((OOC|| suggestions neeeded||))

Everything about Illarion that fits nowhere else. / Alles über Illarion was inhaltlich in kein anderes Board passt.

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((OOC|| suggestions neeeded||))

Post by Mr.Oldie »

help me out with suggestions for festivals and such for each month...
am trying to bring in and use the info given in calendars...besides that any xtra info/ opinions will be taken into consideration
any events that you would like to see in galmair?!! share that too
Post away!!

sry needed atleast one ooc thread in here as most wont look anything else other than roleplaying/guild forum..
moderators please let this one be if its ok...
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Re: ((OOC|| suggestions neeeded||))

Post by Djironnyma »

No its not ok ;)

But here as an help, click the description of the months their you find typical illarion festivals

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Re: ((OOC|| suggestions neeeded||))

Post by Mr.Oldie »

:cry: :cry: :cry:
already doin that...
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Re: ((OOC|| suggestions neeeded||))

Post by Skamato »

I can't understand why is your Char not searchin InGame for such infos :roll:

I know not all Books in all Cities, but I am pretty sure that you can find the following books in Galmair:

The Chronicles of Galmair
Something about the Calendar
The zodiac sign of Illarion
Dwarven History and Culture
The Story of Urubur
The art of trade
Gods of Illarion

And now go InGame and read a little bit!
After this you have some ideas or some incentives to create some festivals ;)
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Re: ((OOC|| suggestions neeeded||))

Post by Miriam »

Some time ago I was bored and made this list, I hope it's not only usefull for galmair, but also fo other towns.
The english version may sound a bit odd... ^^"

Events für Cadomyr - events for Cadomyr
-Cadomyr Angelwettbewerb (im Sommer) / fishing contest (summer)
-Siros: Tanzfest in Cadomyr / Siros: dance festival
-Geburtstag der Königin / Birthday of Queen Rosaline
-Malas: Jagteausflug des Adels / Hunting trip for the noble

Events für Galmair - Evnts for Galmair
-Galmair Schmiedewarenausstellung / smithing goods exhibition
-Irmas: Handwerksmesse in Galmair / carfs fair in Irmas
-Geburstag des Don / Birthday of the Don
-Ushos: (Krokodielfest in Gynk wird zum Fischfest in Galmair /Ushos: Crocodile festival in Gynk truns out to be a fish festival in Galmair
-Fest am letztes Tag des Naras (Scherz-Fest) /Last day of Naras, play a trick on others day, (like we do the first of April)

Events für Runewick - Events for Runewick
-Warenschau in Runewick (Modenschau) / fashion fair/contest in runewick
-Im Elos: Runewick Bibliotheksfest, mit Biblotheksführung / In Elos: A tour through the libary
-Bras: Grillfest / Bras: Barbecue
-Geburtstag des Erzmagiers/ Birthday of the Archmage

Events für Alle - Events for everyone
-Tavern garthering in the evening in the Hemp Necktie Inn in Autumn /Im Herbst: Tavernenabend in der Hanfschlinge
day of mourning chos: remeber the victims of the catasrophy then Gobaith sank /Trauertag im Chos: Gedenken an die Opfer der Katastrophe auf Gobaith
-Day of mourning chos: Remeber the victims who were send to the cross by monsters while traveling between the cities / Trauertag im Chos: Gedenken an all die Leute die unterwegs von einer Stadt zu anderen zum Kreuz geschickt wurden
-Carnival at Hemp Neck Tie Inn (in Spring)/Karneval in der Hanfschlinge (im Frühling)
-fair in the three cities/Jahrmarkt in den drei Städten
-Zhas: Zhas: "Day of the Cherrieblossoms" for the elven people/ "Tag der Kirschblüte“ bei den Elfen
-Findos: Bard contest/Bardenwettbewerb
-Ronas: Meeting of the thief-guild /Diebesgildentreffen
-Eldas:fasting period?/ Fastenzeit
-Olos: Festival in hounor of Oldra /Fest zu Ehren Oldras
-Aldras: Tavern gatherings/ Tavernenfeste
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Re: ((OOC|| suggestions neeeded||))

Post by Robert_Thwaite »

Miriam wrote: ... Siros: Tanzfest in Cadomyr / Siros: dance festival
Ahhhh memories... I remember organising this only to find out that the day/time that it was organised for i had to be away for multiple RL events...

Focus on the basics:

What is likely to pull a crowd?
Plays (my next idea)
Tournaments (An old idea in the making - find the pvp champion)
There will be more ideas

Why are you holding the event?
Celebration (public/racial holiday, wedding, passing of a new year, god-specific reasons, seasons)
Rememberance (funeral, the old world, anniversary of some past event)
Meet with old friends (like the old "class of 1999" kind of idea)

Who is your target audience?
Your party will not cater for everyone so make sure it is appealing for those you believe WOULD be interested rather than spending all your energy on trying to convince those that WOULDN'T be interested

What will YOU be supplying?
When I planned the Siros dance i had to find a musician, caterers, a venue etc.
If i was planning my pvp tournament i might have wanted to consider supplying armour and weaponry that i would source from trusted crafters to ensure that everyone was equal except for their skill

What will the attendees get out of it?
Not everyone will go to an event purely because it is on.
You would need something to tempt people for example:
Dances: Company, food, music, singing, pleasant scenery (I had the old arena decorated with flowers and candles for example)
Tournaments: Prizes (coins, armour/weaponry, a title, trophy)
Religious Events: Prayers, signs from the Gods, fasting to purify the soul etc
A sense of giving: Perhaps something like the (British, but others may do it too) Harvest Festival where people come to an event and they donate some simple food whether it be a tin of beans, a bag of apples, a bag of rice ... This will be donated to the poor/homeless

Just some thoughts and some ideas to go with those thoughts too
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Re: ((OOC|| suggestions neeeded||))

Post by Salathe »

Miriam wrote:-Fest am letztes Tag des Naras (Scherz-Fest) /Last day of Naras, play a trick on others day, (like we do the first of April)
I loved most all of your ideas! But that one i particular is great =D
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