More ambience! / Mehr Atmosphäre!

Everything about Illarion that fits nowhere else. / Alles über Illarion was inhaltlich in kein anderes Board passt.

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Estralis Seborian
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More ambience! / Mehr Atmosphäre!

Post by Estralis Seborian »

Fellow Illarionites,
as some of you might already know, the whole Illarion staff is working hard on a non incremental update to Illarion. One of the main goals of this update is to enhance the overall gaming experience and make Illarion more fun for everyone.

In this context, we want to increase the number of "ambient triggerfields". This means that a player sees a message when he walks to a certain location, e.g. when he enters a tavern, a description of the location is shown ("You smell wine and beer, the tavern keeper nods briefly as you enter the tavern.").

We need your help in this task. We need ambient messages that can be used in a general environment, e.g. we need general messages that can pop up in a forest, like "Up in treetops, birds are singing beautiful songs.". We need such messages for the following enviroments:
  • Desert
  • Meadow/grassland
  • Forest
  • Swamp
  • Mountains
These messages must not be longer than 250 characters; they must not depend on certain locations, the more general, the better. They may depend on the time (e.g. night) and the month (e.g. only in winter), but not on the weather or anything that can be displayed in the client (monsters, effects). Be creative but keep in mind that these messages should fit any place in said enviroments.

To inspire each other, I ask you to write your messages as reply to this post. Do not argue about the work of others, just give your messages instead. You know the game, the more to chose from, the better! We are aiming at 1000 such messages in the game. So, do not hesitate to post anything you made up.

You don't have to follow any layout or template, plain text is best! If you can, provide your messages in German and English. Give the environment (see list above) and, if necessary, the conditions (e.g. "only in winter, during the night").

This is a good opportunity to shape the world of Illarion without any technical background knowledge or coding. Illarion is a game that relies on its players and its community and everyone may forge the game together with the developers and gamemasters. Be part of this project and add your ideas and spirit to the game!

I thank you so very much in advance,

GM Estralis


Liebe Illarioniten,
wie manche von euch wissen, arbeitet das gesamte Illarion-Team hart an einem nicht inkrementellen Update von Illarion. Eines der Hauptziele dieses Updates ist es, das gesamte Spielerlebnis zu verbessern und den Spielspaß zu erhöhen.

In diesem Zusammenhang möchten wir gerne die Anzahl der „ambient triggerfields“ erhöhen. Ein Spieler bekommt eine Nachricht, wenn er umhergeht, z.B. wird er, wenn er eine Taverne betritt, eine Beschreibung dieser erhalten ("Du riechst Wein und Bier, der Barkeeper nickt dir kurz zu, als du den Raum betrittst.").

Wir benötigen für diese Aufgabe eure Hilfe. Wir benötigen "Umgebungsmeldungen", welche in einem allgemeinen Umfeld genutzt werden können, d.h. wir benötigen allgemeine Meldungen, welche in einem Wald auftauchen könnten, z.B. "In den Baumkronen singen die Vögel wunderschöne Lieder.". Wir benötigen solche Nachrichten für folgende Umgebungen:
  • Wüste
  • Aue / Weideland
  • Wald
  • Sumpf
  • Gebirge
Diese Nachrichten dürfen nicht länger als 250 Zeichen sein; sie dürfen nicht von einer bestimmten örtlichen Gegebenheit abhängen, je allgemeiner sie gefaßt sind, desto besser. Sie können von der Tageszeit abhängen (z.B. Nacht) oder vom Monat (z.B. nur im Winter), aber nicht vom Wetter oder von irgendetwas, was vom Client dargestellt wird (Monster, Effekte). Seid kreativ aber behaltet im Hinterkopf, das diese Meldungen an jedem Platz an der oben genannten Umgebungen gezeigt werden kann.

