Contract between the Triumvirat and Silverbrand

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John Irenicus
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Contract between the Triumvirat and Silverbrand

Post by John Irenicus »

Treaty between the Monarchy of Silverbrand, and the free city of Troll's Bane. ((German translation below; Please do NOT complain about this contract here))

Paragraph I
Both sides of this declaration, the Kingdom of Silberbrand and the Triumvirate, accept the government of the other side and their territorial claims. The monarchy of Silberbrand, today under the leadership of the King Tialdin and represented by Viceking Caranthir, forms the only legitimate goverment of Silberbrand. The Triumvirate of Troll`s Bane places the only legitimate governent of Troll`s Bane.

Paragraph II
The Kingdom of Silberbrand and the city Troll`s Bane under the leadership of the Triumvirate are friends and alliance partner. At times of struggle and war they will help eachother according to their best ability. The other side should also be consulted before intiating hostilities with a third party.

Paragraph III
Property is property. Goods, in particular buildings, which are placed in Troll`s Bane but owned by dwarves of Silverbrand are protected by the Triumvirate of Troll`s Bane. The owners are not changed. The Dwarves of Silverbrand are also allowed to continue their business within Troll's Bane as usual, without any additional strain or harassment of any kind from the Triumvirat's side.

Paragraph IV
Criminal persons from a side of this declaration, who are catched by the other side, have to be handed over to their home if possible. Dwarves of Silverbrand are punished only by a court of Silverbrand. Citizens Troll`s Banes are condemned only by the court of the Triumvirate by Troll`s Bane.

Paragraph V
The Dwarves of Silverbrand are not entitled to vote or become candidates. Otherwise their relation or duties with Troll's bane do not change. This cannot be changed without the acceptance of both parties.

Paragraph VI
The Dwarves of Silverbrand are entitled to visit their holy sites whenever they want. Triumvirat is responsible of the safety and protection of all Dwarven pilgrims, as well as the holy sites within the city of Troll's bane.

Paragraph VII
This treaty is to be considered sacred, and cannot be changed without the acceptance of the other party. If it is to be broken, the other side should be notified in advance. The participant sides are obliged to obey the treaty at all times, and breaking or disbeying the treaty is to be considered as a crime against the gods, as well as against the other party.

Paragraph VII
If there are any disagreements concerning the wording of the treaty, the treaty written in common shall be considered to be the original one.


Erklärung des Königreichs Silberbrand und des Triumvirates von Troll`s Bane.

Paragraph I
Beide Seiten dieser Erklärung, Silberbrand und der Triumvirat akzeptieren die Regierung der anderen Seite und deren Gebietsansprüche. Die Monarchie Silberbrands, heute unter Führung des Königs Tialdin und vertreten durch Vizekönig Caranthir, bildet die einzig legitime Führung Silberbrands. Der Triumvirat der Stadt Troll`s Bane stellt die einzig legitime Regierung Troll`s Bane

Paragraph II
Das Königreich Silberbrand und die Stadt Troll`s Bane unter der Führung des Triumvirates sind einander Freund und Bündnispartner. Zu Zeiten der Konflikte und Kriege stehen sie sich nach Möglichkeit gegenseitig hilfreich bei. Über Feindseeligkeiten zu Dritten sollte gegenseitig informiert werden.

Paragraph III
Eigentum ist Eigentum. Güter, insbesondere Gebäude die Zwergen von Silberbrand gehören, jedoch in Troll`s Bane liegen, werden vom Triumvirat Troll`s Bane geschützt. Die Eigentumsverhätnisse werden nicht geändert. Auch wird den Zwergen erlaubt, ihre Geschäfte wie bisher abzuwickeln, ohne Einmischung des Triumvirates befürchten zu müssen.

Paragraph IV
Kriminell gewordene Personen einer Seite dieser Erklärung, die durch die andere gefangen genommen werden, sind ihrer Heimat zu übergeben. Zwerge Silberbrands werden nur durch ein Gericht in Silberbrand bestraft. Bürger Troll`s Banes werden nur durch das Gericht des Triumvirates von Troll`s Bane verurteilt.

Paragraph V
Den Zwergen von Silberbrand wird es nicht erlaubt, als Ratsherr des Triumvirates zu kandidieren oder an den Wahlen dazu teilzunehmen. Ansonsten werden alle Verträge und Vereinbarungen der Zwerge mit Troll`s Bane weiter gültig sein.

Paragraph VI
Den Zwergen Silberbrands wird es erlaubt, ihre heiligen Stätten immer zu besuchen, wann immer sie wollen. Der Triumvirat übernimmt die Verantwortung für den Schutz der zwergischen Pilger und ihrer heiligen Stätten innerhalb von Troll`s Bane.

Paragraph VII
Dieser Vertrag soll den Unterzeichnern als heilig gelten und kann nur in beidseitigen Einverständnis geändert werden. Die Aufhebung der Erklärung muß der jeweilig anderen Seite angekündigt werden. Beide Seiten sind bereit den alle hier aufgeführten Punkten immer und ständig einzuhalten. Den Vertrag einseitig zu niederzulegen, soll als Verbrechen an der anderen Seite und gegenüber den Göttern gelten.

Paragraph VIII
Sollten nach einer Übersetzung sprachliche Missverständnisse im Wortlaut des Vertrages bestehen, ist auf das Origional zu verweisen.

John Irenicus
Captain of the Town Guard
Earl of the Grey Rose
Forester of TrollsBane
Priest of Oldra

Caranthir the Great, Viceking of Silverbrand
Last edited by John Irenicus on Sun Oct 03, 2004 9:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Sam »

Interesting. The vote on the Triumvirat has not yet concluded and yet they are issuing treaties and contracts. Is the third member that superfluous?
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Post by Gwynnether »

if you would inform yourself better, you would now that there is a sporadic third member until the elections are done.

Gwynnether von Glanwen
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Post by Lennier »

Lennier signs the contract

Earl of the Grey Rose
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Caranthir the great
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Post by Caranthir the great »

Caranthir signs the Treaty also:

Caranthir the Great, Viceking of Silverbrand
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Post by Fedaykin »

The contract is singed

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Post by Sam »

My apologies Gwynnether. Since you are better informed than I, could you tell me who the third member is now that Fedaykins term has ended?
It just struck me as strange that, so close to the end of the election, the Triumvirat should start issuing official things now.
I mean no offence, I am but a simple druid, unused to the ways of kings and their ilk.

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Post by Sam »

Sam passes by the boards and checks for an answer to his query. Seeing none he adds a small note.

Perhaps you are too busy to answer or are away from town. I do hope its that and not a sign of yet more self proclaimed leaders caring little for the people they claim to serve.


Edit :
((Thanks Sian. Sorry all. Shutting up now.))
Last edited by Sam on Tue Oct 05, 2004 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Moirear Sian
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Re: Contract between the Triumvirat and Silverbrand

Post by Moirear Sian »

John Irenicus wrote:((German translation below; Please do NOT complain about this contract here))
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