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Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wanted

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:54 am
by Dagbladden

Wer, wie ich, nur seltener oder zu weniger aktiven Zeiten zum Spielen kommt kennt das Problem sicher. Manche Entwicklung, von der man im RL sofort hören würde, bekommt man einfach nicht mit. Entgleisungen wie „Der wurde doch letzte Woche gehenkt!“ sind peinlich, blöd wird wenn man RP’t denjenigen noch danach gesehen zu haben.
Die betreffenden Forumeinträge sind weit verstreut oder setzen voraus, dass man dabei gewesen war.
Im RL lese ich deshalb die Zeitung und ich möchte versuchen, IG eine regelmäßige (1x Woche) Zeitung herauszugeben. Dabei bin ich auf Eure Mithilfe angewiesen.
Bitte lasst mich unter PM Dagbladden wissen, wenn eine Geschichte sichtbar weitergesponnen wurde. Ich möchte keine Romane, ein Einzeiler in einer Sprache reicht. Die Übersetzung übernehme ich.
- Offizielle Bestallungen von Clan-, Stadt- … Leitungen
- Hochzeiten, Kinder geboren
- Todesfälle
- Eröffnungen, Schließungen, neue offizielle Besitzverhältnisse
- Ereignisse mit vielen Teilnehmern
Eben all das, was den Fortgang unserer Geschichten bei vielen Mitspielern beeinflusst.
Vielleicht gelingt es so, Spieler, die selten auftauchen aktiver in unsere Welt einzubinden.

PO Salathe du Le’Terre


Not everybody has the chance and plays day by day multiple hours. Be aware I know that with an average time of 7 hours a week you get disconnected from IG development soon. Some event, you can’t oversee in RL just pass away. You produce a painful impression once your counterpart must answer: “He hang for a week yet!”. It becomes real foolish if you even talked to the dead man yesterday in your RP.
Yes there are (sometimes) articles in the forum. But you will find them at different locations and they are sometimes understandable for everybody who took part only.
That’s why I read in RL newspaper and why I listen radio news. Now I will try to publish a regular (1/week) newspaper. But I need your help.
Please let me know at PM Dagbladden if any story thread has been spun another yard. I don’t want a novel, just 10 words in one Language. Translation I will do.
- Official nomination of clan, town or whatever else representatives
- Marriages, birth of children
- Funerals
- Openings, Closings, new official owner
- Events with a large number of participants
Just everything, what might influence the RP of a lot of chars.
Let’s hope, we get a chance to implement players with less time into our world better.

PO Salathe du Le’Terre

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:56 am
by Arien Edhel
Mir gefällt die Idee.
Das ist auch ein guter Einstieg für alle, die RL-bedingt eine Zeitlang aussetzen mussten.
Oder auch nur interessant für jene, die immer da sind. :wink:

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:16 pm
by Djironnyma
Das ist wichtig! Es bereichert Illarion :)

Nicht nur Jux und Dollerei / Not just for fun

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:30 am
by Dagbladden
Dagbladden ist nicht nur ein RP Ansatz sondern wurde von mir vor Allem angefangen, um eine Klammer für gemeinsames RP auf Basis allgemein bekannter Ereignisse zu schaffen.
Insofern ist es nicht besondere hilfreich, wenn auf jede Frage „War was?“ oder „Was war?“ mit „foig“ geantwortet wird.
Natürlich macht es hin und wieder Spaß ein Interview zu führen. Aber ich habe andere Chars, um die ich mich viel lieber kümmern würde, wenn ich meine kümmerlichen online Zeiten habe.
Die Zeitung dagegen entsteht offline, da habe ich mehr Möglichkeiten.
Deshalb noch mal meine Bitte:
Schickt mir Stichpunkte, wenn es etwas gab, was in RL auch nach 3 Tagen jeder weiß, weil es allgemeines Gesprächsthema ist. Ich zaubere schon einen Artikel draus.
Dafür halte ich Euch auf dem Laufenden.