Um euch gegenseitig zu inspirieren, bitte ich euch, eure Meldungen hier in diesen Thread zu schreiben. Diskutiert nicht die Arbeit Anderer, schreibt lieber eure eigenen Meldung nieder. Ihr wißt ja, wie sowas am besten geht, je mehr Nachrichten, desto besser. Wir möchten 1000 solcher Nachrichten in das Spiel integrieren. Also habt keine Scheu zu schreiben was euch dazu einfällt.
Ihr müßt keinen Formaten oder vorgegebenen Layouts folgen – normaler Text ist das Beste! Wenn möglich, schreibt euren Text in Deutsch und Englisch. Gebt die oben genannte Umgebung an, und wenn nötig die Bedingungen (z.B. "nur im Winter, während der Nacht").

Dies ist eine gute Möglichkeit an der Welt Illarion ohne irgendwelches technisches Hintergrundwissen teilzuhaben. Illarion ist ein Spiel, welches von den Spielern und der Gemeinschaft lebt und zusammen mit den Entwicklern und Gamemastern weiterentwickelt wird. Seid oder werdet Teil dieses Projektes und bringt eure Ideen und euren Geist in das Spiel ein.

Schon im Voraus möchte ich mich bei euch sehr bedanken,

GM Estralis

Danke für die Übersetzung an GolfLima!
Last edited by Estralis Seborian on Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Kevin Lightdot
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Post by Kevin Lightdot »

You hear strange noises coming from deep down in the dark dungeon. :O
You can feel the air getting colder and thinner up high in the mountains.
From the beach you can see the beautiful sunset, covering the distant waters and clouds in an orange glow.

Is this the kind of thing you're looking for?
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Post by Quinasa »

Desert - Summer - daytime: The air here is dry and hot.
Desert - Summer - nighttime: There is nothing warm about this place at night.

Swamp: Small bugs are buzzing all over the place here, probably they are attracted by the mud and water.

Forest - Fall - anytime: There is a slight breeze coming through the trees which causes the dead leaves to fall to the ground.
Forest - Fall - daytime: A breeze coming through the trees causes the colorful leaves to rustle above you.
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Lord Arcia
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Post by Lord Arcia »

In the distance you see the sand and dust being blown in your direction. (Day or night) (Any season)
The heat of the sand is rising up to meet your nose. (Day) (Spring/Summer/Fall) Desert

You notice the spare footing as you approach the mountain. Better watch your step! (day or night) Mountain

All around is the sticky air of the swamp. Many insects are buzzing around, looking for someone to annoy. (Day or night) (Summer) Swamp

From above the sunlight is shining to the forest floor in some areas and animals are moving about in the upper parts of the trees. (Day) (Any season)
Below your feet are slippery mosses and roots waiting to cause someone to stumble. (night) (spring/summer/fall) Forest
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Post by Grokk »

The loud snap of a branch broken underfoot shatters the silence.
Forest - Any season - Any time

Above, a black raven soars through the skies. A troubling sign, indeed.
Any location - Any season - Any time

A light rustle reaches your ears, its origin sounds only a short distance away. Could something be watching you?
Forest/meadow/swamp/mountains - Any season - Any time

You spot a sudden flash of movement amongst the trees. Or perhaps the light plays tricks with you?
Forest - Any season - Any time

You struggle to ignore the strange feeling that you are being watched.
Any location - Any season - Any time

You spy a patch of disturbed earth, a snapped twig atop it. Nearby, scratch marks have gouged through the trunk of a tree.
Forest - Any season - Any time

As a leaf dances in the gentle breeze, you find it difficult not to admire the beauty of Ushara. It settles at your feet, its performance warranting a well-deserved rest.
Forest/meadow - Any season - Any time

You peer through the darkness, straining your eyes in an attempt to make sense of the eerie shadows in the distance.
Any location - Any season - Night
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Post by Stig »

Desert (day) - The air is quivering with heat vapors, the occasional gusts of wind gives no relief from the heat, but is more of a source of irritation as it blows sand into your eyes and mouth.

Desert (night) - It's freezing, but the sand still carries some heat. You can clearly hear the wildlife of the desert as the animals take the chance to find food under the bright countless stars when the heat is not as bad as during the day.

