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Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 3:05 am
by Lrmy
I was curious if you could add a dye merchant that sells buckets of it. Now that it is so needed in smithing it is very useful. Also, it is hard to find a person willing to go spend an hour on five buckets of dye.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 3:39 am
by Achae Eanstray
It is not a matter of spending that much on the dye alone.. the biggest problems are the material to get the dye.

1. have to buy a bucket every time and can't reuse them. The NPC will only sell 3 at a time (or did to me anyway), so buying them and trying to get buckets are very impractical. I did finally find someone who made them which helped, but some won't be able to do this.

2. can no longer grow all vegetables on all fields (IMO this is not very true to life and would like it changed). The material for blue dye is impossible to get for some crafter chars, and if you try to buy, there is only a limited number sold by the NPC. This is also a problem with the black dye, this would need to be obtained from a miner.

3. can only carry a certain amount at a time, so your char spends time going from the well or water supply to where the barrel is.

4. there is now programmed in a dropping of the mortar....mine was not broken this time, but if that needs replacing, it will just add to the frustration.

5. you also need to be careful how safe the place is where the dye is made since you get a message not to wear your armor while making it. :(

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 5:44 am
by Juniper Onyx

Maybe Tailoring isn't such a useless skill after all.

Support your local Tailor!!!!!!

~A Tailor~

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 6:14 am
by Enwell van Illdoran
Royal Enwell is always interested in buying his wife some clothes.

BUt still its just logical that the tailor business is the most breadless (except for the bards and actors)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:42 am
by Calenleia
So look out for some tailors
There are a lot good around...


Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:57 am
by Nitram

Achae Eanstray wrote:It is not a matter of spending that much on the dye alone.. the biggest problems are the material to get the dye.
Getting ressources is a problem of all crafts. Maybe you should try to find one who is getting them for you.
Achae Eanstray wrote:1. have to buy a bucket every time and can't reuse them. The NPC will only sell 3 at a time (or did to me anyway), so buying them and trying to get buckets are very impractical. I did finally find someone who made them which helped, but some won't be able to do this.
Erm? I think the buckets are not removed while making dye or dying. You should check this once again.
Achae Eanstray wrote:2. can no longer grow all vegetables on all fields (IMO this is not very true to life and would like it changed).
Not everything grows every where. In order to make the different locations trading with each other this was done.
Achae Eanstray wrote:The material for blue dye is impossible to get for some crafter chars, and if you try to buy, there is only a limited number sold by the NPC.
Then try to buy this from players.
Achae Eanstray wrote:This is also a problem with the black dye, this would need to be obtained from a miner.
Correct. And what speaks against this?
Achae Eanstray wrote:3. can only carry a certain amount at a time, so your char spends time going from the well or water supply to where the barrel is.
1. Every craftsman does that.
2. Buy a new barrel ( see building rules ) for the town of your choice and place it better
Achae Eanstray wrote:4. there is now programmed in a dropping of the mortar....mine was not broken this time, but if that needs replacing, it will just add to the frustration.
Every tool in every craft can break. Why should making dyes be excluded?
Achae Eanstray wrote:5. you also need to be careful how safe the place is where the dye is made since you get a message not to wear your armor while making it. :(
No craftsman can wear a armor while working. Not even miners and lumberjackers. And they work in pretty more dangerouse locations then dyers.


Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 8:35 pm
by Achae Eanstray
Nitram wrote:Errr...Getting ressources is a problem of all crafts. Maybe you should try to find one who is getting them for you.
That usually involves finding a different person for each color, which may be a useful thing for something like a guild that would have more resources, but for the individual crafter, is difficult
Erm? I think the buckets are not removed while making dye or dying. You should check this once again.
No, not while making the dye, but by using the dye from another crafter. Therefore, the buckets are not returnable and have to be bought again to make more dye.
Not everything grows every where. In order to make the different locations trading with each other this was done.
I see, and can understand the reasoning behind it also, it does however make it difficult for individual crafters. In other words, to make red dye, anyone wanting onions would have to go to the Grey to either try to grow them, or buy from someone there that does (not being able to speak the old language can aslo be a hindrance), which could be time consuming.

Then try to buy this from players.
Yes, I can... again is time consuming and would be better accomplished with a larger organization or guild rather then individual crafters. My solution has been to offer to make the dye only if all ingredients but the buckets are supplied however this puts a burden on the one wanting the dye. Their best bet..those who want the dye...and easiest recourse would be to go to a guild.

Correct. And what speaks against this?
Nothing per se..however, it is just an example of another obstacle to making dye, since there is no advertisement of who is or isn't a miner posted in the forum and trying to find one ig can sometimes be difficult.

