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Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:06 pm
by Robert_Thwaite
Hello all,
As a collective player base I was just wondering if there is anything that you feel would be missing from the site when the Illapedia goes offline. For example, any guides or history topics that may be present on Illapedia but not on the site.

Any serious ideas are most welcome here so that when the time comes I, or whoever may be responsible for the change, can ensure that your needs and wishes are considered before the Illapedia is taken offline

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:06 pm
by Peanut
It may be a good idea to store the actual history of Illarion, such as creators, famous events, so on and so forth, as it may be a good idea to keep a record of what actually happend, who and when.



Re: Illapedia

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:32 pm
by Achae Eanstray
I will miss the char database that players placed. Not only is it helpful if you don't show your char for voting, but has a lot of older names that are nice to look through including the guilds. Since the wiki hasn't worked in ages I don't expect newer chars to be there however.

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:03 pm
by Qeewee
Peanut wrote:It may be a good idea to store the actual history of Illarion, such as creators, famous events, so on and so forth, as it may be a good idea to keep a record of what actually happend, who and when.


You have too much spare time... :roll:

On topic though: I'd miss the list of arcane runes and all on the site about magic that actually counts for the current in game engine and role play.

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:05 pm
by Robert_Thwaite
If there are any specific pages of the wiki that you would like moved to the main site then please feel free to link them here to make my job a bit easier :D

Edit: Also to simplify things, preferably not things that are easily obtainable IG such as rune descriptions, literature that can be found in your local library and price lists (Especially as the price list of items IG fluctuate according to supply and demand whereas a potential item list on the website would only reflect this when a dev manages to update it

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:21 pm
by Caldarion
Probably related:
A list is needed of all items, with german and english denomination.

It would make trading easier, both ingame and in the trade forum.

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:55 pm
by Rincewind
Caldarion wrote:Probably related:
A list is needed of all items, with german and english denomination.

It would make trading easier, both ingame and in the trade forum.
In my few... - what a waste of your time. Better use your time on usefull projects. Wich item are available and their price should be a clear case of FOIG. To play illarion is about find out secrets. To spoil them isn't the right thing in my opinion. Problems with trade and economy have to be handled by the game design. Everything else is just a dirty half-way solution without use at all.