Meadow/grassland (summer) - A gentle breeze makes the grass wave and carries the pleasant smell of flowers to your nose.

Swamp - The scent of putrefaction hangs heavily in the air, and seem to grow stronger for every step in the heavy mud. The buzzing of countless insect wings and the croaking of the frogs can be heard from every direction.

Mountains - The mountain air is fresh and cold and seem capable of carrying sounds from many miles away.
Last edited by Stig on Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Damien »

If you want a lot of puzzling babbling, you can always try to explain the difference between a gynkese standard mile, a salkamaerian footmile, and an albarian mile...
...but instead, you could use a more simple, also invented measurement that fits the game much better... like : "noobions" ! :P

--> back to theme now ?

Forest, Spring/Summer/fall, day :
1. The green roof made by the trees around filters the light, producing a cool, but comfortable and refreshing shade. You take a deep breath, noticing the strong, fresh smell of wood, leafs and fungus. Aah, the smell of the forest !
2. As you make your way along the forest path, a single scared squirrel flees up the next tree. A single watchful crow speaks up, and a moment later, a whole swarm of these birds shoots up into the sky. Then, there is silence.
3. Suddenly, something quick moves in the nearby underwood. Perhaps a weasel, perhaps a bunny, perhaps a fairy... whatever it was, it is gone moments later.

Forest, spring/summer/fall, night :
1. The shadows of the mighty trees darken the sky. You feel the watchful gazes of many small animals resting on you.
2. The woods are not silent at night, but they are dark. You see no single star shining through the dense branches above you. Then, from the left, the howl of an owl. From the right, further away, another answers the call. Something big and feathered crosses the path above your head, perhaps scared by the nightly wanderer, perhaps ignoring you, perhaps preparing to eat you.
3. The forests are very dark at night. Watchful not to leave the path, you carefully make your way - if you should get lost in a forest as dark as this one at night, the way home can take hours, if you're not being eaten by some predator before... wait, was that dreadful sound in the distance the howl of a wolf ?
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Post by Arvemor »

Die in seven days!? Holy crap! Here:

1. Bubbling gunk squelches and pops through mud. A dull stench pervades the air, and the cacophony of bugs and toads rings shrilly in the air.(swamp)
2. All is silence in the woods...shaded dens sit quietly in their hidey holes. It is eerie... as even the trees look menacing and hostile. (forest)
3. The air is thick, and the room itself somewhat brooding. Ornaments watch you with glossy eyes, and tapestries flicker in a wind that is not there.(um...unwelcoming house...)
4. The pleasant smell of something on the stove gets your nostrils flaring, and an open window lets the aroma waft outside. A fireplace sits quiet and unlit in the corner, and you see a little soot has drifted onto the floor.(uh...a more welcoming house than the last)
5. You feel your skin prickle in this place. A little shiver makes its way down your spine and you hear the steady trickle of water.(anywhere creepy)

There we go! Hopefully I dont die now.
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Post by Olaf Tingvatn »

The cold air seems to stand still the further you go, the only sound you hear is your own footsteps and breathing. Often you hear branches breaking around you and the call of a stag. (forest winter, couldnt think of autum and such :P just got out of bed>,<)

You hear muffled stomping accompanied by growls that gets louder as you proceed further, Several spider webs litter the corridor and hundreds of hungry eyes stare at you from the holes in the cave wall. (ogre mountain)

Several burned out torches hangs on the wall, the ground is littered with dried blood and an assortement of broken weapons and shields. You hear shuffling feet and strange moaning...who could that be..?
(the crypt where all newbies go to powergame..the one up towards the goblins)

The musty smell of sea water fills your nostriles and you can see several ships approaching and leaving the harbor, sailors walk back and forth either nodding to you or givving you a grumpy look. (harbor)

The air feels wet as you step trough the cave opening, the small creek allmost stands still making it crystal clear. You see many fish swimming around on the bottom, the distant laughter and cries of children grows louder as you make your way forward. (the old thief cave, now orphanage if i remember correctly, the New Hope Charity cave, if ya know where it is?)

thats the best i could do right after getting out of bed :P
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Post by Gildon »

The dunes ahead of you seem to stretch endlessly (Desert)
A heavy sandstorm is ensuing, the sky is blotted out (Desert)
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Post by Kugar »

  • -The nights full moon dawns on you, as you escape the woodlands embrace. A faint mist ensembles in the distance, and you feel the open countryside welcome you again.