Euer PO Salate du Le’Terre (online seit 2006)
Dagbladden were not designed to have a chance to RP only. The main reason has been to create a steady platform for generally known events to help common RP.
So it is not quite helpful to get always the answer “foig” once I ask what happened.
Of course it is fun doing an interview sometimes. But I have other chars I like more to take care about, during my limited online time. Everybody play’s with me know, it’s difficult to find me IG.
The news I can write offline instead. There are much more capabilities.
Therefore I repeat my appeal:
Please send me some headwords; if there was anything everybody would know it in RL within 3 days since it is topic of the common conversation today. I’ll try making an article about.
I will provide a steady flow of news instead.

Your PO Salate du Le’Terre (online since 2006)

foig=find out in game

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:50 pm
by Uhuru
Citizens of Troll's Bane attacked by a small female lizard known as Ssaar'izor just a few dwarven hours ago. Judge Fred and Guard Pierre were both sent to the cross.

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:02 pm
by Jupiter
Posting this here spoilns somehow the intention of Dagbladden. So I guess, you ought to write Pms :P

But yes, I guess that's the stuff needed

ongoing / immer noch

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:06 pm
by Dagbladden
nach 39 Ausgaben (Wochen) werde ich für einige Wochen wegen Urlaub und Dienstreisen aussetzen.
Wenn ihr es schafft, mir halbfertige Artikel zukommen zu lassen, gibt es ggf. auch zwischendrinn die ein oder andere Ausgabe.
I'll take a break after 39 issues due to vacation a a number of buisiness trips.
If you will sent me some half finished articles, the newspaper may live even within that time.

Danke/Thank you PO Satalte du Le'Terre

No. 70 und nur Neues im Westen? / No 70 and news from west o

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 6:45 am
by Dagbladden
Bauchschmerzen zur Ausgabe No 70:
Wer die Zeitung liest meint im Osten (Runewick) und im Süden (Cadomyr) wäre nichts los, über das es zu berichten gäbe.
Das kann gut sein, doch ich bezweifle es. Ich kann nur über das berichten, was ich mitbekomme und meine Chars sind nun mal hauptsächlich mit Galmair verbunden. Da bekommt man nicht mit, wenn in Runewick ein wichtiges Buch fehlt oder die Rüstung der königlichen Wache in Cadomyr verdreckt ist.

Wem nicht klar ist, wozu ich das ganze mache, und was man braucht kann oben noch mal nachlesen.
Bad feeling at issue 70:
Readers of the news may get the picture there is nothing of interest in east (Runewick) and south (Cadomyr).
It may be but I personally doubt. I can report where I got at least a detailed hint. This works in Galmair. Here some player support and my chars are located mainly. I can’t know if an important book is missing in Runewick or the armor of the knight guard of the Queen is dirty.

Who does not know about the intention of the news is or how to help, please read the notes above.

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:22 pm
by Dagbladden
Nicht nur Jux und Dollerei / Not just for fun

Ich glaub ich hab mich hier nicht ganz richtig ausgedrückt. Dagbladden ist KEIN RP.
Lest einfach mal, was ich dazu weiter oben beschrieben hab.
Da ich aber keine Chance habe, aus den zum Teil schwer verständlichen mageren Forum Posts in den 2,5h die ich mir dafür nehme noch was ansatzweise anderthalbsprchiges zu zaubern, gebe ich lieber ganz auf. Und außer Galmair scheint niemand Input geben zu wollen.

Konsequenterweise ist es einzustellen.
I can't believe I didn't said is clear. Dagbladden ist NO RP.
Just try to read this thread.
But since I don't have a chance to create anything out of not usable for news and often not understandable posts in at least one and a half language I should quit.
Except Galmair nobody is willing to give input.

So the consequence would be - end it.

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:52 pm
by GolfLima
:arrow: Schade das Du aufhörst, Dagbladden war während meiner Spielpause die Möglichkeit mich auf dem Laufenden zu halten. :cry:

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:21 pm
by Kugar
Don't quit, I like reading the Dagbladden. Forget the haters, dude!

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:54 pm
by Dagbladden
Kugar wrote:... Forget the haters, dude!
It's not the haters, it's the lack of input.
Shall I write again and again:
Dagbladden is in need for a new reporter for the realms of Cadomyr and Runewick. We must sorry our last reporters bored to death. Burial will be in about a dwarven week.
Even if it's true there might be any little issue to report about. It might be a slime attacking the town guard.