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:00 pm
by GolfLima
1) ich habe mal zusammengetragen was ich so habe: :arrow: manche DInge lassen sich NICHT herstellen (z.B. Schneiderei)
2) die Liste ist sicher nicht vollständig und möglicherweise auch nicht immer korrekt, sorry :shock:
Nägel - Nails
Wurfsterne - throwing stars
albarische Adeligenrüstung - albarian nobles armor
albarischer Soldatenhelm - albarian soldiers helmet
albarischer Stahlharnisch - albarien steel plate
Bastardschwert - bastard sword
Beil - hatchet
Breitschwert - broadsword
Degen - rapier
Dolch - dagger
Doppelaxt - doubble axe
Dunkelelfenrüstung (Drow) - drow armor
Dunkelklinge (Drow) - ...................
einfacher Dolch - simple dagger
eiserne Beinschienen - iron graves
Elben Regenbogenschwert - elven rainbow sword
Elbenschwert - elvensword
Elbensilberstahl - elven silversteel armor
Feinschmiedehammer - fine smith hammer
Flammenhelm - flame helmet
giftige Langaxt - poisened long axe
giftiger Dolch - poisened dagger
Glas Blasrohr - glas blower pipe
großer Metallschild - large metal shield
gynkesischer Söldnerhelm - gynkese mercenaries helmet
Hammer - hammer
Hellebarde - halberd
Henkersaxt - executioners axe
Himmelsschild - shield of the sky
Holzfälleraxt - lumberjack axe
Hörnerhelm - horned helm
Kettenhelm - chain helmet
Kettenhemd - chain shirt
Kettenhose - chain pants
Kriegsaxt (einhändig) - war axe (one hand)
Kriegsaxt (zweihändig) - war axe (two hand)
Kriegshammer - war hammer
Krummsäbel - scimitar
kurze Kettenhose - short chain pants
Kurzschwert - short sword
Langaxt - longaxe
Langschwert - long sword
leichte blaue Brustplatte - light blue breast plate
leichte Elbenrüstung - light elven armor
leichte Söldnerrüstung - light mercenaries armor
leichter Metallschild - light metal shield
Lor- Angur- Wächterrüstung - Lor- Angurian
magische Elbenrüstung - magical elven armor
magische Langaxt - magical long axe
magischer Dolch - magical dagger
magischer Langaxt - magical long axe
magisches Langschwert - magical long sword
magisches Serinjah Schwert - magical serinjah sword
Meißel - chisel
Metallrundschild - round metal shield
Metallschild - metal shield
Morgenstern - morning star
Nachtharnisch - night plate
Nadel - needle
Ork Axt - orc axe
Orkhelm - orc helmet
Plattenpanzer - plate armor
Rasierklinge - razor blade
roter Dolch - red dagger
rotes Schild - Red shield
runder Stahlhut - round steel hat
Säbel - sabre
Säge - saw
salkamaerische Offiziersrüstung - salkamaerian officers armour
salkamaerische Rüstung - salkmarian armor
salkamarischer Paladin Helm - salkamarien Paladin helmet
Schattenharnisch - shadow plate
Schaufel - shovel
Schere - scissors
Schlangenschwert - snake sword
Schnitzmesser - carving tool
schwarzer Visierhelm - black visored helmet
Schwere Schlachtaxt - heavy battle axe
schwerer Stahlharnisch - heavyplate armor
Sense - scythe
Serinjah Helm - Serinjah helmet
Serinjah Schwert - serinjah sword
Sichel - sickle
Spitzhacke - pick axe
Stahl Handschuhe - Steel gloves
Stahl- Schuhe - Steel boots
Stahlbeinschienen - steel graves
Stahlharnisch - steel plate
Stahlhut - steel hat
Stahlkappe - steel cap
Stahlturmschild - steel tower shield
Streitkolben - mace
Sturmhaube - storm cap
Tiegelzange - crucible pincer
Topfhelm - pot helmet
vergiftete Henkersaxt - poisened executiones axe
vergifteter einfacher Dolch - poisened simply dagger
vergifteter verzierter Dolch - poisened ornated dagger
vergiftetes Breitschwert - poisened broadsword
vergiftetes Langschwert - poisened longsword
vergiftetes Serinjah Schwert - poisened serinjah sword
verzierter Dolch - ornated dagger
verzierter Stahlturmschild - ornated tower shield
Visierhelm - visored helmet
Wappenschild - Heraldic shield
Wolkenschild - Cloud shield
Wurfbeil - throwing axe
Zange - pincers
Zweihänder - two hand sword
Zwergen Prunk Rüstung - dwavern state armor
Zwergenaxt - dwavern axe
Zwergenpanzer - dwavern plate

Schreinerei (Schnitzmesser)

Nägel und Keile - pins & cotters
Angel - fishing rod
Axtgriff - hatchet handle
Dolchgriff - dagger handle
Dreschflegel - flail
einfacher Magierstab - simply mage staff
Elben - Magierstab - elven magical staff
Fackel - torch
Griff - handle (?)
großer Griff - large handle
großer Schwertgriff - big/ large sword handle
großer verzierter Griff - large ornated handle
Kampfstab - battle staff
kleiner Griff - small handle
langer Stabgriff - long staff handle
Magierstab - mage staff
Morgensterngriff - morning star handle
Nudelholz - rolling pin
offene Pergamentrolle - pergament role
Pfeife - pipe
Priesterstecken - cleric´s staff
Rührstab - stirring rod
Sägengriff - saw handle
Schädelstab - .................................
Schaufelgriff - shovel handle
Schwertgriff - sword handle
Sensengriff - scythe handle
Sichelgriff - sicle handle
Stab der Erde - earth wand
Stab der Luft - wind wand
Stab des Feuers - fire wand
Stab des Wassers - water wand
Stabgriff - staff handle
Streitkolbengriff - mace handle
verzierter Magierstab - ornated mage staff
Wurfspeer - throwing spear
Zauberstab - magical wand
Ziegelform - brick mold