    - The fierce wind bellows and blows the sand wildy around you, as you enter the heart of the Kumdah desert. The sand drifts about and gets in your eyes, as it becomes increasingly harder to see.
  • - The sun fills the sky, the breeze is calm, and you can smell the different scents of colourful flowers that fill the meadow. It is a beautiful day.
    - The air is mild. You feel a heavy, almost unbearable heat from the suns warm rays this day in the Kumdah desert. As you look on, the sand seems to out-stretch the horizon. You feel like this will never end.
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Post by Orioli »

As you pass the whispering tree..

You feel the quite of the woods and suddenly a small wind that grows louder. You lean forward and stop a moment trying to hear the whispers that are passing through the trees.

As you approach the graveyard..

You sense a deep rumble beneath your feet, and the smell is ancient and musty. As you step closer something seems to draw you toward the soft earth mounds, where the departed souls lie in rest. An earie howl comes from somewhere deep inside the earth and you feel the hair rise on the back of your neck. You may have an urge to run away, or do you long to encounter the rising of undead souls?

As you round the corner on the road from the Union to the Harbor (near the beautiful camp side place)...

You hear a tinkling laughter and the corners of your mouth want to rise of their own accord. something makes your head turn south. You can see a strangely lighted blue mist in the direction of Vanima Isle. What is that?
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Post by Skaalib Drurr »

On reading the five or die....

Your feet make shallow imprints into the shifting sand. - Desert, anytime
The sun is high in the air, your brow glistens with sweat as you feel its heat.- Desert, day
The desert is dark and quiet, were it not for the faint light of the moon you could easily get lost here. -Desert. night

Plants brush against your ankles as you walk. They tickle. -Meadow/grassland, anytime
An idyllic meadow lies before you. Lush, green grass is grazed on and insects flit around the flowers.- Meadow/grassland, day
The crickets chirp as you make your way through the grassland. -meadow/grassland, night

The sky is obscured by the forest's canopy. -forest, anytime
A squirrel scampers up a tree not too far from you.- forest, daytime
The hoot of an owl punctuates the silence; a bird flies from its nest, disturbed. -forest, daytime

With every step you take you can feel a thick, unpleasant mud stuck to your boots. -swamp
You grow uncomfortable as the humid air makes your clothes stick to your skin. -swamp, day
The moonlight guides you as you tread carefully through the boggy ground. -swamp, night

The mountain peaks loom over you as the terrain becomes rockier and steeper. -mountains
A long shadow is cast by the mountains. You can barely make out the top amidst the cloud. -mountains, day
The ground is treacherous here. Tread carefully, you could easily turn an ankle in the dark. -mountains, night

It's not that hard everyone! No excuse not to do at least one or two!
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Post by zda »

As you walk in the cave the water be comes clear and more still as you walk further in fighting and some talking can be heard.
(for the old thefs can now the grovestrider cave)
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Post by Skaalib Drurr »

The high sun beats down on you harshly. You begin to feel thirsty very quickly. -desert, day
The bright sun dazzles you as you walk through the desert. You continue, shielding your eyes from its glare. -desert,day
You are acutely aware of the heat of the desert. You wonder how you could avoid sunstroke. -desert,day
A sparse desert stretches before you. You see a column of spiralling sand in the distance. -desert
The sandy ground is flat, with no obvious landmarks. Judging distances becomes difficult. -desert

Walking becomes difficult through the marshy land. With each footstep you sink into the ground. -swamp
The muggy swamp teems with activity. An array of plant life litters the landscape and insects are drawn to your musk. -swamp

