichlich Proviant in Richtung Wald begibt.


You can see that Nerwin Weidenwind search some bags and goes with food on the way to the forest.

((I am really busy at business and have some further trainings, so I am 1-2 weeks not here. ))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:45 pm
by bdgdkay
Altrix can be seen walking to the south with nothing but a fishing rod, saying something about needing a bit of time away.

((Sorry I havent been online much lately.. have some personal things I need to take care of. I can still check the forums fairly frequently, so send me a pm if you need me, and I shouldnt be gone too long))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:00 am
by Kyre
In her daily training, it is rumored the witch called Kyre saw the raven of Nargun. Not much is known of the encounter except she suddenly disappears not to be found..possibly a new ritual she is working on. Who knows when she will return being a creature hard to predict?

(( will not be able to play her ig for approx. a week and a half to two weeks, but should be around after that ))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:07 pm
by Juliana D'cheyne
Juliana disappears somewhere in the desert of Vaeshker

(( surgery on hands went good but one finger typing :D will be back when can rype better ))_

Re: Downtime

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:43 am
by Orioli
Orioli ((and a few others)) wanders off into the woods to search out a mystery.

((going on vacation, see everyone in a few weeks))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:58 pm
by Rafael
Aftar having a drink too many in some forgotten tavern, Idrandal seem to had made the wrong comment to the wrong dwarfess, that shockingly was a dwarf under the beard. Last person who saw him swaers that he was carried tied with a blindfold by an interdisiplinary group of dwarf, goblins and gnomes. He probably will return in a few weeks, with no intentions of recalling that episode of his life, and walking funny.

Re: Downtime

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:08 am
by Sammy Goldlieb
((Übers Wochenende in Hessen))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 3:10 am
by Aegohl
Margot sighs as she looks at the piles of papers, books, and scrolls on her desk.
"I'll never get all of this paperwork done!!"

((two days working long shifts. Be back Monday))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 4:10 pm
by nathi
((PO Deanna is on weekend trip until sunday evening and offline during this time.. except my cell phone, so I can reach the forum :-) ))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:49 pm
by Skamato
Man kann beobachten wie sich der Halbling Nerwin Weidenwind immer wieder in das Clubhaus zurückzieht um scheinbar etwas wichtiges zu erledigen.

((Away for some days))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:30 pm
by Alli Zelos
With a sad smile, Alli drops a final flower to the ground, to the mound of dirt that has been central to her life for all too long. Three murmured words, spoken in the lilting tones of the Elvish language, mark the end of one journey, and the beginning of another.

She turns, her feet carrying her away from the place of Memory and then further still. A glance upward reassures her, the sign at the crossroads giving her her destination: Harbour.

((Will be gone for some time, as of yet undetermined.))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:43 pm
by Zehshirr
((On holiday, though still online a tiny bit, most of my time will be at the beach.))

Zehshirr has been seen less and less in towns lately. After a short while of asking around, one would be told by a close friend or annoyed fisherman that the scaly blighter swimming up and down the rivers of Gobaith, searching for a "Rainbow fish"

Re: Downtime

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:46 pm
by Rincewind
They say, chief Murgo of Dar'krest travled to the mainland, for unknown reasons. "Chief-stuff" he said, but those who know the chief, know that could possibly mean everything. Others may make a guess and tell you he is heading to Kroch'Gurak, where his female lives - looking after his children.

((Away until middle of August.))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:47 pm
by Rhianna Morgan
Agrimur Farenson is seen leaving the Nordmark with a grand package on his bag, kissing his girlfriend goodbye.
He and his young she-wolf walk down all the way to the harbour, paying a passage north and stepping on board. The young Norodaj waves to the girl standing on the harbour with a wolf herself, and then faces towards the horizon. He told her he would not be back for about one to two months...

Alan Dowland went to the monastery of Eldan in order to pray in solitude. He did not say how long he'd stay.

Agrimur Farenson wird dabei beobachtet wie er die Nordmark verlässt, ein großes Bündel auf seinem Rücken, und seiner Freundin einen Abschiedskuss gibt.
Er und seine junge Wölfin machen sich auf den Weg zum Hafen, wo sie eine Reise nach Norden bezahlen und an Bord gehen. Der junge Norodaj winkt dem Mädchen am Kai und ihrem Wolf noch einmal zu, dann dreht er sich um und blickt zum Horizont. Er hatte ihr gesagt dass er für diese Reise zwischen einem und zwei Monden Zeit brauchen würde...

Alan Dowland hat sich zum Eldankloster aufgemacht um in Einsamkeit zu beten. Er sagte nicht wie lange das dauern würde...

((Exam time is a bitch. Twelve exams in ten days. Sorry guys, but this means at least two weeks of downtime, rather three. // Hab miese fiese Prüfungsphase. Tut mir Leid folks, aber damit falle ich für zwei bis drei Wochen aus, denn zwölf Prüfungen in zehn Tagen sind mir in Kombi mit Illa schlicht zu viel.))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:52 pm
by Anzula
((Ich und Alrik sind von Mittwoch bis Sonntag auf Live-Rollenspiel. Yeah, Drachenfest!^^ / Me and Alrik are away from Wednesday to Sunday on Live-action-roleplay. Yeah, Drachenfest!^^))

Re: Downtime

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:46 pm
by nathi
Nach ein paar letzten Gesprächen mit Idrandal und Jerem, packt Deanna ihre Felltasche und reist zum Festland um ihre Familie zu besuchen, insbesondere ihre Tochter. Wenn die Informationen von Damien stimmen, dann wird sie ihr Erspartes den Fern-Teleporter auf dem Festland opfern, um möglichst viel Zeit ihrer mehrwöchigen Abwesenheit bei ihrer Familie sein zu können.

((Deanna is away at the mainlands and makes a break for 2-3 dwarfen weeks))