Schreinerei (Hobel)
Bolzen - bolt
Giftpfeil - poisened arrow
Pfeil - arrow
Armbrust - cross bow
Drow Bogen (Drow)- Drow bow
Eimer - bucket
Elben Kompositlangbogen - elven komposit longbow
Flöte - flute
Harfe - harp
Hartholzbeinschienen (lang) - hardwood graves
Hobel - slicer
Holzbecher - wodden cup
Holzkelle - wodden shouvel
Holzschild - wodden shield
Jagdbogen - hunting bow
Kamm - comb
Kerzenform - candle mold
kleiner Holzchild - small wodden shield
Kochlöffel - cooking spoon
Kurzbogen - short bow
kurze Hartholzbeinschienen - short hardwood graves
Langbogen - Long bow
Laute - lute
Legionärsturmschild - wodden legionaire tower shield
magischer Elbenbogen - magical elven bow
Ofenschieber - peel
Serinjah Reiterbogen - Serinjah (riders) bow
Suppenschüssel - bowl
Teller - plate
Windpfeil - wind arrow


blaue edle Hose - ........................
blaue Hose - blue trousers
blaue Jacke - blue jacket
blaue Robe - blue robe
blauer ….Hut - .....................
blauer Mantel - blue coat
blauer Rock - blue skirt
blauer Zauberhut - blue mage hat
blaues Hemd - blue shirt
blaues Kleid - blue dress
blaues edles Kleid - ...................
blaues Wams - .....................
braune Priesterrobe - brown priest robe
bunter Zauberhut - colored mage hat
Eisen- Leder Handschuhe - ....................
Fellhose - fur pants
Fellstiefel - .............................
gelbe edle Hose - .........................
gelbe Hose - yellow trousers
gelbe Jacke - yellow jacket
gelbe Priesterrobe - yellow priest robe
gelbe Robe - yellow robe
gelber ….Hut - .......................
gelber Rock - yellow skirt
gelbes Hemd - yellow shirt
gelbes edles Kleid - ..............
gelbes Wams - ....................
graue edle Hose - .................
graue Jacke - grey jacket
graue Priesterrobe - grey priest robe
grauer ….Hut - ....................
grauer Mantel - grey coat
grauer Rock - grey skirt
graues edles Kleid - .....................
graues Wams - ...................
grüne edle Hose - ...................
grüne Hose - green trousers
grüne Jacke - green jacket
grüne Robe - green robe
grüner ….Hut - ....................
grüner Rock - green skirt
grünes Hemd - green shirt
grünes edles Kleid - ...................
grünes Wams - ..................
halbe Lederrüstung - half leather armor
kurze Fellhose - short fur pants
kurze Lederbeinschienen - short leather legs
Lederbeinschienen - lether legs
Lederhandschuhe - leather gloves
Lederhut - leather hat
Lederschuhe - (leather) shoes
Lederschuppenrüstung - leather scale armor
Lederstiefel - (leather) boots
Ledertasche - (leather) bag
leichte Jagdrüstung - light hunting armor
Magierrobe - mage robe
Meister Magierrobe - master mage robe
Novizen Magierrobe - novice mage robe
rote edle Hose - ................
rote Hose - red trousers
rote Jacke - red jacket
rote Magierrobe - red mage robe
rote Priesterrobe - red priest robe
roter ….Hut - red wizard hat (?)
roter Rock - red skirt
roter Zauberhut - red mage hat
rotes Hemd - red shirt
rotes edles Kleid - ...................
rotes Wams - .................
Schleuder - sling
schwarze edle Hose - .............
schwarze Hose - black trousers
schwarze Jacke - black jacket
schwarze Priesterrobe - black priest robe
schwarze Robe - black robe
schwarzer ….Hut - .................
schwarzer Mantel - black coat
schwarzer Rock - black skirt
schwarzes Hemd - black shirt
schwarzes edles Kleid - ................
schwarzes Wams - ........................
Schwarzkult - Robe - black cult robe
Seil - rope
Stoffhandschuhe - white gloves
teurer Zauberhut - expensive mage hat
verstärkte Lederhandschuhe - ................
verstärkte Stiefel - ..........................
volle Lederrüstung - full leather armor
weiße edle Hose - ..................
weiße Jacke - white jacket
weiße Priesterrobe - white priest robe
weißer ….Hut - ..................
weißer Rock - white skirt
weißes edles Kleid - .................
weißes Wams - ........................