There is little life on this rocky outcrop. A resilient flower clings to the earth at a precarious angle, the wind tugs at it. -mountains
The rock beneath your feet crumbles. You watch as it falls several hundred feet before coming to rest. -mountains
You notice an eagle's roost amongst the rocks. Two chicks crow in fright. You would be foolish to enrage the mother by staying. -mountains
You feel the jagged rocks through your boots. You wish you had brought sturdier footwear. -mountains
You struggle for breath as you ascend into the mountains. -mountains
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Post by Skaalib Drurr »

The forest here is thick. To walk through it is a struggle, and branches cause several scratches on uncovered parts of your body. -forest
Several trees roots protude from the earth; moss and insects cover them. -forest
An old, knarled tree truck stands before you. The forest might have grown around this ancient bark. -forest
A familiar creak sounds in the forest. As you ready yourself for an undead attack you realise it is just the trees swaying in the wind. -forest

You turn to see what you have climbed so far. A picturesque vista greets your eyes. You can see all the way to the coast from here! -mountain, day

There has been a heavy dew fall this past night; the grass gleams in the morning sun. -grassland, day
A long, piercing howl echoes across the night. The wildlife around you scatters. -meadow, night
The wild grass blows gently in the wind. The noise is calm, relaxed. As you listen you forget, for a moment, what you were doing. -meadow

You notice an oasis in the distance, agonisingly close. You rub your eyes. The oasis vanishes. -desert,day
A sudden gust of wind blows sand into your face. Tears flood your eyes and you rub them profusely. -desert
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Post by Eele »

Wüste (Tag, Sommer): Die schier endlosen Sandmassen verschwimmen in der Ferne zu einer wabernden Masse. Erbarmungslos brennt die Sonne von oben hernieder.
Wüste (Nacht, Sommer): Die Sandmassen unter dem Nachhimmel sind zur Ruhe gekommen. Nur ihre starke Abwärme zeugt noch von der Hitze des vergangenen Tages.

Wiese (Tag, Frühling/Sommer): Das Gras zeigt ein üppiges Grün. Viele Kräuter und Blumen stehen nun in voller Blüte und locken zahllose Bienen an.
Wiese (Nacht): Leise wiegen die Gräser in der nächtlichen Brise. Ein hauchdünner Schleier aus kühler Luft hat sich über das Grün ausgebreitet.

Wald (Tag, Frühling/Sommer): Das würzige Aroma aus verwesenden Pflanzenteilen und Waldkräutern umgarnt dich. Spärlich dringen die Sonnenstrahlen durch die dichten Baumkronen und formen ein Mosaik auf dem Waldboden.
Wald (Nacht): Der Waldboden ist von knorrigem Wurzelwerk durchwoben, was das Vorankommen bei Nacht erschwert. Der unheimliche Gesang eines Waldkautzes ertönt irgendwo in der Ferne.

Sumpf (Tag, Frühling/Sommer): Der Geruch von Fäulnis lastet über dieser Sumpflandschaft. Zähflüssiger Morast sorgt für ein beschwerliches Vorankommen - außer für die unzähligen Mücken.
Sumpft (Nacht): Dichte Nebelschwaden halten die Sümpfe bei Nacht überdeckt; Nur das Schilfrohr ragt stellenweise heraus. Es herrscht Totenstille.


Desert (Day, Summer): Vast lands of sand are stretching off into the distance before you, gradually blurring into a wafting mass. From above, the sun burns incessantly.
Desert (Night, Summer): The desert beneath the night sky has come to rest. The warming radiation the sand emits is the only testimony to the preceding day's heat.

Meadows (Day, Spring/Summer): The grass displays a luscious green. Innumerable bees are flocking the many herbs and flowers that now are in full bloom.
Meadows (Night): The blades of grass are quietly swinging in the nightly breeze. A flimsy veil of cool air has spreaded over the green.