1. Every craftsman does that.
2. Buy a new barrel ( see building rules ) for the town of your choice and place it better
I would say this may be helpful also to larger organizations or guilds.
Every tool in every craft can break. Why should making dyes be excluded?
No reason at all, just another example of the time to make dye. :)
No craftsman can wear a armor while working. Not even miners and lumberjackers. And they work in pretty more dangerouse locations then dyers.

Being in the habit of wearing armor in certain locations, I have gone to other locations to craft when needed.

But I appreciate your response to my post and simply wanted to point out the steps needed to make dye now are more time-consuming then they were previously.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:29 pm
by Skaalib Drurr
Achae Eanstray wrote:
Correct. And what speaks against this?
Nothing per se..however, it is just an example of another obstacle to making dye, since there is no advertisement of who is or isn't a miner posted in the forum and trying to find one ig can sometimes be difficult.

Just and idea, but maybe the guild named 'the miners guild' could help in finding a miner? Maybe also the orc who wanted to find mining partners. Maybe also the people on the trading board wanting to sell mining goods? :wink:

You cannot work here.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 12:11 pm
by maryday
I can`t make dyes at all.
I `ve done it before.
And with different chars i encountered, i checked it again, and again, in many and more different places, and combinations.

As i attempt to make dye, the message occurs:You cannot work here.

It may add a interesing feature to my RP, but in the end it is a little disturbing to me, as tailoring i have chosen as one of my main professions.

Is it probably a bug?

@Calenleia; Ich habe die Verständlichkeit des Dokumentes noch einmal erhöht;
((Entschuldige meinen etwas moglicherweise offensiv erscheinenden Ton; Danke;
Wir wollen diese Dinge ja IG belassen;))
AlexRose wrote:You need a barrel Maryday.
Thats it, i quit. I will never come back :wink:

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 12:12 pm
by Calenleia
You can dye, just look WHEREyou try to dye ;)

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 12:23 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Ich finde die Materialien für die Farben sind alle ok bis auf die für die blaue Farbe. Man braucht für jeden Eimer rohe Blausteine und die sind jetzt einfach viel zu schwer zu finden. Dazu kommt noch, dass kein Schneider die gleichen Preise für die Steine bezahlen kann wie ein Goldschmied. Vielleicht könnte man bei blauer Farbe ja was ändern. Wie wärs denn wenn man für die blaue Farbe nur Wutbeeren braucht? :S

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 12:55 pm
by Nitram
Der Saft von Wutbeeren ist schwarz und außerdem ätzend. Willst du das für blaue Farbe verwenden?

Wenn du dir keine blaue Farbe leisten kannst, kannst du nichts machen was blaue Farbe braucht. So einfach ist das.


Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 12:56 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Aber die blaue Farbe steht in keinem Verhältnis zu den anderen Farben. Ich meine für grüne brauchst du zwei Kohlköpfe, für gelbe 4(oder sogar nur 2?) faulbaumrinde usw. Und für die blaue brauchst du rohe Blausteine? Das find ich ziemlich krass. Wie wärs denn dann mit Brombeeren?

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 1:02 pm
by AlexRose
You need a barrel Maryday.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 1:06 pm
by Rosendil
Deshalb MUSS die blaue farbe auch teuer verkauft werden ... ähnliche wie die graue ... Wenn ein Blaustein 1 Silber im Einkauf kostet, dann verkauft die Farbe für 2 Silber!

Schneider Gobiath's denkt daran und macht die Preise nicht kaputt!



This is the reason why blue dye should be sold at a high price ... likewise the grey dye ... If you pay 1 silver for a blue stone, than sell the dye at 2 silvers!

Tailor's of Gobiath, think about this and don't make too low prices for the dye!


Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 3:09 pm
by Lennier
Es gibt teure und billige Farben. Einige sind nun eben "leicht" herzustellen, andere nicht. Was ist daran problematisch?

Abhängig ist es vom eigenen Umfeld: Zwergen aus Minen fällt es leicht Kohle und Edelsteine zu finden, weswegen sie die entsprechenden Farben vielleicht günstiger Anbieten oder das Rohterial ihren "Freunden" billiger verkaufen können, als Färber aus Briar, die Schwierigkeiten haben an diese Materialien zu kommen. Im Gegensatz zu dem kommen jene Färber aber vielleicht besser an andere Ressourcen für andere Farben ran...

Wo ist nun das Problem? Das nun nicht mehr jeder die "Zeit" hat alles erlernen und machen zu können? Wunderbar! Das ist genau, was wir doch eigentlich wollen. Ihr sollt euch spezialiseren, und alles was ihr darüber hinaus braucht von anderen Spezialisten einkaufen (Die entstehen werden, wenn eine Nachfrage an ihren Produkten besteht). Nennt sich Handel, fördert Interaktion, Freundschaften und Feindschaften.. RP

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 3:11 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Da find ichs doch witzig dass SB es nicht nötig hat die rohedelsteine die sie so einfach finden zu verkaufen, weil sie selbst Schneider haben die die Farben herstellen ;)

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 3:37 pm
by Nitram
Dann kauf die Farbe doch von dort.