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:57 pm
by Vern Kron
If you want, we can start making false stories for the dagbladden. I'm fine for that.

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:59 pm
by rakust dorenstkzul
I'll do my best to pass things on when i can.

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:00 pm
by Hew Keenaxe
Vern Kron wrote:If you want, we can start making false stories for the dagbladden. I'm fine for that.
They already have those, about Hew.

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:03 pm
by Annabeth
Vern Kron wrote:If you want, we can start making false stories for the dagbladden. I'm fine for that.
They already do that well enough on their own.

Sarcastic remarks aside, though. If you take your sources information, as I myself have experienced this when I have given information to dagbladden on IRC when asked for it, and then twist it into something false, do expect those characters in game to respond to it and correct it. It is only natural and not something against the creator of the dagbladden. Wouldn't you correct it if something false or demeaning was said about yourself or your hometown?

Honestly I don't mind the dagbladden telling falseties like it has in the past, it just makes it more realistic as many papers in real life do the same to create a more "interesting" story for the readers. Just don't expect the people the stories are about to not care to correct it.

I appreciate the dagbladden, and my characters correction of it is purely and in game reaction.

As for the lack of input, stuff just does not happen all the time.

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:06 pm
by Dagbladden
Just what's need for input:
2-4 sentence, some basic facts, some little side story, as less as possible rumors and partiality. Stay serious.
A good example is the last article about Galmairian mage house. The input was more or less as follow.
Construction ongoing, mages at work, someone nearly drowned.

Sometimes in the past I got novels. This I cannot put into an article. I have to shorten.
Don't expect me to read novels or endless threads.
Don't expect I have time to do research.
Whoever willful sends lies like Matron is not taken for serious forever.

If I wrote something wrong in the meaning of not happened or wrong understood (not realm or person don't like) e.g. wrong name of the judge, please let me know ooc. I'll try to correct.

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:08 pm
by Dagbladden
Vern Kron wrote:If you want, we can start making false stories for the dagbladden. I'm fine for that.
That's exact what shouldn't happened. False stories happens on their own. Often some is not understood. And the little side story most is missed and have to added.

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 9:47 pm
by Matron
Uhm, the newspaper is based on pure OOC-information but it's posted in a RP-forum. I assumed it was to be considered RP and when you asked for "material" on one of your usual burst-into-IRC-for-OOC-information-trips, I merely said random things which were obviously made up. You need to make up your mind and don't go slander my name like this. Act like an adult.

Re: Hilfe für Dagbladden gewünscht / Help for Dagbladden wan

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:13 pm
by Kyre
The Dagbladden is well liked and would be greatly missed if not published. Since it is in the roleplay section i.e. for our chars I never felt it needed to be totally truthful. Perhaps the issue is one person writing all the articles? The "paper" could publish different articles under the guise of being a "publisher" rather then a "news reporder" or could even do both. You could even admonish at the end...

"We are not responsible for the truthfulness of these articles, feel free to send another article to this paper with different facts" as a lot of newspapers do.

Say I sent in an article saying "The witch plans on a public ceremony to open the mage house on so and so date.." Yet when all arrive they find out they need to work to build it ... SNEAKY witch but the paper wouldn't be responsible for publishing it.. the witch would be responsible for sending in the article. Every person that sent an article in would have to sign it. If the paper only got 1-2 articles then that is all that would be published. Someone who didn't like the witch's article could publish in the next Dagbladden "THE Witch lied!" ..and also sign their name. You would get plenty of articles I imagine. :lol:

Not so much worry about how truthful the paper is possibly?

Say....I would like to send an article to the next Dagbladden:

The Queen of Cadomyr is subject to sun strokes occasionally, this is why she walks slowly and sometimes isn't seen for long periods of time.

signed: The Witch.

edited to add: If you wish someone who hasn't played for awhile to be informed of in game activities from reading the paper perhaps they would be best to read from your own reporter and not those "written" by other people. You could still do both if a publisher and a reporter.