Forest (Day, Spring/Summer): The spicy odour of herbs and decaying plants surrounds you. Scant sunrays passing through the lush treetops are forming into mosaic patterns onto the soil.
Forest (Night): Knaggy rootage weaves through the forest soil, hampering the advance at night. The eerie vocals of a tawny owl sound from somewhere in the distance.

Swamp (Day, Spring/Summer): The smell of rotting foulness weights over the swampland. Viscous morass hampers the advance - except for the the countless gnats.
Swamp (Night): Dense hazes cover the swampland at night. Only reeds stick out here and there. Dead silence prevails.
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Post by Arvemor »

There is a steady trickling echoing softly down the rocky corridors. A few drips spatter on your shoulder.

There is a heavy mist over the murk. Insects chitter and buzz over a dead animal, which gives off an awful stench.

There is the sound of music in the woods, which stirs something deep within you. (elf forests?)

The strong smell of sulphur is overpowering here. Your feet are hot, and your breaths come in heavy ghasps.(dragon place)
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Post by Gildon »

You can smell the mustiness of the air down here. (Crypt)
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Estralis Seborian
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Post by Estralis Seborian »

In order to give you, the authors, a feedback, I'll mark messages I copied to a script at the testserver in green colour, like this:

Desert (day) - The air is quivering with heat vapors, the occasional gusts of wind gives no relief from the heat, but is more of a source of irritation as it blows sand into your eyes and mouth.

Desert (night) - It's freezing, but the sand still carries some heat. You can clearly hear the wildlife of the desert as the animals take the chance to find food under the bright countless stars when the heat is not as bad as during the day.

If your message is not marked in green it is simply not copied yet; it doesn't say anything about its quality! Note that I am currently working on desert messages, however, this does not mean that anything else won't be used!
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Kevin Lightdot
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Post by Kevin Lightdot »

I may not write shiny sentances like everyone else but I predict a certain grammarwoskshopsquirlguy raging at the first one.

Desert (day) - The air is quivering with hot vapour, the occasional gust of wind grants no relief, but is more of a source of irritation as it blows sand into your eyes and mouth.
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Post by Eele »

Gebirge (Tag): Viel Geröll und wenige Pflanzen bedecken dieses karge Plateau. Scharfkantig und rauh erheben sich die Felswände über dir.
Gebirge (Nacht): Eine nächtliche Bergwanderung kann beschwerlich und gefahrvoll sein. Wer seine Füße nicht sehen kann, verliert hier oben sehr schnell den Boden unter den Füßen.
Gebirge (Tag, Winter): Dichter Schnee hält den Gebirgspass bedeckt. Es ist sehr anstrengend, unter diesen Bedingungen den Aufstieg zu schaffen und das Gleichgewicht zu halten.

Wiese (Herbst, Tag): Die Farbe der Gräser scheint sich langsam davonzustehlen. Kahle Stellen bilden sich auf der Wiese, und das aufgeweichte Erdreich haften daumendick an den Sohlen.

Wald/Wiese (Herbst, Tag): Das Blätterkleid der Laubbäume lacht in vielen frohen Farben. Jedoch lichtet es sich mit jedem Windstoß etwas mehr - der Winter scheint nicht mehr fern.

Sumpf (Herbst): Schlammige, kalte Pfützen breiten sich auf der Ebene aus. Laute von Kröten und anderem Getier schallen dir entgegen.


Mountains (Day): Lots of rubble, but little vegetation covers these meager plateaus. Sharp-edged and rawly the rock faces soar above you.
Mountains (Night): A nightly hike in the mountains might be troublesome and hazardous. Those who can't see their own feet are likely to loose their ground very quickly.
Mountains (Day, winter): Thick snow has covered the mountain pass. Mastering the ascent while maintaining one's balance becomes most exhausting under these conditions.

Meadows (Fall, Day): The color of the grass appears to fade away. Bare spots are shaping on the grassland, the soaken soil sticks thickly to your soles.