Oder mach nichts was blaue Farbe braucht und lass die Zwerge das machen.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 3:43 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Wieso sollte mein Schneider, wenn er selbst Farbe herstellt und verkauft Farbe einkaufen?

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 4:02 pm
by Lennier
Weil er aus den gegebenen Umständen nicht in der Lage ist alle Farben kostengünstig und ohne großen Zeitaufwand (Ressourcensuche) selbst herzustellen.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 4:35 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Naja deshalb will er ja die Rohstoffe einkauefen die er braucht. Aber hast du mal einen Goldschmied gesehen der sich anstatt dem Gold und den Diamanten einen fertigen Diamantring kauft, nur weil es in seinem Land weder Gold noch Diamanten gibt?

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 4:40 pm
by Lennier
Wenn es keine Diamanten in der Mine gibt wo der Goldschmied lebt... Halte ich für möglich, ja. Gar nötig. Er müsste erst rausfinden, wo es Diamanten gibt.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 4:43 pm
by Christiana
findet man in der freien marktwirtschaft andauernd, dass irgendwelche firmen fremdprodukte dazu kaufen um nicht kunden zu verlieren (und ja, auch wenn sie normalerweise das produkt selbst gerne fertigen würden aber nicht können wegen der kosten).

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 8:04 pm
by Rosendil
Hast Du schon mal einen Schmied oder Schreiner gesehen, der selbst Farbe herstellt? Das gibt es nur auf Gobiath ... (das gilt auch für die Schneider, die ja besonders begabt in Farbe herstellen sind ...)

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 8:07 pm
by Taeryon Silverlight
Rosendil wrote:Hast Du schon mal einen Schmied oder Schreiner gesehen, der selbst Farbe herstellt? Das gibt es nur auf Gobiath ... (das gilt auch für die Schneider, die ja besonders begabt in Farbe herstellen sind ...)
das mit den schneidern und dem farbe herstellen mag wohl daran liegen dass seit dem neuen hwsys farbe herstellen beim schneider-skill dabei ist ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:08 am
by maryday
Vielleicht ist er eher ein Juwelier als ein Goldschmied?
Vielleicht kauft er Stein, kauft Goldbarren, und lässt es durch Beziehungen zu hochwertigen Produkten veredeln.

Ich frage mich wer mehr Münzen an der Arbeit verdient..
derjenige welcher gleichzeitig:
-Kohle haut;
-Gold schürft;
-Gold schmilzt;
-Edelsteine sucht;
-diese schleift;
-Schliesslich Schmuck daraus herstellt;
-und diesen dann [zu ANGEBLICH 100% Gewinn] verkauft;
[-und Sich währenddessen auch noch ernähren muss..und nicht von Äpfeln..]

...oder verdient der, sagen Wir mal, Machiavellist mehr[?], welcher selber nur zwischen den verschiedensten Handwerkern vermittelt, und letztendlich nur die Zahlungskräftigste Kundschaft suchen muss...

Mir perönlich ist es egal, denn..Färben liegt einem Schneider noch nahe.
Das Tagelange Aufmahlen und Ausschlämmen von Farbe nicht.
Die Heranzucht von Gemüse, mag dem Koch ein Zu"brot" sein.
Die grobe Feldarbeit nicht [mehr?].((Ja ich weis das gerade Winter ist.:lol:))

Wer weis ob es einen Unterschied zwischen Farben mahlen, und Färben [im Handwerkssystem]gibt..Ich nicht. :roll:
Ah..doch. Man kann die Qualität des zugelieferten Materiales überprüfen...((Und zwar je weniger SKILL man hat, um so besser.)) :wink:

*geht Wintermäntel für den Sommer schneidern*

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:18 pm
by Gibble Thibblebum
AlexRose wrote:You need a barrel Maryday.
OI! I tried this because it made sense. I stand in front of the barrel with my mortar and ingredients but I still get the message Maryday got, "You cannot work here!"

Things keep changing, gets a little confusing.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:54 pm
by Vern Kron
You use a campfire.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:22 am
by rakust dorenstkzul
You use the power of belief.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:51 pm
by Llama
Gibble Thibblebum wrote:
AlexRose wrote:You need a barrel Maryday.
OI! I tried this because it made sense. I stand in front of the barrel with my mortar and ingredients but I still get the message Maryday got, "You cannot work here!"

Things keep changing, gets a little confusing.
The barrel is used to dye clothes, the campfire is for making dye.