Gold schmieden

Amethystkette - ametyst necklace
Amethystring - amethyst ring
Amulett - amulet
Besteck - cutlery
Blausteinring - bluestone ring
Diamantring - diamond rind
Eisvogelamulett - charm of the icebird
Goldkelch - gold goblet
Goldring - goldring
Handspiegel - mirror
Kelch - (iron) goblet
Kerzenhalter - candle stick
Kupferkelch - copper goblet
Kupferkessel - kettle
Laterne - lantern
Oellampe - oillamp
Rubinkette - ruby necklace
Rubinring - ruby ring
Schreibfeder - quill
Schwarzsteinring - blackstone ring
Smaragd Amelett - emerald amulet
Smaragdring - emerald ring
Teller (grün) - ...............
Teller (mit Löffel) - .................
Topasring - topas ring

Glas blasen

Bierkrug - beer mug
blaue Flasche - blue bottle
Glas Pfeil - glas arrow
graue Flasche - grey bottle
große leere Flasche - big empty bottle
leere Flasche - empty bottle
schwarze Flasche - black bottle
Weinglas - wine glass
@ rincewind :arrow: keep in mind: old language player often play in new (and they cant know all words in new) ..... so sometimes it is helpful to have the words in new and old if you´re native old speaking .... & how to find out the words ig? - therfore you need a player speaking both languages and have time to translate ......

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:22 pm
by Caldarion
Rincewind wrote:Wich item are available and their price should be a clear case of FOIG.
Sorry, I am not talking about a price list. It is just a mess that people search for the right word, when trying to trade between an old and new speaker.

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:45 pm
by GolfLima
Und jetzt noch das Essen :arrow: hatte ich leider vergessen, bin halt kein Koch :wink:


Bier - beer
Cider - cider
Met - mead
Wasser - water
Wein - wine

Kochen - Schüssel

Eintopf - mulligan / stew
Kohlsuppe - cabbage soup
Pilzsuppe - mushroom soup
Zwiebelsuppe - onion soup

Kochen - Teller
Fischfilet - filet of fish
Fleischgericht - .............
Hase - rabit dish
Lachs - salmon dish
Lamm - lamb
Reh - dear
Schinken - ham
Steak - steak
Würstchen - sausage


Apfelkuchen - apple pie
Brot - bred
Brötchen - bredrolls
Cockies - cockies
Erdbeertorte - strawberry cake
Kirschkuchen - cherry pie / ~ cake
Muffin - muffin

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 9:40 am
by Estralis Seborian
@GolfLima: What is the purpose of your lists? I mean; don't you think that such lists already exist ;-)? Should these lists be published on the website? As a raw list? The threatstarter was actually asking what parts of the Illapedia should be conserved; are there really none?

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 4:33 pm
by Uhuru
GolfLima wrote:Und jetzt noch das Essen :arrow: hatte ich leider vergessen, bin halt kein Koch :wink:


Met - met
I don't recognize this... is it mead?

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:45 pm
by GolfLima
sorry my mistake you´re right Uhuru
:arrow: will correct the translation

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:32 pm
by Estralis Seborian
Robert_Thwaite wrote:I was just wondering if there is anything that you feel would be missing from the site when the Illapedia goes offline.
Every content that is necessary to write the books, given here: ... =1&t=34370 should be conserved. CM Skamato should know about the details.

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:57 pm
by Miriam
I'd miss the descriptions about places on the mainland, it's usefull for character backgroundstories.

For example: ... t.C3.A4dte ... t.C3.A4dte ... t.C3.A4dte ... t.C3.A4dte ... llarion/de

I'd also miss the information about crafting and how to use tools (maybe they'll change after VBU?) and about monsters (but these information is already on the homepage, I think).

I'll miss the whole wiki, now that I started thinking about it. :(
But I rarely use it, so i shouln'd complain.
Why does it go offline? Is it too much trouble to look after the wiki?

Re: Illapedia

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:46 pm
by Robert_Thwaite
There is no ETA for the Illapedia to be taken down and it's not something that will be rushed into so i am sure skamato will have plenty of time to gather the information.
If Vilarion says "I want the wiki down by X date" I will be sure to let everyone know so that they can copy and paste any information they want to keep but i'm sure he would wait for the books to be done first at least.

There are a few issues with having a wiki. The main ones being

Overheads - The wiki uses a database on the server that is using resources tthat could be used elsewhere

Misuse/Abuse - Tools such as wikis and user commenting are always open to abuse and misuse as they are harder to manage. If you look around the web you will find many circumstances where such tools are being used to place real world adverts (medications, porn etc) because the admins of these sites are generally too busy to check every page on a regular basis. When you consider that all of the developers, GMs and CMs of Illarion are volunteers (many with families and jobs), The last thing they would want to do is be checking the content to make sure none is offensive.