Forests/Meadows (Fall, Day): The broad-leaved trees shine in a many blithesome colourings. However, with every breeze they seem to lose a bit more - winter no longer seems far away.

Swamp (Fall): Oozy, frigid puddles stretch all across the planes. Voices of toads and other beasts resound around you.
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Estralis Seborian
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Post by Estralis Seborian »

Great work!

I came to the conclusion that it is also a good idea to give you informations on concrete locations I am planning to "equip" with ambient triggerfields. This is not ment to hamper your creativity, general messages that do not depend on specific locations are still wanted! I need messages for...
  • A cove where pirates hide
  • The vicinity of a thief camp
  • Desert range between dunes
  • Rocky spots in the desert
  • The oasis
  • The area around a hill in the desert
  • Irundar
  • A Moria-like dungeon/tunnel
  • A tomb of a king where ghosts haunt
  • A mine
  • A Malachín temple

Gute Arbeit!
ich denke, dass es eine gute Idee ist, euch Informationen zu konkreten Örtlichkeiten zu geben, welche ich plane mit "Triggerfields" auszustatten. Dies ist keineswegs so gemeint, um eure Kreativität einzuschränken oder zu behindern. Allgemeine Meldungen, welche nicht in Zusammenhang mit irgendwelchen speziellen Örtlichkeiten stehen, werden weiterhin benötigt! Ich benötige außerdem Meldungen für...
  • Eine kleine Bucht, in der sich Piraten verbergen
  • Die Umgebung eines Diebeslagers
  • Ein Wüstengebiet zwischen den Dünen
  • Eine Ansammlung von Felsen in der Wüste
  • Die Oase
  • Das Gelände um einen Hügel in der Wüste
  • Irundar
  • Ein Moria-ähnliches Dungeon / Tunnel
  • Die Gruft eines Königs, indem Geister spuken
  • Eine Mine
  • Ein Malachin-Tempel
Danke an GolfLima für die Übersetzung!
Last edited by Estralis Seborian on Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gildon »

Your voice bounces off the massive walls and echoes eerily (Moria-like dungeon).
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Post by PurpleMonkeys »

( Haunted King's Tomb )
As you walk through the tomb, you hear whisperings in a runic tongue, but you see nobody around.

You catch a glimpse of a silhoutte in the distant darkness of the tomb. It vanishes suddenly..
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Post by Lennier »

Friends of herbs and Druidism,

In rework of gathering herbs I am also in need of new texts.

In this matter i search for a collection of messages, which explain some more why gathering herbs could be interupted or fail. Maybe some of you have ideas. I am on search for such texts in depance on ground and season.
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Estralis Seborian
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Arbeitsunterbrechungen beim Kräutersammeln

Post by Estralis Seborian »

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Post by Eele »

Noch etwas Material, das vielleicht nützlich sein könnte. Alle Fälle nicht situationsgebunden.
Some more material that might be of use. All cases are unconditional.

  • Straßenpflaster nahe Troll's Bane (nur Vorschlag): Das Steinpflaster nahe um Troll's Bane ist gut ausgebaut und wird offenbar viel beansprucht. Zahllose Händler und Handwerker, oft mit Lasttieren, ziehen hier täglich vorbei, um ihren Geschäften in der Stadt nachzugehen.
  • Pavement close to Troll's Bane (mere suggestion): The pavement near around Troll's Bane looks solidly constructed and obviously is being widely used. Numerous merchants and craftsmen, oftentimes with pack animals, pass through here every day to pursue their business in town.
  • Wüste: Beim Umherstreifen in der Wüste rinnt dir immer wieder etwas Sand ins Schuhwerk und scheuert zwischen deinen Zehen.
  • Desert: Whilst roaming the desert, sand trickles through your footgear over and over again, rubbing between your toes.
  • Sumpf: Ein bizarres Reptil mit glitschiger, schwarzer Haut flüchtet sich ins Wasser, als du dich annäherst. Dieser Ort wimmelt nur so von seltsamem Getier.
  • Swamp: Some weird, slippery, black-skinned critter escapes into the water as you approach. This place crawls with all kinds of strange creatures.
  • Eine Bucht, wo sich Piraten verstecken: Unter das Meeresrauschen mischen sich plötzlich auch bärbeißige Männerstimmen - es wird viel gespottet und geflucht. Bei genauerem Hinsehen kannst du einige bullige Silhouetten ausmachen. Sei auf der Hut!
  • A cove where pirates hide: Suddenly, a number of abrasive male voices interfuse the swoosh from the seaside - there's a lot of foul language and mockery going on. Upon closer examination, you're able to spot several burly silhouettes. Be on your guard!
  • Nahe einem Räuberlager: In der Ferne sichtest du ein schäbig anmutendes Lager, in dem sich eine Rotte aus zwielichtigen Gestalten tummelt. Für rastende Kaufleute sehen sie definitv zu ungepflegt und rauhbeinig aus. Sei auf der Hut!
  • The vicinity of a thief camp: You spot a shabby-looking camp in the distance, populated by a rout of ragtag individuals. For resting merchants, they definitely look way too gruff and unkempt. Be on your guard!
  • Steinige Stellem in der Wüste: Nach dem anstrengenden Marsch durch feinen Sand mutet es regelrecht erfrischend an, wieder festen Boden unter den Füßen zu haben.
  • Rocky spots in the desert: After the exhausting hike through the fine-grained sand, standing on solid ground again feels downright refreshing.
  • Die Oase: Wie ein Farbklecks auf einer kahlen Wand ragt dieser grüne Streifen aus der Einöde heraus. Eine kleine Zahl von schlanken Palmen, Blumen und Büschen rankt sich um eine Wassergrube, welche von einem Bächlein gespeist wird.
  • The oasis: This strip of green sticks out of the desert like a blur of color on a blank wall. A small number of slim palm trees, flowers and shrubs entwine around a small pool of water, supplied by a close-by streamlet.
  • Ein Verlies im Moria-Stil: Dunkelheit ummantelt dich als du immer tiefer in die Gebeine der Erde hinabsteigst. Man sagt, dass hier unten Schrecken lauern, die ihre Beute niemals wieder in die Helligkeit entkommen lassen.
  • A Moria-like dungeon/tunnel: You're encased by blackness as you descend deeper and deeper into the bones of the earth. Purportedly, there're horrors lurking down here, never allowing their prey to escape into the brightness ever again.
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Juliana D'cheyne
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Post by Juliana D'cheyne »

Lennier wrote:Friends of herbs and Druidism,

In rework of gathering herbs I am also in need of new texts.

In this matter i search for a collection of messages, which explain some more why gathering herbs could be interupted or fail. Maybe some of you have ideas. I am on search for such texts in depance on ground and season.
The plant is dormant, it must be the wrong season to gather.
All the leaves look wilted, it must be the wrong season.
This plant is dormant until warmer weather.
This plant only likes cold weather.

Your aim was off with the sickle and you hit only dirt, try again.
The sickle tore this leaf/flower too much to gather, try another leaf/flower.
This leaf has been eaten by bugs, try another leaf.
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Post by Arvemor »

This den amongst the trees is dark, and scattered with bones and carcasses. A mangy animal-smell is thick here.

Rats squeak and and scatter from your footsteps. The way ahead is eerily quiet.

The sunlight reflects off of the lake fitfully. The surface is pristine.

This little ditch is dirty, and strewn with odd items. There's no question that something...or someone lives here.

(I thought I'd just write this up in the hopes that it might get implemented...if it helps, maybe I'll write an npc for it... =D )

The little stone house is quaint and kooky. Odd markings have been slathered onto the walls...runes perhaps? Smoke flits from the chimney in a very strange fashion. The porch out the front has a rocking chair on it, and light from a fire glows from within.


This funny little house has been painted with symbols. The chimney is twists in a spiral, and smoke pours out...against the wind. The little door is hung with herbs and instruments. The entire house appears to be leaning slightly to one side.